A autora aborda o historial, génese e objectivos da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade para crianças e jovens, implementada pela Organização Mundial de Saúdeem 2007. Sublinha o papel de complementaridadade da CIF relativamente a outras classificações como a Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID), em que a primeira visa caracterizar as capacidades e dificuldades de crianças e jovens com deficiência, ou seja, caracterizar do ponto de vista funcional cada criança e jovem, independentemente do diagnóstico etiológico médico. Trata-se da mudança de paradigma bio-médico para a do indivíduo que apresenta determinadas competências e dificuldades, em que estas últimas são definidas em função do ambiente – facilitador ou actuando como barreira. Assim, é dado enfoque ao ambiente para que este seja modificado transformando os factores que actuam como barreira em facilitadores, que anulem ou atenuem as dificuldades. Sendo a deficiência e ou doença uma experiência universal, a CIF vem colmatar uma importante lacuna na dificuldade de comunicação e articulação entre os diversos actores intervenientes no apoio socio educativo e médico destas crianças,criando uma linguagem acessível aos técnicos envolvidos – educadores, terapeutas e outros profissionais ligados à infância, por força envolvidos, dando uma maior ênfase à interacção criança/meio numa perspectiva holística de bem estar bio-psico-social.
Conflicts of interest were potentially great but they were minimized by the great conviction from both Doctors and Health Ministry that something had to be done to improve data on perinatal health. To decrease the number of hospitals where deliveries took place, to concentrate doctors, nurses and equipment, to define staff and to acquire equipment and to train nurses and paediatricians was the way. One the point of view of cost-effectiveness, centralization of expensive technologies, and development of expertise concentrating cases in a same centre - Surgery, VLBW, etc- and lowering mortality rates and get better outcomes were clear health gains. In 1989 after the political decision of closing small maternities the committee return to villages and cities to explain to political local power and people, the decision, which kind of care they will have in the future, why and expected gains. Level I hospitals and Health Centers stop to have deliveries; Health Centers were given a great responsibility: the follow up of the most part of the normal pregnancies by GP. There was no economic pressure because the National Health Service is free, there are no economic incentives for obstetrical or neonatal care, hospitals are financed through ICD, hospital level is defined according to both delivery and newborn care. In 1989 the rule was “No results can be obtained without the interested and responsible participation of all – institutions and people”. At that time the emphasis was on training. There are geographic influences on regionalization for example for islands and inner and far geographic areas. Also we would like to emphasize the influence of demographics on regionalization. As birth rate continues to decrease the hospitals left open 20 years ago with more than 1500 deliveries have to be closed now because the number of deliveries decreased. It was much more difficult and unacceptable to close some few maternities now than 20 years ago. All the difference was that at that time reasons were explained and now it was a Minister order. Other fearful events are the opening of private hospitals, the lowering gross national income, the economic difficulties and financial problems.