17 resultados para Ocular Surface Disorders


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Soft-tissue and bone necrosis, although rare in childhood, occasionally occur in the course of infectious diseases, either viral or bacterial, and seem to be the result of hypoperfusion on a background of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Treatment consists in correction of septic shock and control of necrosis. Necrosis, once started, shows extraordinarily rapid evolution, leading to soft-tissue and bone destruction and resulting in anatomic, functional, psychological, and social handicaps. Ten mutilated children were treated from January 1986 to January 1999 in Hospital de Dona Estefaˆ nia, Lisbon, Portugal. One was recovering from hemolytic-uremic syndrome with a severe combined immunodeficiency, another malnourished, anemic child had malaria, and three had chicken pox (in one case complicated by meningococcal septicemia). There were three cases of meningococcal and two of pyocyanic septicemia (one in a burned child and one in a patient with infectious mononucleosis). The lower limbs (knee,leg, foot) were involved in five cases, the face (ear, nose, lip) in four, the perineum in three, the pelvis (inguinal region, iliac crest) in two, the axilla in one, and the upper limb (radius, hand) in two. Primary prevention is based on early recognition of risk factors and timely correction. Secondary prevention consists of immediate etiologic and thrombolytic treatment to restrict the area of necrosis. Tertiary prevention relies on adequate rehabilitation with physiotherapy and secondary operations to obtain the best possible functional and esthetic result.


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Objectivo: Estudar os factores de risco (FR) associados a complicações clínicas agudas (CCA) numa amostra de portadores de lentes de contacto (LC). Doentes e Métodos: Análise de todos os doentes com CCA associadas ao uso de LC, que, no período de um ano, recorreram ao SU do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central. O estudo focou-se na análise do perfil demográfico e de risco destes doentes. Resultados: Dos 103 doentes referenciados pelo SU foram estudados os que compareceram para seguimento no Departamento de Contactologia (84). A maioria era do sexo feminino, caucasiana e de educação diferenciada. A mediana das idades foi de 29 anos. 15% dos doentes cumpria as horas de uso diário recomendadas e 5% cumpria todas as regras de higiene; 26% dos doentes apresentavam FR oftalmológicos e 58% FR sistémicos. O prescritor das LC foi o médico em 36% e 26% mantinha vigilância médica oftalmológica regular. Comentários: A maioria dos doentes não cumpria as regras de segurança e de higiene do uso de LC, sendo o desconhecimento destas regras elevado. O papel muito reduzido dos médicos oftalmologistas na prescrição de LC e na vigilância dos portadores pode estar na origem do desconhecimento e incumprimento das regras de utilização das LC por parte de alguns doentes.


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Introdução: a retinopatia diabética (RD) é, nos países industrializados, uma das principais causas de cegueira. A perda de visão na RD diminui com o diagnóstico precoce e instituição terapêutica2 adequada possibilitados por programas de rastreio sistemático. O rastreio efectuado por fotografias do polo posterior com câmara não midriática é simples e apresenta boa sensibilidade e especificidade3. Material e Métodos: estudo prospectivo, observacional, dos doentes diabéticos sem seguimento oftalmológico regular, seguidos na consulta de Medicina do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central desde Setembro de 2008 a Julho de 2009. Incluíram-se 86 doentes. Um ortoptista fez a aquisição de imagens do polo posterior com uma câmara não midriática e a impressão de fotografias compostas, coloridas, que foram posteriormente analisadas por um oftalmologista da consulta de Diabetes Ocular. Resultados: foram excluídos 7 olhos (4,2%) por não existir qualidade de imagem. Identificou-se a existência de RD em 26% dos 165 olhos incluídos ( 28% dos doentes), apresentando 21% RD não proliferativa e 5% proliferativa. Apurou-se uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre a existência de RD, a idade (p= 0,253 x 10-1) e a duração da diabetes (p= 7,16 x 10-5). Relativamente ao encaminhamento, 57,8% foram referenciados para rastreio anual e 42,2% para a Consulta Geral de Oftalmologia. Todos os excluídos foram igualmente encaminhados para a Consulta Geral de Oftalmologia. Conclusões: a percentagem de doentes rastreados que apresentou RD foi elevada (28%). O rastreio sistemático da população diabética com câmara não midriática pareceu-nos ser um método simples e eficaz no despiste da RD.


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Introdução: A pressão intra-craniana (PIC) tem sido descrita como estando envolvida no glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto (GPAA). A sua avaliação está contudo limitada pela necessidade de métodos invasivos, como a punção lombar. A ecografia ocular permite uma avaliação indirecta da PIC através da medição do diâmetro da bainha do nervo óptico (NO). Desconhece-se se esta nova variável tem capacidade de modular factores de risco normalmente investigados em doentes com GPAA. Objectivo: Avaliar o impacto do diâmetro da bainha do NO na pressão intra-ocular (PIO) e na amplitude de pulso ocular (OPA) de doentes com GPAA. Métodos: Quinze doentes com GPAA foram submetidos a medição da PIO por tonometria de contorno dinâmico, avaliação topográfica do disco óptico e ecografia ocular modo B com sonda doppler. Apenas o olho com maior dano glaucomatoso foi seleccionado por doente. Resultados: A média do diâmetro da bainha do NO foi de 5,6±0,67mm, a PIO média de 17,8±2,2mmHg e a OPA de 3,1±1,7mmHg. O diâmetro da bainha do NO correlacionou-se negativamente a OPA (r=-0.54, p=0.05), não tendo influenciado a PIO (r=-0,25, p=0,41). Da avaliação hemodinâmica, apenas o índice de resistência da artéria central da retina (CRA) foi influenciado pelo diâmetro da bainha do NO (r=-0.52, p=0.04). Conclusão: O diâmetro da bainha do NO correlaciona-se negativamente com a OPA. Este efeito poderá ser explicado pela alteração da resistência vascular da artéria que atravessa este espaço subaracnoideu, a CRA. O estudo da região retrobulbar e do balanço entre as pressões aí exercidas é assim um campo cuja importância será crescente na avaliação do doente com GPAA.


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Neurotransmitter diseases are a group of inherited disorders attributable to a disturbance of neurotransmitter metabolism. Biogenic amines are neurotransmitters with multiple roles including psychomotor function, hormone secretion, cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal control, sleep mechanisms, body temperature and pain. Given the multiple functions of monoamines, disorders of their metabolism comprise a wide spectrum of manifestations, with motor dysfunction being the most prominent clinical feature. Methods: Case review of 12 patients from 4 families, with primary disorders of biogenic amine metabolism. Results: Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency (4 patients from 2 families), and GTP-cyclohydrolase (8 patients from 2 families) were the two diseases identified. Age at first symptoms varied between 2 months and 6 years. Developmental delay was present in all cases except 2 patients with GTP cyclohydrolase deficiency. The combination of axial hypotonia and limb dystonia was also frequent. Children with aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency exhibited temperature instability, oculogyric crisis and disturbances of sleep. The index case of one family with GTP cyclohydrolase deficiency presented with Parkinsonism (bradykinesia, rigidity and hypomimia). Analysis of neurotransmitters and their metabolites in CSF was crucial for the identification of index cases. Response to therapy was variable but in general unsatisfactory except in a family with GTP cyclohydrolase deficiency. Conclusions: These disorders should be considered in the differential diagnosis of paediatric neurodegenerative diseases, in order to allow an adequate therapeutic trial that can favor prognosis.


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Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii and may be acquired from food or water contaminated with cat feces or by vertical transmission. Severe fetal complications can overcome during pregnancy. There are also rare case-reports of congenital toxoplasmosis from previously immunized pregnant women; usually these women being had prior retinal toxoplasmic lesions. Immunosuppresion is one of the risk factors which accounts for some of these cases. Case report: 30 year-old pregnant woman, OI 2002, brazilian, previously healthy, admitted in Ophtalmology Department because of sudden left eye amaurosis in June, 2010. The fundoscopy revealed retinal scars suggesting previous infections; she was treated with corticoids and spiramycin for ocular toxoplasmosis reactivation. Previous serum analysis (2008) showed immunity to T. Gondii, but in July the IgM was negative and high levels of specific IgG were found (1227UI/mL). The serologic findings were later confirmed by a more accurate laboratory technique which found the IgM to be also positive. An amniocentesis was performed and it was negative for fetal transmission. Clinical and ultrasound follow-up throughout the rest of the gestational period was normal; daily spiramycin intake was maintained. An uneventful term delivery was performed. Neither the newborn’s serum analysis nor the histopathological study of the placenta were positive for congenital infection. Conclusion: Toxoplasmosis reactivation in pregnant women without immunosuppression is rare but is more likely to occur if previous post-infectious retinal scars are present. T. gondii infection is endemic in Brazil, so the geographical origin is important. If risk factors are present, fundoscopy should be performed every three months during pregnancy and one should always be aware of any visual symptoms. If you suspect reactivation, start medical prophylaxis for fetal transmission, perform amniocentesis and regular ultrasound follow-up.


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A duração da diabetes mellitus é um factor de risco no aparecimento de complicações oculares. A prevalência da retinopatia diabética é praticamente nula antes dos 10 anos de idade, independentemente da duração da doença, atingindo 95% após 20-30 anos de evolução. Na Consulta de Oftalmologia Pediátrica do Hospital D. Estefânia avaliámos retrospectivamente 62 crianças com diagnóstico de diabetes meliitus tipo I, no intervalo d etempo compreendido entre 1 de Janeiro de 1999 e 31 de Junho de 2000. As idades oscilavam entre os 3 e os 17 anos(média 11,8 anos), tendo sido 29 casos do sexo feminino e 33 do sexo masculino. O período de evolução da doença variava entre 6 meses e 16 anos (média 6,2 anos). Na população estudada constatámos uma incidência de 6,4% de lesões oculares. Vericámos 1 caso (1,6%) de retinopatia de fundo, numa adolescente de 17 anos de idade e 11 anos de evoluão da doença, e 3 casos (4,8%) de catarata bilateral. Na diabetes juvenil a probabilidade de ocorrência de lesões oculares precoces é baixa. Exceptuando a catarata que pode ocorrer com alguma precocidade, a retinopatia clínica é raramente demosntrável antes do inicio da puberdade.


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Introduction: Sulfite oxidase deficiency (SOD) is an autosomal recessive inherited disease usually presenting in the neonatal period with severe neurological symptoms including seizures, often refractory to anticonvulsant therapy, and a rapidly progressive encephalopathy resembling neonatal hypoxic ischemia, with premature death. Most patients develop dislocated ocular lenses. Later or milder presentations of SOD are being reported with increasing frequency. These presentations include neurological regression with loss of previously acquired milestones or movement disorders. Case report: We report a four years old girl presenting with intermittent ataxia and uncoordinated limb movements. A similar episode of ataxia had occurred previously, one year before, with complete neurologic recovery and normal developmental milestones. Bilateral lens dislocation had been recently diagnosed. Cranial MRI demonstrated bilateral globus pallidus enhancement. Low homocysteine was found in plasma and SulfitestR was positive. Further investigations led to confirmation of isolated sulfite oxidase deficiency with no enzyme activity detected on skin fibroblasts culture. Discussion: This case illustrates the clinical variability of SOD and it is not only atypical but also seems to be the mildest form described so far. The association of ectopia lentis with a movement disorder, even without psychomotor regression, should prompt us to look for this diagnosis.


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Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in patients with hereditary bleeding disorders (HBDs), as a consequence of treatment with transfusion of human bloodderived components between the late 1970s and 1980s, represents a major health concern. Objectives: Assessment and evaluation of the burden of HCV infection, its complications, and treatment in a population of patients with HBDs. Methods: Analysis of a series of 161 patients with HBDs treated in the Immunohemotherapy Service of the Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central (Lisboa, Portugal), consultation and systematic review of the patients clinical processes, elaboration of a database comprising the information gathered; and statistical study of its variables: age, gender, degree of severity of the bleeding disorder, treatment modality, and major and minor complications of HCV infection. Results: Sixty-five (40%) of the 161 patients have HCV infection. Among the patients with hemophilia A, 36% are severe and 62% of those have HCV infection; 9% moderate with 57%; 25% mild with 20%. In the hemophilia B group, 8% are severe with 23% infected and 6% moderate or mild with 10%. Concerning the patients with von Willebrand disease, 12% have type 2 with 16% infected and 4% have type 3 with 86%. Conclusions: HCV infection represents a very significant complication of the treatment employed in the past in the studied population. Considering that most of these patients were infected in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and the natural evolution of HCV infection in patients without bleeding disorders, it is expected that the prevalence of major complications will rise significantly in the coming years. Prophylactic measures should be implemented to enhance the follow-up protocols and prevent further development of liver damage in these patients.


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The objective was to validate Regulatory Sensory Processing Disorders’ criteria (DC:0-3R, 2005) using empirical data on the presence and severity of sensory modulation deficits and specific psychiatric symptoms in clinical samples. Sixty toddlers who attended a child mental health unit were diagnosed by a clinical team. The following two groups were created: toddlers with RSPD(N = 14) and those with ‘‘other diagnoses in Axis I/II of the DC:0-3R00(OD3R) (N = 46). Independently of the clinical process, parents completed the Infant Toddler Sensory Profile (as a checklist for sensory symptoms) and the Achenbach Behavior Checklist for ages 1/2–5 (CBCL 1/2–5). The scores from the two groups were compared. The results showed the following for the RSPD group: a higher number of affected sensory areas and patterns than in the OD3R group; a higher percentage of sensory deficits in specific sensory categories; and a higher severity of behavioral symptoms such as withdrawal, inattention, other externalizing problems and pervasive developmental problems in CBCL 1/2–5. The results confirmed our hypotheses by indicating a higher severity of sensory symptoms and identifying specific behavioral problems in children with RSPD. The results revealed convergent validity between the instruments and the diagnostic criteria for RSPD and supported the validity of RSPD as a unique diagnosis. The findings also suggested the importance of identifying sensory modulation deficits in order to develop an early intervention to enhance the sensory capacities of children who do not fully satisfy the criteria for some DSM-IV-TR disorders.


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Craniometaphyseal dysplasia (CMD) is a rare sclerosing skeletal disorder with progressive hyperostosis of craniofacial bones. CMD can be inherited in an autosomal dominant (AD) trait or occur after de novo mutations in the pyrophosphate transporter ANKH. Although the autosomal recessive (AR)form of CMD had been mapped to 6q21-22 the mutation has been elusive. In this study, we performed whole-exome sequencing for one subject with AR CMD and identified a novel missense mutation (c.716G>A, p.Arg239Gln) in the C-terminus of the gap junction protein alpha-1 (GJA1) coding for connexin 43 (Cx43). We confirmed this mutation in 6 individuals from 3 additional families. The homozygous mutation cosegregated only with affected family members. Connexin 43 is a major component of gap junctions in osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts and chondrocytes. Gap junctions are responsible for the diffusion of low molecular weight molecules between cells. Mutations in Cx43 cause several dominant and recessive disorders involving developmental abnormalities of bone such as dominant and recessive oculodentodigital dysplasia (ODDD; MIM #164200, 257850) and isolated syndactyly type III (MIM #186100), the characteristic digital anomaly in ODDD. However, characteristic ocular and dental features of ODDD as well as syndactyly are absent in patients with the recessive Arg239Gln Cx43 mutation. Bone remodeling mechanisms disrupted by this novel Cx43 mutation remain to be elucidated.


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Development of some immune-mediated disorders may depend on dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. To explore neuropsychologic mechanisms in relation to the abnormal endocrine reactivity in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and chronic hepatitis C (CHC) we used the corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) test, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), and the Edinburgh Inventory of Manual Preference Inventory (EIMP). Compared to controls, the adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) response to CRH was reduced in CHC, while SLE presented reduced baseline dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels; higher neurotic scores were found in SLE and higher behavior deviant scores in CHC. Peak ACTH levels were a significant factor for the MMPI profile variability, while the manual preference score was a significant factor for the ACTH response. Personality and manual preference contribute to neuroendocrine abnormalities. Different behavioral and neuroimmunoendocrine models emerge for these disorders.


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Objectivo: Analisar e caracterizar uma amostra de doentes de uma consulta de inflamação ocular. Material e Métodos: Análise retrospectiva de 503 consultas realizadas por um clínico entre 1 de Agosto de 2012 e 31 de Agosto de 2013 no Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central com recurso aos respectivos processos clínicos. Na análise da casuística da consulta foram incluídos 151 doentes. Desses, 24 padeciam de doenças auto-imunes em seguimento para monitorização de toxicidade a fármacos mas sem registo de qualquer episódio de uveíte, pelo que foram excluídos da avaliação estatística referente às uveítes. Dos 127 doentes com uveíte foram incluídos 197 olhos. Resultados: A média de idades foi de 53,8±16,5 anos, sendo 60% do sexo feminino e 40% masculino. A inflamação foi bilateral em 70 e unilateral em 57 doentes. O tipo de uveíte mais frequente foi a anterior (51,2%), seguida da panuveíte (21,3%), posterior (19,7%), intermédia (3,9%), episclerite (3,2%) e esclerite (0,8%). As etiologias foram agrupadas em: doenças sistémicas (34%), doenças infecciosas (30%), idiopáticas (27%) e patologias oculares específicas (9%). A acuidade visual média nos olhos com uveíte anterior foi 0.8, panuveíte 0.2, uveíte posterior 0.2, uveíte intermédia 0.7, episclerite e esclerite 1.0. Dos 197 olhos com uveíte, 27 (13,7%) foram submetidos a cirurgia de catarata e 5 (2,5%) a cirurgia de glaucoma. Conclusões: Apesar de se tratar de uma amostra relativamente pequena, reveste-se de importância dado ser fundamental conhecer a realidade em cada centro de referência de forma a optimizar os recursos disponíveis e a melhorar a abordagem clínica.


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In this work we explored the role of the 3'UTR of the MECP2 gene in patients with clinical diagnosis of RTT and mental retardation; focusing on regions of the 3'UTR with almost 100% conservation at the nucleotide level among mouse and human. By mutation scanning (DOVAM-S technique) the MECP2 3'UTR of a total of 66 affected females were studied. Five3'UTR variants in the MECP2 were found (c.1461+9G>A, c.1461+98insA, c.2595G>A, c.9961C>G and c.9964delC) in our group of patients. None of the variants found is located in putative protein-binding sites nor predicted to have a pathogenic role. Our data suggest that mutations in this region do not account for a large proportion of the RTT cases without a genetic explanation.