5 resultados para Resposta


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BACKGROUND: In ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients treated with primary angioplasty, neutrophil response and its prognostic significance are not entirely understood. METHODS: We retrospectively studied 305 consecutive and non-selected STEMI patients. They were divided into three groups according to the maximum neutrophil percentage in the first 48 hours. We compared baseline demographic characteristics, coronary disease risk factors, cardiac history, clinical presentation, therapeutics administered and clinical evolution. We then assessed survival in the three groups and determined predictors of 30-day mortality. Group 1 (G1) had a mean age of 57 +/- 14 years and showed mean neutrophilia of 73.3%, Group 2 (G2) 61 +/- 13 years and 79.9%, and Group 3 (G3) 66 +/- 13 years and 84.2%. We compared outcomes and 30-day mortality between the groups. RESULTS: Mean age rose with increased neutrophil response. There were no statistically significant baseline differences between the groups except for more smokers in Groups 1 and 2, and more patients presenting with Killip class > or = 2 and fewer with uncomplicated evolution in Group 3. During 30-day follow-up there were 19 deaths (G1=1, G2=3 and G3=15). In univariate analysis mortality predictors were age > or = 75 years, anterior STEMI, maximum creatinine kinase > or = 2500 UI/L, culprit lesion in proximal anterior descending artery, incomplete revascularization, Killip > or = 2 at presentation, and being in G3. After multivariate regression analysis independent predictors were age > or = 75 years, incomplete revascularization and being in G3. CONCLUSION: In myocardial infarction patients undergoing mechanical revascularization, an intense neutrophil response (routinely, easily and inexpensively assessed) is related to worse short-term prognosis.


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Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is an objective method for assessment of functional capacity and for prognostic stratification of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). In this study, we analyzed the prognostic value of a recently described CPET-derived parameter, the minute ventilation to carbon dioxide production slope normalized for peak oxygen consumption (VE/VCO2 slope/pVO2). METHODS: We prospectively studied 157 patients with stable CHF and dilated cardiomyopathy who performed maximal CPET using the modified Bruce protocol. The prognostic value of VE/VCO2 slope/pVO2 was determined and compared with traditional CPET parameters. RESULTS: During follow-up 37 patients died and 12 were transplanted. Mean follow-up in surviving patients was 29.7 months (12-36). Cox multivariate analysis revealed that VE/VCO2 slope/pVO2 had the greatest prognostic power of all the parameters studied. A VE/VCO2 slope/pVO2 of > or = 2.2 signaled cases at higher risk. CONCLUSION: Normalization of the ventilatory response to exercise for peak oxygen consumption appears to increase the prognostic value of CPET in patients with CHF.


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Os vírus da hepatite B (VHB) e da hepatite C (VHC) constituem a causa mais frequente de doença hepática crónica. A partilha de vias de transmissão contribui para o risco de coinfecção VHB-VHC. Nos doentes co-infectados com o VHB e VHC verifica-se uma progressão mais rápida para a cirrose hepática e existe um risco aumentado para o carcinoma hepatocelular. A terapêutica da co-infecção VHB/VHC é empírica, consistindo na indicada para a infecção exclusiva pelo VHC, o qual, na maioria dos casos, é o vírus dominante. A utilização do tratamento padrão para a hepatite C, nomeadamente interferão alfa peguilado e ribavirina, não mostra diferenças significativas na resposta virológica sustentada ao VHC comparativamente com a dos monoinfectados pelo VHC. É incerto o benefício da associação de análogos dos nucleós(t)idos. A acção terapêutica pode modificar a interacção entre os dois vírus e, designadamente, exacerbar a doença por reactivação do VHB. Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de uma doente com co-infecção VHB-VHC, sem reconhecimento de vírus dominante, em que a resposta à terapêutica instituída superou a expectativa da evidência científica disponível.


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A maior compreensão da fisiopatologia das úlceras de perna tem permitido o desenvolvimento de novas modalidades terapêuticas. As matrizes constituídas por colagénio e celulose regenerada oxidada permitem, através da ligação a proteases, menor degradação da matriz, protecção e estabilização de factores de crescimento favorecendo a cicatrização da úlcera. Doente do sexo masculino, 72 anos de idade, com síndrome metabólica e insuficiência veno-arterial periférica, com úlceras, extensas, de longa evolução, refractárias aos inúmeros tratamentos efectuados, curadas com pensos com matriz de colagénio, celulose regenerada oxidada e prata.