5 resultados para Neovascularización Fisiológica
As deformidades axiais dos membros inferiores constituem um dos principais motivos de consulta na área de Ortopedia Infantil. Esta situação deve-se, por um lado, ao facto de haver uma grande percentagem de crianças (cerca de 20%) que apresentam uma deformidade fisiológica durante o desenvolvimento e, por outro, à «tradição» existente, segundo a qual estes desvios necessitam de um tratamento, usualmente por calçado ortopédico. Torna-se, por isso, imperioso destrinçar o fisiológico do patológico, diferenciar as diferentes etiologias e corrigi-las precocemente medicamente e, ainda, determinar quando uma deformidade é passível de correcção espontânea ou quando exige uma terapêutica cirúrgica.
Disturbances in mineral metabolism play a central role in the development of renal bone disease. In a 54-wk, randomized, open-label study, 119 hemodialysis patients were enrolled to compare the effects of sevelamer hydrochloride and calcium carbonate on bone. Biopsy-proven adynamic bone disease was the most frequent bone abnormality at baseline (59%). Serum phosphorus, calcium, and intact parathyroid hormone were well controlled in both groups, although calcium was consistently lower and intact parathyroid hormone higher among patients who were randomly assigned to sevelamer. Compared with baseline values, there were no changes in mineralization lag time or measures of bone turnover (e.g., activation frequency) after 1 yr in either group. Osteoid thickness significantly increased in both groups, but there was no significant difference between them. Bone formation rate per bone surface, however, significantly increased from baseline only in the sevelamer group (P = 0.019). In addition, of those with abnormal microarchitecture at baseline (i.e., trabecular separation), seven of 10 in the sevelamer group normalized after 1 yr compared with zero of three in the calcium group. In summary, sevelamer resulted in no statistically significant changes in bone turnover or mineralization compared with calcium carbonate, but bone formation increased and trabecular architecture improved with sevelamer. Further studies are required to assess whether these changes affect clinical outcomes, such as rates of fracture.
PURPOSE: To evaluate whether prostatic arterial embolization (PAE) might be a feasible procedure to treat lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen patients (age range, 62-82 years; mean age, 74.1 y) with symptomatic BPH after failure of medical treatment were selected for PAE with nonspherical 200-μm polyvinyl alcohol particles. The procedure was performed by a single femoral approach. Technical success was considered when selective prostatic arterial catheterization and embolization was achieved on at least one pelvic side. RESULTS: PAE was technically successful in 14 of the 15 patients (93.3%). There was a mean follow-up of 7.9 months (range, 3-12 months). International Prostate Symptom Score decreased a mean of 6.5 points (P = .005), quality of life improved 1.14 points (P = .065), International Index of Erectile Function increased 1.7 points (P = .063), and peak urinary flow increased 3.85 mL/sec (P = .015). There was a mean prostate-specific antigen reduction of 2.27 ng/mL (P = .072) and a mean prostate volume decrease of 26.5 mL (P = .0001) by ultrasound and 28.9 mL (P = .008) by magnetic resonance imaging. There was one major complication (a 1.5-cm(2) ischemic area of the bladder wall) and four clinical failures (28.6%). CONCLUSIONS: In this small group of patients, PAE was a feasible procedure, with preliminary results and short-term follow-up suggesting good symptom control without sexual dysfunction in suitable candidates, associated with a reduction in prostate volume.
O grande queimado é um doente de grande labilidade hidroelectrolítica, que justifica internamento numa unidade de cuidados intensivos até à sua estabilização. Efectuou-se um estudo retrospectivo dos doentes queimados internados na UCIP do HDE, num período de oito anos e meio compreendido entre Abril de 1991 e Setembro de 1999. Foram internadas 33 crianças, 8 das quais tiveram mais do que um internamento. Os agentes causais foram o fogo em 12 crianças, a corrente eléctrica também em 12 crianças e os líquidos quentes em 9. Os doentes queimados por fogo apresentaram área mais extensa de queimadura (46.9 ± 22.6%), e consequentemente maior duração de internamento (462.1 ± 884.1 horas), maior grau de instabilidade fisiológica (pRISM 11.3 ± 4.9) e maior intervenção terapêutica (TISS 31.2 ± 9.0). Nao se observaram reinternamentos no grupo das queimaduras electricas, que globalmente apresentaram menor gravidade nas variáveis estudadas. Dos 8 reinternamentos, 6 ocorreram no grupo dos queimados pelo fogo. Observaram-se 6 óbitos, cinco dos quais no grupo dos reinternamentos. Todos os óbitos foram causados por sépsis e choque séptico.