5 resultados para Score Tests
Skin testing remains an essential diagnostic tool in modern allergy practice. A signifi cant variability has been reported regarding technical procedures, interpretation of results and documentation. This review has the aim of consolidating methodological recommendations through a critical analysis on past and recent data. This will allow a better understanding on skin prick test (SPT) history; technique; (contra-) indications; interpretation of results; diagnostic pitfalls; adverse reactions; and variability factors.
Introdução: Nos doentes admitidos com síndrome coronária aguda (SCA), a presença de anemia é um fator predizente de prognóstico. Contudo, os diversos scores de risco após SCA não incluem este fator. Objetivos: Avaliar se a presença de anemia na admissão em doentes com SCA tem valor acrescido relativamente ao score GRACE na predição de mortalidade a curto e médio prazo. Métodos: Entre janeiro 2005 e dezembro 2008, avaliaram-se os doentes admitidos consecutivamente na nossa Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos por SCA e incluídos no registo de SCA do centro. Em todos os doentes foram colhidos dados demográficos, antropométricos, fatores de risco para doença coronária, dados clínicos e laboratoriais da admissão, incluindo hemoglobina. Foram identificados os doentes com anemia (hemoglobina < 12 g/dL nas mulheres e < 13 g/dL nos homens). Os doentes foram divididos em risco baixo, intermédio e alto: < 126, 126-154 e > 154 para o score GRACE, respetivamente. Analisou-se a ocorrência de morte intra-hospitalar, aos 30 dias e ao primeiro ano de seguimento. Resultados: Incluíram-se 1423 doentes, com idade média de 64 ± 13 anos, 69% do sexo masculino,identificando-se a presenc¸a de anemia na admissão em 27,7% dos doentes. Estes doentes eram mais idosos, com predomínio do sexo feminino, mais hipertensos e diabéticos, maior número com história prévia de enfarte, com pior classe de Killip na admissão e score GRACE mais alto. Pelo contrário, eram menos fumadores, com menor apresentação como enfarte com supradesnivelamento ST e receberam menos bloqueadores beta, estatinas e angioplastia coronária. Tiveram também mais complicações hemorrágicas durante o internamento. A mortalidade intra-hospitalar (10 versus 4%), aos 30 dias (12 versus 5%) e ao primeiro ano (15 versus 6%) foram superiores no grupo com anemia (p < 0,001). Na análise bivariada, a presença de anemia é fator predizente de mortalidade intra-hospitalar (OR 2,46, IC 95% 1,57-3,85, p < 0,001), aos 30 dias (OR 2,47, IC 95% 1,65-3,69, p < 0,001) e ao primeiro ano (OR 2,66, IC 95% 1,83-3,86, p < 0,001), não se mantendo, contudo, esta associação após ajuste para outras variáveis. Associando a presença de anemia ao score GRACE, diferencia apenas para a mortalidade ao primeiro ano(com maior mortalidade) os grupos de risco intermédio e alto do score GRACE (6,7 versus 2,3%, p = 0,024; 23,4 versus 15,6%, p = 0,022, respetivamente), com uma tendência para diferenciar a mortalidade aos 30 dias no grupo de risco alto de score (19,6 versus 13,5%, p = 0,056). Conclusão: Os nossos dados confirmam que a anemia é um fator predizente importante de mortalidade a curto e médio prazo após SCA, contudo, não significativo quando ajustado ou incluído no score GRACE. Contudo, a sua combinação com o score GRACE pode melhorar a estratificação de risco, em particular no alto risco.
Background: Few studies have been performed in children withs uspected betalactam allergy.We aimed to assess the role of the drug provocation test(DPT)with betalactams in a paediatric setting and to study the association between allergy to betalactam antibiotics and other allergic diseases. Methods:We included all the patients under 15 years old who were consecutively referred to the Immunoallergy Department, Dona Estefânia Hospital,Portugal(January 2002 to April 2008)for a compatible history of allergic reaction to betalactam. All were submitted to a DPT.Children were proposed to performs kintests(ST)to betalactam antibiotics followed by DPT. If they decline ST,a DPT with the culprit drug was performed. Results: We studied 161 children,60%were boys,with a median age of 5years old at the time of the DPT.Thirty-three patients(20.5%)had an immediate reaction and 33(20.5%)a non-immediate reaction. These verity of there porte dreactions was low in most cases. Skin tests to betalactams were performed in 47 children and were positive in 8.DPT was positive inonlyone(3.4%)of the patients skin tested and in 11(13.4%)of those not skin tested. These verity of the DPT reaction was low.Asthma and food allergy were associated with a positive DPT in the later group. Conclusions: DPT seems a safe procedure even in the absence of ST in non-severe cases. This could be a practical optionin infants and pre-school children,where ST are painful and difficult to perform.Additional caution should be taken in children with asthma and food allergy.
To determine whether the slope of a maximal bronchial challenge test (in which FEV1 falls by over 50%) could be extrapolated from a standard bronchial challenge test (in which FEV1 falls up to 20%), 14 asthmatic children performed a single maximal bronchial challenge test with methacholin(dose range: 0.097–30.08 umol) by the dosimeter method. Maximal dose-response curves were included according to the following criteria: (1) at least one more dose beyond a FEV1 ù 20%; and (2) a MFEV1 ù 50%. PD20 FEV1 was calculated, and the slopes of the early part of the dose-response curve (standard dose-response slopes) and of the entire curve (maximal dose-response slopes) were calculated by two methods: the two-point slope (DRR) and the least squares method (LSS) in % FEV1 × umol−1. Maximal dose-response slopes were compared with the corresponding standard dose-response slopes by a paired Student’s t test after logarithmic transformation of the data; the goodness of fit of the LSS was also determined. Maximal dose-response slopes were significantly different (p < 0.0001) from those calculated on the early part of the curve: DRR20% (91.2 ± 2.7 FEV1% z umol−1)was 2.88 times higher than DRR50% (31.6 ± 3.4 DFEV1% z umol−1), and the LSS20% (89.1 ± 2.8% FEV1 z umol−1) was 3.10 times higher than LSS 50% (28.8 ± 1.5%FEV1 z umol−1). The goodness of fit of LSS 50% was significant in all cases, whereas LSS 20% failed to be significant in one. These results suggest that maximal dose-response slopes cannot be predicted from the data of standard bronchial challenge tests.
American Society of Anesthesiologists Score: Still Useful After 60 Years? Results of the EuSOS Study
OBJECTIVE: The European Surgical Outcomes Study described mortality following in-patient surgery. Several factors were identified that were able to predict poor outcomes in a multivariate analysis. These included age, procedure urgency, severity and type and the American Association of Anaesthesia score. This study describes in greater detail the relationship between the American Association of Anaesthesia score and postoperative mortality. METHODS: Patients in this 7-day cohort study were enrolled in April 2011. Consecutive patients aged 16 years and older undergoing inpatient non-cardiac surgery with a recorded American Association of Anaesthesia score in 498 hospitals across 28 European nations were included and followed up for a maximum of 60 days. The primary endpoint was in-hospital mortality. Decision tree analysis with the CHAID (SPSS) system was used to delineate nodes associated with mortality. RESULTS: The study enrolled 46,539 patients. Due to missing values, 873 patients were excluded, resulting in the analysis of 45,666 patients. Increasing American Association of Anaesthesia scores were associated with increased admission rates to intensive care and higher mortality rates. Despite a progressive relationship with mortality, discrimination was poor, with an area under the ROC curve of 0.658 (95% CI 0.642 - 0.6775). Using regression trees (CHAID), we identified four discrete American Association of Anaesthesia nodes associated with mortality, with American Association of Anaesthesia 1 and American Association of Anaesthesia 2 compressed into the same node. CONCLUSION: The American Association of Anaesthesia score can be used to determine higher risk groups of surgical patients, but clinicians cannot use the score to discriminate between grades 1 and 2. Overall, the discriminatory power of the model was less than acceptable for widespread use.