4 resultados para Mandibular reconstruction
Upper eyelid tumours, particularly basal cell carcinomas, are relatively frequent. Surgical ablation of these lesions creates defects of variable complexity. Although several options are available for lower eyelid reconstruction, fewer surgical alternatives exist for upper eyelid reconstruction. Large defects of this region are usually reconstructed with two-step procedures. In 1997, Okada et al. described a horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flap for reconstruction of a large upper eyelid defect in a single operative time. However, no further studies were published regarding the use of this particular flap in upper eyelid reconstruction. In addition, this flap is not described in most plastic surgery textbooks. The authors report here their experience of 16 cases of horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flaps used to reconstruct full-thickness defects of the upper eyelid after tumour excision. The tumour histological types were as follows: 12 basal cell carcinomas, 2 cases of squamous cell carcinomas, 1 case of sebaceous cell carcinoma and 1 of malignant melanoma. This technique allowed closure of defects of up to 60% of the eyelid width. None of the flaps suffered necrosis. The mean operative time was 30 min. No additional procedures were necessary as good functional and cosmetic results were achieved in all cases. No recurrences were noted. In this series, the horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flap proved to be a technically simple, reliable and expeditious option for reconstruction of full-thickness upper eyelid defects (as wide as 60% of the eyelid width) in a single operative procedure. In the future this technique may become the preferential option for such defects.
In cases of extensive damage to the foot, with significant bone loss, it is generally accepted that reconstruction must include bone flaps or grafts either in the emergency setting or subsequently. In this report, we describe the case of an 18-year-old student with an avulsion injury of the dorsum of his right foot. Consequently, he lost most of the soft tissue over the dorsum of the foot and the cuboid, navicular, and cuneiform bones. A latissimus dorsi free flap was used to reconstruct the defect. A functional pseudoarthrosis developed between the remaining bones of the foot, and the patient experienced satisfactory foot function after rehabilitation. For this reason, no additional reconstructive procedure was undertaken. This case suggests that it might be adequate to use the latissimus dorsi muscle flap more liberally than previously reported in the reconstruction of extensive defects of the dorsum of the foot, including cases with significant bone loss. This option could avoid the morbidity and inconvenience of a second surgery and the need to harvest a bone flap or graft.
Doente do sexo feminino, 18 anos, raça negra, natural da Guiné-Bissau, com quadro clínico com 8 anos de evolução, de sinais inflamatórios ao nível de ambos os ângulos da mandíbula, com nódulos palpáveis e drenagem espontânea de material aquoso não purulento, após exodontia de molar mandibular. Para diagnóstico definitivo foi colocada indicação para biópsia mandibular sob anestesia geral. Na avaliação pré-operatória destacava-se uma via aérea previsivelmente muito difícil: mallampati IV, micrognátia com abertura da boca muito limitada (1 cm), distância tiromentoniana < 6 cm e mobilidade cervical limitada, pelo que se programou intubação endotraqueal guiada por fibroscopia. Procedeu-se à intubação nasotraqueal guiada por fibroscopia com tubo 7,0 com cuff, sob sedação endovenosa com midazolam e fentanil, sem intercorrências. A apresentação deste caso tem como objectivo realçar as dificuldades inerentes ao diagnóstico de actinomicose com frequente necessidade de procedimentos invasivos, sob anestesia geral, o que condiciona um risco anestésico importante associado à dificuldade na abordagem da via aérea.
A osteomielite mandibular envolve grande diversidade de quadros clínicos, de natureza distinta, implicando colaboração entre especialidades e revisão continuada da bibliografia. Os autores apresentam, pela projecção de PPT, um caso clínico atípico de osteomielite primária, com todos os registos imagiológicos que lhe correspondem, incluindo aspectos dos cortes histológicos das biópsias ósseas, bem como as decisões terapêuticas e respectiva discussão.