4 resultados para Temperature-related health
Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS)de crianças sobreviventes à alta da terapia intensiva pediátrica. Métodos: Foi realizada uma avaliação prospectiva da QVRS na admissão e após 6 meses em crianças com idade igual ou superior a 6 anos, internadas em três unidades de terapia intensiva pediátricas (UTIPs) terciárias de maio de 2002 a junho de 2004. A QVRS foi avaliada com o questionário Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI3), aplicado a um representante da criança. Resultados: Das 517 admissões elegíveis, 44 crianças faleceram na UTIP (8,5%) e 320 casos foram avaliados na admissão; entre eles, foi possível realizar o seguimento de 252 casos. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os escores globais do HUI3 antes da admissão e no seguimento [medianas (intervalo interquartil) de 0,86 (0,42-1,00) e 0,83 (0,45-1,00); p = 0,674, respectivamente]. No âmbito individual, 21% das crianças não apresentaram mudanças na QVRS, foi observada melhora em 40% e agravamento em 38% dos casos. Deficiência grave antes da admissão (escore global do HUI3 < 0,70)esteve presente em 36% dos casos, com melhora no seguimento aos 6 meses em 60% deles. Entre aqueles que apresentaram agravamento da QVRS no seguimento, 45% eram vítimas de trauma. Conclusões: Embora a QVRS seja globalmente semelhante nas duas avaliações, foram encontradas várias diferenças no âmbito individual. As crianças com baixa QVRS antes da admissão (deficiência grave) podem se beneficiar da terapia intensiva pediátrica, visto que muitas dessas crianças melhoraram a QVRS, em comparação com seu estado pré-admissão.
BACKGROUND: A post-hoc analysis was performed on the data from a 54 weeks phase III study (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT00923091) to measure changes in the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of 2,690 patients aged ≥18 with moderate-to-severe hypertension who received one of six doses of olmesartan/amlodipine/hydrochlorothiazide (OLM/AML/HCTZ), using the MINICHAL and EQ-5D instruments. METHODS: Descriptive statistics were used to assess blood pressure and HRQoL scores over the study period. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to identify those factors that could possibly have influenced HRQoL. Linear regression was used to assess the relationship between changes in blood pressure and HRQoL scores. RESULTS: Patients' baseline MINICHAL mood and somatic domains scores were 5.5 and 2.6. Over the study period HRQoL improved as both MINICHAL scores decreased by 31-33%. Patients' baseline EQ-5D index and VAS scores were 0.9 and 73.4 respectively, increasing by 6% and 12% over the study period. Patients' QALY gain over the 54 weeks study period was estimated to be 0.029 QALYs. The ANCOVA showed that changes in patients' HRQoL was likely to have been influenced by patients' achievement of blood pressure control, the amount of concomitant medication and patients' last used dosage strength of antihypertensive. Linear regression showed that blood pressure improvement may have been associated with improved HRQoL. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that OLM/AML/HCTZ reduced blood pressure and significantly increased blood pressure control whilst improving patients' HRQoL. Achieving blood pressure control, amount of concomitant medication and dosage strength of antihypertensive impacted on patients' HRQoL.
Poor ventilation at day care centres (DCCs) was already reported, although its effects on attending children are not clear. This study aimed to evaluate the association between wheezing in children and indoor CO2 (a ventilation surrogate marker) in DCC and to identify behaviours and building characteristics potentially related to CO2. In phase I, 45 DCCs from Lisbon and Oporto (Portugal) were selected through a proportional stratified random sampling. In phase II, 3 months later, 19 DCCs were further reassessed after cluster analysis for the greatest difference comparison. In both phases, children’s respiratory health was assessed by ISAAC-derived questionnaires. Indoor CO2 concentrations and building characteristics of the DCC were evaluated in both phases, using complementary methods. Mixed effect models were used to analyze the data. In phase I, which included 3,186 children (mean age 3.1±1.5 years), indoor CO2 concentration in the DCC rooms was associated with reported wheezing in the past 12months (27.5 %) (adjusted odds ratio (OR) for each increase of 200 ppm 1.04, 95 % CI 1:01 to 1:07). In phase II, the association in the subsample of 1,196 children seen in 19 out of the initial 45 DCCs was not significant (adjusted OR 1.02, 95 % CI 0.96 to 1.08). Indoor CO2 concentration was inversely associated with the practices of opening Windows and internal doors and with higher wind velocity. A positive trend was observed between CO2 and prevalence of reported asthma (4.7 %). Conclusion: Improved ventilation is needed to achieve a healthier indoor environment in DCC.
Background: Indoor air quality (IAQ) is considered an important determinant of human health. The association between exposure to volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, house dust mite, molds and bacteria in day care centers (DCC) is not completely clear. The aim of this project was to study these effects. Methods --- study design: This study comprised two phases. Phase I included an evaluation of 45 DCCs (25 from Lisbon and 20 from Oporto, targeting 5161 children). In this phase, building characteristics, indoor CO2 and air temperature/relative humidity, were assessed. A children’s respiratory health questionnaire derived from the ISAAC (International Study on Asthma and Allergies in Children) was also distributed. Phase II encompassed two evaluations and included 20 DCCs selected from phase I after a cluster analysis (11 from Lisbon and 9 from Oporto, targeting 2287 children). In this phase, data on ventilation, IAQ, thermal comfort parameters, respiratory and allergic health, airway inflammation biomarkers, respiratory virus infection patterns and parental and child stress were collected. Results: In Phase I, building characteristics, occupant behavior and ventilation surrogates were collected from all DCCs. The response rate of the questionnaire was 61.7% (3186 children). Phase II included 1221 children. Association results between DCC characteristics, IAQ and health outcomes will be provided in order to support recommendations on IAQ and children’s health. A building ventilation model will also be developed. Discussion: This paper outlines methods that might be implemented by other investigators conducting studies on the association between respiratory health and indoor air quality at DCC.