15 resultados para Transcutaneous Ultrasonography


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Objective: To compare measurements of the upper arm cross-sectional areas (total arm area,arm muscle area, and arm fat area of healthy neonates) as calculated using anthropometry with the values obtained by ultrasonography. Materials and methods: This study was performed on 60 consecutively born healthy neonates: gestational age (mean6SD) 39.661.2 weeks, birth weight 3287.16307.7 g, 27 males (45%) and 33 females (55%). Mid-arm circumference and tricipital skinfold thickness measurements were taken on the left upper mid-arm according to the conventional anthropometric method to calculate total arm area, arm muscle area and arm fat area. The ultrasound evaluation was performed at the same arm location using a Toshiba sonolayer SSA-250AÒ, which allows the calculation of the total arm area, arm muscle area and arm fat area by the number of pixels enclosed in the plotted areas. Statistical analysis: whenever appropriate, parametric and non-parametric tests were used in order to compare measurements of paired samples and of groups of samples. Results: No significant differences between males and females were found in any evaluated measurements, estimated either by anthropometry or by ultrasound. Also the median of total arm area did not differ significantly with either method (P50.337). Although there is evidence of concordance of the total arm area measurements (r50.68, 95% CI: 0.55–0.77) the two methods of measurement differed for arm muscle area and arm fat area. The estimated median of measurements by ultrasound for arm muscle area were significantly lower than those estimated by the anthropometric method, which differed by as much as 111% (P,0.001). The estimated median ultrasound measurement of the arm fat was higher than the anthropometric arm fat area by as much as 31% (P,0.001). Conclusion: Compared with ultrasound measurements using skinfold measurements and mid-arm circumference without further correction may lead to overestimation of the cross-sectional area of muscle and underestimation of the cross-sectional fat area. The correlation between the two methods could be interpreted as an indication for further search of correction factors in the equations.


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"Cor triatriatum dexter" (CTD) is an unusual cyanotic cardiac defect in which the right atrium is subdivided into two distinct chambers due to the persistence of the "sinus venosus" valve. Two patients with CTD ho were evaluated and treatment in 1979 and 1992 are described: the first one, had total anomalous pulmonary venous return to the coronary sinus or "cor triatriatum sinister" as preoperative diagnosis based on M-mode echocardiographic findings. The presence of a membrane inside the right atrium was suspected on cineangiogram. The other one had a preoperative diagnosis of CTD. Anatomic relationships and physiological effects were established by two dimensional and Doppler ultrasonography and confirmed at cardiac catheterization and surgery. High resolution two dimensional echocardiography coupled with Doppler ultrasonography has a definite role in the study of this heart defect.


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Precocious puberty, defined as the development of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8, often leads to anxiety in patients and their families but also in clinicians searching for the final diagnosis. After adequate investigation, the majority of the cases in girls turn out to be idiopathic. The authors present a case of McCune Albright syndrome in order to call attention to a rare cause of sexual precocity and the value of ultrasound in the evaluation of these situations. 10 years old infant girl admitted in our department due to irregular menstrual bleeding. She experienced a vaginal bleeding by the age of 3 which led to the diagnosis of McCune Albright Syndrome after a complete evaluation. Pubertal assessment revealed a reversed sequence in the remaining events with adrenarche at 5 and thelarche at 8. Hormonal evaluation demonstrated low FSH and LH levels (11,2 and 6,72 respectively) with high estrogen (204). Pelvic ultrasound showed a normal sized uterus (73x 29x32 mm), endometrial thickness of 5 mm and ovaries with several microfollicles and a copus luteum measuring 23 mm in the right ovary. McCune Albright syndrome is a very uncommon cause of sexual precocity that should, however, be suspected in all infant girls who present with vaginal bleeding. It is characterized by a triad: polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty and café-au-lait skin spots. Due to autonomous production of estrogen by the ovaries, ultrasound image of the female reproductive tract is inconsistent with chronologic age. Pelvic ultrasound demonstrates a normal sized uterus with a well defined cervix and clearly identified ovaries with several follicles, similar to adult women of reproductive age. Ultrasonography of the pelvis has also an important role excluding other causes of GnRH-independent precocious puberty conditions like ovarian cysts or tumors.


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Introduction: Heterotopic pregnancy (HP) is defined as two gestational sacs simultaneously present in two different locations, being the uterus and the fallopian tubes the more common. Sporadic HP is a very rare condition (1:30,000 pregnancies). With the use of medically assisted reproduction the prevalence is significantly higher(1:7,000). Considering spontaneous pregnancy, HP is associated with risk factors, being prior inflammatory pelvic disease the most common. The clinical presentation is similar to that of ectopic pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage although it is usually a more late diagnosis. Case report: 25 year-old pregnant woman, OI 0000, previously healthy; admitted at the Emergency Department (ED) with acute pelvic pain mainly at the right iliac fossa and moderate vaginal bleeding confirmed by speculum examination. She was hemodynamically stable and the bimanual palpation was painful; no prior medically assisted reproduction technique had been performed. The haemoglobin value was within normal range and the serum β-hCG was 2,763mUI/mL. The ultrasonography at the ED showed an in uterus gestational sac and another one inside the right fallopian tube; in both gestational sacs cardiac activity was absent. HP diagnosis was then established and the patient was admitted at the Obstetrics Ward for surveillance and ultrasonographic/laboratorial reassessment; complete miscarriage of the uterine pregnancy occurred but methotrexate was necessary for the treatment of persistent tubarian pregnancy. Conclusion: When evaluating a pregnant woman with pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding one should always be aware of several differential diagnosis amongst which HP should be considered. If the patient has in uterus viable pregnancy the treatment of the ectopic concomitant gestational sac should be as conservative as possible; methotrexate should not be used in that situation as it leads to uterine pregnancy miscarriage in about one third of the patients.


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Diabetic mastopathy (DMP) is an uncommon collection of clinical, radiological, and histological features, classically described in premenopausal women with long-term insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. This entity can mimic breast carcinoma, but, in the appropriate clinical and imaging setting, the diagnosis can be made by core biopsy, avoiding unnecessary surgeries. We report the case of a 34-year-old female, with a 12-year history of type 1 diabetes, who presented with bilateral breast lumps. Mammography, ultrasonography, and magnetic resonance imaging could not exclude the suspicion of malignancy, and a core biopsy was performed showing the typical histologic features of DMP. The literature is briefly reviewed.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O carcinoma oculto é uma entidade pouco frequente, que se define como a presença de metástases com tumor primário indetetável na altura da apresentação. O prognóstico da maioria dos casos de tumor oculto é reservado, no entanto, o desenvolvimento de técnicas imunohistoquímicas que permitem a caracterização do tumor, tornaram alguns subgrupos de tumor oculto potencialmente curáveis. A presença de adenopatias axilares é a forma de apresentação do cancro da mama em 0,3-1% das mulheres, sendo a origem mais provável a mama ipsilateral. CASO CLÍNICO: Os autores relatam dois casos clínicos de tumor oculto da mama: Caso 1: Doente de 57 anos, com antecedentes familiares de primeiro e segundo grau de cancro da mama, com estudo genético negativo. Recorreu à consulta por adenopatia axilar direita.Exame objetivo (EO), mamografia + ecografia mamária normais. Microbiópsia (MB) ganglionar:metástase de carcinoma compatível com origem na mama, recetores de estrogénios (RE) +, HER2 +, CK7 +, Ca125 +, CK20 (-). RMN mamária e PET não identificaram tumor primário. Procedeu-se a dissecção axilar: 10 gânglios sem metástases. Realizou terapêutica adjuvante com quimioterapia (QT) e imunoterapia (IT). Manteve follow-up regular com EO, RMN e mamografia alternadas até aos 4 anos sem alterações. Aos 4,5 anos detetou-se ao E.O. nódulo palpável na mama direita e nódulo axilar. Mamografia + ecografia: lesão sólida suspeita (R5) cuja caracterização histológicademonstrouCDIG3, recetores hormonais (-) (RH), HER2 3+, Ki67 >30%. A TC TAP e a cintigrafia óssea não revelaram alterações. Em reunião multidisciplinar de decisão terapêutica (RMDT) decidiu-serealizar mastectomia total direita + mastectomia profilática contralateral com reconstrução. Exame histológico:CDI G3 com 22mm,confirmando-se a caracterização imunohistoquímica, com invasão vascular e presença de 3 gânglios com metástase e extensão extracapsular (T2 N2). Realizou terapêutica adjuvante com QT + IT+ Radioterapia (RT) da parede torácica e ganglionar. Um ano após a mastectomia, a doente mantém-se em follow-up sem sinais de recidiva. Caso 2: Doente de 50 anos, com antecedentes familiares de primeiro grau de cancro da mama. Recorreu à consulta por nódulo da axila esquerda e nódulo da mama direita com 2 meses de evolução. EO: nódulo palpável da mama direita e duas adenopatias axilares à esquerda. Mamografia + eco: microcalcificações atípicas da mama esquerda (R5) ealterações benignas da mama direita (R2). Realizaram-se microbiópsia por estereotaxia e biópsia assistida por vácuo da mama esquerda e citologia aspirativa de agulha fina (CAAF) de nódulo da mama direita:sem alterações neoplásicas. A biópsia de adenopatia axilar revelou metástase ganglionar de carcinoma compatível com origem na mama, RH (-), GCDFP15 (-),HER2 3+ e CK7 +.A RM mamária revelou apenas lesões benignas. TC TAP, ecografia abdominal e cintigrafia óssea normais. PET: lesão localizada na axila esquerda, nos três níveis axilares. Por recusa da doente em realizar microbiópsias adicionais ou mastectomia radical modificada, optou-se por realizar dissecção axilar esquerda. Exame histológico: 7 em 14 gânglios com metástases, morfologia e estudo imunohistoquímico concordantes com o anterior. Em RMDT foi decidida terapêuticaadjuvante com RT, QT e IT que a doente se encontra no momento a realizar. DIAGNÓSTICOS DIFERENCIAIS/ DISCUSSÃO A presença de adenopatias axilares relaciona-se na maioria dos casos com processos benignos, mas naqueles em que se diagnostica uma neoplasia maligna, mais de 50% correspondem a carcinoma da mama. Outras neoplasias que se podem apresentar com metástases axilares são: linfoma, melanoma, sarcoma, tiróide, pulmão, estômago, ovário, útero. A avaliação diagnóstica deve incluir além do exame físico, a biópsia ganglionar (para exame histológico e caracterização imunohistoquímica), mamografia, ecografia mamária e ressonância magnética mamária, eventual TC toraco-abdominal, cintigrafia óssea nas mulheres sintomáticas, existindo controvérsia sobre autilidade da PET. CONCLUSÕES O tumor oculto representa um problema diagnóstico e um desafio terapêutico. O carcinoma da mama apresentando-se sob a forma de metástase axilar sem tumor primário identificável e sem doença à distância, considera-se um dos casos potencialmente curáveis, se for tratado de acordo com as guidelines para o estadio II do cancro da mama. A abordagem recomendada inclui dissecção axilar, de importância crucial pela informação prognóstica que guiará o restante tratamento e por ajudar no controlo local da doença. A terapêutica adequada da mama ipsilateral é controversa, e pode passar pela mastectomia radical modificada ou RT. Não existem até à data estudos randomizados comparando a mastectomia versus RT mamária e os estudos retrospetivos disponíveis não apresentam resultados consensuais. A decisão de RT da parede torácica pós-mastectomia e de terapêutica adjuvante deverá ser tomada tendo em conta as guidelines publicadas. BIBLIOGRAFIA 1- www.uptodate.com; Kaklamani, V., et al; “Axillary node metastases with occult primary breast cancer”; Mar 2012 2- Wang, J., et al; “Occult breast cancer presenting as metastatic adenocarcinoma of unknown primary: clinical presentation, immunohistochemistry, and molecular analysis”; Case Rep Oncol 2012;5:9-16 3- Takabatake, D.; “Two cases of occult breast cancer in which PET-CT was helpful in identifying primary tumors”; Breast Cancer (2008) 15:181-184 4- Kinoshita, S., et al.; “Metachronous secondary primary occult breast cancer initially presenting with metastases to the contralateral axillary lymph nodes: report of a case”; Breast Cancer (2010) 17:71-74 5- Bresser, J., et al; “Breast MRI in clinically and mammographically occult breast cancer presenting with an axillary metastasis: a systematic review”; EJSO 36 (2010) 114-119 6- Sharon, W., et al.; “Benefit of ultrasonography in the detection of clinically and mammographically occult breast cancer”; World J Surg (2008) 32:2593-2598 7- Masinghe, S.P., et al.; “Breast radiotherapy for occult breast cancer with axillary nodal metastases – does it reduce the local recurrence rate and increase overall survival?”; Clinical Oncology 23 (2011) 95-100 8- Altan, E., et al.; “Clinical and pathological characteristics of occult breast cancer and review of the literature”; J Buon 2011 Jul-Sep;16(3):434-6


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The aims of this retrospective review were to determine the frequency of malignant endometrial polyps diagnosed with ambulatory hysteroscopy in the Obstetrics/Gynaecology Department of HDE, Lisbon, between January 2001 and December 2005 and to characterize these cases according to risk factors, sonographic and endoscopic findings tumoral histology, and tumor stage.We found seven cases of malignant endometrial polyps in a total of 1333 polyps initially diagnosed: an incidence rate of 0. 53%. These seven patients had a mean age of 68 years (55–82 years), and all were postmenopausal, with five having one risk factor each for endometrial cancer. Metrorrhagia was present in six of the seven patients(85.7%). Ultrasonography was abnormal in all seven patients, with a mean endometrial thickness of 26 mm(range: 12–44 mm). The hysteroscopy images suggested malignancy in all cases. All except one patient had a single polyp. The polyps had volumes between 1.5 and 3 cm; two were removed completely and five were biopsed. The histological subtype was: mixed endometrioid/serous papillary or clear cell (2), adenocarcinoma with squamous differentiation (2), carcinosarcoma (2), and clear cell carcinoma (1). Malignancy inside polyps is rare, but diagnostic hysteroscopy with visual guided biopsies can identify these cases in the earlier stages. The risk factors are not different from those of other endometrial carcinomas, but the histological subtype seems to point to more aggressive cancers.


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Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) has been characterized for many years as a well-defined clinicopathologic entity, but is now considered a heterogeneous disease. IgG4-related HT is a new subtype characterized by thyroid inflammation rich in IgG4-positive plasma cells and marked fibrosis. It may be part of the systemic IgG4-related disease. We report a case of a 56-year-old Portuguese man who presented with a one-month history of progressive neck swelling and dysphagia. Laboratory testing revealed increased inflammatory parameters, subclinical hypothyroidism and very high levels of thyroid autoantibodies. Cervical ultrasound (US) demonstrated an enlarged and heterogeneous thyroid gland and two hypoechoic nodules. US-guided fine needle aspiration cytology was consistent with lymphocytic thyroiditis. The patient was submitted to total thyroidectomy and microscopic examination identified typical findings of HT, marked fibrosis limited within the thyroid capsule and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, with >50 IgG4-positive plasma cells per high-power field and an IgG4/IgG ratio of >40%. After surgery, serum IgG4 concentration was high-normal. Symptoms relief and reduction in laboratory inflammatory parameters were noticed. Thyroid function is controlled with levothyroxine. To our knowledge we report the first case of IgG4-related HT in a non-Asian patient. We also perform a review of the literature regarding IgG4-related disease and IgG4-related HT. Our case highlights this new variant of the well known HT, and helps physicians in recognizing its main clinical features, allowing for proper diagnosis and treatment.


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The decrease in the number of cadaveric donors has proved a limiting factor in the number of liver transplants, leading to the death of many patients on the waiting list. The living donor liver transplantation is an option that allows, in selected cases, increase the number of donors. One of the most serious complications in liver transplantation is hepatic artery thrombosis, in the past considered potentially fatal without urgent re-transplantation. A white male patient, 48 years old, diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic liver failure caused by hepatitis B virus, underwent living donor liver transplantation (right lobe). Doppler echocardiography performed in the immediate postoperative period did not identify arterial flow in the right branch, having been confirmed thrombosis of the right hepatic artery in CT angiography. Urgent re-laparotomy was performed, which consisted of thrombectomy and re-anastomosis of the hepatic artery with segmental splenic artery allograft interposition. The patient started anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy with acetylsalicylic acid. Serial evaluation with Doppler echocardiography showed hepatic artery patency. At present, the patient is asymptomatic. One of the most devastating complications in liver transplantation, and particularly in living liver donor, is thrombosis of the hepatic artery; thus, early diagnosis and treatment is vital. The rapid intervention for revascularization of the graft avoids irreversible ischemia of the bile ducts and hepatic parenchyma, thus avoiding the need for re-transplantation.


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BACKGROUND: Aneurysm shrinkage has been proposed as a marker of successful endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). Patients with early postoperative shrinkage may experience fewer subsequent complications, and consequently require less intensive surveillance. METHODS: Patients undergoing EVAR from 2000 to 2011 at three vascular centres (in 2 countries), who had two imaging examinations (postoperative and after 6-18 months), were included. Maximum diameter, complications and secondary interventions during follow-up were registered. Patients were categorized according to early sac dynamics. The primary endpoint was freedom from late complications. Secondary endpoints were freedom from secondary intervention, postimplant rupture and direct (type I/III) endoleaks. RESULTS: Some 597 EVARs (71.1 per cent of all EVARs) were included. No shrinkage was observed in 284 patients (47.6 per cent), moderate shrinkage (5-9 mm) in 142 (23.8 per cent) and major shrinkage (at least 10 mm) in 171 patients (28.6 per cent). Four years after the index imaging, the rate of freedom from complications was 84.3 (95 per cent confidence interval 78.7 to 89.8), 88.1 (80.6 to 95.5) and 94.4 (90.1 to 98.7) per cent respectively. No shrinkage was an independent risk factor for late complications compared with major shrinkage (hazard ratio (HR) 3.11; P < 0.001). Moderate compared with major shrinkage (HR 2.10; P = 0.022), early postoperative complications (HR 3.34; P < 0.001) and increasing abdominal aortic aneurysm baseline diameter (HR 1.02; P = 0.001) were also risk factors for late complications. Freedom from secondary interventions and direct endoleaks was greater for patients with major sac shrinkage. CONCLUSION: Early change in aneurysm sac diameter is a strong predictor of late complications after EVAR. Patients with major sac shrinkage have a very low risk of complications for up to 5 years. This parameter may be used to tailor postoperative surveillance.


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PURPOSE: (i) To investigate whether pulsatility index (PI) and mean flow velocities (MFV) are altered in glaucoma patients. (ii) To evaluate the significance of PI in retrobulbar autoregulation capacity. METHODS: Patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG; n = 49), normal tension glaucoma (NTG; n = 62) and healthy controls (n = 48) underwent colour Doppler imaging measurements of the retrobulbar vasculature. Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare variables between the three diagnostic groups. Restricted cubic splines were used to determine nonlinearities between the resistive index (RI) and PI correlations. RESULTS: Mean flow velocities (MFV) were lower in both short posterior ciliary arteries (SCPA) and central retinal arteries (CRA) from the two glaucoma groups (p < 0.04 versus healthy controls). No differences were detected in RI or PI in any arteries of the three diagnostic groups (p > 0.08). In healthy individuals, correlations between RI and PI were linear in all arteries. In both POAG and NTG patients, CRA presented a nonlinear curve with a cutpoint at RI 0.77 (p < 0.001) and 0.61 (p = 0.03), respectively, above which the slope increased nearly five- and tenfold (POAG: 1.96 to 10.06; NTG: -0.46-4.06), respectively. A nonlinear correlation in the ophthalmic artery was only observed in NTG patients, with a cutpoint at RI 0.82 (p < 0.001), above which the slope increased from 3.47 to 14.03. CONCLUSIONS: Glaucoma patients do not present the linear relationships between RI and PI observed in healthy individuals. Their nonlinear relations may be indicative of an altered autoregulation and suggest a possible threshold RI could be determined above which autoregulatory disturbances become more relevant.


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PURPOSE: Recently, the absence of spontaneous venous pulsation (SVP) has been suggested as a vascular risk factor for primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). As the mechanism behind this phenomenon is still unknown, the authors have studied this vascular component using colour Doppler imaging (CDI). METHODS: A total of 236 patients were divided into three diagnostic groups: healthy controls (81), POAG (86) and normal tension glaucoma (NTG; 69). All subjects were submitted to CDI studies of the retrobulbar circulation, intraocular pressure measurements and assessment of SVP existence. Mann-Whitney, chi-square contingency tables and Spearman correlations were used to explore differences and correlations between variables in the diagnostic groups. RESULTS: Eighty-two percent of healthy controls had SVP (66/81), while a smaller numbers were registered in both glaucoma groups: POAG - 50% (43/86); NTG - 51% (35/69). In NTG patients, but not in POAG patients, the prevalence of the SVP phenomenon decreases with increased glaucoma damage (p = 0.04; p = 0.55, respectively). Overall glaucoma patients from both groups had lower central retinal vein (CRV) velocities than the healthy controls (p < 0.05). NTG patients with SVP had less severe visual field defects (mean defect -6.92 versus -11.1, p < 0.05), higher [correction added after online publication 21 September 2012; the word 'higher' has been inserted to replace the word 'lower'] peak systolic and mean flow velocities in the central retinal artery (p < 0.01; p < 0.05, respectively) as well as higher [correction added after online publication 21 September 2012; the word higher has been inserted to replace the word lower] maximal velocities and RI of the CRV (p < 0.02; p < 0.05, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Glaucoma patients have a decrease in CRV velocities. SVP is less prevalent in glaucoma patients than in healthy individuals. This phenomenon apparently reflects different hemodynamic patterns in the central retinal vessels. This variable may be of particular importance in NTG patients, where it may be associated with more advanced functional damage.


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A ecografia ganhou maior aplicabilidade na Dermatologia com o aparecimento de sondas de maior frequência que possibilitam a visualização de lesões localizadas na pele e tecido celular subcutâneo. A ecografia de alta resolução tem-se desenvolvido particularmente na área do melanoma, onde se tem posicionado não só como exame complementar à vigilância clínica, mas também como método de estadiamento ganglionar. Neste âmbito, a ecografia é mais sensível que a palpação ganglionar, mostra-se superior a outros métodos de imagem no diagnóstico precoce da metastização locoregional e, quando realizada preliminarmente em combinação com a citologia de aspiração por agulha fina, pode diminuir o número de biopsias do gânglio sentinela. Actualmente, os estudos disponíveis sugerem que a ecografia tem um papel relevante na avaliação da doença loco-regional, em particular no doente com melanoma de risco intermédio ou elevado.


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We report a case of an inflammatory pseudotumor of the urinary bladder in a 31 year-old woman. She presented at the emergency room with low abdominal pain and urinary symptoms. Abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were performed and revealed asymmetric thickening of the urinary bladder wall. Cystoscopy with urinary cytology revealed a benign nature of the process. The patient underwent partial cystectomy and the pathologic examination of the specimen revealed an inflammatory pseudotumor. We reviewed the clinical, imaging and pathological features of the inflammatory pseudotumor of the urinary bladder and discussed its differential diagnosis.