8 resultados para Electronegative LDL


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A terapêutica antidislipidémica redutora do colesterol é um paradigma da melhor aplicação da evidência científica na prática clínica. Face às opções disponíveis, é fundamental que as estatinas tenham um perfil claro de segurança e tolerabilidade e uma relação de benefícios e risco favorável. A terapêutica intensiva do colesterol não está associada a consequências deletérias, dependentes da maior eficácia, ou a efeitos laterais graves. As estatinas não são hepatotóxicas. A flutuação enzimática é um fenómeno corrente na dislipidemia. O risco de aumento das transamínases está directa e intimamente relacionada com a dose (e com o tipo de estatina usada). Alterações pouco importantes do perfil hepático basal não são uma contra-indicação ao seu uso (doentes com um risco cardiovascular justificável). A monitorização iterada do perfil hepático não está justificada. A causa da miotoxicidade com as estatinas não está devidamente esclarecida. O risco de miopatia ou rabdomiólise não tem relação com a redução percentual ou absoluta do LDL-C (nem com o valor de LDL-C alcançado). Os efeitos adversos das estatinas podem depender das características físico-químicas da molécula e das suas características farmacocinéticas. Numa estratégia de farmacovigilância, o doente tem também uma palavra. A partilha de propósitos obriga o doente a responsabilidades partilhadas com a sua Equipa de Saúde, motivadoras de tratamentos mais seguros e de melhor prevenção cardiovascular. Aperfeiçoar o ingresso em programas de Saúde de qualidade e aprimorar o tratamento e os objectivos alcançados são as razões que devem fundamentar a terapêutica e a redução efectiva intensiva das dislipidemias.


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INTRODUCTION: Obesity is a chronic disease and a serious health problem that leads to increased prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and gallbladder disease. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of orlistat for weight loss and improved lipid profile compared to placebo in obese patients with hypercholesterolemia, treated over a period of 6 months. METHODOLOGY: In a 6-month, multicenter (10 centers in Portugal), double-blind, parallel, placebo-controlled study, 166 patients, aged 18-65 years, body mass index (BMI) > or = 27 kg/m2, LDL cholesterol > 155 mg/dl, were randomized to a reduced calorie diet (600 kcal/day deficit) plus orlistat three times a day or placebo. Exclusion criteria included triglycerides > 400 mg/dl, severe cardiovascular disease, uncontrolled hypertension, type 1 or 2 diabetes under pharmacological treatment, and gastrointestinal or pancreatic disease. RESULTS: The mean difference in weight from baseline was 5.9% (5.6 kg) in the orlistat group vs. 2.3% (2.2 kg) in the placebo group. In the orlistat group 49% of patients achieved 5-10% weight loss and 8.8% achieved > 10%. The orlistat group showed a significant reduction in total and LDL cholesterol, with similar changes for HDL in both treatment groups. The frequency of gastrointestinal adverse events was slightly higher in the orlistat group than in the placebo group, leading to discontinuation in 7 patients. CONCLUSION: Treatment with orlistat plus a reduced calorie diet for 6 months achieved significant reductions in weight, BMI and lipid parameters.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate variations in oxidized LDL (oxLDL) at the onset of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and over the recovery period, exploring their relationship with coronary disease severity. A follow-up of 50 AMI patients was evaluated against 25 healthy volunteers (reference group). The AMI patients were evaluated at three time points: at admission before the administration of IIb/IIIa inhibitors and angioplasty, and two and 40 days after intervention. Plasma oxLDL concentrations were measured by ELISA. oxLDL was found to be significantly higher in AMI patients in the acute phase relative to reference levels, decreasing progressively over the recovery period. The results also demonstrated that oxLDL levels were decreased in patients with the left circumflex artery (LCX) as culprit vessel compared to the left anterior descending coronary (LAD) or right coronary artery (RCA). The results highlight a significant increase in oxLDL concentration related to coronary artery disease severity, as conditions such as LCX lesions are usually associated with a favorable prognosis, contrasting with LAD-associated conditions that can compromise large areas of myocardium. The results thus suggest that oxLDL may constitute a promising marker in assessment of AMI evolution.


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AIMS: To investigate the long-term effects of efavirenz on cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) and triglycerides (TG). METHODS: Thirty-four HIV-infected patients who commenced efavirenz therapy were monitored for 36 months. RESULTS: In patients with baseline HDL-C<40 mg.dL-1 an increase in HDL-C from 31+/-1 mg.dL-1 to 44+/-2 mg.dL-1 (95% confidence interval 5.9, 21.9, P<0.01) was observed and remained throughout the follow-up period. Median efavirenz plasma concentration was 1.98 mg.L-1 and a direct correlation between percentage of HDL-C variation or TC/HDL-C ratio and efavirenz plasma concentrations was found. CONCLUSIONS: There is evidence of a long-term and concentration-dependent beneficial effect of efavirenz on HDL-C in HIV-infected patients.


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Os distúrbios dos lípidos e das lipoproteínas plasmáticas, frequentes em doentes diabéticos insulinodependentes, contribuem significativamente para o risco cardiovascular elevado que estes indivíduos apresentam. Estudos efectuados em crianças e jovens insulinodependentes, demonstram o aparecimento precoce de alterações no metabolismo lipídico, habitualmente associa das e agravadas por um deficiente controle glicémico. Algumas outras alterações mantém-se presentes em crianças diabéticas, mesmo em condições de bom controle glicémico. Aparentemente, as medidas habituais de optimização do controle metabólico não corrigem todas as alterações do perfil lipídico, induzidas pela Diabetes Mellitus. A hiperglicémia induz a maioria das perturbações verificadas, através da estimulação da síntese hepática de triglicéridos, e pela glicolização e oxidação das lipoproteinas e respectivas apolipoproteinas. A carência em insulina, é responsá vel por alterações adicionais, ao interferir na actividade da lipoproteina lipase. O perfil lipídico, em crianças e jovens insulinodependentes, com deficiente controlo metabólico, tende a ser sobre ponível ao descrito para os diabéticos adultos: elevação significativa de triglicéridos, VLDL-Tg, LDL-Tg, VLDL-Col, Apo B e CIII e diminuição do HDL-Col e da Apo AI. Dada a forte corre lação do controle glicémico com a maioria das alterações lipidicas, mesmo em presença de va lores de colesterol e triglicéridos normais, os doseamentos das apolipoproteinas Apo AI, Apo B 100 e de Apo CIII, parecem ser fieis indicadores do controle glicémico, na criança diabética, e factores de elevado valor predictivo de risco cardiovascular, na idade adulta.


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Reducing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels using statins is associated with significant reductions in cardiovascular (CV) events in a wide range of patient populations. Although statins are generally considered to be safe, recent studies suggest they are associated with an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes (T2D). This led the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to change their labelling requirements for statins to include a warning about the possibility of increased blood sugar and HbA1c levels and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to issue guidance on a small increased risk of T2D with the statin class. This review examines the evidence leading to these claims and provides practical guidance for primary care physicians on the use of statins in people with or at risk of developing T2D. Overall, evidence suggests that the benefits of statins for the reduction of CV risk far outweigh the risk of developing T2D, especially in individuals with higher CV risk. To reduce the risk of developing T2D, physicians should assess all patients for T2D risk prior to starting statin therapy, educate patients about their risks, and encourage risk-reduction through lifestyle changes. Whether some statins are more diabetogenic than others requires further study. Statin-treated patients at high risk of developing T2D should regularly be monitored for changes in blood glucose or HbA1c levels, and the risk of conversion from pre-diabetes to T2D should be reduced by intensifying lifestyle changes. Should a patient develop T2D during statin treatment, physicians should continue with statin therapy and manage T2D in accordance with relevant national guidelines.


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OBJECTIVE: Combined hyperlipidaemia is a common and highly atherogenic lipid phenotype with multiple lipoprotein abnormalities that are difficult to normalise with single-drug therapy. The ATOMIX multicentre, controlled clinical trial compared the efficacy and safety of atorvastatin and bezafibrate in patients with diet-resistant combined hyperlipidaemia. PATIENTS AND STUDY DESIGN: Following a 6-week placebo run-in period, 138 patients received atorvastatin 10mg or bezafibrate 400mg once daily in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. To meet predefined low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) target levels, atorvastatin dosages were increased to 20mg or 40mg once daily after 8 and 16 weeks, respectively. RESULTS: After 52 weeks, atorvastatin achieved greater reductions in LDL-C than bezafibrate (percentage decrease 35 vs 5; p < 0.0001), while bezafibrate achieved greater reductions in triglyceride than atorvastatin (percentage decrease 33 vs 21; p < 0.05) and greater increases in high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) [percentage increase 28 vs 17; p < 0.01 ]. Target LDL-C levels (according to global risk) were attained in 62% of atorvastatin recipients and 6% of bezafibrate recipients, and triglyceride levels <200 mg/dL were achieved in 52% and 60% of patients, respectively. In patients with normal baseline HDL-C, bezafibrate was superior to atorvastatin for raising HDL-C, while in those with baseline HDL-C <35 mg/dL, the two drugs raised HDL-C to a similar extent after adjustment for baseline values. Both drugs were well tolerated. CONCLUSION: The results show that atorvastatin has an overall better efficacy than bezafibrate in concomitantly reaching LDL-C and triglyceride target levels in combined hyperlipidaemia, thus supporting its use as monotherapy in patients with this lipid phenotype.