8 resultados para Isaac Luria


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Background: Childhood asthma represents an increasing health problem and is the leading cause of hospital admission and absenteeism in children with chronic disease. It also compromises quality of life, eventually contributing to disturbances in self-concept. Self-concept is a recent and global perspective of “the self” and relates to skills, self-image and self-esteem. Little information is available on this topic and there are no data from Portuguese countryside towns. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of asthma among all school children in the 5th and 6th grades in a Portuguese countryside town and to establish its possible correlation with absenteeism and self-concept. Methods: In April 2002, two questionnaires were administered in the presence of the researcher to a group of 950 children attending different schools. The children completed the internationally renowned questionnaires: ISAAC and the Self-Concept Scale by Susan Harter. Results: Our sample (n = 818) had a mean age of 11 years (10-15 years) and a male-to-female ratio of 1/1. The cumulative prevalence of asthma was11.9% and that of active asthma was 8.8 %; 63.9% of asthmatics were male and 36.1 % were female. The mean age of asthmatics was 11.34 years and 74 % had active symptoms. Comparison of this group of 97 asthmatic children with the remaining children revealed a statistically significant correlation between the presence of asthma and school absenteeism (global: p = 0.04; gymnastics: 0.05). Regarding the Self-Concept Scale a statistically significant association was found between the presence of asthma and school achievement (p = 0.027), physical appearance (p = 0.015), behavior (p < 0.000) and self-esteem (p < 0.000). No statistically significant correlations were found in social acceptance (p = 0.289) or athletic competence (p = 0.085). Asthmatic boys had higher self-concept scores than girls, except in the domain of behavior. Conclusions: Twelve percent of the population studied was asthmatic. In asthmatic children, absenteeism was higher and self-concept was lower for almost all domains, except social acceptance and athletic achievement, probably due to overprotection.


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Encontram -se publicados múltiplos trabalhos sobre o papel das determinações do óxido nítrico no ar exalado (FENO) no âmbito do estudo da inflamação brônquica que nos permitem afirmar que se trata duma medição simples, não invasiva e de grande utilidade na avaliação do doente asmático.No decurso de um estudo prospectivo sobre o impacto da poluição do ar sobre a saúde da população na cidade de Viseu (Projecto Saud’AR), foram identificadas crianças com história clínica de sibilância, mediante a aplicação de questionários do International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Childhood (ISAAC). As crianças foram submetidas posteriormente a um questionário padronizado, testes cutâneos prick para aeroalergénios, espirometria com prova de broncodilatação e medição de FENO. A idade média era de 7,8±1,1 anos. Comparando os doentes com queixas de sibilância e/ou dispneia nos 6 meses anteriores à avaliação (n=27) com os que não apresentaram estes sintomas, observaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas para o ΔFEV1 (mediana: 4,5% vs 8%, p=0,0399) e para o FENO (mediana: 12 ppb vs 23 ppb, p=0,0195, respectivamente). Se olharmos para as crianças que recorreram a broncodilatador nos seis meses anteriores à avaliação (n=19) e as compararmos com as que não necessitaram, encontramos diferenças para o FENO: mediana de 27 ppb versus mediana de 11 ppb, respectivamente; p<0,0001. Ao compararmos as crianças que recorreram a uma consulta de urgência nos seis meses anteriores à avaliação(n=9) e as compararmos com as que não recorreram, encontramos também diferenças estatisticamente significativas para o FENO: mediana de 28 ppb versus mediana de 13 ppb, p=0.0029. Constatou -se assim que a existência de sintomas se associou melhor com o FENO de que com a espirometria.


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The application of the same epidemiological methods in different countries allows important comparisons between different races and cultures. During the last decade, two large multi-centres epidemiological studies, the Portuguese Study of Allergic Diseases in Childhood (PAC study) and the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC study), were implemented in Portuguese speaking regions. The main objectives were to assess and compare allergic diseases prevalence. The authors stress out the significant differences observed in schoolchildren from the three continents, with different genetic and environmental background. It was found an increase trend in the prevalence of all allergic diseases, mainly rhinitis, in last decade. Rhinitis has been identified as an independent risk factor for asthma in Caucasian population.


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Poor ventilation at day care centres (DCCs) was already reported, although its effects on attending children are not clear. This study aimed to evaluate the association between wheezing in children and indoor CO2 (a ventilation surrogate marker) in DCC and to identify behaviours and building characteristics potentially related to CO2. In phase I, 45 DCCs from Lisbon and Oporto (Portugal) were selected through a proportional stratified random sampling. In phase II, 3 months later, 19 DCCs were further reassessed after cluster analysis for the greatest difference comparison. In both phases, children’s respiratory health was assessed by ISAAC-derived questionnaires. Indoor CO2 concentrations and building characteristics of the DCC were evaluated in both phases, using complementary methods. Mixed effect models were used to analyze the data. In phase I, which included 3,186 children (mean age 3.1±1.5 years), indoor CO2 concentration in the DCC rooms was associated with reported wheezing in the past 12months (27.5 %) (adjusted odds ratio (OR) for each increase of 200 ppm 1.04, 95 % CI 1:01 to 1:07). In phase II, the association in the subsample of 1,196 children seen in 19 out of the initial 45 DCCs was not significant (adjusted OR 1.02, 95 % CI 0.96 to 1.08). Indoor CO2 concentration was inversely associated with the practices of opening Windows and internal doors and with higher wind velocity. A positive trend was observed between CO2 and prevalence of reported asthma (4.7 %). Conclusion: Improved ventilation is needed to achieve a healthier indoor environment in DCC.


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Background: Indoor air quality (IAQ) is considered an important determinant of human health. The association between exposure to volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, house dust mite, molds and bacteria in day care centers (DCC) is not completely clear. The aim of this project was to study these effects. Methods --- study design: This study comprised two phases. Phase I included an evaluation of 45 DCCs (25 from Lisbon and 20 from Oporto, targeting 5161 children). In this phase, building characteristics, indoor CO2 and air temperature/relative humidity, were assessed. A children’s respiratory health questionnaire derived from the ISAAC (International Study on Asthma and Allergies in Children) was also distributed. Phase II encompassed two evaluations and included 20 DCCs selected from phase I after a cluster analysis (11 from Lisbon and 9 from Oporto, targeting 2287 children). In this phase, data on ventilation, IAQ, thermal comfort parameters, respiratory and allergic health, airway inflammation biomarkers, respiratory virus infection patterns and parental and child stress were collected. Results: In Phase I, building characteristics, occupant behavior and ventilation surrogates were collected from all DCCs. The response rate of the questionnaire was 61.7% (3186 children). Phase II included 1221 children. Association results between DCC characteristics, IAQ and health outcomes will be provided in order to support recommendations on IAQ and children’s health. A building ventilation model will also be developed. Discussion: This paper outlines methods that might be implemented by other investigators conducting studies on the association between respiratory health and indoor air quality at DCC.


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Introdução: A asma é uma doença respiratória crónica, cujo agravamento pode estar associado a factores ambientais, entre os quais os relacionados com a qualidade do ar. Objectivo: O presente trabalho pretendeu avaliar o efeito da exposição individual a poluentes atmosféricos em termos de função respiratória, num grupo de crianças com história de sibilância, entrando em consideração com o grau de infestação de ácaros do pó doméstico. Métodos: Um grupo de 51 crianças com história de sibilância, seleccionadas através do questionário do estudo ISAAC, foi acompanhado prospectivamente num estudo com medidas repetidas, que envolveu avaliações médicas padronizadas que incluíram a realização de espirometria, avaliação da exposição aos ácaros do pó e cálculo do valor de exposição individual a uma variedade de poluentes do ar: PM10, O3, NO2, benzeno, tolueno, xileno, etilbenzeno e formaldeído. Resultados: Observou -se uma elevada percentagem de colchões com um grau de infestação de ácaros médio ou elevado. Com excepção dos valores de PM10, os valores de exposição aos poluentes do ar não alcançaram valores elevados. Na análise multivariável, tanto os poluentes (designadamente PM10, NO2, benzeno, tolueno e etilbenzeno) como o grau de infestação de ácaros do pó associaram -se a deterioração da função pulmonar. Conclusão: O presente trabalho vem reforçar o interesse da exposição aos poluentes do ar em crianças com história de sibilância, que à semelhança do que acontece com os ácaros do pó influenciam as vias aéreas.


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BACKGROUND: Geographical differences in asthma prevalence are currently accepted, but evidence is sparse due to the lack of multicentre studies using the same protocol. OBJECTIVES: To compare the prevalence of asthma and atopy among schoolchildren from Portuguese speaking countries (ISAAC and Portuguese Study) and evaluate some environmental variables, such as house dust mite exposure. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Significant random samples of schoolchildren studied with standard validated methods--questionnaires, skin prick tests, methacholine bronchial challenge tests; dust bed sampling for analysis of mite antigens. RESULTS: In the ISAAC study, in the 13-14 year-old age group, statistical significant differences were found, with higher wheezing prevalence in Brazil than in Portugal (two-fold). In the Portuguese Study, atopy prevalence ranged between 6.0 and 11.9% in Sal and S. Vicente (Cape Verde), up to 48.6 and 54.1% in Macau and Madeira. Active asthma had the higher values in Madeira (14.6%), and the lower in Macau (1.3%). Cape Verde had intermediate asthma prevalence (10.6 and 7.0%). The bronchial challenge test was positive in 25, 66 and 70% of asthmatic children from Sal, S. Vicente and Madeira respectively. Significant HDM antigen concentrations (Der p1) were found in Cape Verde and Madeira. CONCLUSIONS: There are significant variations in asthma and atopy prevalence between these pediatric populations. The reasons remain under discussion, but genetics linked to race, seem to play a central role, modulated by environmental and lifestyle variables.