5 resultados para Saliva Cortisol
Background: Stress and anxiety during pregnancy have been associated with premature and low birth weight babies, presumably through fetus over exposion to glucocorticoids. Antenatal stress also seems to have long-term effects upon infant development and adult health. However, medication for stress may carry risks to the expectant mother, therefore the efficacy of nonpharmacological interventions should be investigated. Methods: Pregnant women (n = 154) awaiting amniocentesis, were randomly assigned in the morning and the afternoon to three groups for 30 min: (1) listening to relaxing music, (2) sitting and reading magazines, and (3) sitting in the waiting-room. Before and after that period, they completed the Spielberger’s State and Trait anxiety inventory and provided blood samples for cortisol. The groups were then compared regarding change in cortisol levels and anxiety. Results: Maternal cortisol and state anxiety were correlated (r = 0.25, p = 0.04) in the afternoon, but not in the morning. The larger decreases in cortisol occurred in the music group ( 61.8 nmol/L, ANOVA: p = 0.01), followed by magazine, being differences among groups more pronounced in the morning. Women in the music group also exhibited the greater decreases in state anxiety ( p < 0.001). Younger mothers with less gestational age were on average the most anxious, and also the ones with greater decreases in cortisol and anxiety levels after relaxation. Conclusion: A relaxing intervention as short as 30 min, especially listening to music, decreases plasma cortisol and self-reported state anxiety score. Pregnant women might benefit from the routine practice of relaxation in the imminence of clinical stressful events.
The aims of the present study were to test the association between insecure attachment and basal cortisol and catecholamines levels in a sample of obese children. The role of familial vulnerability and gender was also investigated. Methods: Cortisol and catecholamines levels of 8- to 13-year olds obese children were measured. Self-report questionnaires were used to assess attachment pattern and current anxiety and depression, and parent-report questionnaires were used to assess attachment, current anxiety and depression and familial vulnerability. Linear regression analyses were performed for individuals that scored low versus high on parental internalizing problems, and for boys and girls, separately. Results: In the group with high parental internalizing problems, insecure attachment was significantly associated with reduced basal levels of cortisol, in boys (p=0.007, b= -0.861, R2= 73.0%). In the group with low parental internalizing problems, the association between insecure attachment and cortisol was not significant in either boys or girls, and it was negative in boys (p=0.075, b= -0.606, R2= 36.7%) and positive in girls (p=0.677, b= 0.176, R2= 3.1%) . Conclusions: Apparently, physiological risk factors for psicopathology in obesity are more evident in individuals with a high familial vulnerability. In addition, patterns of physiological risk for psicopathology in obesity are different in boys and girls. Therefore, it is important to take into account familial vulnerability and gender when investigating physiological risk factors for psycopathology in obesity. Insecure attachment in childhood may be a risk factor for obesity. Interventions to increase children's attachment security should examine the effects on children's weight.
Objectivo: avaliar e caracterizar a linfopenia em doentes admitidos numa unidade de cuidados intensivos para suporte ventilatório por exacerbação de insuficiência respiratória crónica e eventual relação com a gravidade da doença. Material e métodos: estudo prospectivo com 6 meses de duração e mais 6 meses de seguimento após alta da unidade. Incluídos 24 doentes, 22 homens, com APACHE II médio de 19,7, 3 dos quais com possibilidade de seguimento após a alta. Foram colhidas análises para determinação das subpopulações linfocitárias na admissão e a cada 7 dias de ventilação mecânica. Excluídos doentes com sinais de infecção ou imunossupressão prévia, à excepção dos corticóides. Resultados: a linfopenia foi encontrada em 79,2 % dos doentes com depleção de todas as subpopulações linfocitárias sendo mais expressiva a depleção de linfócitos B CD19+. Esta linfopenia não se relacionou com os níveis séricos de cortisol, e apesar de se relacionar com uma maior gravidade clínica não esteve associada a uma maior mortalidade. O registo evolutivo no internamento mostrou tendencialmente uma recuperação da linfopenia. Conclusões: a linfopenia é frequente em doentes ventilados por exacerbação de doença respiratória crónica. Trata-se de uma linfopenia não selectiva, que recupera ao longo do internamento, mais acentuada ao nível dos linfócitos B CD19+. Estes doentes apresentam índices de gravidade maior mas sem diferenças na mortalidade. O seguimento ambulatório destes doentes mostrou-se difícil e foi inconclusivo.
Introdução: Nos doentes com pubarca precoce, o gold-standard para o diagnóstico diferencial entre pubarca precoce idiopática (PPI) e a forma não clássica da hiperplasia congénita da suprarrenal (HCSR--NC) é a prova de Synacthen. Esta permite também estimar a reserva adrenal de cortisol nos doentes com HCSR-NC.Objetivos: Comparar as características clínicas e perfil hormonal basal dos doentes com pubarca pre-coce; avaliar a importância da prova de Synacthen no diagnóstico diferencial entre PPI e HCSR-NC e na determinação da reserva adrenal de cortisol. Material e métodos: Estudo transversal de doentes com pubarca precoce que realizaram prova de Synacthen. Resultados: Foram incluídos 43 doentes, com idade mediana de 7,5 anos (3,5-9,4), sendo 37 (86,0%) do sexo feminino. Na prova de Synacthen, 37 (86,0%) foram classificados como PPI e 6 (14,0%) como HCSR-NC.Não houve diferencças significativas entre os 2 grupos quanto às características clínicas e doseamentos basais de ACTH, cortisol e androgénios da suprarrenal. A 17-OHP basal e estimulada foi mais elevada nos doentes com HCSR-NC (p = 0,001 e p < 0,001, respetivamente) (basal: 4,62 ± 3,70 ng/ml [0,80-10,50];estimulada: 35,41 ± 24,87 ng/ml [12,0-80,2]) do que nos doentes com PPI (basal: 1,04 ± 0,77 ng/ml [0,22-3,80]; estimulada: 4,18 ± 1,71 ng/ml [1,0-8,96]). O cut-off basal habitualmente proposto (< 2,0 ng/ml) paraa distinção entre estes grupos não o permitiu em 2 doentes, que apenas foram diagnosticados após realização da prova de Synacthen. Dois doentes com HCSR-NC (33,3%) tiveram cortisol após estimulação< 18 g/dl, revelando necessidade de tratamento com glucocorticoide em stress. Os doentes com HCSR--NC com valores mais elevados de 17-OHP basal tiveram valores de cortisol mais baixos após estimulação(p = 0,004; r = -0,43).Conclusão: A realização desta prova foi útil para distinguir os doentes com HCSR-NC e PPI, pois nenhum valor de 17-OHP basal permitia fazer o diagnóstico diferencial definitivo. Em alguns doentes com HCSR-NCa prova revelou secreção inapropriada de cortisol em stress, contribuindo para a decisão terapêutica.
The main objective of this review is to provide a descriptive analysis of the biological and physiological markers of tactile sensorial processing in healthy, full-term newborns. Research articles were selected according to the following study design criteria: (a) tactile stimulation for touch sense as an independent variable; (b) having at least one biological or physiological variable as a dependent variable; and (c) the group of participants were characterized as full-term and healthy newborns; a mixed group of full-term newborns and preterm newborns; or premature newborns with appropriate-weight-for-gestational age and without clinical differences or considered to have a normal, healthy somatosensory system. Studies were then grouped according to the dependent variable type, and only those that met the aforementioned three major criteria were described. Cortisol level, growth measures, and urinary catecholamine, serotonin, and melatonin levels were reported as biological-marker candidates for tactile sensorial processing. Heart rate, body temperature, skin-conductance activity, and vagal reactivity were described as neurovegetative-marker candidates. Somatosensory evoked potentials, somatosensory evoked magnetic fields, and functional neuroimaging data also were included.