12 resultados para Total Variation


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Introduction: Anatomical variations of the extensor tendons to the fingers are of great clinical interest, due to the relatively high frequency of tendon injury in clinical practice. Material and methods: During routine dissection of the right upper limb of a 67-year-old female preserved corpse, the extensor indicis proprius (EIP) muscle belly originated 3 independent tendons, each with a separate fascial sheath, forming a triple EIP tendon. There was a larger tendon, which occupied a central position, that represented the usual single EIP tendon. In addition, there were two thinner radial and ulnar accessory EIP tendons. The radial-EIP tendon crossed deep to the extensor digitorum communis (EDC) tendon to the index finger in the distal half of the dorsum of the hand to reach the radial side of the extensor expansion hood of the index finger. Discussion: According to the literature, the frequency of a triple EIP tendon ranges from 0%, to as high as 7%, although most authors do not acknowledge the presence of this variant in their series. This variant of the EIP tendon, in which the radial-EIP terminated laterally to the termination of the tendon of the EDC to the index finger, may be a source of confusion intraoperatively, as the EIP tendon has traditionally been identified on the basis of its ulnar location with respect to the EDC tendon. Conclusion: The possibility of a triple EIP tendon should certainly be born in mind by all surgeons when performing tendon repairs, tenoplasties or tendon transfers.


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Cover of medium and large defects of the dorsum of the hand remains a substantial surgical challenge that often requires free tissue transfer. We report the case of a 28-year-old male who presented with necrosis of most of the dorsum of his dominant hand after an iatrogenic injury. A large Becker flap was raised to cover the entire defect. However, venous insufficiency was noted intraoperatively. The flap was turbocharged by performing a venous anastomosis between the flap and the recipient site, resulting in complete survival of the flap. The authors conclude that the turbocharged Becker flap can be a good alternative for expeditiously covering large defects of the dorsum of the hand without having to resort to free tissue transfer.


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A eficácia ventilatória, avaliada por prova de esforço cardiorrespiratória (PECR), tem um importante valor prognóstico em doentes (dts) com insuficiência cardíaca crónica (ICC) por disfunção sistólica ventricular esquerda (DSVE). Os seus determinantes mantêm-se, contudo, controversos. Objectivo: Investigar a eventual correlação entre parâmetros de eficácia ventilatória, obtidos por PECR, e o valor do fluido torácico total (FTT), avaliado por bioimpedância eléctrica torácica (BET), em dts com ICC por DSVE. Métodos: Estudámos 120 dts com ICC por DSVE, referenciados ao nosso laboratório para PECR — 76% do sexo masculino, idade 52,1 ± 12,1 anos, 37% de etiologia isquémica, fracção de ejecção ventricular esquerda 27,6 ± 7,9%, 83% em ritmo sinusal, 96% sob iECA e/ou ARAII, 79% sob beta-bloqueante e 20% tratados com dispositivo de ressincronização cardíaca. Os dts efectuaram PECR, em tapete rolante, protocolo de Bruce modificado,sendo considerados para análise, como parâmetro de capacidade funcional, o consumo de oxigénio de pico (VO2p) e, como parâmetros de eficácia ventilatória, o declive (d) da relação entre ventilação minuto(VE) e produção de CO2 (VCO2) e o valor do VE/VCO2 no limiar anaeróbico (LANA). Os estudos por BET, média de 20 minutos de aquisição, foram efectuados após 15 minutos de repouso, em posição supina, imediatamente antes das PECR, sendo analisado o valor do FTT. Resultados: O valor do FTT variou entre 20,6 e 45,8 kOhm−1, média = 32,2, DP = 5,7, mediana = 32,7, o de VO2p entre 8,9 e 40,6 ml/kg/min, média = 21,0, DP = 6,2, mediana = 20,2, o do dVE/VCO2 entre 19,8 e 60,7, média = 30,7, DP = 7,9, mediana = 29,1 e o do VE/VCO2 no LANA entre 21 e 62,média = 33,1, DP = 7,5, mediana = 31,5. Por regressão linear, o FTT não se correlacionou com o VO2p — r = 0,05, p = 0,58 — mas apresentou correlação com os parâmetros de eficácia ventilatória analisados: r = 0,20, p = 0,032, r² = 0,04 com dVE/VCO2 e r = 0,25, p = 0,009, r² = 0.06 com VE/VCO2 no LANA. Conclusão: O FTT correlaciona-se com os parâmetros de eficácia ventilatória, avaliados por PECR, em dts com ICC por DSVE, o que indica que poderá ser um dos seus determinantes.


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A Artroplastia Total do Joelho (ATJ) tem vindo a assumir-se como a opção cirúrgica mais frequente no tratamento de doentes com alterações degenerativas da articulação do joelho devido aos ótimos resultados funcionais e melhoria da dor. No entanto, a percentagem de doentes com sintomas dolorosos após a realização deste procedimento atinge em algumas estatísticas publicadas valores significativos que oscilam entre os 10 e os 20%. Em alguns casos a dor não é facilmente explicável, representando um desafio para o cirurgião. Os autores relatam o caso de uma doente de 71 anos submetida a ATJ primária, no contexto de patologia degenerativa idiopática associado a desvio axial em varum. A dor localizava-se na face anteroexterna do joelho ao nível da interlinha articular e tiveram início no pós-operatório de forma gradual, associadas ao aumento da mobilidade. Devido à presença de um sintoma associado a atividade mecânica, foram colocadas várias hipóteses, entre as quais a possibilidade de conflito com resquício intra-articulares do compartimento externo do joelho. A doente foi submetida a artroscopia da articulação do joelho que revelou a existência de um fragmento meniscal que provocava conflito entre o côndilo externo do componente artroplástico femoral e o polietileno no movimento de extensão máxima do joelho. Procedeu-se a remoção artroscópica do fragmento com melhoria sintomática completa. Os autores pretendem com este caso evidenciar a importância da investigação diagnóstica para o tratamento da dor inexplicável na ATJ, e o valor terapêutico da artroscopia nos casos de provável conflito.


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PURPOSE: The aim of the this study was to determine the effect of intravitreal antivascular endothelial growth factor injections on intraocular pressure (IOP) and identify possible risk factors for the development of increased IOP. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study included a total of 106 eyes receiving intravitreal injection of bevacizumab as treatment for macular edema or active choroidal neovascularization. IOP was measured by Goldmann applanation tonometry immediately before the intravitreal injection and 5 min, 1 h and 15 days after the procedure. The records of the study patients were reviewed for age, gender, history of glaucoma, diabetes mellitus, phakic status, systemic and topical medication and number of previous injections. Subconjunctival reflux was registered. IOP elevation was defined as IOP ≥21 mm Hg and/or a change from baseline of ≥5 mm Hg recorded at least on two or more measurements on the same visit. RESULTS: Mean preoperative IOP was 15.31 ± 3.90 mm Hg and postoperative IOP values were 27.27 ± 11.87 mm Hg (after 5 min), 17.59 ± 6.24 mm Hg (after 1 h) and 16.86 ± 3.62 mm Hg (after 15 days). The IOP variation was statistically significant between pre- and postoperative measurements (p < 0.05). Subconjunctival reflux was recorded in 11.3%, and in this subgroup the IOP at 5 min and at 1 h was lower than preoperative IOP (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: More than one third of the eyes achieved IOPs >30 mm Hg 5 min after injection. Subconjunctival reflux contributed to a lower mean postoperative IOP (p < 0.05). Considerations for the management include prophylactic IOP lowering with medical therapy and/or preinjection ocular decompression for patients with a history of glaucoma or ocular hypertension and switching to an as-needed injection protocol in patients suffering a marked IOP rise in previous injections. © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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São apresentados três casos de endocardite por Cândida Parapsilosis que surgiram em crianças com idade entre os sete e os nove anos, após terem sido submetidas a correcção total de Tetralogia de Fallot. As três crianças foram reoperadas, tendo recebido previamente uma delas terapêutica médica com anfotericina B e duas exclusivamente com Ketoconazol oral. Após negativação das hemoculturas foi efectuada remoção cirúrgica das vegetações com substituição do patch septal de dacron. A terapêutica com Ketoconazol prosseguiu durante 24 meses, com follow-up de 30 a 42 meses, não se tendo verificado nem reinfecção nem efeitos secundários da terapêutica. A ecocardiografia bidimensional revelou-se um método eficaz no diagnóstico e seguimento a longo prazo. A terapêutica médico-cirúrgica combinada, com timing cirúrgico baseado em dados clínicos e laboratoriais foi fundamental para os bons resultados, estando as crianças actualmente curadas.


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Introduction: Renal biopsy plays an essential role either in the diagnosis or in the prognosis of patients with renal disease. In order to assess its epidemiology and evolution in Madeira Islands, we analysed twenty-seven years of native kidney biopsies. Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of clinical records, including histological revision from 1986 to 2012, totalling 315 native kidney biopsies. They were assessed regarding the temporal evolution both for the quality/indications for renal biopsy and for the patterns of kidney disease. Results: A total of 315 native kidney biopsies were analysed. The patients’ mean age was of 40.8 ± 18.4 years and 50.5%(n = 159) were males. The most common indications for renal biopsy were nephrotic syndrome (36.2%, n = 114) and acute kidney injury (20.0%, n = 63). Among primary glomerular diseases (41.5%, n = 115) the most common were IgA nephropathy (26.1%, n = 30) and focal-segmental glomerulosclerosis (17.4%, n = 20) and among secondary glomerular diseases (31.4%, n = 87), lupus nephritis (51.7%, n = 45) and amyloidosis (20.7%, n = 18). Statistical analysis revealed significant correlation between gender and major pathological diagnosis (Fisher’s exact test, p <.01) and between indications for renal biopsy and major pathological diagnosis (χ2, p <.01). Regarding the temporal evolution, no statistically significant differences were found in the number of renal biopsies (χ2, p =.193), number of glomeruli per sample (Fisher’s exact test, p =.669), age (Kruskal-Wallis, p =.216), indications for renal biopsy (χ2, p =.106) or major pathological diagnosis groups (χ2,p =.649). However, considering the specific clinico-pathological diagnoses and their temporal variation, a statistically significant difference (Fisher’s exact test, p <.05) was found for lupus nephritis and membranous nephropathy with an increasing incidence and for amyloidosis with an opposite tendency. Discussion: The review of the native kidney biopsies from a population with particular characteristics, geographically isolated, such as those from Madeira Islands, showed parallel between epidemiological numbers referring to other European subpopulations, allowing simultaneously a comprehensive approach to our renal biopsy policies.


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BACKGROUND: The use of cardiac output monitoring may improve patient outcomes after major surgery. However, little is known about the use of this technology across nations. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of a previously published observational study. Patients aged 16 years and over undergoing major non-cardiac surgery in a 7-day period in April 2011 were included into this analysis. The objective is to describe prevalence and type of cardiac output monitoring used in major surgery in Europe. RESULTS: Included in the analysis were 12,170 patients from the surgical services of 426 hospitals in 28 European nations. One thousand four hundred and sixteen patients (11.6 %) were exposed to cardiac output monitoring, and 2343 patients (19.3 %) received a central venous catheter. Patients with higher American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) scores were more frequently exposed to cardiac output monitoring (ASA I and II, 643 patients [8.6 %]; ASA III-V, 768 patients [16.2 %]; p < 0.01) and central venous catheter (ASA I and II, 874 patients [11.8 %]; ASA III-V, 1463 patients [30.9 %]; p < 0.01). In elective surgery, 990 patients (10.8 %) were exposed to cardiac output monitoring, in urgent surgery 252 patients (11.7 %) and in emergency surgery 173 patients (19.8 %). A central venous catheter was used in 1514 patients (16.6 %) undergoing elective, in 480 patients (22.2 %) undergoing urgent and in 349 patients (39.9 %) undergoing emergency surgery. Nine hundred sixty patients (7.9 %) were monitored using arterial waveform analysis, 238 patients (2.0 %) using oesophageal Doppler ultrasound, 55 patients (0.5 %) using a pulmonary artery catheter and 44 patients (2.0 %) using other technologies. Across nations, cardiac output monitoring use varied from 0.0 % (0/249 patients) to 27.5 % (19/69 patients), whilst central venous catheter use varied from 5.6 % (7/125 patients) to 43.2 % (16/37 patients). CONCLUSIONS: One in ten patients undergoing major surgery is exposed to cardiac output monitoring whilst one in five receives a central venous catheter. The use of both technologies varies widely across Europe.


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In this work we explored the role of the 3'UTR of the MECP2 gene in patients with clinical diagnosis of RTT and mental retardation; focusing on regions of the 3'UTR with almost 100% conservation at the nucleotide level among mouse and human. By mutation scanning (DOVAM-S technique) the MECP2 3'UTR of a total of 66 affected females were studied. Five3'UTR variants in the MECP2 were found (c.1461+9G>A, c.1461+98insA, c.2595G>A, c.9961C>G and c.9964delC) in our group of patients. None of the variants found is located in putative protein-binding sites nor predicted to have a pathogenic role. Our data suggest that mutations in this region do not account for a large proportion of the RTT cases without a genetic explanation.


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OBJECTIVES: Nevirapine is widely used for the treatment of HIV-1 infection; however, its chronic use has been associated with severe liver and skin toxicity. Women are at increased risk for these toxic events, but the reasons for the sex-related differences are unclear. Disparities in the biotransformation of nevirapine and the generation of toxic metabolites between men and women might be the underlying cause. The present work aimed to explore sex differences in nevirapine biotransformation as a potential factor in nevirapine-induced toxicity. METHODS: All included subjects were adults who had been receiving 400 mg of nevirapine once daily for at least 1 month. Blood samples were collected and the levels of nevirapine and its phase I metabolites were quantified by HPLC. Anthropometric and clinical data, and nevirapine metabolite profiles, were assessed for sex-related differences. RESULTS: A total of 52 patients were included (63% were men). Body weight was lower in women (P = 0.028) and female sex was associated with higher alkaline phosphatase (P = 0.036) and lactate dehydrogenase (P = 0.037) levels. The plasma concentrations of nevirapine (P = 0.030) and the metabolite 3-hydroxy-nevirapine (P = 0.035), as well as the proportions of the metabolites 12-hydroxy-nevirapine (P = 0.037) and 3-hydroxy-nevirapine (P = 0.001), were higher in women, when adjusted for body weight. CONCLUSIONS: There was a sex-dependent variation in nevirapine biotransformation, particularly in the generation of the 12-hydroxy-nevirapine and 3-hydroxy-nevirapine metabolites. These data are consistent with the sex-dependent formation of toxic reactive metabolites, which may contribute to the sex-dependent dimorphic profile of nevirapine toxicity.