4 resultados para Type-1 Rev Transactivator


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the spectrum of MEN1 mutations in Portuguese kindreds, and identify mutation-carriers. PATIENTS, DESIGN AND RESULTS: Six unrelated MEN1 families were studied for MEN1 gene mutations by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and DNA sequence analysis of the coding region and exon-intron boundaries of the MEN1 gene. These methods identified 4 different heterozygous mutations in four families: two mutations are novel (mt 1539 delG and mt 655 ims 11 bp) and two have been previously observed (mt 735 del 46p and mt 1656 del C) all resulting in a premature stop codon. In the remaining two families, in whom no mutations or abnormal MEN1 transcripts were detected, segregation studies of the 5' intragenic marker D11S4946 and codon 418 polymorphism in exon 9 revealed two large germline deletions of the MEN1 gene. Southern blot and tumour loss of heterozygosity analysis confirmed and refined the limits of these deletions, which spanned the MEN1 gene at least from: exon 7 to the 3' untranslated region, in one family, and the 5' polymorphic site D11S4946 to exon 9 (obliterating the initiation codon), in the other family. Twenty-six mutant-gene carriers were identified, 6 of which were asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: These results emphasize the importance of the detection of MEN1 germline deletions in patients who do not have mutations of the coding region. Important clues indicating the presence of such deletions may be obtained by segregation studies using the intragenic polymorphisms D11S4946 and at codon 418. The detection of these mutations will help in the genetic counselling of clinical management of the MEN1 families in Portugal.


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We describe the case of a 22-year-old black female with type 1 diabetes mellitus diagnosed when she was 12 years old. She first presented (March 1994) with pustules and ulcerations on the upper and lower limbs, trunk and scalp at the age 17. The diagnosis of pyoderma gangrenosum was made. Since presentation, changes in liver function were detected and subsequent study led to the diagnosis of sclerosing cholangitis. The diagnosis of ulcerative colitis was made after colonoscopy. Partial response was obtained with minocycline and clofazimine, but treatment with 5-aminosalicylic acid achieved no improvement of the ulcerations. Liver transplantation, followed by immunosuppressive therapy led to complete regression of the cutaneous lesions.


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INTRODUCTION: Obesity is a chronic disease and a serious health problem that leads to increased prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and gallbladder disease. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of orlistat for weight loss and improved lipid profile compared to placebo in obese patients with hypercholesterolemia, treated over a period of 6 months. METHODOLOGY: In a 6-month, multicenter (10 centers in Portugal), double-blind, parallel, placebo-controlled study, 166 patients, aged 18-65 years, body mass index (BMI) > or = 27 kg/m2, LDL cholesterol > 155 mg/dl, were randomized to a reduced calorie diet (600 kcal/day deficit) plus orlistat three times a day or placebo. Exclusion criteria included triglycerides > 400 mg/dl, severe cardiovascular disease, uncontrolled hypertension, type 1 or 2 diabetes under pharmacological treatment, and gastrointestinal or pancreatic disease. RESULTS: The mean difference in weight from baseline was 5.9% (5.6 kg) in the orlistat group vs. 2.3% (2.2 kg) in the placebo group. In the orlistat group 49% of patients achieved 5-10% weight loss and 8.8% achieved > 10%. The orlistat group showed a significant reduction in total and LDL cholesterol, with similar changes for HDL in both treatment groups. The frequency of gastrointestinal adverse events was slightly higher in the orlistat group than in the placebo group, leading to discontinuation in 7 patients. CONCLUSION: Treatment with orlistat plus a reduced calorie diet for 6 months achieved significant reductions in weight, BMI and lipid parameters.


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A porfíria cutânea tarda (PCT) é uma doença do metabolismo das porfirinas caracterizada por fotossensibilidade intensa, associada a lesões bolhosas cobertas por crosta de difícil cicatrização, cicatrizes atróficas e hipertricose em áreas fotoexpostas assim como alterações da função hepática. A hemocromatose hereditária (HH) é a doença genética autossómica recessiva mais frequente na população. Apresentamos o caso de um doente saudável de 38 anos, referenciado por vesículas na face, superfícies extensoras dos braços e dorso das mãos, associadas com hipertricose na região zigomática e quistos de mília no dorso das mãos. Análises laboratoriais mostraram um aumento dos níveis séricos e urinários das porfirinas, do ferro sérico e ferritina elevada. Um diagnóstico de porfíria cutânea tarda foi inferido com base na apresentação clínica, exame histopatológico e resultados laboratoriais. O estudo genético para as mutações do gene da hemocromatose hereditária revelou um doente heterozigoto composto para as mutações mais comuns: C282Y, H63D. A porfíria cutânea tarda pode ser um importante marcador cutâneo para pacientes com mutações do gene HH. A hemocromatose hereditária, se não tratada pode levar à cirrose hepática e carcinoma hepatocelular. Os sinais cutâneos podem ter um papel fundamental no diagnóstico precoce, evitando complicações futuras e possibilitando o aconselhamento genético e teste genético aos filhos dos doentes afectados.