7 resultados para Sulfometuron Methyl
Introduction & Objectives: Several factors may influence the decision to pursue nonsurgical modalities for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer. Topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a non-invasive alternative treatment reported to have a high efficacy when using standardized protocols in Bowen’s disease (BD), superficial basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and in thin nodular BCC. However, long-term recurrence studies are lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term efficacy of PDT with topical methylaminolevulinate (MAL) for the treatment of BD and BCC in a dermato-oncology department. Materials & Methods: All patients with the diagnosis of BD or BCC, treated with MAL-PDT from the years 2004 to 2008, were enrolled. Treatment protocol included two MAL-PDT sessions one week apart repeated at three months when incomplete response, using a red light dose of 37-40 J/cm2 and an exposure time of 8’20’’. Clinical records were retrospectively reviewed, and data regarding age, sex, tumour location, size, treatment outcomes and recurrence were registered. Descriptive analysis was performed using chi square tests, followed by survival analysis with the Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression models. Results: Sixty-eight patients (median age 71.0 years, P25;P75=30;92) with a total of 78 tumours (31 BD, 45 superficial BCC, 2 nodular BCC) and a median tumour size of 5 cm2 were treated. Overall, the median follow-up period was 43.5 months (P25;P75=0;100), and a total recurrence rate of 33.8% was observed (24.4 % for BCC vs. 45.2% for BD). Estimated recurrence rates for BCC and BD were 5.0% vs. 7.4% at 6 months, 23.4% vs. 27.9% at 12 months, and 30.0% vs. 72.4% at 60 months. Both age and diagnosis were independent prognostic factors for recurrence, with significantly higher estimated recurrence rates in patients with BD (p=0.0036) or younger than 58 years old (p=0.039). The risk of recurrence (hazard ratio) was 2.4 times higher in patients with BD compared to superficial BCC (95% CI:1.1-5.3; p=0.033), and 2.8 times higher in patients younger than 58 years old (95% CI:1.2-6.5; p=0.02). Conclusions: In the studied population, estimated recurrence rates are higher than those expected from available literature, possibly due to a longer follow-up period. To the authors’ knowledge there is only one other study with a similar follow-up period, regarding BCC solely. BD, as an in situ squamous cell carcinoma, has a higher tendency to recur than superficial BCC. Despite greater cosmesis, PDT might no be the best treatment option for young patients considering their higher risk of recurrence.
We report the case of a boy with an encephalopathy associated with extrapyramidal and psychiatric symptoms and anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibodies. He had positive serum antithyroid antibodies, IgM antibodies against Mycoplasma pneumoniae and human herpesvirus 7 polymerase chain reaction in the cerebrospinal fluid. He was successfully treated with rituximab, after steroids, intravenous immunoglobulin and plasma exchange. The pathophysiology of this disorder may be post-infectious and autoimmune.
Introdução: A coreia, isolada ou associada a outros distúrbios do movimento, pode serforma de apresentação de diversas patologias. A história clínica e o exame objectivo sugerem o diagnóstico e orientam a investigação da generalidade das situações de coreia, sendo a sua etiologia identificada na maioria dos casos. Relato de caso: Adolescente do sexo feminino, 14 anos, residente em Angola, com movimentos involuntários dos membros e face, interpretados como coreia e discinésia oro-facial, e hipomobilidade do membro superior direito com cinco dias de evolução associada a labilidade emocional. Sem história sugestiva de doença estreptocócica, infeccções recentes ou exposição a fármacos. Avaliação laboratorial, incluindo função tiroideia, ceruloplasmina sérica, exame citoquímico e imunoelectroforese do líquor, sem alterações relevantes. Pesquisa de tóxicos negativa. Ressonância magnética crânio-encefálica e electroencefalograma normais. Evidência ecocardiográfica de insuficiência mitral ligeira sem aspectos sugestivos de cardite reumática. Exame bacteriológico do exsudado faríngeo negativo e doseamento de anticorpos anti-estreptococo negativo. Apesar destes resultados realizou penicilina benzatínica. Do restante estudo infeccioso destaca-se serologia compatível com infecção a Borrelia burgdorferi sem envolvimento neurológico. O doseamento de anticorpos anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (ac anti-NMDAR) foi positivo no soro. Iniciou tratamento sintomático com carbamazepina e haloperidol com resolução das queixas. A segunda amostra para pesquisa de ac anti-NMDAR no líquor e sangue foi negativa. Conclusões: O facto de não haver confirmação de doença estreptocócica prévia, não nos permite assumir a coreia de Sydenham, causa mais frequente de coreia em pediatria. Como a restante investigação não foi conclusiva deverá esta doente ser seguida a longo prazo; talvez a evolução nos venha o dar o diagnóstico final.
Background: The diagnosis of Rett syndrome (RTT) is based on a set of clinical criteria, irrespective of mutation status. The aims of this study were (1) to define the clinical differences existing between patients with Rett syndrome with (Group I) and without a MECP2 mutation (Group II), and (2) to characterize the phenotypes associated with the more common MECP2 mutations. Patients and Methods: We analyzed 87 patients fulfilling the clinical criteria for RTT. All were observed and videotaped by the same paediatric neurologist. Seven common mutations were considered separately, and associated clinical features analysed. Results: Comparing Group I and II, we found differences concerning psychomotor development prior to onset, acquisition of propositive manipulation and language, and evolving autistic traits. Based on age at observation, we found differences in eye pointing, microcephaly, growth, number of stereotypies, rigidity, ataxia and ataxic-rigid gait, and severity score. Patients with truncating differed from those with missense mutations regarding acquisition of propositive words and independent gait, before the beginning of the disease, and microcephaly, growth, foot length, dystonia, rigidity and severity score, at the time of observation. Patients with the R168X mutation had a more severe phenotype, whereas those with R133C showed a less severe one. Patients with R294X had a hyperactive behaviour, and those with T158M seemed to be particularly ataxic and rigid. Conclusion: A clear regressive period (with loss of prehension and language, deceleration of growth) and the presence of more than three different stereotypies, rigidity and ataxic-rigid gait seemed to be very helpful in differentiating Group I from Group II.
Background: Rett disorder (RD) is a progressive neurodevelopmental entity caused by mutations in the MECP2 gene. It has been postulated that there are alterations in the levels of certain neurotransmitters and folate in the pathogenesis of this disease. Here we re-evaluated this hypothesis. Patients and Methods: We evaluated CSF folate, biogenic amines and pterines in 25 RD patients. Treatment with oral folinic acid was started in those cases with low folate. Patients were clinically evaluated and videotaped up to 6 months after therapy. Results: CSF folate was below the reference values in 32% of the patients. Six months after treatment no clinical improvement was observed. Three of the four patients with the R294X mutation had increased levels of a dopamine metabolite associated to a particular phenotype. Three patients had low levels of a serotonin metabolite. Two of them were treated with fluoxetine and one showed clinical improvement. No association was observed between CSF folate and these metabolites, after adjusting for the patients age and neopterin levels. Conclusion: Our results support that folinic acid supplementation has no significant effects on the course of the disease. We report discrete and novel neurotransmitter abnormalities that may contribute to the pathogenesis of RD highlighting the need for further studies on CSF neurotransmitters in clinically and genetically well characterized patients.
In this work we explored the role of the 3'UTR of the MECP2 gene in patients with clinical diagnosis of RTT and mental retardation; focusing on regions of the 3'UTR with almost 100% conservation at the nucleotide level among mouse and human. By mutation scanning (DOVAM-S technique) the MECP2 3'UTR of a total of 66 affected females were studied. Five3'UTR variants in the MECP2 were found (c.1461+9G>A, c.1461+98insA, c.2595G>A, c.9961C>G and c.9964delC) in our group of patients. None of the variants found is located in putative protein-binding sites nor predicted to have a pathogenic role. Our data suggest that mutations in this region do not account for a large proportion of the RTT cases without a genetic explanation.
Rett syndrome is a genetic neurodevelopmental disorder that affects mainly girls, but mutations in the causative MECP2 gene have also been identified in boys with classic Rett syndrome and Rett syndrome-like phenotypes. We have studied a group of 28 boys with a neurodevelopmental disorder, 13 of which with a Rett syndrome-like phenotype; the patients had diverse clinical presentations that included perturbations of the autistic spectrum, microcephaly, mental retardation, manual stereotypies, and epilepsy. We analyzed the complete coding region of the MECP2 gene, including the detection of large rearrangements, and we did not detect any pathogenic mutations in the MECP2 gene in these patients, in whom the genetic basis of disease remained unidentified. Thus, additional genes should be screened in this group of patients.