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Introduction: Hysterectomy is the commonest gynecologic operation, performed for malignant and benign conditions. There are many approaches to hysterectomy for benign disease. Studies comparing the techniques have showed that vaginal hysterectomy has benefits in terms of reduced hospital stay, faster recovery and less operating time. Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the surgical and immediate postoperative outcomes of Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy (LAVH) with those of Vaginal Hysterectomy (VH). Methods: Retrospective descriptive study, comparing two groups of women who underwent LAVH or VH in our department during a 24 months period, from January 2009 to December 2010. The two groups were compared regarding age, vaginal deliveries, previous abdominal surgery, uterine and adnexal pathology, intra-operative and post-operative complications, uterus weight, blood loss and number of days until discharge. Results: In our study 42 LAVH and 99 VH were included, with a patient mean age of 47 and 59, respectively. The most frequent indication for hysterectomy was fibroids (80%) for LAVH and POP(58.6%) for HV. In LAVH group 47.6% of patients had previous abdominal surgery, vs 28.2% in VH group. The medium operative time was 167 minutes for LAVH vs 99 minutes for HV. The intra-operative complications were one case (2%) of accidental incision of rectum in LAVH, and one bladder incision in the VH (1%). There were 3 conversions to laparotomy for difficult technique (7%) in LAVH group. There were no significant post-operative complications for LAVH. In VH group there were 2 cases of haemoperitoneum (2%) and 1 case requiring blood transfusion (1%). The mean time for discharge was 4.23 days for LAVH and 4.46 days for VH. Conclusions: In our study, the main advantage for VH was the reduced operative time. In terms of time to discharge there was no difference between the 2 groups. The main intra-operative complication of LAVH was the risk of conversion to laparotomy, but post-operatively this procedure had fewer complications than VH. In conclusion, LAVH is a safe option for women requiring hysterectomy in cases where VH is anticipated to be technically difficult.


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A trombose venosa cerebral (TVC) é uma doença relativamente rara mas grave, potencialmente reversível com diagnóstico atempado e terapêutica médica adequada. A gravidez e o puerpério são um factor predisponente de TVC, que é responsável por 6% das causas de morte materna. As manifestações clínicas dependem da localização, extensão do trombo, bem como da rede de colaterais existente. Apresentamos o caso duma doente do sexo feminino, 33 anos, grávida de 13 semanas que recorreu ao serviço de urgência por quadro de cefaleias e cujo estudo por Ressonância Magnética revelou aspectos compatíveis com doença venosa oclusiva subtotal do seio longitudinal superior em fase aguda. A propósito deste caso discutimos as manifestações imagiológicas da trombose venosa dural na fase aguda.


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O termo necrose intestinal traduz exclusivamente um conceito anatomopatológico e clínco, e implica sempre um isquémia instestinal oclusiva ou não. A enterocolite necrosante, em sentido lato, implica uma isquémia intestinal não oclusiva associada a um mecanismo infeccioso. O factor desencadeante da necrose é, por vezes, difícil de determinar. A enterocolite necrosante ocorre em 90% dos casos em recém-nascidos prematuros, sendo mesmo frequente no recém-nascido de termo e rara na crança mais velha e no adulto. Apresentam-se os casos clínicos de duas crianças; uma de sete anos com antecedentes de neutropénia crónica e outra de onze anos com défice cognitivo grave, dismorfia e alterações de comportamento, ambas internadas por quadro de abdómen agudo e choque. Foi efectuada ressecção do segmento jejunal num dos casos e ressecção subtotal do cólon no outro, por necrose. Apesar da cirurgia e da terapêutica médica de suporte, ambas acabaram por morrer em falência multiorgânica, respectivamente três horas após a cirurgia e ao 14º dia de internamento, após segunda intervenção com ressecção do segmento necrosado íleon. A necrópsia de ambos os casos revelou necrose extensa de todo o restante intestino. Os dois casos clínicos comportaram-se como enterocolite necrosante da criança, sendo o diagnóstico de exclusão numa delas, de enterocolite neutropénica. Efectua-se uma revisão dos mecanismos etiopatogénicos da necrose intestinal da criança, desde os tromboembólicos, obstrutivos extrínsecos ou endoluminais, inflamatórios, isquémicos não oclusivos, até aos infecciosos. Para além das medidas gerais de terapêutica, salienta-se a necessidade de uma intervenção cirúrgica precose e de meios diagnósticos terapêuticos, como o doseamento, no sangue e na urina, da proteína de ligação aos ácidos gordos intestinais e a arteriografia selectiva.


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Overview and Aims: The contraceptive implant is frequently used to provide contraceptive protection over three years. The implant is inserted into the subcutaneous tissue of the upper arm, and should be palpable and easily removed. We evaluated the best imaging strategy for non-palpable implant (Implanon®) localization and removal. Study Design: Retrospective study. Population: A total of 11 women referred to a tertiary care hospital, between October 2009 and January 2012, for localization and removal of their non-palpable implants. Methods: Different localization methods (ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging) were evaluated for non-palpable rod. Results: Seven of the nonpalpable implants were inserted in a health care center, three in a district hospital and one in a private clinic. In three women, the reasons for requesting removal were the end of the implant validity, two wanted to become pregnant, two had weight gain, one had weight loss, one referred irregular bleeding, one had two implants and one did a hysterectomy. In 81.8% (9) of the women, the implants were identified and localized by ultrasound, and successfully removed. In two patients the implant was not found and therefore not removed. Conclusions: In our study, high resolution ultrasound proved to be a sensitive method in implants localization, being the primary choice for determining the location of nonpalpable implants.


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Uterine artery embolisation has been used as a therapeutic alternative for symptomatic uterine myomas. It is considered a safe and effective procedure, with very few cases published involving complications. The authors present a case of a 35-year-old nulliparous woman with an intramural myoma with 161x143x85mm, submitted to an uterine artery embolisation complicated by uterine necrosis. A hysterectomy was performed. This casereport reinforces the idea that artery embolization is not a riskfree procedure and serious complications may occur. Therefore, patients should be carefully selected.


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Ovarian borderline tumors (OBTs) are frequently diagnosed in women of reproductive age. There is no consensus about their management, and it sometimes represents a dilemma aboutwhat should be done: fertility sparing surgery or a hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy? Case: A 32-year-old nulligravida, diagnosed with a right ovarian borderline tumor is presented. She underwent pelvic washings, right salpingo-oophorectomy, appendectomy, and omental and peritoneal biopsies (laparotomic approach). Macroscopically, the left ovary was normal and subsequent exploration for staging was also normal, including the lymph nodes. Intraoperatively, frozen section examination was unclear, suggesting an OBT. Results: The final histopathologic diagnosis was ovarian borderline tumor, stage IIC (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics [FIGO] staging). The patient expressed a desire to preserve her fertility. Thirty-six months postsurgery, she became pregnant spontaneously and delivered a healthy newborn at term. Conclusions: Conservative surgery can be performed in young patients treated for an OBT, provided they are closely followed up and that this surgery is performed after careful consideration and informed consent. It is, however, controversial with respect to performing hysterectomy and salpingo-oopherectomy upon the patient’s completion of childbearing.


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Peripartum cardiomiopathy is a rare and life-threatening cardiac disease that affects young women previously healthy, during the peripartum period. It is a form of dilated cardiomyopathy with left-sided systolic dysfunction, which may lead to symptoms and signs of congestive heart failure. The exclusion diagnosis is based essentially on clinical presentation and initial symptoms may mimic physiologic alterations of pregnancy. The authors present a case of a 34 week multiple gestation with a growth restriction of one of the fetus and with a suspicion of a mild pre-eclampsia, motive by which we decided labour induction. During placental expulsion, in which we noticed difficulty in finding placental cleavage, the patient presented an assistoly, recovering after cardiorespiratory reanimation. However, the profuse bleeding after labour leaded to a life saving hysterectomy. Histological examination revealed placenta accreta. The echocardiography performed post-operatively diagnosed a dilated cardiomyopathy.