3 resultados para Régnier, L.-P.


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Interferon-beta (IFN-beta) therapy for multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with a potential for induction of neutralizing antibodies (NAbs). Because immune reactivity depends on changes in lipoprotein metabolism, we investigated whether plasma lipoprotein profiles could be associated with the development of NAbs. Thirty-one female MS patients treated with subcutaneously administered IFN-beta were included. Demographic and clinical characteristics were compared between NAbs response groups using t tests for continuous and logistic regression analysis and Fisher's exact tests for categorical data, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression was used to evaluate the effect of potential confounders. Patients who developed NAbs had lower apoE levels before treatment, 67 (47-74) mg/L median (interquartile range), and at the moment of NAb analysis, 53 (50-84) mg/L, in comparison to those who remained NAb-negative, 83 (68-107) mg/L, P = 0.03, and 76 (66-87) mg/L, P = 0.04, respectively. When adjusting for age and smoking for a one-standard deviation decrease in apoE levels, a 5.6-fold increase in the odds of becoming NAb-positive was detected: odds ratios (OR) 0.18 (95% CI 0.04-0.77), P = 0.04. When adjusting for apoE, smoking habit became associated with NAb induction: OR 5.6 (95% CI 1.3-87), P = 0.03. These results suggest that apoE-containing lipoprotein metabolism and, possibly, tobacco smoking may be associated with risk of NAb production in female MS patients treated with IFN-beta.


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A associação de alergia ao látex e alergia alimentar a frutos e outros vegetais com reactividade cruzada com látex é denominada síndrome látex-frutos (SLF). Não existem estudos que avaliem factores de risco para SLF em doentes alérgicos ao látex, nomeadamente incluindo diferentes grupos populacionais de risco. Objectivo: Investigar a prevalência e factores de risco para SLF. Material e Métodos: Foram estudados 61 doentes alérgicos ao látex, com média etária de 25.9 (±16.6) anos e relação sexo M/F de 0.3/1, pertencendo a diferentes grupos de risco: 15 com espinha bífida (EB), 13 submetidos a múltiplas cirurgias sem EB e 33 profissionais de saúde (PS). A todos os doentes foram efectuados questionário, testes cutâneos por prick (TC) com aeroalergénios comuns e látex(extractos comerciais) e alimentos com reactividade cruzada descrita com látex (extractos comerciais e alimentos em natureza), IgE total sérica (AlaSTAT®, DPC) e IgE específica para látex (UniCAP®, Pharmacia Diagnostics). Definiu-se SLF se história clínica e TC para o alimento positivos. Resultados: A prevalência de SLF nos doentes alérgicos ao látex foi 28% (17). Os alimentos implicados foram castanha-71% (12), banana-47% (8), pêssego-29% (5), abacate e kiwi-24% (4),ananás, maracujá, papaia e espinafre-18% (3), ameixa, manga, melão, tomate e mandioca-12%(2), alperce, figo, uva e pimentão doce-6% (1). Os sintomas clínicos foram anafilaxia-65% (11),urticária-24% (4) e síndrome de alergia oral-12% (2). Os doentes com SLF eram na quase totalidade PS. A prevalência de SLF neste grupo foi 45% (15). Comparando PS com SLF (15) e sem SLF (18), encontrou-se relação entre SLF e níveis mais elevados de IgE específica para látex (mediana: 19.4 vs. 0.6kU/l; p=0.006). Os PS com CAP-classe ≥ 3 tinham SLF em 74%, para 26% nos PS com CAP-classe <3 (p<0.001). Idade, sexo, antecedentes pessoais e familiares de alergia, número de cirurgias, tempo de profissão, atopia e IgE total não foram identificados como factores de risco. Conclusões: A SLF afecta essencialmente os PS alérgicos ao látex, sendo frequente neste grupo; a explicação reside nos diferentes perfis de sensibilização alergénica, relacionados com a via de exposição. A sensibilização ao látex com CAP-classe ≥ 3 foi identificada como factor de risco para SLF nos PS. A SLF revelou-se na maioria dos casos por anafilaxia,realçando a importância desta síndrome potencialmente fatal.


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OBJECTIVE: Arthropathy that mimics osteoarthritis (OA) and osteoporosis (OP) is considered a complication of hereditary hemochromatosis (HH). We have limited data comparing OA and OP prevalence among HH patients with different hemochromatosis type 1 (HFE) genotypes. We investigated the prevalence of OA and OP in patients with HH by C282Y homozygosity and compound heterozygosity (C282Y/H63D) genotype. METHODS: A total of 306 patients with HH completed a questionnaire. Clinical and demographic characteristics and presence of OA, OP and related complications were compared by genotype, adjusting for age, sex, body mass index (BMI), current smoking and menopausal status. RESULTS: In total, 266 of the 306 patients (87%) were homozygous for C282Y, and 40 (13%) were compound heterozygous. The 2 groups did not differ by median age [60 (interquartile range [IQR] 53 to 68) vs. 61 (55 to 67) years, P=0.8], sex (female: 48.8% vs. 37.5%, P=0.18) or current smoking habits (12.4% vs. 10%, P=0.3). As compared with compound heterozygous patients, C282Y homozygous patients had higher median serum ferritin concentration at diagnosis [1090 (IQR 610 to 2210) vs. 603 (362 to 950) µg/L, P<0.001], higher median transferrin saturation [80% (IQR 66 to 91%) vs. 63% (55 to 72%), P<0.001]) and lower median BMI [24.8 (22.1 to 26.9) vs. 26.2 (23.5 to 30.3) kg/m2, P<0.003]. The overall prevalence of self-reported OA was significantly higher with C282Y homozygosity than compound heterozygosity (53.4% vs. 32.5%; adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.4 [95% confidence interval 1.2-5.0]), as was self-reported OP (25.6% vs. 7.5%; aOR 3.5 [1.1-12.1]). CONCLUSION: Patients with C282Y homozygosity may be at increased risk of musculoskeletal complications of HH.