22 resultados para Soropositividade para o HIV
Bacillary angiomatosis and bacillary peliosis are opportunistic infections caused by Bartonella henselae and Bartonella quintana, which occur in patients with late-stage infection. We report a case of bacillary angiomatosis in an HIV-infected patient with skin, bone, and probably liver involvement, The identification of the agent (B quintana ) was done by polymerase chain reaction in the skin specimen. The patient had complete regression of all lesions after a 6-month regimen of oral erythromycin.
HIV-infected patients may be affected by a variety of renal disorders. Portugal has a high incidence of HIV2 infection and a low prevalence of HIV-infected patients under dialysis treatment. The aim of this study was to characterise the type of renal disease in Portuguese HIV-infected patients and to determine if HIV2 infection is associated to renal pathology. Only 60 of the 5158 HIV-infected patients followed in our hospital underwent renal biopsy. Clinical and laboratory data and the type of renal disease were reviewed. Male gender was predominant (76.7%), as was Caucasian race (78.3%). Mean age was 37.9±10.6 years. The majority had criteria for AIDS, 66% were on combined antiretroviral therapy and 18.3% were on dialysis. The predominant lesions were immunecomplex glomerulonephritis (n=19), tubulointerstitial nephropathy (n=12), focal segmental glomerulosclerosis(n=11), followed by HIVAN (n=8). Other patterns(amyloidosis, vasculitis, minimal change lesion) were observed. Only three patients were HIV2 infected, and presented diabetic nephropathy, acute tubular necrosis and tubulointerstitial nephritis. No correlations between clinical findings and renal pathology were found. In conclusion, renal disease in HIV patients has a broad spectrum, and renal biopsy remains the gold standard for establishing the diagnosis and guide treatment. Renal disease is not frequent in HIV2-infected patients, and, when present, is probably not directly associated with HIV infection.
BACKGROUND: This study was designed to investigate, for the first time, the short-term molecular evolution of the HIV-2 C2, V3 and C3 envelope regions and its association with the immune response. Clonal sequences of the env C2V3C3 region were obtained from a cohort of eighteen HIV-2 chronically infected patients followed prospectively during 2-4 years. Genetic diversity, divergence, positive selection and glycosylation in the C2V3C3 region were analysed as a function of the number of CD4+ T cells and the anti-C2V3C3 IgG and IgA antibody reactivity RESULTS: The mean intra-host nucleotide diversity was 2.1% (SD, 1.1%), increasing along the course of infection in most patients. Diversity at the amino acid level was significantly lower for the V3 region and higher for the C2 region. The average divergence rate was 0.014 substitutions/site/year, which is similar to that reported in chronic HIV-1 infection. The number and position of positively selected sites was highly variable, except for codons 267 and 270 in C2 that were under strong and persistent positive selection in most patients. N-glycosylation sites located in C2 and V3 were conserved in all patients along the course of infection. Intra-host variation of C2V3C3-specific IgG response over time was inversely associated with the variation in nucleotide and amino acid diversity of the C2V3C3 region. Variation of the C2V3C3-specific IgA response was inversely associated with variation in the number of N-glycosylation sites. CONCLUSION: The evolutionary dynamics of HIV-2 envelope during chronic aviremic infection is similar to HIV-1 implying that the virus should be actively replicating in cellular compartments. Convergent evolution of N-glycosylation in C2 and V3, and the limited diversification of V3, indicates that there are important functional constraints to the potential diversity of the HIV-2 envelope. C2V3C3-specific IgG antibodies are effective at reducing viral population size limiting the number of virus escape mutants. The C3 region seems to be a target for IgA antibodies and increasing N-linked glycosylation may prevent HIV-2 envelope recognition by these antibodies. Our results provide new insights into the biology of HIV-2 and its relation with the human host and may have important implications for vaccine design.
The authors present the case of a 48-year-old woman with HIV-associated dementia treated with antiretroviral therapy and psychoactive drugs, to whom bullous pemphigoid(BP) was diagnosed. Given incomplete response to corticotherapy, and azathioprine-induced bicytopenia,intravenous immunoglobulin(IVIG) was initiated. Despite transient disease control, recurrent flares suggested a persistent triggering factor. Specifically, quetiapin was implicated and discontinued with an immediate clinical response. Inadvertent re-challenge with olanzapine(a related drug)led to a new eruption, confirming drug-induced BP (DIBP). A total of six IVIG cycles were completed, without severe side effects to report, namely HIV disease progression. HIV-related autoimmune bullous diseases are rare. Treatment of severe drug eruptions is primarily based on immunossupressive drugs, raising concerns regarding additional immunossupression. This case suggests IVIG as a valuable option for the treatment of BP in HIV patients. In addition, quetiapin should be added to the list of neuroleptics previously linked to DIBP.
The human immunodeficiency virus replication cycle begins by sequential interactions between viral envelope glycoproteins with CD4 molecule and a member of the seven-transmembrane, G-protein-coupled, receptors' family (coreceptor). In this report we focused on the contribution of CCR8 as alternative coreceptor for HIV-1 and HIV-2 isolates. We found that this coreceptor was efficiently used not only by HIV-2 but particularly by HIV-1 isolates. We demonstrate that CXCR4 usage, either alone or together with CCR5 and/or CCR8, was more frequently observed in HIV-1 than in HIV-2 isolates. Directly related to this is the finding that the non-usage of CXCR4 is significantly more common in HIV-2 isolates; both features could be associated with the slower disease progression generally observed in HIV-2 infected patients. The ability of some viral isolates to use alternative coreceptors besides CCR5 and CXCR4 could further impact on the efficacy of entry inhibitor therapy and possibly also in HIV pathogenesis.
To characterize the HIV-2 integrase gene polymorphisms and the pathways to resistance of HIV-2 patients failing a raltegravir-containing regimen, we studied 63 integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTI)-naïve patients, and 10 heavily pretreated patients exhibiting virological failure while receiving a salvage raltegravir-containing regimen. All patients were infected by HIV-2 group A. 61.4% of the integrase residues were conserved, including the catalytic motif residues. No INSTI-major resistance mutations were detected in the virus population from naïve patients, but two amino acids that are secondary resistance mutations to INSTIs in HIV-1 were observed. The 10 raltegravir-experienced patients exhibited resistance mutations via three main genetic pathways: N155H, Q148R, and eventually E92Q - T97A. The 155 pathway was preferentially used (7/10 patients). Other mutations associated to raltegravir resistance in HIV-1 were also observed in our HIV-2 population (V151I and D232N), along with several novel mutations previously unreported. Data retrieved from this study should help build a more robust HIV-2-specific algorithm for the genotypic interpretation of raltegravir resistance, and contribute to improve the clinical monitoring of HIV-2-infected patients.
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ABOUT THIS SUBJECT: * In previous work, we showed a long-term and concentration-dependent beneficial effect of the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor efavirenz (EFV) on high-density lipoproteins (HDL) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients. * Furthermore, it has been suggested that instead of the current practice of only measuring HDL-chelesterol values, the evaluation of HDL function, namely its antioxidant properties, might be an improved tool for identifying subjects at increased risk for cardiovascular events. * Paraoxonase-1 (PON-1) is an enzyme associated with HDL that is responsible for HDL antioxidant function. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: * In the present work, we studied the effect of EFV on the activity of PON-1 and showed, for the first time, that EFV-based antiretroviral therapy is associated with a better antioxidant function, i.e. with a higher PON-1 activity. AIMS: A long-term and concentration-dependent beneficial effect of efavirenz (EFV) on cholesterol associated with high-density lipoprotein (HDL-c) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients has been documented. Furthermore, it has been suggested that, instead of the current practice of only measuring HDL-c values, the evaluation of HDL quality might be an improved tool for identifying subjects at increased risk of cardiovascular events. Paraoxonase-1 (PON-1) is an enzyme associated with HDL that is involved in the onset of cardiovascular disease and responsible for HDL antioxidant function. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of EFV on the circulating activity of PON-1 in HIV-infected patients. METHODS: The patients included were adults with a documented HIV-1 infection, nontreated or treated with antiretroviral regimens including EFV 600 mg once daily as first therapeutic regimen for at least 3 months. The influence of treatment with EFV, HDL-c and CD4 cell count on PON-1 activity was analysed. RESULTS: HIV-infected White patients treated with EFV had higher PON-1 activity [77.35 U l(-1) (65.66, 89.04)] (P < 0.05) and higher PON-1 activity : HDL-c ratio [1.88 (1.49, 2.28)] (P < 0.01) than untreated patients. PON-1 activity was higher in Black patients (P < 0.001) and in patients with a CD4 cell count >500 cells ml(-1) (P= 0.0120). CONCLUSIONS: EFV-based antiretroviral regimens are associated with HDL particles with a better antioxidant function, i.e. with a higher PON-1 activity. The PON-1 activity of Black patients is higher than that found in Whites regardless of treatment. Ethnicity should be taken into consideration when studying drug effects on PON-1 activity.
AIMS: Data on efavirenz in HIV/viral hepatitis co-infected patients is non-consensual, probably due to liver function heterogeneity in the patients included. METHODS: A case control study was performed on 27 HIV-infected patients, with controlled and homogenous markers of hepatic function, either mono-infected or co-infected with HBV/HCV, to ascertain the influence of viral hepatitis on efavirenz concentrations over a 2-year follow-up period. RESULTS: No differences were found in efavirenz concentrations between groups both during and at the end of the follow-up period: control (2.43 +/- 1.91 mg l(-1)) vs. co-infected individuals (2.37 +/- 0.37 mg l(-1)). CONCLUSION: It was concluded that HBV/HCV infections in themselves do not predispose to an overexposure to efavirenz.
AIMS: To investigate the long-term effects of efavirenz on cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) and triglycerides (TG). METHODS: Thirty-four HIV-infected patients who commenced efavirenz therapy were monitored for 36 months. RESULTS: In patients with baseline HDL-C<40 mg.dL-1 an increase in HDL-C from 31+/-1 mg.dL-1 to 44+/-2 mg.dL-1 (95% confidence interval 5.9, 21.9, P<0.01) was observed and remained throughout the follow-up period. Median efavirenz plasma concentration was 1.98 mg.L-1 and a direct correlation between percentage of HDL-C variation or TC/HDL-C ratio and efavirenz plasma concentrations was found. CONCLUSIONS: There is evidence of a long-term and concentration-dependent beneficial effect of efavirenz on HDL-C in HIV-infected patients.
The iatrogenic risk of HIV vertical transmission, calculated in initial epidemiologic studies, seemed to counterindicate invasive prenatal diagnosis (PND) procedures. The implementation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) represented a turning point in PND management, owing to a rapid and effective reduction of maternal viral load (VL). In the present study, we identified cases of vertical transmission in HIV-infected pregnant women who did amniocentesis in the second trimester of pregnancy (n = 27), from 1996 to 2011. We divided our sample into Group A--women under HAART when submitted to amniocentesis (n = 20) and Group B--women without antiretroviral therapy before amniocentesis (n = 7). We had 1 case of vertical transmission in Group B. Preconceptional or early first trimester HIV serology is essential to avoid performing an amniocentesis without antiretroviral therapy or viral suppression. When there is an indication for amniocentesis in an HIV-infected pregnant woman, it should be done if the patient is on HAART and, if possible, when VL is undetectable. Nowadays, with combined first trimester screening test to select pregnancies with high risk of aneuploidies, advanced maternal age is a less frequent indication to perform PND invasive procedures, representing an outstanding gain in prenatal diagnosis of this population.
Os AA. apresentam um estudo retrospectivo da Consulta e Internamentos no Pavilhão F do Hos pital Curry Cabral, em Lisboa, de 90 indivíduos seropositivos para os vírus da Síndroma de Imunodeficiência Adquirida (SIDA), HIV-l (81), HIV-2 (6) e HIV-l + HIV-2 (3). Foi feita a distribuição por sexos (M = 97,8%), idades (média —36,5 anos), grupos de risco (homossexuais — 64,4%, heterossexuais —21 ,l%, toxicómanos —7,1%, relacionados com transfusões de sangue ou derivados — 5,6%), e pelas classificações de Walter-Reed e CDC. Salienta-se um aumento da incidência desde 1985 até ao fim do primeiro trimestre de 1988, altura em que este estudo foi efectuado, com uma duplicação anual de casos, e uma inesperada elevada incidência para os heterossexuais. Apontam-se as incidências de 22% para o Sarcoma de Kaposi na classe WR6, de 55,6% para a Pneumonia por Pheumocystis carinii e 13,9% para a Criptococose, também na classe WR6. Salientam-se os envolvimentos neurológicos, linfadenopático e síndroma de emaciação. Registamos uma taxa de mortalidade global de 31,3% no grupo WR5 e 63,9% no WR6. Procurámos calcular os riscos relativos para as diversas situações patológicas e obter correlações entre estes e situação imunológica, avaliada pela deplecção linfocitária de linfócitos T helper’. Nestes casos testámos a independência da amostra com o teste do Qui-quadrado.