3 resultados para International Society for Folk Narrative Research, ISFNR
De acordo com a International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA), as anomalias vasculares são divididas em dois grupos: tumores e malformações vasculares. Os tumores vasculares resultam da proliferação benigna do endotélio vascular. As malformações vasculares, por sua vez, resultam de erros na morfogénese vascular com a formação de vasos displásicos. Os hemangiomas infantis (HI) são os tumores vasculares benignos mais comuns da infância, estando presentes em até 5% das crianças. Caracterizam-se por estarem ausentes ao nascimento, com posterior crescimento significativo durante os primeiros meses de vida, e involução lenta e espontânea ao longo dos anos. As malformações vasculares, pelo contrário, estão presentes logo ao nascimento, acompanham o crescimento da criança e persistem na idade adulta. Os HI pequenos e superficiais estão associados a excelente prognóstico, com involução espontânea e bom resultado estético. Não é necessária intervenção terapêutica específica. Contudo alguns HI, pela sua localização, dimensão e número podem estar associados a outras anomalias, pelo que é necessária uma avaliação mais cuidadosa e multidisciplinar. Nesta apresentação abordaremos os protocolos atualmente em uso. Estão disponíveis várias opções terapêuticas para os HI, desde corticoides tópicos, intralesionais e sistémicos; β-bloqueadores tópicos (timolol) e sistémicos (propanolol), imiquimod tópico, vincristina, interferão-α, laser (PDL) e excisão cirúrgica. A escolha deve ser individualizada, de acordo com as características de cada HI.
Background: Approximately 5% of the population donates blood each year in developed countries. Recruiting and maintaining a pool of altruistic and healthy blood donors is a challenging task. Blood donation as a dynamic process must naturally co-exist with the arguably essential deferrals. Aims: To analyse a 11-year cohort of donors and blood donations in order to determine the profile of the average donor and the typical donation. Characterize the donor’s population in terms of gender, age, number of donations, most common causes for deferral and exclusion and the possible relationships between them. Establish the tendency flow of donations per year. Methods: Analysis of 95861 blood donations from 31550 donors collected between 2000 and 2010 (11 years) in the Immunohemotherapy Department of the ‘‘Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central - Hospital de Sa˜o Jose´’’ (Lisboa, Portugal). Prior to blood donation, donors were required to fill out a form of informed consent, a questionnaire of 21 ‘‘yes or no’’ questions and were submitted to a clinical assessment and physical examination including: measurement of weight, blood pressure, pulse and capillary hemoglobin levels. Post-donation, the collected blood was tested for ALT elevation and blood-borne viral agents (HBV, HCV, HIV 1 and 2 and HTLV 1 and 2) and other infections (Treponema pallidum). Blood donors and donations were registered in a database and statistically studied in terms of: gender and age distribution, number of donations, most common causes for deferral and exclusion. The frequency of blood donations throughout the period of observation was analyzed and statistically significant relationships between the collected variables were investigated. Results: From the population of 31550 donors 61% were male and a mean age of 41.5 years (± 12.5 years) was found. From the total of 95682 blood donations collected 78% were successful while the most common causes for deferral were: donation incompatible hemoglobin levels (5% of the blood donations and 22% of deferrals), ALT elevation (3% and 14%), positive blood screening test for Treponema pallidum (1% and 6%), medication (1% and 4%), positive serological blood markers for HBV (1% and 4%), endoscopy in the previous 12 months (1% and 3%), arterial hypertension (1% and 3%), infectious conditions (1% and 3%), influenza or influenza-like symptoms (1% and 2%) and positive serological blood markers for HCV (1% and 2%). Summary/Conclusions: Several factors may have contributed to a limited number of new regular donors in the population, namely: ageing population, the alienation of the individual from the community induced by modern lifestyles and job precariousness. It is of the utmost importance to refine our blood donation campaigns according to the existing population of donors. The optimization of the blood donation potential of a population of donors must be achieved through the development of reliable and consistent screening methods. In order to appeal to new donors it is important to promote blood donations considering the profile of the regular and healthy blood donor of the existing population.