9 resultados para MELLITUS


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Após breve referência aos principais programas de controlo das complicações da Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, Declaração de St. Vincent, DiabCare), apresentam-se algumas propostas de revisão da sua classificação e dos critérios de diagnóstico. Abordam-se alguns conceitos actuais da sua fisiopatologia, descrevendo-se em seguida cada uma das suas complicações com ênfase nos aspectos essenciais da prevenção, diagnóstico precoce e terapêutica.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações epidemiológicas, de perfil clínico e de prognóstico obstétrico em pacientes portadoras de diabetes mellitus pré-gestacional. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospetivo (coorte) de todas as gestações simples, com diagnóstico de diabetes prévio que foram seguidas num centro com apoio perinatal diferenciado entre 2004 e 2011 (n=194). Analisaram-se tendências relacionadas com dados demográficos e variáveis clínicas maternas, dados de indicadores de cuidados pre-concepcionais e durante a gravidez, e de controle metabólico. Dados do parto como a idade gestacional(IG) do parto, via do parto e peso do neonato foram variáveis também estudadas. RESULTADOS: A frequência global de diabetes prévia, durante o período estudado, foi de 4,4 por mil, não se verificando variações significativas durante o período de estudo. Os casos de diabetes tipo 2 permaneceram constantes. Em 67% dos casos o parto foi de termo(máximo de 80% em 2010–2011), registrou-se uma redução significativa dos partos por cesárea eletiva (p=0,03) e na incidência de neonatos considerados grandes para a IG (p=0,04) ao longo dos anos em estudo. Apesar dos bons resultados relacionados com o controle metabólico ao longo da vigilância da gravidez não foi registrada nenhuma melhora ao longo do tempo. Da mesma forma a proporção de gestantes diabéticas com avaliação pre-concepcional permaneceu pouco animadora. CONCLUSÕES: O seguimento de gestantes portadoras de diabetes mellitus em unidades multidisciplinares parece permitir um ajuste metabólico tão precoce quanto possível, de forma a conseguir melhorar o prognóstico obstétrico. A melhora nos cuidados pré-concepcionais continua sendo um desafio.


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Background: Several studies suggest that nondiabetic renal disease (NDRD) is common in patients with diabetes mellitus. The aim of this analysis of renal biopsies in diabetic patients was (a) to assess the prevalence and type of NDRD and (b) to identify its clinical and laboratory predictors. Methods: This retrospective study analysed clinical and laboratory data and biopsy findings in diabetic patients observed by a single pathologist over the past 25 years. Based on biopsy findings, patients were categorised as (i) isolated diabetic nephropathy,(ii) isolated NDRD and (iii) NDRD superimposed on diabetic nephropathy. Results: Of the 236 patients studied, 60% were male and the mean age was 56.3 (±14.2) years. Of these, 91% had known diabetes mellitus at the time of biopsy (13% type 1 and 87% type 2). Isolated diabetic nephropathy was found in 125 (53%), isolated NDRD in 89 (38%) and NDRD superimposed on diabetic nephropathy in 22 (9%) patients. The main indication for biopsy in the three groups was nephrotic proteinuria. Patients with isolated NDRD and NDRD superimposed on diabetic nephropathy presented acute deterioration of renal function more frequently (p<0.001) and had more microhaematuria(p<0.001) as indications for renal biopsy. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and membranous nephropathy were the most frequent diagnoses in patients with NDRD. Patients with isolated diabetic nephropathy were younger (p=0.02), presented a longer duration of diabetes mellitus (p<0.001) and had more frequent retinopathy (p<0.001). The prevalence of microhaematuria was higher in patients with isolated or superimposed NDRD (p=0.01). Conclusion: The prevalence of NDRD (either isolated or superimposed on diabetes mellitus) is remarkably frequent in diabetic patients in whom nephrologists consider renal biopsy an appropriate measure. Predictors of NDRD were older age, shorter duration of diabetes mellitus, absence of retinopathy and presence of microhaematuria.


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Os distúrbios dos lípidos e das lipoproteínas plasmáticas, frequentes em doentes diabéticos insulinodependentes, contribuem significativamente para o risco cardiovascular elevado que estes indivíduos apresentam. Estudos efectuados em crianças e jovens insulinodependentes, demonstram o aparecimento precoce de alterações no metabolismo lipídico, habitualmente associa das e agravadas por um deficiente controle glicémico. Algumas outras alterações mantém-se presentes em crianças diabéticas, mesmo em condições de bom controle glicémico. Aparentemente, as medidas habituais de optimização do controle metabólico não corrigem todas as alterações do perfil lipídico, induzidas pela Diabetes Mellitus. A hiperglicémia induz a maioria das perturbações verificadas, através da estimulação da síntese hepática de triglicéridos, e pela glicolização e oxidação das lipoproteinas e respectivas apolipoproteinas. A carência em insulina, é responsá vel por alterações adicionais, ao interferir na actividade da lipoproteina lipase. O perfil lipídico, em crianças e jovens insulinodependentes, com deficiente controlo metabólico, tende a ser sobre ponível ao descrito para os diabéticos adultos: elevação significativa de triglicéridos, VLDL-Tg, LDL-Tg, VLDL-Col, Apo B e CIII e diminuição do HDL-Col e da Apo AI. Dada a forte corre lação do controle glicémico com a maioria das alterações lipidicas, mesmo em presença de va lores de colesterol e triglicéridos normais, os doseamentos das apolipoproteinas Apo AI, Apo B 100 e de Apo CIII, parecem ser fieis indicadores do controle glicémico, na criança diabética, e factores de elevado valor predictivo de risco cardiovascular, na idade adulta.


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Reducing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels using statins is associated with significant reductions in cardiovascular (CV) events in a wide range of patient populations. Although statins are generally considered to be safe, recent studies suggest they are associated with an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes (T2D). This led the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to change their labelling requirements for statins to include a warning about the possibility of increased blood sugar and HbA1c levels and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to issue guidance on a small increased risk of T2D with the statin class. This review examines the evidence leading to these claims and provides practical guidance for primary care physicians on the use of statins in people with or at risk of developing T2D. Overall, evidence suggests that the benefits of statins for the reduction of CV risk far outweigh the risk of developing T2D, especially in individuals with higher CV risk. To reduce the risk of developing T2D, physicians should assess all patients for T2D risk prior to starting statin therapy, educate patients about their risks, and encourage risk-reduction through lifestyle changes. Whether some statins are more diabetogenic than others requires further study. Statin-treated patients at high risk of developing T2D should regularly be monitored for changes in blood glucose or HbA1c levels, and the risk of conversion from pre-diabetes to T2D should be reduced by intensifying lifestyle changes. Should a patient develop T2D during statin treatment, physicians should continue with statin therapy and manage T2D in accordance with relevant national guidelines.


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Glaucoma is a multifactorial condition under serious influence of many risk factors. The role of diabetes mellitus (DM) in glaucoma etiology or progression remains inconclusive. Although, the diabetic patients have different healing mechanism comparing to the general population and it has a possible-negative role on surgical outcomes. This review article attempts to analyze the association of both diseases, glaucoma and DM, before and after the surgery. The epidemiological studies, based mainly in population prevalence analyzes, have shown opposite outcomes in time and even in the most recent articles also the association remains inconclusive. On the contrary, the experimental models based on animal induced chronic hyperglycemia have shown an important association of both diseases, explained by common neurodegenerative mechanisms. Diabetic patients have a different wound healing process in the eye viz-a-viz other organs. The healing process is more and it results in lower surgical survival time, higher intraocular pressure (IOP) levels and, therefore, these patients usually need more medication to lower the IOP. Both randomized and nonrandomized retrospective and experimental molecular studies have shown the association between DM and glaucoma. Further studies are needed to get better explanations about outcomes on more recent surgical procedures and with the exponential use of antifibrotics. How to cite this article: Costa L, Cunha JP, Amado D, Pinto LA, Ferreira J. Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor in Glaucoma's Physiopathology and Surgical Survival Time: A Literature Review.


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We describe the case of a 22-year-old black female with type 1 diabetes mellitus diagnosed when she was 12 years old. She first presented (March 1994) with pustules and ulcerations on the upper and lower limbs, trunk and scalp at the age 17. The diagnosis of pyoderma gangrenosum was made. Since presentation, changes in liver function were detected and subsequent study led to the diagnosis of sclerosing cholangitis. The diagnosis of ulcerative colitis was made after colonoscopy. Partial response was obtained with minocycline and clofazimine, but treatment with 5-aminosalicylic acid achieved no improvement of the ulcerations. Liver transplantation, followed by immunosuppressive therapy led to complete regression of the cutaneous lesions.