4 resultados para Reincidència -- Catalunya -- Congressos -- 2012


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A anestesia regional em ortopedia apresenta vantagens claras na estabilidade hemodinâmica, perfusão do território cirúrgico e analgesia de qualidade superior. o objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar o tipo e frequência de técnicas realizadas no ano de 2012 em anestesia para cirurgia ortopédica pediátrica. Um total de 662 crianças agendadas para cirurgia electiva foram retrospectivamente estudadas no que diz respeito às técnicas regionais utilizadas. Foram realizadas 248 técnicas regionais em 2012. Houve urn predominio de bloqueios do neuro-eixo (63%) em relação aos bloqueios dos nervos periféricos (BNP) (37%). A ultrassonografia foi essencial nos BNP realizados, correspondendoa 75% dos casos. Na anestesia do membro superior os bloqueios mais frequentes foram o bloqueio do plexo braquialvia supra-clavicular (61%) e os BNP na fossa antecubital (23%). No membro inferior os bloqueios mais comuns foram o bloqueio do nervo ciciticopopliteo (41%) e o bloqueio de nervo femoral (35%). Colocaram-se cateteres contínuos de bloqueio de nervo periférico em 5 bloqueios do nervo ciático popliteo. o uso de ecografo tornou-se preponderante para a realização de bloqueios dos nervos periféricos dos membros com as vantagens já amplamente descritas na literatura. Parece haver margem para diminuir o número de técnicas do neuro-eixo em relação a realização de BNP com uma maior taxa de colocação de cateteres contínuos de bloqueio de nervo periférico, diminuindo deste modo a invasibilidade do neuro-eixo. 0 número total de BNP realizados parece claramente satisfatório embora careça de estudos comparativos com outras instituições que o comprove.


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Based on a survey sent to Portuguese centers that perform diagnostic and interventional electrophysiology and/or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) implantations, the authors analyze the number and type of procedures performed during 2012 and compare these data with previous years. In 2012, a total of 2561 diagnostic electrophysiologic studies were performed, which were followed by ablation in 2017 cases, representing a steady situation compared with the previous year. There was a 12% increase in the number of ablation procedures for atrial fibrillation, making it for the first time the most frequent indication for ablation, overtaking atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia. The total number of first ICD implantations was 1048 (around 100 per million population), of which 375 were cardiac resynchronization devices (BiV ICDs). This represents a slight decrease (3.3%) in the total number of new implants, with an increase of 10% in the number of BiV ICDs compared to the previous year. However, there was a considerable increase in the number of ICD generator replacements, resulting in an overall increase of 3.5% in implantations performed in 2012. Some comments are made regarding developments in this activity and its current status, and on some factors that may influence the dynamics of this area of interventional cardiology.


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The 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) became available in Portugal in mid-2009 and the 13-valent vaccine (PCV13) in early 2010. The incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in patients aged under 18 years decreased from 8.19 cases per 100,000 in 2008–09 to 4.52/100,000 in 2011–12. However, IPD incidence due to the serotypes included in the 7-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV7) in children aged under two years remained constant. This fall resulted from significant decreases in the number of cases due to: (i) the additional serotypes included in PCV10 and PCV13 (1, 5, 7F; from 37.6% to 20.6%), particularly serotype 1 in older children; and (ii) the additional serotypes included in PCV13 (3, 6A, 19A; from 31.6% to 16.2%), particularly serotype 19A in younger children. The decrease in serotype 19A before vaccination indicates that it was not triggered by PCV13 administration. The decrease of serotype 1 in all groups, concomitant with the introduction of PCV10, is also unlikely to have been triggered by vaccination, although PCVs may have intensified and supported these trends. PCV13 serotypes remain major causes of IPD, accounting for 63.2% of isolates recovered in Portugal in 2011–12, highlighting the potential role of enhanced vaccination in reducing paediatric IPD in Portugal.