5 resultados para Encima LDH
Introdução: O seminoma espermatocítico é um diagnóstico incomum de tumores do testículo, frequentemente exuberantes na sua dimensão, mas com bom prognóstico. Apesar da designação errónea, trata-se de tumores de células germinativas do tipo não-seminoma. Caso Clínico: Descreve-se o caso clínico de um homem de 49 anos de idade, com exuberante aumento de volume escrotal de agravamento recente, à custa de massa indolor do testículo direito. Foi feita ecografia escrotal que mostrou hidrocelo e imagem sugestiva de massa atípica do epidídimo direito. TC torácica, abdominal e pélvica não mostrou adenomegalias retroperitoneais ou outra alteração; os valores de LDH, αFP e βHCG eram normais. Foi feita orquidectomia por via escrotal à direita, com excisão de uma ampla área do escroto. Identificou-se na peça operatória, com 1375g, seminoma espermatocítico com invasão vascular da túnica albugínea (pT2). O doente iniciou quimioterapia com BEP (dois ciclos). Discussão: O seminoma espermatocítico é raro, com cerca de 2% de incidência, o diagnóstico faz-se habitualmente na 6ª década de vida, e tem localização exclusivamente testicular. A orquidectomia é frequentemente curativa. Apesar de estarem descritos tumores de maior volume do que o seminoma clássico, destaca-se neste caso a exuberância clínica incomum pela dimensão do testículo, bem como do hidrocelo que o acompanhava.
O Síndrome de Hellp (S. Hellp) é uma situação clínica que surge aproximadamente em 10% dos casos de pré-eclâmpsia grave. É uma disfunção multiorgânica em que a tríade laboratorial que o caracteriza, H-hemólise, EL-elevated liver enzymes (enzimas hepáticos elevados) e LP-low platelets (trombocitopenia) permite efectuar e monitorizar correctamente o diagnóstico e tratamento aplicado. O S. Hellp pode surgir inicialmente numa fase mais lenta, em que se verificam níveis moderadamente elevados de desidrogenase láctica (LDH), trombocitopenia ligeira (100.000-150.000/ul) e diminuição da haptoglobina. Posteriormente, torna-se evidente a existência de disfunção hepática, pela elevação dos níveis séricos do aspartato amino transferase (AST) e alanina amino transferase (ALT), acompanhados de concentrações ainda mais elevadas de LDH e trombocitopenia grave (<50.000/ul). Surge a anemia hemolítica microangiopática e verificam-se igualmente alterações significativas da coagulação. Outras perturbações podem ocorrer, nomeadamente a nível renal, cardiovascular e respiratório.
Although a variety of nanoparticles (NPs) functionalized with amphotericin B, an antifungal agent widely used in the clinic, have been studied in the last years their cytotoxicity profile remains elusive. Here we show that human endothelial cells take up high amounts of silica nanoparticles (SNPs) conjugated with amphotericin B (AmB) (SNP-AmB) (65.4 12.4 pg of Si per cell) through macropinocytosis while human fibroblasts internalize relatively low amounts (2.3 0.4 pg of Si per cell) because of their low capacity for macropinocytosis. We further show that concentrations of SNP-AmB and SNP up to 400 mg/mL do not substantially affect fibroblasts. In contrast, endothelial cells are sensitive to low concentrations of NPs (above 10 mg/mL), in particular to SNP-AmB. This is because of their capacity to internalize high concentration of NPs and high sensitivity of their membrane to the effects of AmB. Low-moderate concentrations of SNP-AmB (up to 100 mg/mL) induce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), LDH release, high expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines (IL-8, IL-6, G-CSF, CCL4, IL-1b and CSF2) and high expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) at gene and protein levels. High concentrations of SNP-AmB (above 100 ug/mL) disturb membrane integrity and kill rapidly human cells(60% after 5 h). This effect is higher in SNP-AmB than in SNP.
Hepatitis E is an inflammatory liver disease caused by hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection, which is endemic in China, India, Nepal, and in several Asian and African countries, where the prevalence can be as high as 50%. In non-endemic countries, an increasing number of non-travel associated HEV has been reported in recent years, particularly in Europe. The authors describe the clinical case of a puerperal 24-year-old woman from Pakistan admitted to our Tertiary Care Medical Center with acute hepatic failure developed during the third trimester of her pregnancy. She was icteric with grade III encephalopathy and hypothermia. Laboratory values showed significant AST, ALT and LDH elevations of twelve times the upper normal limit, and total bilirubin was significantly elevated (41.20 mg/dL). Prothrombin time was prolonged (4 s) and factor V activity was diminished (15.1%). Extracorporeal albumin dialysis was initiated, but clinical deterioration occurred within 48 h, so she underwent OLT at day 4 post-admission. Severe forms of HEV are known to be more pronounced in pregnant women. Even though most of the described cases of acute hepatic failure associated to HEV during pregnancy had a favorable clinical course, some cases of fulminant liver failure and death are described. It is unknown whether liver transplant outcomes in this setting are different from other causes of acute liver failure. To our knowledge, this is the first case report in Portugal from a pregnant woman who developed hepatic failure due to fulminant hepatitis E that underwent successful liver transplantation.
The objective of this study was to compare clinical, laboratorial, maternal and perinatal results between HELLP Syndrome and severe Preeclampsia. An observational study comparing women with HELLP Syndrome (n=71) to women with severe preeclampsia (n=253) was done. The authors analyzed the early course of the pathologies and the outcomes in both groups. HELLP syndrome occurred in 28% of all the cases and was more frequent at gestational age before 32 weeks (n=39 – 55%) than severe preeclampsia (n=108 - 42%), with more newborns weighting less than 1500g (27 – 38.6% vs 65 – 25.6%; p=0.036). Thrombocytopenia below 100 000/μL (aOR, 2.14; 95% CI, 1.49 – 3.06) and LDH>1 000 UI/L (aOR: 5.17; 95% CI 2.19 – 12.16) were risk factors for HELLP. Maternal morbidity (eclampsia, abruptio placentae, and acute renal failure) was similar in both cohorts; eight stillbirths (6 in severe preeclampsia and 2 in HELLP Syndrome) occurred. There were no maternal deaths. In conclusion, in this study the authors confirmed that HELLP Syndrome is a severe form of preeclampsia with an earlier presentation in pregnancy, worst laboratorial findings and more prematurity rates.