12 resultados para Tilt Boundaries
AIMS: Protocols using sublingual nitrates have been increasingly used to improve diagnostic accuracy of head-up tilt testing (HUT). Nevertheless, exaggerated responses to nitrates have been frequently described, particularly in elderly patients. The aim of this article is to evaluate, in an elderly population with unexplained syncope, whether the impact of sublingual nitroglycerin (NTG) used as a provocative agent is dose-dependent. METHODS AND RESULTS: One hundred and twenty consecutive elderly patients submitted to HUT using NTG after an asymptomatic drug-free phase were studied. Patients were divided into three groups according to the NTG dosage: 500, 375 and 250 microg. The test was considered positive when there was reproduction of symptoms with bradycardia and/or arterial hypotension. A gradual decrease in the blood pressure after NTG was considered an exaggerated response to nitrates. There were no differences in the clinical characteristics of the different subgroups. A positive test was obtained in 50% of the patients in each group. The rate of exaggerated responses was identical in all groups and ranged between 15 and 17%. CONCLUSION: In an elderly population with syncope of unknown origin submitted to HUT, the response to NTG is not dose-dependent, and no difference was found in the rate of exaggerated responses to nitrates with different NTG dosages.
A síncope neurocardiogénica (SNc) é uma entidade clínica comum, resultante de uma resposta autonómica reflexa excessiva durante o stress ortostático. As diferentes opções terapêuticas são controversas e de eficácia limitada. O treino de ortostatismo (TTr) tem-se mostrado uma alternativa prometedora no tratamento destes doentes (D). No entanto, permanece por esclarecer o seu mecanismo de acção e o impacto clínico numa população com SNc recorrente. Objectivo: Caracterizar a resposta hemodinâmica e autonómica durante um programa de TTr em doentes com SNc refratária às medidas convencionais. População e métodos: Foram estudados 28D (50% do sexo masculino, 41±14 anos), sem evidência de cardiopatia, com SNc documentada em teste de ortostatismo passivo. O TTr incluiu 9 sessões hospitalares (3x/semana, 30 minutos) com monitorizac¸ão contínua de pressão arterial e frequência cardíaca (60◦ - 6 sessões - 70◦ - 3 sessões), complementadas com treino diário no domicílio e elevação da cabeceira a 10◦ durante o sono. O volume sistólico, o débito cardíaco, a resistência vascular periférica, a sensibilidade do barorreflexo e a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca foram calculados. Todos os doentes foram reavaliados no fim do 1.◦ mês e no final de cada 6 meses num período máximo de 36 meses (follow-up 24±12 meses). Resultados: Ao longo das sessões de TTr verificou-se um aumento significativo e consistente da resistência total periférica (1485±225 vs. 1591±187 dyne*s/cm−5, p < 0,05) associado a uma diminuição do seu desvio-padrão (206±60 vs. 150±42, p < 0,05). Durante o período de follow-up, houve recorrência de síncope em 5D (19%), com redução significativa do número de síncopes (4,0±3,2/D nos 12 meses pre-TTr vs. 1,4±0,8/D pos-TTr, p < 0,05). Conclusão: Em doentes com SNc refratária, o TTr mostrou ser uma opção terapêutica eficaz, com benefício a longo prazo. A melhor tolerância ao ortostatismo parece resultar do aumento da reserva vasoconstritora e da sua menor variabilidade.
Neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS) is a common clinical entity resulting from an excessive reflex autonomic response, particularly during orthostatism. Treatment options are controversial and of limited effectiveness. Tilt training (TT) is a promising option to treat these patients. However, its mechanism of action and clinical impact remain unclear. OBJECTIVE: To characterize hemodynamic and autonomic responses during a TT program in patients with NCS refractory to conventional measures. METHODS: We studied 28 patients (50% male, mean age 41±14 years) without structural heart disease, with NCS documented by tilt testing. The TT program included 9 tilt sessions (3 times a week, 30 min) (60° - 6 sessions, 70° - 3 sessions), under ECG and blood pressure monitoring combined with home orthostatic self-training and 10° head-up during sleep. Systolic volume, cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, baroreflex sensitivity and heart-rate variability were computed. Patients were reassessed at 1 month and every 6 months for a maximum of 36 months (24±12 months). RESULTS: Over the course of the TT program there was a significant increase in total peripheral resistance (1485±225 vs. 1591±187 dyn·s·cm(-5), p<0.05), with a decrease in standard deviation (206±60 vs. 150±42, p<0.05). During follow-up, syncope recurred in five patients (19%), with a significant reduction in the number of episodes (4.0±3.2/patient in the 12 months before TT vs. 1.4±0.8/patient post-TT, p<0.05). CONCLUSION: In refractory NCS, TT may be an effective therapeutic option, with long-term benefits. These results appear to be due to an increase in vasoconstrictor reserve combined with a reduction in its variance.
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Recurrent syncope has a significant impact on quality of life. The development of measurement scales to assess this impact that are easy to use in clinical settings is crucial. The objective of the present study is a preliminary validation of the Impact of Syncope on Quality of Life questionnaire for the Portuguese population. METHODS: The instrument underwent a process of translation, validation, analysis of cultural appropriateness and cognitive debriefing. A population of 39 patients with a history of recurrent syncope (>1 year) who underwent tilt testing, aged 52.1 ± 16.4 years (21-83), 43.5% male, most in active employment (n=18) or retired (n=13), constituted a convenience sample. The resulting Portuguese version is similar to the original, with 12 items in a single aggregate score, and underwent statistical validation, with assessment of reliability, validity and stability over time. RESULTS: With regard to reliability, the internal consistency of the scale is 0.9. Assessment of convergent and discriminant validity showed statistically significant results (p<0.01). Regarding stability over time, a test-retest of this instrument at six months after tilt testing with 22 patients of the sample who had not undergone any clinical intervention found no statistically significant changes in quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that this instrument is of value for assessing quality of life in patients with recurrent syncope in Portugal.
Está demonstrado o papel do teste de inclinação na avaliação de doentes com síncope de causa não esclarecida. Nos idosos, a prevalência de episódios sincopais aumenta, associa-se a pior prognóstico e, frequentemente, implica o recurso a múltiplos exames de diagnóstico. Objectivos: Avaliar a utilidade do teste de inclinação com recurso a nitroglicerina sub-lingual como agente provocativo em idosos com síncope de etiologia desconhecida. Métodos: Foram estudados 46 doentes consecutivos com > 65 anos (56,5% do sexo feminino; 74 ± 6 anos) por síncope de etiologia não esclarecida. Em 25 doentes(54%) não havia evidência de patologia cardíaca, tendo os restantes cardiopatia hipertensiva (14 doentes) ou isquémica (7 doentes). O protocolo incluiu massagem do seio carotídeo em decúbito a após ortostatismo passivo. O teste de inclinação foi efectuado sob monitorização contínua do electrocardiograma e tensão arterial, com inclinação a 70º durante 20 minutos. Na ausência de síncope, administrou-se 500 mcg de nitroglicerina sub-lingual com monitorização por mais 20 minutos. O teste de inclinação foi considerado positivo quando houve reprodução da sintomatologia acompanhada de bradicardia e/ou hipotensão arterial (respostas cardio-inibitória, vasodepressora ou mista). Considerou-se haver hipotensão ortostática nos casos com queda da tensão arterial sistólica > 20 mmHg ou da tensão arterial diastólica > 10 mmHg nos 3 minutos após ortostatismo; nos doentes com sintomas associados à descida gradual, paralela, da tensão arterial sistólica e diastólica durante o teste de inclinação passivo, admitiu-se um perfil do tipo disautonómico; nos doentes com descida gradual da tensão arterial após nitroglicerina, considerou-se haver resposta exagerada aos nitratos. Resultados: Ocorreu reprodução de sintomas em 34 doentes (73,9%): 19,6% no teste de inclinação passivo (resposta neurocardiogénica vasodepressora – 3 doentes, hipersensibilidade do seio carotídeo – 1 doente, hipotensão ortostática – 1 doente, perfil disautonómico – 4 doentes) e 54,3% após nitroglicerina (resposta neurocardiogénica vasodepressora – 12 doentes, mista – 5 doentes , cardio-inibitória – 2 doentes e resposta exagerada aos nitratos – 6 doentes). A síncope foi neurocardiogénica em 47,8% (teste passivo – 13,6%, pós-nitroglicerina – 86,4%). Em 16,2% dos doentes submetidos a nitroglicerina ocorreu resposta exagerada aos nitratos. Não se registaram complicações durante o exame. Conclusões: O teste de inclinação em idosos com síncope de etiologia não esclarecida: 1. contribui para o diagnóstico diferencial no estudo etiológico da síncope, 2. quando potenciado pela nitroglicerina associa-se a um aumento significativo do número de respostas positivas, e permite identificar um número considerável de doentes com resposta exagerada aos nitratos.
Está demonstrado o papel do teste de inclinação na avaliação de doentes com síncope de causa não esclarecida, sendo utilizado como a técnica gold standard para o diagnóstico da síncope neurocardiogénica, em particular com o recurso a agentes provocativos farmacológicos de modo a melhorar a acuidade diagnóstica. A estimulação com nitroglicerina sub-lingual é, regra geral, bem tolerada e permite aumentar a sensibilidade do teste reduzindo a sua duração. Neste sentido, tem-se verificado também o alargamento da sua aplicação em doentes idosos. Objectivos: Avaliar, numa população referenciada por síncope de etiologia desconhecida, a utilidade do teste de inclinação com recurso a nitroglicerina sub-lingual e comparar o tipo de respostas obtidas nos doentes idosos com o dos restantes doentes. Métodos: Estudámos 158 doentes submetidos a teste de inclinação com utilização de nitroglicerina como agente provocativo. Foram considerados doentes com idade <65 anos (Grupo A, n=74) e ≥65 anos (Grupo B, n=84). O teste de inclinação foi efectuado segundo o protocolo “italiano”, sob monitorização contínua do electrocardiograma e da tensão arterial (Task Force Monitor; CNSystems). Foram incluídos somente doentes assintomáticos na fase passiva do teste. O teste foi considerado positivo para resposta neurocardiogénica quando houve reprodução da sintomatologia acompanhada de bradicardia e/ou hipotensão arterial e as respostas foram definidas como cardio-inibitória, vasodepressora ou mista. Uma descida gradual e paralela da tensão arterial após administração de nitroglicerina seguida de síncope foi considerada como resposta exagerada aos nitratos. Resultados: Não se verificam diferenças na distribuição por sexos entre os grupos. O teste de inclinação foi positivo em 57% do Grupo A e 51% do Grupo B (p=NS), tendo ocorrido resposta exagerada aos nitratos em 11% e 16%, respectivamente (p=NS). Relativamente ao tipo de respostas neurocardiogénicas, as vasodepressoras foram mais frequentes no Grupo B (53% versus 24%; p=0,001) e as mistas tendencialmente mais frequentes no Grupo A (59% versus 40%; p=0,07), sem diferenças significativas no que se refere à resposta do tipo cardio-inibitória (17% nos Grupo A versus 7% no Grupo B; p=NS). Conclusões: Numa população com síncope de etiologia não conhecida, o teste de inclinação potenciado pela nitroglicerina: a) contribui de modo significativo para o esclarecimento diagnóstico com utilidade idêntica em idosos e nos restantes doentes. B) associa-se a maior incidência de resposta neurocardiogénica vasodepressora nos idosos embora com uma taxa semelhante de respostas exageradas aos nitratos.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a role as a modulator in the pathogenesis of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). The clinical pattern of vagally mediated PAF has been observed mainly in young patients. Neurocardiogenic responses during orthostatic stress are related to autonomic reflexes in which the vagal influence predominates. AIM: To evaluate the susceptibility of elderly patients with PAF to activation of vasovagal syncope mechanisms. METHODS: We performed passive head-up tilt testing (HUT) in 34 patients (62% women, aged 72 +/- 7 years), with > or = 1 year of clinical history of PAF--19 without structural heart disease, 11 with hypertensive heart disease and 4 with coronary artery disease (who had no previous myocardial infarction, had undergone myocardial revascularization, and had no documented ischemia) (PAF group), and compared the results with those obtained in a group of 34 age-matched patients (53% women, aged 74 +/- 6 years), who underwent HUT due to recurrent syncope (Sc group). In this group, 21 had no documented heart disease and none had a clinical history of AF. There was no diabetes, congestive heart failure or syncope in the PAF group. After a supine resting period, the subjects were tilted at 70 degrees for 20 minutes while in sinus rhythm. No provocative agents were used to complement the HUT. ECG and blood pressure were continuously monitored (Task Force Monitor, CNSystems). The test was considered positive when syncope or presyncope occurred with bradycardia and/or arterial hypotension. Abnormal responses were classified as cardioinhibitory, vasodepressor or mixed. RESULTS: HUT was positive in seven patients of the PAF group--vasodepressor response in five and mixed in two (20.5% of the total; 26.3% of those without heart disease)--and in eight patients (vasodepressor in six and mixed in two) of the Sc group (p=NS). During HUT, three patients of the PAF group had short periods of self-limited PAF (in one, after vasodepressor syncope). There were no differences in gender distribution, age or heart disease. No cardioinhibitory responses or orthostatic hypotension were observed. CONCLUSION: In elderly patients with PAF, a significant number of false positive results during passive HUT may be expected, suggesting increased vasovagal reactions despite aging. This suggests that ANS imbalances may be observed in this population.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is known to be an important modulator in the pathogenesis of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). Changes in ANS control of heart rate variability (HRV) occur during orthostatism to maintain cardiovascular homeostasis. Wavelet transform has emerged as a useful tool that provides time-frequency decomposition of the signal under investigation, enabling intermittent components of transient phenomena to be analyzed. AIM: To study HRV during head-up tilt (HUT) with wavelet transform analysis in PAF patients and healthy individuals (normals). METHODS: Twenty-one patients with PAF (8 men; age 58 +/- 14 yrs) were examined and compared with 21 normals (7 men, age 48 +/- 12 yrs). After a supine resting period, all subjects underwent passive HUT (60 degrees) while in sinus rhythm. Continuous monitoring of ECG and blood pressure was carried out (Task Force Monitor, CNSystems). Acute changes in RR-intervals were assessed by wavelet analysis and low-frequency power (LF: 0.04-0.15 Hz), high-frequency power (HF: 0.15-0.60 Hz) and LF/HF (sympathovagal) were calculated for 1) the last 2 min of the supine period; 2) the 15 sec of tilting movement (TM); and 3) the 1st (TT1) and 2nd (TT2) min of HUT. Data are expressed as means +/- SEM. RESULTS: Baseline and HUT RR-intervals were similar for the two groups. Supine basal blood pressure was also similar for the two groups, with a sustained increase in PAF patients, and a decrease followed by an increase and then recovery in normals. Basal LF, HF and LF/ HF values in PAF patients were 632 +/- 162 ms2, 534 +/- 231 ms2 and 1.95 +/- 0.39 respectively, and 1058 +/- 223 ms2, 789 +/- 244 ms2 and 2.4 +/- 0.36 respectively in normals (p = NS). During TM, LF, HF and LF/HF values for PAF patients were 747 +/- 277 ms2, 387 +/- 94 ms2 and 2.9 +/- 0.6 respectively, and 1316 +/- 315 ms2, 698 +/- 148 ms2 and 2.8 +/- 0.6 respectively in normals (p < 0.05 for LF and HF). During TF1, LF, HF and LF/ HF values for PAF patients were 1243 +/- 432 ms2, 302 +/- 88 ms2 and 7.7 +/- 2.4 respectively, and 1992 +/- 398 ms2, 333 +/- 76 ms2 and 7.8 +/- 0.98 respectively for normals (p < 0.05 for LF). During TF2, LF, HF and LF/HF values for PAF patients were 871 +/- 256 ms2, 242 +/- 51 ms2 and 4.7 +/- 0.9 respectively, and 1263 +/- 335 ms2, 317 +/- 108 ms2 and 8.6 +/- 0.68 respectively for normals (p < 0.05 for LF/HF). The dynamic profile of HRV showed that LF and HF values in PAF patients did not change significantly during TM or TT2, and LF/HF did not change during TM but increased in TT1 and TT2. CONCLUSION: Patients with PAF present alterations in HRV during orthostatism, with decreased LF and HF power during TM, without significant variations during the first minutes of HUT. These findings suggest that wavelet transform analysis may provide new insights when assessing autonomic heart regulation and highlight the presence of ANS disturbances in PAF.
A síncope neurocardiogénica é uma entidade com prevalência e incidência significativas. Apesar da baixa mortalidade relacionada com esta entidade, são significativas as implicações na qualidade de vida dos doentes. A metodologia para o seu diagnóstico está hoje claramente estabelecida nas recomendações internacionais e o teste de inclinação é um elemento útil na abordagem diagnóstica, em particular na síncope recorrente de causa desconhecida e frequente. Vários protocolos têm vindo a ser descritos nos últimos anos, inicialmente passivos e posteriormente com introdução de agentes provocativos, dos quais os nitratos sub-linguais são os mais largamente aceites, pela simplicidade e bons resultados da sua utilização. O recurso ao teste de inclinação na avaliação da terapêutica está limitado por problemas relacionados com a reprodutibilidade, que contudo estão na base de uma forma de tratamento – o treino de ortostatismo (tilt training) – embora com taxas de sucesso variáveis. Na presente revisão, iremos abordar os vários aspectos relacionados com a aplicação do teste de inclinação na prática clínica.
We reviewed 19 patients (24 knees) with patellofemoral instability treated surgically with antero-medialisation of the tibial tubercle and lateral retinacular release. Twenty-two knees had recurrent patellar dislocation and two patellar subluxation. Lateral retinacular release was performed arthroscopically in 15 knees. Average follow-up was 52 (16-86) months. There was one postoperative haemarthrosis and one failed fixation, which needed surgical revision. The average Lysholm score improved from 63.3 to 98 and only one knee had persistent patello-femoral pain postoperatively. The patellar tilt angle improved from 9.4 degrees to 5.5 degrees . There were no redislocations. We find that the surgical technique produces a consistent correction of patellar instability, but long-term studies are needed to confirm whether it can prevent arthritic degeneration.
Despite the wide acceptance that glycans are centrally implicated in immunity, exactly how they contribute to the tilt immune response remains poorly defined. In this study, we sought to evaluate the impact of the malignant phenotype-associated glycan, sialyl-Tn (STn) in the function of the key orchestrators of the immune response, the dendritic cells (DCs). In high grade bladder cancer tissue, the STn antigen is significantly overexpressed and correlated with the increased expression of ST6GALNAC1 sialyltransferase. Bladder cancer tissue presenting elevated expression of ST6GALNAC1 showed a correlation with increased expression of CD1a, a marker for bladder immature DCs and showed concomitant low levels of Th1-inducing cytokines IL-12 and TNF-α. In vitro, human DCs co-incubated with STn+ bladder cancer cells, had an immature phenotype (MHC-IIlow, CD80low and CD86low) and were unresponsive to further maturation stimuli. When contacting with STn+ cancer cells, DCs expressed significantly less IL-12 and TNF-α. Consistent with a tolerogenic DC profile, T cells that were primed by DCs pulsed with antigens derived from STn+ cancer cells were not activated and showed a FoxP3high IFN-γlow phenotype. Blockade of STn antigens and of STn+ glycoprotein, CD44 and MUC1, in STn+ cancer cells was able to lower the induction of tolerance and DCs become more mature. Overall, our data suggest that STn-expressing cancer cells impair DC maturation and endow DCs with a tolerogenic function, limiting their capacity to trigger protective anti-tumour T cell responses. STn antigens and, in particular, STn+ glycoproteins are potential targets for circumventing tumour-induced tolerogenic mechanisms.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the spectrum of MEN1 mutations in Portuguese kindreds, and identify mutation-carriers. PATIENTS, DESIGN AND RESULTS: Six unrelated MEN1 families were studied for MEN1 gene mutations by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and DNA sequence analysis of the coding region and exon-intron boundaries of the MEN1 gene. These methods identified 4 different heterozygous mutations in four families: two mutations are novel (mt 1539 delG and mt 655 ims 11 bp) and two have been previously observed (mt 735 del 46p and mt 1656 del C) all resulting in a premature stop codon. In the remaining two families, in whom no mutations or abnormal MEN1 transcripts were detected, segregation studies of the 5' intragenic marker D11S4946 and codon 418 polymorphism in exon 9 revealed two large germline deletions of the MEN1 gene. Southern blot and tumour loss of heterozygosity analysis confirmed and refined the limits of these deletions, which spanned the MEN1 gene at least from: exon 7 to the 3' untranslated region, in one family, and the 5' polymorphic site D11S4946 to exon 9 (obliterating the initiation codon), in the other family. Twenty-six mutant-gene carriers were identified, 6 of which were asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: These results emphasize the importance of the detection of MEN1 germline deletions in patients who do not have mutations of the coding region. Important clues indicating the presence of such deletions may be obtained by segregation studies using the intragenic polymorphisms D11S4946 and at codon 418. The detection of these mutations will help in the genetic counselling of clinical management of the MEN1 families in Portugal.