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Background: Children with spina bifida represent the major risk group for latex sensitization. Purpose: To determine the prevalence of latex sensitization in these children and to identify risk factors. Material and methods: We studied 57 patients with spina bifida. The mean age was 5.6 years and the male/female ratio was 0.8/1. In all patients a questionnaire, skin prick test (SPT) with latex (UCBStallergènes, Lofarma and ALK-Abelló), common aeroallergens and fruits (UCB-Stallergènes) and serum determination of total IgE (AlaSTAT) were performed. Results: The prevalence of latex sensitization was 30 %; only two sensitized children (12 %) had symptoms after exposure. Risk factors for latex sensitization were age 5 years (p = 0.008; OR = 6.0; 95% CI = 1.7-22.1), having at least four previous surgical interventions (p < 0.0001; OR = 18.5; 95% CI = 3.6-94.8), having undergone surgery in the first 3 months of life (p = 0.008; OR = 5.4; 95% CI = 0.7-29.2) and total serum IgE 44 IU/ml (p = 0.03; OR = 3.8; 95 %CI = 1.1-13.1). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that only a history of four or more surgical interventions (p < 0.0001; OR = 26.3; 95 %CI = 2.9-234.2) and total serum IgE 44 IU/ml (p = 0.02; OR = 8.6; 95% CI = 1.4-53.4) were independently associated with latex sensitization. Sex, family and personal allergic history, hydrocephalus with ventriculoperitoneal shunt, cystourethrograms, intermittent bladder catheterization and atopy were not related to latex sensitization. Conclusions: In children with spina bifida, significant and independent risk factors identified for latex sensitization were multiple interventions and higher levels of total serum IgE. A prospective study will clarify the clinical evolution of assymptomatic children sensitized to latex.


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BACKGROUND: Allergy to natural rubber latex is a well-recognized health problem, especially among health care workers and patients with spina bifida. Despite latex sensitization being acquired in health institutions in both health care workers and patients with spina bifida, differences in allergen sensitization profiles have been described between these two risk groups. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the in vivo reactivity of health care workers and patients with spina bifida to extracts of internal and external surfaces of latex gloves and also to specific extracts enriched in major allergens for these risk groups. METHODS: Gloves from different manufacturers were used for protein extraction, and salt precipitation and hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) were applied to obtain the enriched latex extracts. The major latex allergens were quantified by an enzyme immunoassay. The extracts obtained were tested in 14 volunteers using skin prick tests (SPT). RESULTS: Latex glove extracts enriched in the hydrophobic allergens that are most often seen in patients with spina bifida were obtained by selective precipitation, whereas HIC produced extracts enriched in the hydrophilic allergens commonly found in health care workers. The health care workers had positive SPTs to glove extracts from internal surfaces and to the hydrophilic allergen-enriched extracts. By contrast, patients with spina bifida had larger skin reactions both to external glove extracts and to the extracts enriched with the hydrophobic major allergens for this risk group. Despite the protein concentration of these extracts being less than half the concentration of the commercial extract, the weal-and-flare reactions were of similar magnitude. CONCLUSION: Using novel latex extracts, our study showed a different in vivo reactivity pattern in health care workers and in patients with spina bifida to extracts of the internal and external surfaces of gloves, which suggests that sensitization may occur by different routes of exposure, and that this influences the allergen reactivity profiles of these risk groups


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Characterized native and recombinant Hevea brasiliensis (rHev b) natural rubber latex (NRL) allergens are available to assess patient allergen sensitization profiles. OBJECTIVE: Quantification of individual IgE responses to the spectrum of documented NRL allergens and evaluation of cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCDs) for more definitive diagnosis. METHODS: Sera of 104 healthcare workers (HCW; 51 German, 21 Portuguese, 32 American), 31 spina bifida patients (SB; 11 German, 20 Portuguese) and 10 Portuguese with multiple surgeries (MS) were analysed for allergen-specific IgE antibody (sIgE) to NRL, single Hev b allergens and CCDs with ImmunoCAP technology. RESULTS: In all patient groups rHev b 5-sIgE concentrations were the most pronounced. Hev b 2, 5, 6.01 and 13 were identified as the major allergens in HCW and combined with Hev b 1 and Hev b 3 in SB. In MS Hev b 1 displayed an intermediate relevance. Different sIgE antibody levels to native Hevea brasiliensis (nHev b) 2 and rHev b 6.01 allowed discrimination of SB with clinical relevant latex allergy vs. those with latex sensitization. Sensitization profiles of German, Portuguese and American patients were equivalent. rHev b 5, 6.01 and nHev b 13 combined detected 100% of the latex-allergic HCW and 80.1% of the SB. Only 8.3% of the sera showed sIgE response to CCDs. CONCLUSIONS: Hev b 1, 2, 5, 6.01 and 13 were identified as the major Hev b allergens and they should be present in standardized latex extracts and in vitro allergosorbents. CCDs are only of minor relevance in patients with clinical relevant latex allergy. Component-resolved diagnostic analyses for latex allergy set the stage for an allergen-directed immunotherapy strategy


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OBJECTIVO: Pretendeu-se com este estudo determinar a prevalência e identificar factores de risco para sensibilização ao látex em crianças com espinha bífida. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se 57 crianças com espinha bífida, com uma idade média de 5.6 anos(6 meses a 18 anos) e uma relação sexo M/F de 0.8/1. A todas as crianças foram efectuados questionário, bateria de TC incluindo látex (extractos UCBStallergenes, Lofarma e ALK-Abelló), aeroalergenos comuns e frutos (UCB-Stallergenes) e determinação sérica de IgE total (AlaSTAT). RESULTADOS: A prevalência de sensibilização ao látex foi de 30%; apenas duas crianças sensibilizadas (12%) apresentavam sintomatologia relacionada com a exposição (urticária/angioedema e rinite). Foram identificados como factores de risco para sensibilização ao látex: idade ≥ 5 anos (p=0.008; OR=6.0, IC95%=1.7-22.1); existência de 4 ou mais intervenções cirúrgicas (p<0.0001; OR=18.5, IC95%=3.6-94.8); cirurgias nos primeiros 3 meses de vida (p=0.008; OR=5.4, IC95%=0.7-29.2); níveis séricos de IgE total ≥ 44UI/ml (p=0.03; OR=3.8, IC95%=1.1-13.1). Pela realização de regressão logística foram identificados como factores de risco independentes, história de 4 ou mais cirurgias (p<0.0001; OR=26.3, IC95%=2.9-234.2) e níveis de IgE total ≥ 44UI/ml (p=0.02; OR=8.6, IC95%=1.4-53.4). Sexo, antecedentes familiares e pessoais de patologia alérgica, hidrocefalia com derivação ventriculo-peritoneal, cistografias,cateterismo vesical intermitente e atopia não foram identificados como factores de risco. CONCLUSÕES: Identificámos como factores de risco significativos e independentes para sensibilização ao látex em crianças com espinha bífida a existência de número elevado de intervenções cirúrgicas (≥ 4 cirurgias) e níveis séricos mais elevados de IgE total(IgE total ≥ 44UI/ml). Estudo prospectivo esclarecerá a evolução clínica das crianças sensibilizadas assintomáticas.


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A associação de alergia ao látex e alergia alimentar a frutos e outros vegetais com reactividade cruzada com látex é denominada síndrome látex-frutos (SLF). Não existem estudos que avaliem factores de risco para SLF em doentes alérgicos ao látex, nomeadamente incluindo diferentes grupos populacionais de risco. Objectivo: Investigar a prevalência e factores de risco para SLF. Material e Métodos: Foram estudados 61 doentes alérgicos ao látex, com média etária de 25.9 (±16.6) anos e relação sexo M/F de 0.3/1, pertencendo a diferentes grupos de risco: 15 com espinha bífida (EB), 13 submetidos a múltiplas cirurgias sem EB e 33 profissionais de saúde (PS). A todos os doentes foram efectuados questionário, testes cutâneos por prick (TC) com aeroalergénios comuns e látex(extractos comerciais) e alimentos com reactividade cruzada descrita com látex (extractos comerciais e alimentos em natureza), IgE total sérica (AlaSTAT®, DPC) e IgE específica para látex (UniCAP®, Pharmacia Diagnostics). Definiu-se SLF se história clínica e TC para o alimento positivos. Resultados: A prevalência de SLF nos doentes alérgicos ao látex foi 28% (17). Os alimentos implicados foram castanha-71% (12), banana-47% (8), pêssego-29% (5), abacate e kiwi-24% (4),ananás, maracujá, papaia e espinafre-18% (3), ameixa, manga, melão, tomate e mandioca-12%(2), alperce, figo, uva e pimentão doce-6% (1). Os sintomas clínicos foram anafilaxia-65% (11),urticária-24% (4) e síndrome de alergia oral-12% (2). Os doentes com SLF eram na quase totalidade PS. A prevalência de SLF neste grupo foi 45% (15). Comparando PS com SLF (15) e sem SLF (18), encontrou-se relação entre SLF e níveis mais elevados de IgE específica para látex (mediana: 19.4 vs. 0.6kU/l; p=0.006). Os PS com CAP-classe ≥ 3 tinham SLF em 74%, para 26% nos PS com CAP-classe <3 (p<0.001). Idade, sexo, antecedentes pessoais e familiares de alergia, número de cirurgias, tempo de profissão, atopia e IgE total não foram identificados como factores de risco. Conclusões: A SLF afecta essencialmente os PS alérgicos ao látex, sendo frequente neste grupo; a explicação reside nos diferentes perfis de sensibilização alergénica, relacionados com a via de exposição. A sensibilização ao látex com CAP-classe ≥ 3 foi identificada como factor de risco para SLF nos PS. A SLF revelou-se na maioria dos casos por anafilaxia,realçando a importância desta síndrome potencialmente fatal.