27 resultados para Proximal gastrectomy
Nos doentes com fratura osteoporótica da extremidade proximal do fémur, pouco é conhecido sobre a incidência e fatores de risco de fratura contralateral da extremidade proximal do fémur. O objetivo deste trabalho foi, através de um estudo retrospetivo determinar a incidência e os fatores de risco para fratura bilateral da extremidade proximal do fémur não contemporânea. Foram analisados os processos de 1911 doentes com fratura da extremidade proximal do fémur entre 2003 e 2009. Os dados recolhidos sobre as fraturas, tratamentos e comorbilidades foram trabalhados estatisticamente. Um total de 64 doentes (3,24%) teve fratura bilateral da extremidade proximal do fémur, com uma média de idades acima dos 80 anos. Determinou-se que existe uma relação direta entre o tipo da primeira e segunda fratura (intracapsular vs extraapsular), e que 70% das segundas fraturas ocorrem nos primeiros três anos após fratura. Das comorbilidades verificou-se que a doença de Parkinson, Hipertensão Arterial, doença Cardíaca, Anemia e alterações da Visão representam um risco acrescido para fratura contralateral da extremidade proximal do fémur. Propomos um follow-up mais rigoroso nos primeiros três anos após a primeira fratura e estabelecidas melhores formas de prevenção de fraturas e otimização das comorbilidades nos doentes com fatores de risco.
OBJECTIVE: To determine if mid-term outcome following endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) with the Endurant Stent Graft (Medtronic, Santa Rosa, CA, USA) is influenced by severe proximal neck angulation. METHODS: A retrospective case-control study was performed using data from a prospective multicenter database. All measurements were obtained using dedicated reconstruction software and center-lumen line reconstruction. Patients with neck length >15 mm, infrarenal angle (β) >75°, and/or suprarenal angle (α) >60°, or neck length >10 mm with β >60°, and/or α >45° were compared with a matched control group. Primary endpoint was primary clinical success. Secondary endpoints were freedom from rupture, type 1A endoleak, stent fractures, freedom from neck-related reinterventions, and aneurysm-related adverse events. Morphological neck variation over time was also assessed. RESULTS: Forty-five patients were included in the study group and were compared with a matched control group with 65 patients. Median follow-up time was 49.5 months (range 30.5-58.4). The 4-year primary clinical success estimates were 83% and 80% for the angulated and nonangulated groups (p = .42). Proximal neck angulation did not affect primary clinical success in a multivariate model (hazard ratio 1.56, 95% confidence interval 0.55-4.41). Groups did not differ significantly in regard to freedom from rupture (p = .79), freedom from type 1A endoleak (p = .79), freedom from neck-related adverse events (p = .68), and neck-related reinterventions (p = .68). Neck angle reduction was more pronounced in patients with severe proximal neck angulation (mean Δα -15.6°, mean Δβ -30.6°) than in the control group (mean Δα -0.39°, mean Δβ -5.9°) (p < .001). CONCLUSION: Mid-term outcomes following EVAR with the Endurant Stent Graft were not influenced by severe proximal neck angulation in our population. Despite the conformability of the device, moderate aortic neck remodeling was identified in the group of patients with angulated neck anatomy on the first computed tomography scan after implantation with no important further remodeling afterwards. No device integrity failures were encountered.
Morbid obesity is an epidemic and complex disease which imposes a multidisciplinary approach. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy has become a frequent procedure given its effi- cacy and safety compared to other surgical options. However, it isn’t free from complications. Lax gastric fixation or incorrect positioning of the stomach during surgery can result in early gastric outlet obstruction caused by a volvulus-like mechanism by rotation of the stomach around its anatomic axes. This report refers to two cases of post sleeve gastric torsion resulting in persisting vomiting after initiating oral intake. The diagnosis was confirmed by upper gastrointestinal-contrast study and gastroscopy. In both cases, a fully covered self-expandable metallic stentwas insertedwhich prompted the gastric lumen to become permeable resulting in symptomatic resolution. The stents were removed endoscopically aftertwo and three months. Beyond more than three years offollow-up,the patients remain asymptomatic and no recurring ‘‘stenosis’’ was noticed.In these cases the use offully covered self-expandable metallic stents demonstrated to be effective and safe in the treatment of post sleeve gastric torsion.
Posterior interosseous nerve entrapment syndrome and spontaneous rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon are rare conditions. The authors describe the bizarre combination of a spontaneous rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon in a 82-year-old lady with a posterior interosseous nerve syndrome. As far as the authors know, this is the first description of such an association in the literature. Surgical exploration revealed compression of the posterior interosseous nerve at the proximal portion of the supinator muscle and at Henry's leash. The nerve was freed, and the tendon of the extensor index proprius was transferred to the extensor pollicis longus. Six months after the procedure, the patient had resumed her daily activities, showing a good functional result.
BACKGROUND: In ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients treated with primary angioplasty, neutrophil response and its prognostic significance are not entirely understood. METHODS: We retrospectively studied 305 consecutive and non-selected STEMI patients. They were divided into three groups according to the maximum neutrophil percentage in the first 48 hours. We compared baseline demographic characteristics, coronary disease risk factors, cardiac history, clinical presentation, therapeutics administered and clinical evolution. We then assessed survival in the three groups and determined predictors of 30-day mortality. Group 1 (G1) had a mean age of 57 +/- 14 years and showed mean neutrophilia of 73.3%, Group 2 (G2) 61 +/- 13 years and 79.9%, and Group 3 (G3) 66 +/- 13 years and 84.2%. We compared outcomes and 30-day mortality between the groups. RESULTS: Mean age rose with increased neutrophil response. There were no statistically significant baseline differences between the groups except for more smokers in Groups 1 and 2, and more patients presenting with Killip class > or = 2 and fewer with uncomplicated evolution in Group 3. During 30-day follow-up there were 19 deaths (G1=1, G2=3 and G3=15). In univariate analysis mortality predictors were age > or = 75 years, anterior STEMI, maximum creatinine kinase > or = 2500 UI/L, culprit lesion in proximal anterior descending artery, incomplete revascularization, Killip > or = 2 at presentation, and being in G3. After multivariate regression analysis independent predictors were age > or = 75 years, incomplete revascularization and being in G3. CONCLUSION: In myocardial infarction patients undergoing mechanical revascularization, an intense neutrophil response (routinely, easily and inexpensively assessed) is related to worse short-term prognosis.
INTRODUCTION: Vagal activity is thought to influence atrial electrophysiological properties and play a role in the initiation and maintenance of atrial fibrillation (AF). In this study, we assessed the effects of acute vagal stimulation (vagus_stim) on atrial conduction times, atrial and pulmonary vein (PV) refractoriness, and vulnerability to induction of AF in the rabbit heart with intact autonomic innervation. METHODS: An open-chest epicardial approach was performed in 11 rabbits (New Zealand; 3.9-5.0 kg), anesthetized and artificially ventilated after neuromuscular blockade. A 3-lead ECG was obtained. Atrial electrograms were recorded along the atria, from right to left (four monopolar electrodes), together with a circular electrode adapted for proximal left PV assessment. Acute vagus nerve stimulation was obtained with bipolar electrodes (20 Hz). Epicardial activation was recorded in sinus rhythm, and the conduction time from right (RA) to left atrium (LA), and from RA to PVs, was measured in basal conditions and during vagus_stim. The atrial effective refractory period (ERP) and dispersion of refractoriness (Disp_A) were analyzed. Vulnerability to AF induction was assessed at the right (RAA) and left (LAA) atrial appendages and the PVs. Atrial stimulation (50 Hz) was performed alone or combined with vagus_stim. Heart rate and blood pressure were monitored. RESULTS: In basal conditions, there was a significant delay in conduction from RA to PVs, not influenced by vagus_stim, and the PV ERPs were shorter than those measured in LA and LAA, but without significant differences compared to RA and RAA. During vagus_stim, conduction times between RA and LA increased from 16+8 ms to 27+6 ms (p < 0.05) and ERPs shortened significantly in RA, LAA and LA (p < 0.05), but not in RAA. There were no significant differences in Disp_A. AF induction was reproducible in 45% of cases at 50 Hz and in 100% at 50 Hz+vagus_stim (p < 0.05). The duration of inducible AF increased from 1.0 +/- 0.2 s to 12.0 +/- 4.5 s with 50 Hz+vagus_stim (p < 0.01). AF lasted >10 s in 45.4% of rabbits during vagus_stim, and ceased after vagus_stim in 4 out of these 5 cases. In 3 animals, PV tachycardia, with fibrillatory conduction, induced with 50 Hz PV pacing during vagus_stim. CONCLUSIONS: Vagus_stim reduces interatrial conduction velocity and significantly shortens atrial ERP, contributing to the induction and duration of AF episodes in the in vivo rabbit heart. This model may be useful for the assessment of autonomic influence on the pathophysiology of AF.
Atrial electrical remodeling plays a part in recurrence of atrial fibrillation (AF). It has been related to an increase in heterogeneity of atrial refractoriness that facilitates the occurrence of multiple reentry wavelets and vulnerability to AF. AIM: To examine the relationship between dispersion of atrial refractoriness (Disp_A) and vulnerability to AF induction (A_Vuln) in patients with clinical paroxysmal AF (PAF). METHODS: Thirty-six patients (22 male; age 55+/-13 years) with > or =1 year of history of PAF (no underlying structural heart disease--n=20, systemic hypertension--n=14, mitral valve prolapse--n=1, surgically corrected pulmonary stenosis--n=1), underwent electrophysiological study (EPS) while off medication. The atrial effective refractory period (AERP) was assessed at five different sites--high (HRA) and low (LRA) lateral right atrium, high interatrial septum (IAS), proximal (pCS) and distal (dCS) coronary sinus--during a cycle length of 600 ms. AERP was taken as the longest S1-S2 interval that failed to initiate a propagation response. Disp_A was calculated as the difference between the longest and shortest AERP. A_Vuln was defined as the ability to induce AF with 1-2 extrastimuli or with incremental atrial pacing (600-300 ms) from the HRA or dCS. The EPS included analysis of focal electrical activity based on the presence of supraventricular ectopic beats (spontaneous or with provocative maneuvers). The patients were divided into group A--AF inducible (n=25) and group B--AF not inducible (n=11). Disp_A was analyzed to determine any association with A_Vuln. Disp_A and A_Vuln were also examined in those patients with documented repetitive focal activity. Logistic regression was used to determine any association of the following variables with A_Vuln: age, systemic hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, left atrial size, left ventricular function, duration of PAF, documented atrial flutter/tachycardia and Disp_A. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the groups with regard to clinical characteristics and echocardiographic data. AF was inducible in 71% of the patients and noninducible in 29%. Group A had greater Disp_A compared to group B (105+/-78 ms vs. 49+/-20 ms; p=0.01). Disp_A was >40 ms in 50% of the patients without A_Vuln and in 91% of those with A_Vuln (p=0.05). Focal activity was demonstrated in 14 cases (39%), 57% of them with A_Vuln. Disp_A was 56+/-23 ms in this group and 92+/-78 ms in the others (p=0.07). Using logistic regression, the only predictor of A_Vuln was Disp_A (p=0.05). CONCLUSION: In patients with paroxysmal AF, Disp_A is a major determinant of A_Vuln. Nevertheless, the degree of nonuniformity of AERP appears to be less important as an electrophysiological substrate for AF due to focal activation.
Slowed atrial conduction may contribute to reentry circuits and vulnerability for atrial fibrillation (AF). The autonomic nervous system (ANS) has modulating effects on electrophysiological properties. However, complex interactions of the ANS with the arrhythmogenic substrate make it difficult to understand the mechanisms underlying induction and maintenance of AF. AIM: To determine the effect of acute ANS modulation in atrial activation times in patients (P) with paroxysmal AF (PAF). METHODS AND RESULTS: 16P (9 men; 59±14years) with PAF, who underwent electrophysiological study before AF ablation, and 15P (7 men; 58±11years) with atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia, without documentation or induction of AF (control group). Each group included 7P with arterial hypertension but without underlying structural heart disease. The study was performed while off drugs. Multipolar catheters were placed at the high right atrium (HRA), right atrial appendage (RAA), coronary sinus (CS) and His bundle area (His). At baseline and with HRA pacing (600ms, shortest propagated S2) we measured: i) intra-atrial conduction time (IACT, between RAA and atrial deflection in the distal His), ii) inter-atrial conduction time (interACT, between RAA and distal CS), iii) left atrial activation time (LAAT, between atrial deflection in the distal His and distal CS), iv) bipolar electrogram duration at four atrial sites (RAA, His, proximal and distal CS). In the PAF group, measurements were also determined during handgrip and carotid sinus massage (CSM), and after pharmacological blockade of the ANS (ANSB). AF was induced by HRA programmed stimulation in 56% (self-limited - 6; sustained - 3), 68.8% (self-limited - 6; sustained - 5), and 50% (self-limited - 5; sustained - 3) of the P, in basal, during ANS maneuvers, and after ANSB, respectively (p=NS). IACT, interACT and LAAT significantly lengthened during HRA pacing in both groups (600ms, S2). P with PAF have longer IACT (p<0.05), a higher increase in both IACT, interACT (p<0.01) and electrograms duration (p<0.05) with S2, and more fragmented activity, compared with the control group. Atrial conduction times and electrograms duration were not significantly changed during ANS stimulation. Nevertheless, ANS maneuvers increased heterogeneity of the local electrograms duration. Also, P with sustained AF showed longer interACT and LAAT during CSM. CONCLUSION: Atrial conduction times, electrograms duration and fractionated activity are increased in PAF, suggesting a role for conduction delays in the arrhythmogenic substrate. Acute vagal stimulation is associated with prolonged interACT and LAAT in P with inducible sustained AF and ANS modulation may influence the heterogeneity of atrial electrograms duration.
The impact of atrial dispersion of refractoriness (Disp_A) in the inducibility and maintenance of atrial fibrillation (AF) has not been fully resolved. AIM: To study the Disp_A and the vulnerability (A_Vuln) for the induction of self-limited (<60 s) and sustained episodes of AF. METHODS AND RESULTS: Forty-seven patients with paroxysmal AF (PAF): 29 patients without structural heart disease and 18 with hypertensive heart disease. Atrial effective refractory period (ERP) was assessed at five sites--right atrial appendage and low lateral right atrium, high interatrial septum, proximal and distal coronary sinus. We compared three groups: group A - AF not inducible (n=13); group B - AF inducible, self-limited (n=18); group C - AF inducible, sustained (n=16). Age, lone AF, hypertension, left atrial and left ventricular (LV) dimensions, LV systolic function, duration of AF history, atrial flutter/tachycardia, previous antiarrhythmics, and Disp_A were analysed with logistic regression to determine association with A_Vuln for AF inducibility. The ERP at different sites showed no differences among the groups. Group A had a lower Disp_A compared to group B (47+/-20 ms vs 82+/-65 ms; p=0.002), and when compared to group C (47+/-20 ms vs 80+/-55 ms; p=0.008). There was no significant difference in Disp_A between groups B and C. By means of multivariate regression analysis, the only predictor of A_Vuln was Disp_A (p=0.04). Conclusion: In patients with PAF, increased Disp_A represents an electrophysiological marker of A_Vuln. Inducibility of both self-limited and sustained episodes of AF is associated with similar values of Disp_A. These findings suggest that the maintenance of AF is influenced by additional factors.
A origem da artéria coronária esquerda a partir do ostio ou do segmento proximal da artéria coronária direita é uma anomalia congénita rara (0,03 a 0,4%), e um achado angiográfico pouco comum (0,6 a 1,3%) (artéria coronária única). A anomalia congénita coronária mais frequente é a origem separada da artéria descendente anterior e da artéria circunflexa no seio coronário esquerdo. A segunda anomalia mais comum é a origem da artéria circunflexa no seio coronário direito. Descrevemos um caso de enfarte agudo do miocárdio com localização infero lateral, que evoluiu com choque cardiogénico e disfunção ventricular esquerda graves, após angioplastia primária de oclusão proximal da artéria coronária direita, e em que não foi possível cateterizar a artéria coronária esquerda por inexistência de ostio no seio coronário esquerdo. Destaca-se o papel importante das novas técnicas de imagem, nomeadamente da angio-TC das coronárias, na identificação das anomalias congénitas das artérias coronárias.
A Via Verde do Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) tem como objectivo o tratamento rápido dos doentes com AVC isquémico com terapêuticas de repermeabilização, a fim de diminuir o grau de incapacidade por sequelas neurológicas Existem, contudo, critérios rígidos de selecção dos candidatos que beneficiam de terapêuticas de fase aguda o que origina a exclusão de um grande número de doentes. Estes doentes devem realizar de forma célere um estudo neurovascular de forma a permitir uma estratificação de risco e uma orientação terapêutica adequada. No nosso Centro, este estudo neurovascular tem sido feito frequentemente no Serviço de Urgência. Apresentação e discussão do resultado dos exames neurovasculares, neste caso Exame Ultrassonográfico dos Grandes Vasos do Pescoço (ECODVP), realizado no Serviço de Urgência do Hospital de São José - Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central, pelo Laboratório de Neurossonologia – Unidade Cerebrovascular, durante o ano de 2011. Análise retrospectiva de todos os doentes que realizaram ECODVP no Serviço de Urgência durante o período de 1 de Janeiro a 31 de Dezembro de 2011. Estes exames foram executados com recurso a um Ecógrafo Toshiba com sonda linear (7-14MHz). Os exames foram classificados em “Normal”, “Estenose Carotídea ou Vertebral > 50%”, “Trombo na Carótida Interna”, “Dissecção Carotídea ou vertebral”, “Oclusão Alta da Carótida Interna” e “Oclusão Proximal da Carótida Interna”. Foram avaliados 164 indivíduos (93 sexo masculino e 71 sexo feminino) com uma média de idades = 64,40 anos. Dos 164 indivíduos avaliados foram documentados 134 exames Normais correspondendo a 82% do total de exames. Dos restantes 18%, 30 tinham as seguintes alterações: Estenoses Carotídeas ou Vertebrais (> 50%): 17; Trombo Carotídeo: 2; Dissecções Carotídeas ou Vertebrais: 3; Oclusão Alta da Carótida Interna: 6; Oclusão Proximal da Carótida Interna: 2. A realização de exames Neurovasculares no Serviço de Urgência do Hospital de São José traduz um serviço de qualidade, permitindo redireccionar e encaminhar os doentes, adequando as devidas medidas diagnósticas e terapêuticas a instituir.
A influência do sistema nervoso autónomo (SNA) na génese da fibrilhac¸ão auricular (FA) envolve múltiplos mecanismos complexos com impacto nas propriedades eletrofisiológicas cardíacas. A importância dos efeitos da estimulac¸ão autonómica no substrato elétrico auricular e das veias pulmonares (VP) e na vulnerabilidade para FA requer melhor compreensão. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da estimulac¸ão vagal (estim vag) e simpática (estim simp) aguda na condução e refratariedade das aurículas e VP e na indutibilidade de FA no coração de coelho in vivo com inervação autonómica preservada. Métodos: Estudámos 17 coelhos New Zealand de ambos os sexos. Para abordagem de «toráxaberto» procedeu-se a anestesia, entubação e ventilação após bloqueio neuro-muscular. O ECG foi obtido a partir de 3 derivações dos membros. Os eletrogramas foram registados com 4 elétrodos monopolares colocados na superfície epicárdica, distribuídos ao longo das aurículas e com um elétrodo circular adaptado à porção proximal das VP. Estimulou-se o nervo vago cervical direito e o tronco simpático torácico com elétrodos bipolares de platina. Estudámos os períodos refratários efetivos (PRE) e a condução elétrica auricular, entre a aurícula direita lateral-alta (AD) e a aurícula esquerda lateral-alta (AE), e entre AD e VP, em condições basais e durante estim vag, estim simp e estimulação autonómica combinada (dual estim). Para indução de FA, procedeu-se a pacing rápido (50 Hz, 10 s, isolado ou com estim vag, estim simp ou dual estim) com elétrodo bipolar no apêndice auricular direito (AAD), apêndice auricular esquerdo (AAE) e VP. Resultados: Em condições basais: os PRE eram maiores no AAE e registou-se um atraso na ativação da AD para as VP, comparando com a condução interauricular. Durante estim vag ou dual estim: os PRE encurtaram significativamente em todos os locais, o intervalo de condução interauricular variou de 20 ± 4 ms para 30 ± 10 ms (p < 0,05) e 31 ± 11 ms (p < 0,05),respetivamente. Com estim simp obteve-se uma redução significativa dos PRE no AAE e do tempo de condução interauricular para 16 ± 11 ms (p < 0,05). Induziu-se FA em 35 a 53% dos animais com 50 Hz, 65 a 76% com estim vagal ou estim simp, e 75 a 100% com dual estim (p < 0,05). A duração da FA aumentou significativamente durante estim vagal e/ou estim simp. Em 2/3 dos animais com indução de FA com duração >10 s a arritmia terminou imediatamente após interrupção da estim vagal. Conclusões: No coração de coelho inervado in vivo, a estimulação autonómica aguda encurta a refratariedade auricular e das VP, e modifica a velocidade de condução auricular, potenciando a indução e duração de FA. Os resultados sugerem que as variações agudas e a interação da atividade autonómica podem desempenhar um papel importante na fisiopatologia da FA.
BACKGROUND: Variations in the major arteries of the upper limb are estimated to be present in up to one fifth of people, and may have significant clinical implications. CASE PRESENTATION: During routine cadaveric dissection of a 69-year-old fresh female cadaver, a superficial brachioulnar artery with an aberrant path was found bilaterally. The superficial brachioulnar artery originated at midarm level from the brachial artery, pierced the brachial fascia immediately proximal to the elbow, crossed superficial to the muscles that originated from the medial epicondyle, and ran over the pronator teres muscle in a doubling of the antebrachial fascia. It then dipped into the forearm fascia, in the gap between the flexor carpi radialis and the palmaris longus. Subsequently, it ran deep to the palmaris longus muscle belly, and superficially to the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle, reaching the gap between the latter and the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, where it assumed is usual position lateral to the ulnar nerve. CONCLUSION: As far as the authors could determine, this variant of the superficial brachioulnar artery has only been described twice before in the literature. The existence of such a variant is of particular clinical significance, as these arteries are more susceptible to trauma, and can be easily confused with superficial veins during medical and surgical procedures, potentially leading to iatrogenic distal limb ischemia.
A janela aorto-pulmonar consiste numa comunicação entre a aorta ascendente e o tronco da artéria pulmonar, na presença das duas válvulas arteriais separadas. É uma anomalia rara que ocorre em cerca de 0,1% a 0,2% de todas as cardiopatias congénitas. O objectivo deste trabalho é avaliar a forma de apresentação clínica, o tratamento cirúrgico e a evolução dos doentes com janela aorto-pulmonar assistidos num centro terciário de cardiologia pediátrica num período de 30 anos. Identificaram-se onze crianças consecutivas com o diagnóstico de janela aorto-pulmonar. Dez crianças tinham o defeito do tipo proximal e uma do tipo distal. A idade na primeira avaliação variou entre três dias e 13 anos(média=44,5±63,3 meses; mediana=três meses). A ecocardiografia permitiu fazer o diagnóstico correcto nos quatro doentes mais recentes. Sete doentes foram submetidos a encerramento da janela aorto-pulmonar por via trans-aórtica e três doentes foram submetidos a laqueação da janela aorto-pulmonar. Simultaneamente, foram corrigidas anomalias associadas significativas em três doentes: correcção de interrupção do arco aórtico em dois doentes; encerramento de comunicação interventricular e alargamento do tracto de saída do ventrículo direito com remendo de Dacron, num doente. Um doente teve seguimento médico por apresentar hipertensão pulmonar fixa. A mortalidade operatória foi de 10% (1/10) e não se verificou mortalidade tardia. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 10±4,9 anos. Actualmente os nove doentes operados sobreviventes estão assintomáticos, sem qualquer medicação, sem defeitos residuais e sem evidência de hipertensão pulmonar. Em conclusão, a evolução das técnicas de diagnóstico e de tratamento cirúrgico da janela aorto-pulmonar nos últimos anos permite uma intervenção precoce com bons resultados clínicos.