6 resultados para Motor síncrono de ímanes permanentes de fluxo axial
Clinical history - A 4-year-old boy, born prematurely at 29 weeks (twin pregnancy), with periventricular leukomalacia and epilepsy underwent brain MRI. Neurological examination showed severe developmental retardation with axial hypotonia, spastic tetraparesis and convergent strabismus. Imaging findings - Cranial MRI revealed typical aspects of partial rhombencephalosynapsis with vermian hypoplasia, midline fusion of the cerebellar hemispheres and transversely oriented folia and fissures. There was also mild dilatation and dysmorphism of the ventricular system, the septum pellucidum was absent, the hippocampi were malrotated and had vertical orientation and additional finding of associated periventricular cystic leukomalacia. Discussion - Rhombencephalosynapsis (RS) is a rare congenital defect of the cerebellum classically characterised by vermian agenesis or hypogenesis, fusion of the hemispheres, and closely apposed or fused dentate nuclei. It is now considered to result from an absence of division of the cerebellar hemispheres, following an insult between the 28th and 44th day of gestation (i.e., before the formation of the vermis). Other features have also been described such as fusion of the thalami and cerebral peduncles, malrotated hippocampi, corpus callosum agenesis, hypoplastic chiasm, absence of the septum pellucidum, ventriculomegaly, agenesis of the posterior lobe of the pituitary and cortical malformations. Musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, urinary tract, and respiratory abnormalities have been reported. Typical symptoms consist of swallowing difficulties, delayed motor acquisitions, muscular hypotonia, spastic quadriparesis, cerebellar signs including dysarthria, gait ataxia, abnormal eye movements, and seizures and hydrocephalus. The major MRI signs consist of fused cerebellar hemispheres, with absent or hypoplastic vermis, narrow diamond-shaped fourth ventricle and fused dentate nuclei. In a minority of cases, partial RS has been identified by MRI, demonstrating the presence of the nodulus and the anterior vermis and absence of part of the posterior vermis with only partial fusion of the hemispheres in the inferior part. Other cerebellar malformations involving vermian agenesis or hypoplasia include the Dandy–Walker continuum, Joubert syndrome, tectocerebellar dysraphy or pontocerebellar hypoplasias, and are now easily distinguished from RS by both brain MRI and morphology.
Neurotransmitter diseases are a group of inherited disorders attributable to a disturbance of neurotransmitter metabolism. Biogenic amines are neurotransmitters with multiple roles including psychomotor function, hormone secretion, cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal control, sleep mechanisms, body temperature and pain. Given the multiple functions of monoamines, disorders of their metabolism comprise a wide spectrum of manifestations, with motor dysfunction being the most prominent clinical feature. Methods: Case review of 12 patients from 4 families, with primary disorders of biogenic amine metabolism. Results: Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency (4 patients from 2 families), and GTP-cyclohydrolase (8 patients from 2 families) were the two diseases identified. Age at first symptoms varied between 2 months and 6 years. Developmental delay was present in all cases except 2 patients with GTP cyclohydrolase deficiency. The combination of axial hypotonia and limb dystonia was also frequent. Children with aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency exhibited temperature instability, oculogyric crisis and disturbances of sleep. The index case of one family with GTP cyclohydrolase deficiency presented with Parkinsonism (bradykinesia, rigidity and hypomimia). Analysis of neurotransmitters and their metabolites in CSF was crucial for the identification of index cases. Response to therapy was variable but in general unsatisfactory except in a family with GTP cyclohydrolase deficiency. Conclusions: These disorders should be considered in the differential diagnosis of paediatric neurodegenerative diseases, in order to allow an adequate therapeutic trial that can favor prognosis.
Apresentam-se os resultados de 62 exames cineangiocardiográficos registados em projecções axiais referentes a 52 crianças internadas por cardiopatia congénita na Unidade de Cardiologia Pediátrica dos Hospitais Civis de Lisboa. Os diagnósticos mais frequentes foram: defeitos atrioventriculares, tetralogia de Fallot e comunicação interventricular isolada. Dos resultados, a grande maioria dos exames permitiu uma definição clara das estruturas visualizáveis na projecção utilizada. Conclui-se que, com uma selecção criteriosa das projecções a utilizar, é possível diminuir de modo muito significativo a necessidade de repetir exames por diagnóstico incompleto e, com o auxílio das projecções axiais, obter informação detalhada sobre a morfologia das cardiopatias congénitas.
A reconstrução endoluminal com sistemas de derivação de fluxo (flow diverter devices) constitui uma técnica inovadora no tratamento de aneurismas intra-cranianos. Estes novos stents, auto-expansíveis e de reduzida porosidade, são libertados através de microcateterização da artéria portadora do aneurisma, reconstruindo assim a sua parede e excluindo a formação aneurismática da circulação arterial. Neste trabalho mostramos os resultados preliminares obtidos no tratamento de 10 doentes no Hospital de São José, Lisboa. Estes doentes, com aneurismas de colo largo (> 4mm) ou ratio saco/colo não favorável (< 1,5), foram tratados com o sistema PIPELINE®, e estudos angiográficos de controlo foram efectuados aos três e seis meses. Novo controlo será feito aos 12 meses. A idade media dos doentes envolvidos é de 54,3 anos, oito doentes são do sexo feminino e dois doentes do sexo masculino. Os aneurismas foram incidentalmente descobertos em dois doentes e os restantes foram diagnosticados no contexto de investigação imagiológica por cefaleias (n = 3), defeito de campo visual (n = 1), vertigens (n = 1) e parésia de pelo menos um par craniano (n = 2). Em apenas dois doentes foi observada hemorragia subaracnoideia e outros dois doentes foram submetidos a terapêutica endovascular prévia, com espiras metálicas. As localizações dos aneurismas tratados são o segmento M1/M2 da artéria cerebral média (n = 1) e os segmentos da artéria carótida interna para-oftálmico (n = 6), oftálmico (n = 2) e cavernoso (n = 4). Treze aneurismas intra-cranianos foram tratados uma vez que três doentes apresentavam múltiplos aneurismas. Os estudos de controlo efectuados demonstram um grau de oclusão médio aos três meses de 74% e aos seis meses de 86%. Não se observou qualquer redução das dimensões do saco de um dos aneurismas para-oftálmico. A experiência deste serviço é muito favorável a utilização de sistemas de derivação de fluxo no tratamento de aneurismas seleccionados, tendo obtido taxas de oclusão elevadas dados os desafios existentes na terapêutica deste tipo de aneurismas.
The hypoglossal nerve is a pure motor nerve. It provides motor control to the intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles thus being essential for normal tongue movement and coordination. In order to design a useful imaging approach and a working differential diagnosis in cases of hypoglossal nerve damage one has to have a good knowledge of the normal anatomy of the nerve trunk and its main branches. A successful imaging evaluation to hypoglossal diseases always requires high resolution studies due to the small size of the structures being studied. MRI is the preferred modality to directly visualize the nerve, while CT is superior in displaying the bony anatomy of the neurovascular foramina of the skull base. Also, while CT is only able to detect nerve pathology by indirect signs, such as bony expansion of the hypoglossal canal, MRI is able to visualize directly the causative pathological process as in the case of small tumors, or infectious/inflammatory processes affecting the nerve. The easiest way to approach the study of the hypoglossal nerve is to divide it in its main segments: intra-axial, cisternal, skull base and extracranial segment, tailoring the imaging technique to each anatomical area while bearing in mind the main disease entities affecting each segment.