9 resultados para Early oral colonization


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Morbid obesity is an epidemic and complex disease which imposes a multidisciplinary approach. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy has become a frequent procedure given its effi- cacy and safety compared to other surgical options. However, it isn’t free from complications. Lax gastric fixation or incorrect positioning of the stomach during surgery can result in early gastric outlet obstruction caused by a volvulus-like mechanism by rotation of the stomach around its anatomic axes. This report refers to two cases of post sleeve gastric torsion resulting in persisting vomiting after initiating oral intake. The diagnosis was confirmed by upper gastrointestinal-contrast study and gastroscopy. In both cases, a fully covered self-expandable metallic stentwas insertedwhich prompted the gastric lumen to become permeable resulting in symptomatic resolution. The stents were removed endoscopically aftertwo and three months. Beyond more than three years offollow-up,the patients remain asymptomatic and no recurring ‘‘stenosis’’ was noticed.In these cases the use offully covered self-expandable metallic stents demonstrated to be effective and safe in the treatment of post sleeve gastric torsion.


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A consulta de hipocoagulação de um hospital central contempla uma população bastante diversificada, pelo que uma melhor compreensão das características da mesma, poderá levar à melhoria da prestação de cuidados de saúde e à diminuição do número de complicações tromboembólicas (resultantes da patologia base) e hemorrágicas [resultantes da própria terapêutica anticoagulante (ACO)]. Objectivos: Avaliar as características da população que frequenta a consulta de hipocoagulação e analisar quais podem predizer um maior risco de complicações. Métodos: Utilizaram-se os dados colhidos por um médico através de um questionário colocado a doentes durante a consulta de hipocoagulação. Foram efectuados 101 questionários e avaliaram-se as características demográficas (sexo, idade, escolaridade, grau de analfabetismo), os factores de risco clássicos para doença coronária, o diagnóstico que levou ao início da ACO, a duração da ACO, a periodicidade da determinação e valores mínimos, máximos e à data do questionário de INR e as complicações desta terapêutica. Consideraram-se como complicações o aparecimento de fenómenos hemorrágicos e/ou tromboembólicos, no decurso da terapêutica hipocoagulante. Resultados: Foram estudados 101 doentes, 74 do sexo feminino (73,3%), com idade média de 6410 anos (21-85). A população analisada tinha 4,5 ± 3,5 anos de escolaridade, com 15% de analfabetismo. A maioria dos doentes iniciou ACO após colocação de prótese valvular mecânica (56,4%). Em cada doente existia em média 1 factor de risco para doença coronária. O número de meses de ACO era de 99,489 (1-360). Sessenta e seis doentes (65,3%) conheciam o motivo pelo qual iniciaram esta terapêutica. Cada doente tinha efectuado 1,20,6 determinações de INR por mês e tinha, em média, um tempo máximo sem verificação do mesmo de 6,210,4 semanas. Quarenta e cinco doentes sofreram alguma complicação tromboembólica e/ou hemorrágica no decurso da terapêutica ACO. Ocorreram 50 complicações hemorrágicas, em 41 doentes, das quais 7 motivaram internamento. Detectaram-se 7 episódios de tromboembolismo central ou periférico, em 7 doentes. Posteriormente, dividiu-se a população em dois grupos: grupo I – com complicações (GI) e grupo II – sem complicações (GII). GI – 45 doentes, idade média 63,59,1 anos (39-80) e GII – 56 doentes, idade média 64,711,3 anos (21-85). Nos doentes que iniciaram ACO por prótese mitral detectou-se um maior número de complicações (60,6% no GI e 39,4% no GII, p=0,024). Também nos doentes com INR máximo recomendado > 3 (55,2% no GI e 44,8% no GII, p=0,013) e nos que tinham sido sujeitos a terapêutica estomatológica (68,3% no GI e 31,7% no GII, p<0,001) se verificou um maior número de complicações. A duração da ACO foi o factor mais significativo para o aparecimento de complicações (GI – 138,196,5 meses, GII – 67,868,2 meses, p <0,00005). Na análise multivariada apenas a duração da ACO se manteve como factor preditivo independente. Conclusões: Na população existe uma percentagem importante de doentes com baixa escolaridade, que se poderá repercutir sobre a compreensão desta terapêutica específica, não tendo contudo, neste estudo, revelado influência significativa na taxa de complicações. O aparecimento de complicações durante a terapêutica anticoagulante é dependente da duração desta, do valor do INR máximo recomendado e da realização ou não de procedimentos estomatológicos, sendo o primeiro factor o mais significativo.


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Algumas complicações maternas ou fetais no decorrer da gravidez tornam necessária a indução do trabalho de parto. O misoprostol é um análogo sintético da prostaglandina Eı que mimetiza a acção endógena destas substâncias na maturação do colo do útero. A dose ideal, via e frequência de administração continuam sob investigação. O objectivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia do misoprostol na indução do trabalho de parto e a morbilidade associada à sua administração oral e vaginal. Foi efectuada uma avaliação retrospectiva das grávidas internadas para indução do trabalho de parto durante o ano de 2002, no serviço de Medicina Materno Fetal da Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa. Foram seleccionadas as grávidas que efectuaram misoprostol oral (100 mg) e vaginal (50 mg). Foi avaliado o intervalo de tempo até à fase activa, ao parto, a necessidade de perfusão com occitocina, a via de parto e a morbilidade materna e fetal. Consideraram-se 238 grávidas, 194 efectuaram misoprostol oral e 44 vaginal. O intervalo da indução ao parto vaginal foi 24,3 horas na via oral e 16,9 horas na via vaginal (p=0.01), a dose total administrada foi significativamente inferior na via vaginal (p=0.00), a paridade foi um factor importante na via de parto (p=0.01). Não se verificaram diferenças entre os dois grupos em relação às complicações maternas e fetais. A administração vaginal de misoprostol, quando comparada com a oral, mostrou-se mais eficaz.


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Our purposes are to determine the impact of histological factors observed in zero-time biopsies on early post transplant kidney allograft function. We specifically want to compare the semi-quantitative Banff Classification of zero time biopsies with quantification of % cortical area fibrosis. Sixty three zero-time deceased donor allograft biopsies were retrospectively semiquantitatively scored using Banff classification. By adding the individual chronic parameters a Banff Chronic Sum (BCS) Score was generated. Percentage of cortical area Picro Sirius Red (%PSR) staining was assessed and calculated with a computer program. A negative linear regression between %PSR/ GFR at 3 year post-transplantation was established (Y=62.08 +-4.6412X; p=0.022). A significant negative correlation between arteriolar hyalinosis (rho=-0.375; p=0.005), chronic interstitial (rho=0.296; p=0.02) , chronic tubular ( rho=0.276; p=0.04) , chronic vascular (rho= -0.360;P=0.007), BCS (rho=-0.413; p=0.002) and GFR at 3 years were found. However, no correlation was found between % PSR, Ci, Ct or BCS. In multivariate linear regression the negative predictive factors of 3 years GFR were: BCS in histological model; donor kidney age, recipient age and black race in clinical model. The BCS seems a good and easy to perform tool, available to every pathologist, with significant predictive short-term value. The %PSR predicts short term kidney function in univariate study and involves extra-routine and expensive-time work. We think that %PSR must be regarded as a research instrument.


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Introduction: Globoid cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe disease) is caused by a deficiency of the lysosomal galactocerebrosidase that results in progressive demyelination. The sole treatment is hematopoietic cell transplantation, which is only effective if performed before the onset of signs. In the absence of treatment, most children with early infantile Krabbe disease die within 2 years. Case Report: Female patient, first child of non-consanguineous parents, apparently normal till the fifth month of age when she presented with irritability, stiffness with clenched fists, developmental delay and feeding difficulties that progressed rapidly to failure to thrive, apathy, psychomotor regression, few spontaneous movements and spastic tetraparesis. Cerebral MRI showed extensive cerebral white matter abnormalities, relatively sparing the U-fibers, with a pattern of radiating stripes. Galactocerebrosidase activity in leukocytes and fibroblasts and molecular studies confirmed the diagnosis of Krabbe disease. After the rapid and regressive initial phase, she showed no further clinical progression of the disorder and although she did not grow she even showed regression of irritability and had a stable evolution and good visual contact until death over the age of 5 years. Comments: Our case shows that patients may have a stabilized form of disease and that a longer survival than described in the literature without transplant is possible in some patients.


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Infantile cystinosis is a rare disorder which leftuntreated results in end -stage renal disease early in life. Together with dehydration and electrolyte imbalance due to renal tubular Fanconi syndrome, endstage renal disease used to be the leading cause of death in children with cystinosis. Specific therapy with cysteamine (cystine -depleting agent) has changed the course of this disease. Instead of being fatal in childhood, it can nowadays be considered a multisystemic adult disorder. The authors report a case of a child diagnosed with Fanconi syndrome at 14 months of age and infantile cystinosis at 19 months of age in whom oral cysteamine treatment led to a good outcome during childhood.


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Experimental and clinical data suggest a role of sex steroids in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Scant information is available about the potential effect of oral contraceptive (OC) use on the prognosis of the disease. We aimed to evaluate this. The study population consisted of 132 women with relapsing-remitting MS before receiving disease modifying treatment and a mean disease duration 6.2 (SD 5.1) years. Three groups of patients were distinguished according to their OC behavior: [1] never-users, patients who never used OC [2] past-users, patients who stopped OC use before disease onset, and [3] after-users, those who used these drugs after disease onset. Multiple linear and logistic regression models were used to analyze the association between oral contraceptive use and annualized relapse rates, disability accumulation and severity of the disease. After-user patients had lower Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and Multiple Sclerosis Severity Score (MSSS) values than never users (p<0.001 and p=0.002, respectively) and past users (p=0.010 and p=0.002, respectively). These patients were also more likely to have a benign disease course (MSSS<2.5) than never and past users together (OR: 4.52, 95%CI: 2.13-9.56, p<0.001). This effect remained significant after adjustment for confounders, including smoking and childbirths (OR: 2.97, 95%CI: 1.24, 6.54, p=0.011 and for MSSS β: -1.04; 95% C.I. -1.78, -0.30, p=0.006). These results suggest that OC use in women with relapsing-remitting MS is possible associated with a milder disabling disease course.


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The purpose of our study was to evaluate the accuracy of dynamic incremental bolus-enhanced conventional CT (DICT) with intravenous contrast administration, early phase, in the diagnosis of malignancy of focal liver lesions. A total of 122 lesions were selected in 74 patients considering the following criteria: lesion diameter 10 mm or more, number of lesions less than six per study, except in multiple angiomatosis and the existence of a valid criteria of definitive diagnosis. Lesions were categorized into seven levels of diagnostic confidence of malignancy compared with the definitive diagnosis for acquisition of a receiver-operator-characteristic (ROC) curve analysis and to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the technique. Forty-six and 70 lesions were correctly diagnosed as malignant and benign, respectively; there were 2 false-positive and 4 false-negative diagnoses of malignancy and the sensitivity and specificity obtained were 92 and 97%. The DICT early phase was confirmed as a highly accurate method in the characterization and diagnosis of malignancy of focal liver lesions, requiring an optimal technical performance and judicious analysis of existing semiological data.