3 resultados para Fiebre Puerperal


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Introdução: A CIHG é uma patologia que surge habitualmente na 2ª metade da gestação e tem carácter recorrente. Objectivo: Determinar a incidência da patologia, o outcome obstétrico e fetal das grávidas com diagnóstico de CIHG. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo, de Janeiro/2004 a Outubro/2010. Variáveis estudadas: referentes à grávida (idade, antecedentes obstétricos), gravidez (idade gestacional ao diagnóstico, conduta clínica) e parto (incluindo complicações intra-parto), bem como complicações maternas/fetais pós-parto. Resultados: 57 grávidas (incidência 0,41% - 57/14053), com idade média 31,5±5,8 anos, 56,1% nulíparas e 36% com antecedentes pessoais de CIHG. A sintomatologia surgiu em média às 33,8±3,1 semanas (S). Em 55,9% procedeu-se a internamento imediato (IG 35±2,7S), 44,1% foram vigiadas em ambulatório (IG 32,1±3S), em média durante 3,7±1,9S. 57,9% necessitaram de terapêutica médica. Em 65% procedeu-se a indução do trabalho de parto, na maioria dos casos pela idade gestacional (≥37S); 17,5% iniciaram trabalho de parto espontâneo (70% pré-termo). Cesariana em 38,6%, das quais 72,7% em âmbito de urgência. 22,2% de casos de CTG intra-parto não tranquilizador e em 15,8%,líquido amniótico meconial. A idade gestacional média ao nascimento foi 36,2±2,2S; 38,6% RN prematuros (2/3 iatrogénicos), tendo-se verificado 1 caso de hemorragia pós-parto, 3 de febre puerperal e 1 de asfixia neonatal grave. Discussão: Patologia de baixa incidência, recorrente, atingindo frequentemente grávidas de grupo etário superior. Associa-se a marcada iatrogenia, prematuridade, risco de distócia e sofrimento fetal intra-parto. Estes dados estão de acordo com a literatura.


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INTRODUCTION: Labour is considered to be one of the most painful and significant experiences in a woman's life. The aim of this study was to examine whether women's attachment style is a predictor of the pain experienced throughout labour and post-delivery. MATERIAL AND METHODS:Thirty-two pregnant women were assessed during the third trimester of pregnancy and during labour. Adult attachment was assessed with the Adult Attachment Scale ' Revised. The perceived intensity of labour pain was measured using a visual analogue scale for pain in the early stage of labour, throughout labour and post-delivery. RESULTS:Women with an insecure attachment style reported more pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation (p < 0.05), before the administration of analgesia (p < 0.01) and post-delivery (p < 0.05) than those securely attached. In multivariate models, attachment style was a significant predictor of labour pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation and before the first administration of analgesia but not of the perceived pain post-delivery. DISCUSSION: These findings confirm that labour pain is influenced by relevant psychological factors and suggest that a woman's attachment style may be a risk factor for greater pain during labour. CONCLUSION:Future studies in the context of obstetric pain may consider the attachment style as an indicator of individual differences in the pain response during labour. This may have important implications in anaesthesiology and to promote a relevant shift in institutional practices and therapeutic procedures.


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Hepatitis E is an inflammatory liver disease caused by hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection, which is endemic in China, India, Nepal, and in several Asian and African countries, where the prevalence can be as high as 50%. In non-endemic countries, an increasing number of non-travel associated HEV has been reported in recent years, particularly in Europe. The authors describe the clinical case of a puerperal 24-year-old woman from Pakistan admitted to our Tertiary Care Medical Center with acute hepatic failure developed during the third trimester of her pregnancy. She was icteric with grade III encephalopathy and hypothermia. Laboratory values showed significant AST, ALT and LDH elevations of twelve times the upper normal limit, and total bilirubin was significantly elevated (41.20 mg/dL). Prothrombin time was prolonged (4 s) and factor V activity was diminished (15.1%). Extracorporeal albumin dialysis was initiated, but clinical deterioration occurred within 48 h, so she underwent OLT at day 4 post-admission. Severe forms of HEV are known to be more pronounced in pregnant women. Even though most of the described cases of acute hepatic failure associated to HEV during pregnancy had a favorable clinical course, some cases of fulminant liver failure and death are described. It is unknown whether liver transplant outcomes in this setting are different from other causes of acute liver failure. To our knowledge, this is the first case report in Portugal from a pregnant woman who developed hepatic failure due to fulminant hepatitis E that underwent successful liver transplantation.