3 resultados para Runchomyia reversa
Os autores descrevem um caso clínico de hipersensibilidade à varfarina traduzido por uma elevação acentuada do INR, aquando da introdução do fármaco em doente com antecedentes tromboembólicos. Da pesquisa de polimorfismos para os genes VKORC1 e CYP2C9, utilizando técnicas de amplificação por PCR e hibridização reversa, apurou-se heterozigotia para -1639G>A (gene VKORC1) e homozigotia para 1075A>C (genótipo CYP2C9*3/*3). Os autores fazem uma revisão da farmacodinâmica da varfarina e da sua acção sobre a vitamina K, sugerindo-se indicações para a investigação de algumas variações genéticas, no sentido de obviar potenciais complicações associadas ao fármaco.
AIMS: Data on efavirenz in HIV/viral hepatitis co-infected patients is non-consensual, probably due to liver function heterogeneity in the patients included. METHODS: A case control study was performed on 27 HIV-infected patients, with controlled and homogenous markers of hepatic function, either mono-infected or co-infected with HBV/HCV, to ascertain the influence of viral hepatitis on efavirenz concentrations over a 2-year follow-up period. RESULTS: No differences were found in efavirenz concentrations between groups both during and at the end of the follow-up period: control (2.43 +/- 1.91 mg l(-1)) vs. co-infected individuals (2.37 +/- 0.37 mg l(-1)). CONCLUSION: It was concluded that HBV/HCV infections in themselves do not predispose to an overexposure to efavirenz.
AIMS: To investigate the long-term effects of efavirenz on cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) and triglycerides (TG). METHODS: Thirty-four HIV-infected patients who commenced efavirenz therapy were monitored for 36 months. RESULTS: In patients with baseline HDL-C<40 mg.dL-1 an increase in HDL-C from 31+/-1 mg.dL-1 to 44+/-2 mg.dL-1 (95% confidence interval 5.9, 21.9, P<0.01) was observed and remained throughout the follow-up period. Median efavirenz plasma concentration was 1.98 mg.L-1 and a direct correlation between percentage of HDL-C variation or TC/HDL-C ratio and efavirenz plasma concentrations was found. CONCLUSIONS: There is evidence of a long-term and concentration-dependent beneficial effect of efavirenz on HDL-C in HIV-infected patients.