14 resultados para PREMATURE ARREST


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An 80 years old man suffered a cardiac arrest shortly after arrival to his local health department. Basic Life Support was started promptly and nine minutes later, on evaluation by an Advanced Life Support team, the victim was defibrillated with a 200J shock. When orotracheal intubation was attempted, masseter muscle contraction was noticed: on reevaluation, the victim had pulse and spontaneous breathing.Thirty minutes later, the patient had been transferred to an emergency department. As he complained of chest pain, the ECG showed a ST segment depression in leads V4 to V6 and laboratory tests showed cardiac troponine I slightly elevated. A coronary angiography was performed urgently: significant left main plus three vessel coronary artery disease was disclosed.Eighteen hours after the cardiac arrest, a quadruple coronary artery bypass grafting operation was undertaken. During surgery, a fresh thrombus was removed from the middle left anterior descendent artery. Post-operative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged seven days after the procedure. Twenty four months later, he remains asymptomatic.In this case, the immediate call for the Advanced Life Support team, prompt basic life support and the successful defibrillation, altogether, contributed for the full recovery. Furthermore, the swiftness in the detection and treatment of the acute reversible cause (myocardial ischemia in this case) was crucial for long-term prognosis.


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INTRODUCTION: Predicting outcome in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest is based on data validated by guidelines that were established before the era of therapeutic hypothermia. We sought to evaluate the predictive value of clinical, electrophysiological and imaging data on patients submitted to therapeutic hypothermia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis of consecutive patients receiving therapeutic hypothermia during years 2010 and 2011 was made. Neurological examination, somatosensory evoked potentials, auditory evoked potentials, electroencephalography and brain magnetic resonance imaging were obtained during the first 72 hours. Glasgow Outcome Scale at 6 months, dichotomized into bad outcome (grades 1 and 2) and good outcome (grades 3, 4 and 5), was defined as the primary outcome. RESULTS: A total of 26 patients were studied. Absent pupillary light reflex, absent corneal and oculocephalic reflexes, absent N20 responses on evoked potentials and myoclonic status epilepticus showed no false-positives in predicting bad outcome. A malignant electroencephalographic pattern was also associated with a bad outcome (p = 0.05), with no false-positives. Two patients with a good outcome showed motor responses no better than extension (false-positive rate of 25%, p = 0.008) within 72 hours, both of them requiring prolonged sedation. Imaging findings of brain ischemia did not correlate with outcome. DISCUSSION: Absent pupillary, corneal and oculocephalic reflexes, absent N20 responses and a malignant electroencephalographic pattern all remain accurate predictors of poor outcome in cardiac arrest patients submitted to therapeutic hypothermia. CONCLUSION: Prolonged sedation beyond the hypothermia period may confound prediction strength of motor responses.


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Apresenta-se o caso clínico de uma criança de 10 anos com paragem cardíaca em repouso que foi reanimada, com sucesso. A investigação etiológica do acidente mostrou uma Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica (CMH). Foi colocado um Cardiodesfibrilhador Implantável (CDI) para profilaxia secundária da Morte Súbita (MS). A Morte Súbita em idade pediátrica é uma situação rara, de muito mau prognóstico (sobrevida sem sequelas inferior a 5%) e com um impacto social significativo. A Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica é uma causa conhecida de Morte Súbita, com possibilidade de prevenção. O caso apresentado serve para levantar questões sobre a necessidade e forma de estratégias para prevenir a MS de etiologica cardíaca em idade pediátrica.


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In this paper the authors proceed to a revision of the three main methods employed for cerebral protection in aortic arch surgery, namely the deep hypothermia and total circulatory arrest, the retrograde cerebral perfusion and the selective anterograde cerebral perfusion. After a deep analysis on their advantages and disadvantages, they proposed the utilization of an association of methods (integrated approach) that has proved to be extremely well succeed in their clinical practice, specially in high-risks patients.


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Introduction:Women with antiphospholipid syndrome(APS) may suffer from recurrent miscarriage, fetal death, fetal growth restriction (FGR), pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, premature delivery and thrombosis. Treatment with aspirin and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) combined with close maternal-fetal surveillance can change these outcomes. Objective: To assess maternal and perinatal outcome in a cohort of Portuguese women with primary APS. Patients and Methods: A retrospective analysis of 51 women with primary APS followed in our institution (January 1994 to December 2007). Forty one(80.4%) had past pregnancy morbidity and 35.3%(n=18) suffered previous thrombotic events. In their past they had a total of 116 pregnancies of which only 13.79 % resulted in live births. Forty four patients had positive anticardiolipin antibodies and 33 lupus anticoagulant. All women received treatment with low dose aspirin and LMWH. Results: There were a total of 67 gestations (66 single and one multiple). The live birth rate was 85.1%(57/67) with 10 pregnancy failures: seven in the first and second trimesters, one late fetal death and two medical terminations of pregnancy (one APS related). Mean (± SD) birth weight was 2837 ± 812 g and mean gestational age 37 ± 3.3 weeks. There were nine cases of FGR and 13 hypertensive complications(4 HELLP syndromes). 54.4% of the patients delivered by caesarean section. Conclusions: In our cohort, early treatment with aspirin and LMWH combined with close maternal-fetal surveillance was associated with a very high chance of a live newborn.


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Background: Although epilepsy is common in children with cerebral palsy (CP), no data exists on prevalence rates of CP and epilepsy. Aims: To describe epilepsy in children with CP, and to examine the association between epilepsy and neonatal characteristics, associated impairments and CP subtypes. Methods: Data on 9654 children with CP born between 1976 and 1998 and registered in 17 European registers belonging to the SCPE network (Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe)were analyzed. Results: A total of 3424 (35%) children had a history of epilepsy. Among them, seventy-two percent were on medication at time of registration. Epilepsy was more frequent in children with a dyskinetic or bilateral spastic type and with other associated impairments. The prevalence of CP with epilepsy was 0.69 (99% CI, 0.66e0.72) per 1000 live births and followed a quadratic trend with an increase from 1976 to 1983 and a decrease afterwards. Neonatal characteristics independently associated with epilepsy were the presence of a brain malformation or a syndrome, a term or moderately preterm birth compared with a very premature birth, and signs of perinatal distress including neonatal seizures, neonatal ventilation and admission to a neonatal care unit. Conclusions: The prevalence of CP with epilepsy followed a quadratic trend in 1976e1998 and mirrored that of the prevalence of CP during this period. The observed relationship between epilepsy and associated impairments was expected; however it requires longitudinal studies to be better understood.


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As recomendações da Secção de Neonatologia da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria (SNN-SPP) prevêem a profilaxia medicamentosa da infecção por vírus sincicial respiratório (VSR) com palivizumab em idades gestacionais (IG)inferiores a 30 semanas. Alguns Hospitais de Apoio Perinatal Diferenciado seguem práticas mais restritas, limitando o seu uso à extrema prematuridade e/ou a prematuros com doença pulmonar crónica da prematuridade. Objectivos. Estimar a relação custo-eficácia da profilaxia com palivizumab segundo as recomendações da SNN-SPP, através da aplicação de um modelo teórico a uma coorte real de prematuros. Metodologia. Estudo prospectivo histórico. Coorte de crianças nascidas num Hospital de Apoio Perinatal Diferenciado entre 1/10/2002 e 30/04/2005 com IG ² 35 semanas. Considerou- se caso o internamento no mesmo hospital por bronquiolite por VSR nas épocas 2003/04 e 2004/05. Baseando-nos nas recomendações SNN-SPP e no Number Needed to Treat dos estudos IMpact e IRIS, estimámos a redução prevista nas taxas de hospitalização caso a profilaxia fosse efectuada, comparando os seus custos com a redução de custos de hospitalização. Resultados. Dos 356 recém-nascidos elegíveis, nove foram excluídos por óbito e dois por administração de palivizumab. A taxa de hospitalização por bronquiolite por VSR nas 345 crianças incluídas foi 9,3%. No subgrupo com indicação para profilaxia (26 crianças) a taxa de hospitalização foi 15,4%, com uma estimativa de custo médio de hospitalização de Û 6.542,35. Não ocorreu nenhuma morte por infecção por VSR. A redução estimável no número de hospitalizações sob profilaxia seria de 1,5 (IMpact) ou 2,4 (IRIS). O custo necessário para prevenir um internamento seria de Û 26.263,11 na melhor estimativa e Û 57.716,26 na pior estimativa. Conclusão. Com o modelo desenvolvido, não conseguimos demonstrar nesta coorte uma estimativa de relação custo-eficácia favorável à administração de Palivizumab segundo recomendações da SNN-SPP.


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Introduction: Sulfite oxidase deficiency (SOD) is an autosomal recessive inherited disease usually presenting in the neonatal period with severe neurological symptoms including seizures, often refractory to anticonvulsant therapy, and a rapidly progressive encephalopathy resembling neonatal hypoxic ischemia, with premature death. Most patients develop dislocated ocular lenses. Later or milder presentations of SOD are being reported with increasing frequency. These presentations include neurological regression with loss of previously acquired milestones or movement disorders. Case report: We report a four years old girl presenting with intermittent ataxia and uncoordinated limb movements. A similar episode of ataxia had occurred previously, one year before, with complete neurologic recovery and normal developmental milestones. Bilateral lens dislocation had been recently diagnosed. Cranial MRI demonstrated bilateral globus pallidus enhancement. Low homocysteine was found in plasma and SulfitestR was positive. Further investigations led to confirmation of isolated sulfite oxidase deficiency with no enzyme activity detected on skin fibroblasts culture. Discussion: This case illustrates the clinical variability of SOD and it is not only atypical but also seems to be the mildest form described so far. The association of ectopia lentis with a movement disorder, even without psychomotor regression, should prompt us to look for this diagnosis.


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Background: Stress and anxiety during pregnancy have been associated with premature and low birth weight babies, presumably through fetus over exposion to glucocorticoids. Antenatal stress also seems to have long-term effects upon infant development and adult health. However, medication for stress may carry risks to the expectant mother, therefore the efficacy of nonpharmacological interventions should be investigated. Methods: Pregnant women (n = 154) awaiting amniocentesis, were randomly assigned in the morning and the afternoon to three groups for 30 min: (1) listening to relaxing music, (2) sitting and reading magazines, and (3) sitting in the waiting-room. Before and after that period, they completed the Spielberger’s State and Trait anxiety inventory and provided blood samples for cortisol. The groups were then compared regarding change in cortisol levels and anxiety. Results: Maternal cortisol and state anxiety were correlated (r = 0.25, p = 0.04) in the afternoon, but not in the morning. The larger decreases in cortisol occurred in the music group ( 61.8 nmol/L, ANOVA: p = 0.01), followed by magazine, being differences among groups more pronounced in the morning. Women in the music group also exhibited the greater decreases in state anxiety ( p < 0.001). Younger mothers with less gestational age were on average the most anxious, and also the ones with greater decreases in cortisol and anxiety levels after relaxation. Conclusion: A relaxing intervention as short as 30 min, especially listening to music, decreases plasma cortisol and self-reported state anxiety score. Pregnant women might benefit from the routine practice of relaxation in the imminence of clinical stressful events.


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INTRODUCTION: There are several risk scores for stratification of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), the most widely used of which are the TIMI and GRACE scores. However, these are complex and require several variables. The aim of this study was to obtain a reduced model with fewer variables and similar predictive and discriminative ability. METHODS: We studied 607 patients (age 62 years, SD=13; 76% male) who were admitted with STEMI and underwent successful primary angioplasty. Our endpoints were all-cause in-hospital and 30-day mortality. Considering all variables from the TIMI and GRACE risk scores, multivariate logistic regression models were fitted to the data to identify the variables that best predicted death. RESULTS: Compared to the TIMI score, the GRACE score had better predictive and discriminative performance for in-hospital mortality, with similar results for 30-day mortality. After data modeling, the variables with highest predictive ability were age, serum creatinine, heart failure and the occurrence of cardiac arrest. The new predictive model was compared with the GRACE risk score, after internal validation using 10-fold cross validation. A similar discriminative performance was obtained and some improvement was achieved in estimates of probabilities of death (increased for patients who died and decreased for those who did not). CONCLUSION: It is possible to simplify risk stratification scores for STEMI and primary angioplasty using only four variables (age, serum creatinine, heart failure and cardiac arrest). This simplified model maintained a good predictive and discriminative performance for short-term mortality.


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This is a case report of a 43-year-old Caucasian male with end-stage renal disease being treated with hemodialysis and infective endocarditis in the aortic and tricuspid valves. The clinical presentation was dominated by neurologic impairment with cerebral embolism and hemorrhagic components. A thoracoabdominal computerized tomography scan revealed septic pulmonary embolus. The patient underwent empirical antibiotherapy with ceftriaxone, gentamicin and vancomycin, and the therapy was changed to flucloxacilin and gentamicin after the isolation of S. aureus in blood cultures. The multidisciplinary team determined that the patient should undergo valve replacement after the stabilization of the intracranial hemorrhage; however, on the 8th day of hospitalization, the patient entered cardiac arrest due to a massive septic pulmonary embolism and died. Despite the risk of aggravation of the hemorrhagic cerebral lesion, early surgical intervention should be considered in high-risk patients.


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Peripartum cardiomiopathy is a rare and life-threatening cardiac disease that affects young women previously healthy, during the peripartum period. It is a form of dilated cardiomyopathy with left-sided systolic dysfunction, which may lead to symptoms and signs of congestive heart failure. The exclusion diagnosis is based essentially on clinical presentation and initial symptoms may mimic physiologic alterations of pregnancy. The authors present a case of a 34 week multiple gestation with a growth restriction of one of the fetus and with a suspicion of a mild pre-eclampsia, motive by which we decided labour induction. During placental expulsion, in which we noticed difficulty in finding placental cleavage, the patient presented an assistoly, recovering after cardiorespiratory reanimation. However, the profuse bleeding after labour leaded to a life saving hysterectomy. Histological examination revealed placenta accreta. The echocardiography performed post-operatively diagnosed a dilated cardiomyopathy.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the spectrum of MEN1 mutations in Portuguese kindreds, and identify mutation-carriers. PATIENTS, DESIGN AND RESULTS: Six unrelated MEN1 families were studied for MEN1 gene mutations by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and DNA sequence analysis of the coding region and exon-intron boundaries of the MEN1 gene. These methods identified 4 different heterozygous mutations in four families: two mutations are novel (mt 1539 delG and mt 655 ims 11 bp) and two have been previously observed (mt 735 del 46p and mt 1656 del C) all resulting in a premature stop codon. In the remaining two families, in whom no mutations or abnormal MEN1 transcripts were detected, segregation studies of the 5' intragenic marker D11S4946 and codon 418 polymorphism in exon 9 revealed two large germline deletions of the MEN1 gene. Southern blot and tumour loss of heterozygosity analysis confirmed and refined the limits of these deletions, which spanned the MEN1 gene at least from: exon 7 to the 3' untranslated region, in one family, and the 5' polymorphic site D11S4946 to exon 9 (obliterating the initiation codon), in the other family. Twenty-six mutant-gene carriers were identified, 6 of which were asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: These results emphasize the importance of the detection of MEN1 germline deletions in patients who do not have mutations of the coding region. Important clues indicating the presence of such deletions may be obtained by segregation studies using the intragenic polymorphisms D11S4946 and at codon 418. The detection of these mutations will help in the genetic counselling of clinical management of the MEN1 families in Portugal.


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The main objective of this review is to provide a descriptive analysis of the biological and physiological markers of tactile sensorial processing in healthy, full-term newborns. Research articles were selected according to the following study design criteria: (a) tactile stimulation for touch sense as an independent variable; (b) having at least one biological or physiological variable as a dependent variable; and (c) the group of participants were characterized as full-term and healthy newborns; a mixed group of full-term newborns and preterm newborns; or premature newborns with appropriate-weight-for-gestational age and without clinical differences or considered to have a normal, healthy somatosensory system. Studies were then grouped according to the dependent variable type, and only those that met the aforementioned three major criteria were described. Cortisol level, growth measures, and urinary catecholamine, serotonin, and melatonin levels were reported as biological-marker candidates for tactile sensorial processing. Heart rate, body temperature, skin-conductance activity, and vagal reactivity were described as neurovegetative-marker candidates. Somatosensory evoked potentials, somatosensory evoked magnetic fields, and functional neuroimaging data also were included.