8 resultados para Extensor Muscles


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Although several tendon sources are available for reconstructive surgical procedures, all have one or more shortcomings. The aim of this work was to evaluate if the extensor tendons of the hallux showed anatomical characteristics that could make them an additional source for tendon grafting procedures.The authors performed a detailed morphometric analysis of the extensor tendons of the hallux in 26 lower limbs in order to evaluate the putative association of anatomical variants with hallux valgus, and to attempt to assess the feasibility of using part of the extensor apparatus of the hallux as a source of tendon for grafting procedures.An accessory extensor hallucis longus ten-don was found in 92.3% of cases. The extensor hallucis brevis tendon length was 10.5 ± 0.6 cm; its width was 0.5 ± 0.1 cm, and its thickness varied between 1-2 mm, making it a potentially good candidate as a source of ten-don grafts. Several anatomical variations were observed, namely the fusion of the tendons of the extensor hallucis brevis and the accessory extensor hallucis longus muscles in the distal part of the foot.This new therapeutic option, if implemented, would possibly increase the supply of autogenous donor tissue for reconstructive procedures, thereby enhancing the reconstructive surgeon’s armamentarium.


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Posterior interosseous nerve entrapment syndrome and spontaneous rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon are rare conditions. The authors describe the bizarre combination of a spontaneous rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon in a 82-year-old lady with a posterior interosseous nerve syndrome. As far as the authors know, this is the first description of such an association in the literature. Surgical exploration revealed compression of the posterior interosseous nerve at the proximal portion of the supinator muscle and at Henry's leash. The nerve was freed, and the tendon of the extensor index proprius was transferred to the extensor pollicis longus. Six months after the procedure, the patient had resumed her daily activities, showing a good functional result.


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Introduction: Anatomical variations of the extensor tendons to the fingers are of great clinical interest, due to the relatively high frequency of tendon injury in clinical practice. Material and methods: During routine dissection of the right upper limb of a 67-year-old female preserved corpse, the extensor indicis proprius (EIP) muscle belly originated 3 independent tendons, each with a separate fascial sheath, forming a triple EIP tendon. There was a larger tendon, which occupied a central position, that represented the usual single EIP tendon. In addition, there were two thinner radial and ulnar accessory EIP tendons. The radial-EIP tendon crossed deep to the extensor digitorum communis (EDC) tendon to the index finger in the distal half of the dorsum of the hand to reach the radial side of the extensor expansion hood of the index finger. Discussion: According to the literature, the frequency of a triple EIP tendon ranges from 0%, to as high as 7%, although most authors do not acknowledge the presence of this variant in their series. This variant of the EIP tendon, in which the radial-EIP terminated laterally to the termination of the tendon of the EDC to the index finger, may be a source of confusion intraoperatively, as the EIP tendon has traditionally been identified on the basis of its ulnar location with respect to the EDC tendon. Conclusion: The possibility of a triple EIP tendon should certainly be born in mind by all surgeons when performing tendon repairs, tenoplasties or tendon transfers.


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Orbital myositis is a subgroup of the nonspecific inflammatory syndrome or orbital pseudotumor and is characterized by a primary inflammation of extraocular muscles. The authors describe a 70-year-old patient with acute proptosis, ocular pain and right ophthalmoplegia, whose orbital computed tomographic scan showed enlargement of the homolateral extraocular muscles. Clinical presentation and complementary tests were compatible with the diagnosis of orbital myositis however, because of the particular aspects, which included retinal central vein occlusion, optic nerve lesion, distension of the superior ophthalmic vein and the homolateral cavernous sinus, the differential diagnosis with cavernous sinus pathology and thyroid ophthalmopathy was considered. The importance of a rapid diagnosis and treatment is stressed.


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BACKGROUND: Variations in the major arteries of the upper limb are estimated to be present in up to one fifth of people, and may have significant clinical implications. CASE PRESENTATION: During routine cadaveric dissection of a 69-year-old fresh female cadaver, a superficial brachioulnar artery with an aberrant path was found bilaterally. The superficial brachioulnar artery originated at midarm level from the brachial artery, pierced the brachial fascia immediately proximal to the elbow, crossed superficial to the muscles that originated from the medial epicondyle, and ran over the pronator teres muscle in a doubling of the antebrachial fascia. It then dipped into the forearm fascia, in the gap between the flexor carpi radialis and the palmaris longus. Subsequently, it ran deep to the palmaris longus muscle belly, and superficially to the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle, reaching the gap between the latter and the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, where it assumed is usual position lateral to the ulnar nerve. CONCLUSION: As far as the authors could determine, this variant of the superficial brachioulnar artery has only been described twice before in the literature. The existence of such a variant is of particular clinical significance, as these arteries are more susceptible to trauma, and can be easily confused with superficial veins during medical and surgical procedures, potentially leading to iatrogenic distal limb ischemia.


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Introdução: A sépsis meningocócica é a forma mais grave de infecção a meningocos na primeira infância. Além das manifestações clínicas graves amplamente conhecidas, que incluem lesões isquémicas irreversíveis dos membros, e que levam na maioria dos casos a amputação, estão descritas lesões osteoarticulares tardias, secundárias à lesão da placa de crescimento. Estas lesões estão na origem de deformidades mais ou menos complexas, incluindo deformidades angulares e dismetrias. O tratamento é difícil e pode envolver múltiplas intervenções. Na maioria dos casos são utilizados fixadores externos. O fixador externo circular permite a correção em simultâneo de deformidades angulares multiplanares e da dismetria. Descrevemos a nossa experiência no tratamento destas lesões utilizando o fixador externo circular. Material e Métodos: Fizemos um estudo retrospectivo, com recuo de 5 anos. Foram incluídos todos os doentes operados na nossa instituição, entre Janeiro de 2008 e Dezembro de 2011, que apresentavam deformidade dos membros secundária a sépsis meningocócica na infância. Consultámos o processo clínico, tendo sido registados a deformidade inicial, os procedimentos cirúrgicos, o tempo de utilização do fixador, as complicações e reintervenções, e a correção final. Os doentes foram convocados para consulta de follow-up, tendo sido registado o resultado clinico e radiológico à data do estudo. Resultados: No período de Janeiro de 2008 a Dezembro de 2011 foram operados 6 doentes e oito membros. Em todos foi utilizado, em pelo menos um dos membros, o fixador circular externo Taylor Spacial Frame. A idade média à data da intervenção foi de 9 anos (5‐14). Em seis casos a localização da deformidade era na tíbia proximal, dos quais 5 casos com deformidade em varo, um dos quais com recurvatum, 1 com antecurvatum e 1 caso com deformidade poliaxial. Dois dos casos apresentavam deformidade em varo da tíbia proximal bilateralmente. Num destes casos foi utilizado um fixador externo circular numa das tíbias e um fixador externo monoplanar na outra. Os tempos de tratamento foram semelhantes. Registámos ainda 1 caso que apresentava deformidade em valgo no fémur distal. A média de dismetria apresentada foi de 5 cm (4-7). Em 3 casos foram realizadas epifisiodeses concomitantes. O tempo médio de correção com fixador externo circular foi de 9.2 meses (4‐11). O índice de alongamento médio foi de 6,7 dias por mm. A correção da dismetria e do desalinhamento no plano frontal foi conseguida em 7 dos oito procedimentos. Complicações: um caso de rigidez do joelho com flexo grave; Um caso de instabilidade rotuliana com um episódio de luxação, submetido a realinhamento proximal e distal do aparelho extensor 29 meses após o primeiro procedimento; Quatro casos de infecção superficial dos pinos, 2 dois quais motivaram internamento para antibioterapia endovenosa, com resolução do quadro. Discussão: A incidência de sequelas ortopédicas tardias após sépsis meningocócica é desconhecida. Há poucas publicações nacionais e internacionais sobre este tema, e as existentes relatam apenas casos com deformidades que motivaram intervenção cirúrgica para a sua correção. As séries publicadas nunca ultrapassam a dezena de casos. Na nossa série constatamos que o tratamento com fixador externo circular é eficaz na correção da dismetria e do desalinhamento. A taxa de complicações é alta mas comparável às séries publicadas. A duração do tratamento é variável com o tipo e gravidade da deformidade inicial. Conclusão: As sequelas ortopédicas tardias após sépsis meningocócica são secundárias à lesão da placa de crescimento. As deformidades incluem desde dismetrias simples a deformidades multiplanares com graus de complexidade variável. O seu tratamento é complexo e pode necessitar de múltiplas intervenções cirúrgicas. O tratamento com fixador externo circular é eficaz no restabelecimento do comprimento e do alinhamento dos membros afet


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BACKGROUND: Paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes (PNS) pose quite an uncommon neurological complication, affecting less than 1% of patients with breast cancer. Nearly one third of these patients lack detectable onconeural antibodies (ONAs), and improvement in neurologic deficits with concomitant cancer treatments is achieved in less than 30% of cases. CASE PRESENTATION: A 42-year-old, premenopausal woman presented with facial paralysis on the central left side accompanied by a left tongue deviation, an upward vertical nystagmus, moderate spastic paraparesis, dystonic posturing of the left foot, lower limb hyperreflexia and bilateral extensor plantar reflex. After ruling out all other potential neurologic causes, PNS was suspected but no ONAs were found. A PET-CT scan detected increased metabolism in the right breast, as well as an ipsilateral thoracic interpectoral adenopathy. Core biopsy confirmed the presence of an infiltrating duct carcinoma. After breast surgery, the neurologic symptoms disappeared. One week later, the patient was readmitted to the hospital with a bilateral fatigable eyelid ptosis, and two weeks later, there was a noticeable improvement in eyelid ptosis, accompanied by a rapid and progressive development of lower spastic paraparesis. She started adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy with marked clinical and neurological improvement, and by the end of radiotherapy, there were no signs of neurologic impairment. CONCLUSION: This case study highlights the importance of a high level of vigilance for the detection of PNS, even when ONAs are not detected, as the rapid identification and treatment of the underlying tumor offers the best chance for a full recovery.


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The hypoglossal nerve is a pure motor nerve. It provides motor control to the intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles thus being essential for normal tongue movement and coordination. In order to design a useful imaging approach and a working differential diagnosis in cases of hypoglossal nerve damage one has to have a good knowledge of the normal anatomy of the nerve trunk and its main branches. A successful imaging evaluation to hypoglossal diseases always requires high resolution studies due to the small size of the structures being studied. MRI is the preferred modality to directly visualize the nerve, while CT is superior in displaying the bony anatomy of the neurovascular foramina of the skull base. Also, while CT is only able to detect nerve pathology by indirect signs, such as bony expansion of the hypoglossal canal, MRI is able to visualize directly the causative pathological process as in the case of small tumors, or infectious/inflammatory processes affecting the nerve. The easiest way to approach the study of the hypoglossal nerve is to divide it in its main segments: intra-axial, cisternal, skull base and extracranial segment, tailoring the imaging technique to each anatomical area while bearing in mind the main disease entities affecting each segment.