3 resultados para UDK:224
A esofagite eosinofílica constitui uma doença infl amatória do esófago, mundialmente emergente, caracterizada pela infiltração significativa e isolada da mucosa esofágica por eosinófilos. A sintomatologia de apresentação revela-se bastante variável, mas frequentemente manifesta -se como uma doença de refluxo gastroesofágico que não responde à terapêutica anti-refluxo. O impacto alimentar esofágico e o desenvolvimento de estenoses esofágicas são complicações graves que podem ocorrer, com necessidade de remoção urgente do alimento e dilatação esofágica via endoscópica,respectivamente. A potencial gravidade destes sintomas justifica a importância do reconhecimento e do tratamento da doença, sobretudo tendo em conta que a sua prevalência tem vindo a aumentar na última década. A presente revisão sumariza o actual conhecimento sobre epidemiologia, apresentação clínica, possíveis mecanismos fisiopatológicos, história natural, abordagem diagnóstica e terapêutica desta condição.
Primary cardiac tumours are rare in children. Of these, papillary fibroelastomas are unusual but benign, usually being found in adults. There are only sporadic cases reported in children. We diagnosed such a papillary fibroelastoma involving the tricuspid valve in an asymptomatic child during a routine cardiac investigation.
STUDY OBJECTIVE: The main aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of adolescent pregnancy in the future contraceptive choices. A secondary aim is to verify whether these choices differ from those made after an abortion. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING:Adolescent Unit of a tertiary care center. PARTICIPANTS:212 pregnant teenagers. INTERVENTIONS: Medical records review. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Intended pregnancy rate and contraceptive methods used before and after pregnancy. For contraceptive choices after pregnancy we considered: Group 1 - teenagers who continued their pregnancy to delivery (n = 106) and Group 2 - the same number of adolescents who chose to terminate their pregnancy. RESULTS: The intended pregnancy rate was 14.2%. Prior to a pregnancy continued to delivery, the most widely used contraceptive method was the male condom (50.9%), followed by oral combined contraceptives (28.3%); 18.9% of adolescents were not using any contraceptive method. After pregnancy, contraceptive implant was chosen by 70.8% of subjects (P < .001) and the oral combined contraceptives remained the second most frequent option (17.9%, P = .058). Comparing these results with Group 2, we found that the outcome of the pregnancy was the main factor in the choices that were made. Thus, after a pregnancy continued to delivery, adolescents prefer the use of LARC [78.4% vs 40.5%, OR: 5,958 - 95% (2.914-12.181), P < .001)], especially contraceptive implants [70.8% vs 38.7%, OR: 4.371 - 95% (2.224-8.591), P < .001], to oral combined contraceptives [17.9% vs 57.5%, OR: 0.118 - 95% CI (0.054-0.258), P < .001]. CONCLUSION:Adolescent pregnancy and its outcome constitute a factor of change in future contraceptive choice.