4 resultados para PARTNER CHROMOSOMES
Pregnancy loss is the most common obstetric complication. Multiple factors have been associated with recurrent or sporadic pregnancy loss, and genetic factors, particularly at earlier gestational ages, are the most important ones. The proportion of miscarriages due to chromosomal factors decreases with increasing gestational age. The most common chromosomal abnormalities in early losses are autosomal trisomies, monosomy X and polyploidy. In later losses, aneuploidies are similar to those found in live newborns (trisomies 21,18 and 13, X monosomy and polysomy of sex chromosomes. In cases of recurrent miscarriage the most common cytogenetic changes are trisomies, polyploidy, monosomy X and unbalanced translocations. Identification of the causes of pregnancy loss facilitates the families’ grief and may indicate if there is the risk of repetition, in order to reduce recurrence. The investigation recommended in each case is far from consensual, and the cost/benefit analysis of diagnostic exams is essential. The determination of the karyotype of the products of conception is indicated in cases of fetal loss and recurrent miscarriage, while the parental karyotypes should be performed only in selected cases. Couples with identified genetic conditions should be counseled about reproductive options, including prenatal or pre-implantation diagnosis. Surveillance of a future pregnancy should be multidisciplinary and adjusted in each case. The cytogenetic factors, due to their high prevalence and complexity, have a fundamental, but still not completely clear, role in pregnancy loss.
Background: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) present a major public health concern and a global cause of illness in both industrialized and developing countries. Portugal is no exception, with an increasing incidence of STIs, and one of the highest prevalences of HIV in Europe. Reduced risk perceptions among men who have sex with men (MSM) and a consequent high-risk sexual behaviour have been increasingly reported throughout the world. Objectives: To characterize the population of MSM attending a STI clinic in Lisbon, and to assess practice of condom use among these patients. Methods: Records of all MSM patients who attended the STI clinic from 2008 to 2011 were reviewed to study demographic characteristics, sexual behaviours, and leading diagnoses in this population. Results: Of a total of 389 patients, 108 MSM were identified (27.8%), mostly Portuguese men with high school or above education, aged 17 to 61 years (medium age of 32.4 years). More than half of the patients (52.8%) reported more than one sexual partner in the past 6 months (19.4% more than 5 partners), and only a third consistently used condom. A history of sex with sex workers was mentioned in 9.2%. The most prevalent diagnoses were syphilis (45.6%) and condylomata acuminata (38.9%). The prevalence of HIV infection in this subgroup of patients was significantly higher than in the rest of the population (47.2% vs. 14.9%). Inconsistent condom use increased over the years (36.4% in 2008, 66.7% in 2011), and these patients revealed a greater number of sexual partners than condom users (60.4% vs. 50%). However, 38.9% of condom users presented with early syphilis, suggesting inadequate use of this barrier method. Among HIV patients, almost half of them (49%) had sex with more than one partner in the previous six months, and 47.1% did not use the condom during all sexual practices. Of these, 45.8% were not on antiretroviral therapy. Conclusions: High-risk sexual behaviours (inconsistent use of condom and multiple partners) are increasingly prevalent in this MSM subpopulation, despite previous educational programmes. The high incidence of risk behaviours among HIV infected patients is particularly worrisome, and must be addressed with innovative interventions and population-based prevention strategies.
Background. HIV infected women have higher rates of infertility. Objective. The purpose of this literature review is to evaluate the effectiveness of fresh IVF/ICSI cycles in HIV infected women. Materials and Methods. A search of the PubMed database was performed to identify studies assessing fresh nondonor oocyte IVF/ICSI cycle outcomes of serodiscordant couples with an HIV infected female partner. Results and Discussion. Ten studies met the inclusion criteria. Whenever a comparison with a control group was available, with the exception of one case, ovarian stimulation cancelation rate was higher and pregnancy rate (PR) was lower in HIV infected women. However, statistically significant differences in both rates were only seen in one and two studies, respectively. A number of noncontrolled sources of bias for IVF outcome were identified. This fact, added to the small size of samples studied and heterogeneity in study design and methodology, still hampers the performance of a meta-analysis on the issue. Conclusion. Prospective matched case-control studies are necessary for the understanding of the specific effects of HIV infection on ovarian response and ART outcome.
Combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD) has an incidence of approximately 1 in 8000 births. Although the proportion of familial CPHD cases is unknown, about 10% have an affected first degree relative. We have recently reported three mutations in the PROP1 gene that cause CPHD in human subjects. We report here the frequency of one of these mutations, a 301-302delAG deletion in exon 2 of PROP1, in 10 independently ascertained CPHD kindreds and 21 sporadic cases of CPHD from 8 different countries. Our results show that 55% (11 of 20) of PROP1 alleles have the 301-302delAG deletion in familial CPHD cases. Interestingly, although only 12% (5 of 42) of the PROP1 alleles of our 21 sporadic cases were 301-302delAG, the frequency of this allele (in 20 of 21 of the sporadic subjects given TRH stimulation tests) was 50% (3 of 6) and 0% (0 of 34) in the CPHD cases with pituitary and hypothalamic defects, respectively. Using whole genome radiation hybrid analysis, we localized the PROP1 gene to the distal end of chromosome 5q and identified a tightly linked polymorphic marker, D5S408, which can be used in segregation studies. Analysis of this marker in affected subjects with the 301-302delAG deletion suggests that rather than being inherited from a common founder, the 301-302delAG may be a recurring mutation.