OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of post-caesarean analgesia comparing three techniques most frequently used. PATIENTS AND METHODS: For three months all pregnant women submitted to elective or urgent caesarean section, under general or regional anaesthesia, were evaluate with a total of 129 parturient. These parturient were divided into three groups with different techniques of postoperative analgesia: Group 1 (n = 26) received intravenous pethidine and paracetamol per os, group 2 (n = 58) received epidural morphine and group 3 (n = 45) epidural morphine and intravenous propacetamol. Pain was assessed at rest and during mobilisation using a scale of 0-without pain, 1-mild pain, 2-moderate pain and 3-severe pain. Overall satisfaction was assessed with a verbal qualitative scale of very good, good, sufficient and bad. Side effects were analysed. RESULTS: The records of pain at rest and during mobilisation were significantly lower with epidural analgesia compared with intravenous pethidine. There were no significant differences between groups 2 and 3. Similar results were observed in the degree of satisfaction. For 50% of parturient of epidural analgesia (groups 2 and 3) and only 4% of intravenous pethidine (group 1) the analgesic technique was very good. Propacetamol and epidural morphine (group 3) had better pain scores (very good and good) when compared with morphine alone (group 2) but there were no significant differences. Epidural morphine was associated with more pruritus. CONCLUSION: From this study we are able to conclude that epidural morphine offers a good quality of analgesia with better satisfaction and minimal side effects.
The mortality rate is high and prognosis is worse among new-borns with prenatal diagnosis of heart malformation, mainly due to factors such as its association with other malformations, and a range of more severe diseases probably resulting from the predominance of the obstetric use of the four chamber view. In this study we retrospectively assessed the range of cardiopathies diagnosed by foetal echocardiography and their evolution, compared with previous years. From January 1994 to December 1995, 1173 foetal echocardiograms were performed at a gestation age of 24 weeks. Sixty-one foetuses (5.2%) had cardiac anomalies, structural in 56 and arrhythmia in 5. The risks and indications were maternal in 37%, foetal in 31%, familial in 17% and environmental in 15%. Three were false negatives (VSD:2; truncus arteriosus: 1). Five died in utero, and 18 were assessed after birth with a mean gestational age of 37 weeks and birth weight of 3 Kg, a caesarean section was performed in 9. All but one were born in central hospitals. Six children were operated on. Two children died, one after surgery. Compared with the four previous years of activity, indication due to foetal risk rose from 6 to 31%, the number of cases diagnosed with heart disease increased from 14 to 30 per year, and the mortality decreased from 59 to 11%. Despite this, we still observe that the vast majority of new-borns who are hospitalised due to a severe heart disease had no prenatal diagnosis, indicating the need to continue our educational policy in this field.
OBJECTIVES: 1) To determine trends in prevalence of neural tube defects and the impact of therapeutic abortion. 2) To review perinatal management of spina bifida. DESIGN: All spontaneous and therapeutic abortions, still births and live births affected by neural tube defects registered in Alfredo da Costa Maternity in Lisbon, from 1983 to 1992, were retrospectively analysed. RESULTS: Eighty-two cases with neural tube defects are reported and myelomeningocele and anencephaly++ were the most frequent ones. Total prevalence for all defects was 0.78:1000 births with a small upward trend during the last two years. Birth prevalence was 0.6:1000, with a clear downward trend, due to therapeutic abortion. Prenatal diagnosis improved significantly, from 9% of all defects detected in 1983-87 to 77.5% in 1988-92. Since 1989, all cases of anencephaly were detected before birth. Most cases of spina bifida were vaginally delivered, and elective cesarean section occurred in 4. Early closure of the defect was undertaken in 87.6% of the newborns with open spina bifida. CONCLUSION: While total prevalence of neural tube defects remained stable, with only a small upward trend, prenatal diagnosis and therapeutic abortion resulted in a 56.3% fall in birth prevalence. Optimal management of open spina bifida demands a multidisciplinary team with an individual program for each case.
Introduction:Women with antiphospholipid syndrome(APS) may suffer from recurrent miscarriage, fetal death, fetal growth restriction (FGR), pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, premature delivery and thrombosis. Treatment with aspirin and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) combined with close maternal-fetal surveillance can change these outcomes. Objective: To assess maternal and perinatal outcome in a cohort of Portuguese women with primary APS. Patients and Methods: A retrospective analysis of 51 women with primary APS followed in our institution (January 1994 to December 2007). Forty one(80.4%) had past pregnancy morbidity and 35.3%(n=18) suffered previous thrombotic events. In their past they had a total of 116 pregnancies of which only 13.79 % resulted in live births. Forty four patients had positive anticardiolipin antibodies and 33 lupus anticoagulant. All women received treatment with low dose aspirin and LMWH. Results: There were a total of 67 gestations (66 single and one multiple). The live birth rate was 85.1%(57/67) with 10 pregnancy failures: seven in the first and second trimesters, one late fetal death and two medical terminations of pregnancy (one APS related). Mean (± SD) birth weight was 2837 ± 812 g and mean gestational age 37 ± 3.3 weeks. There were nine cases of FGR and 13 hypertensive complications(4 HELLP syndromes). 54.4% of the patients delivered by caesarean section. Conclusions: In our cohort, early treatment with aspirin and LMWH combined with close maternal-fetal surveillance was associated with a very high chance of a live newborn.
1.Pre-assessment data of the patient A 2-year-old boy, weighing 15 kg was admitted with a history of limited mouth opening(inter-incisor distance of 6 mm), hypoplastic and retrognathic mandible (bird face deformity) and facial asymmetry from left temporomandibular joint ankylosis (TMJA). He was born at term, after an uneventful pregnancy, and there was no report of trauma during caesarean section. No other possible aetiologies were identified. He was scheduled for mandibular osteotomy. Preoperative ENT examination revealed adenotonsillar hypertrophy. 2. Anaesthetic Plan A fiberoptic nasal intubation was performed under deep inhalation anaesthesia with sevoflurane, with the patient breathing spontaneously. Midazolam (0.05 mg.kg-1) and alfentanil (0.03 mg.kg-1) were given and anaesthesia was maintained with O2/air and sevoflurane. No neuromuscular blocking agent was administered since the surgical team needed facial nerve monitoring. 3. Description of incident During surgery an accidental extubation occurred and an attempt was made to reintubate the trachea by direct laryngoscopy. Although the osteotomy was nearly completed, the vocal cords could not be visualized (Cormack-Lehane grade IV laryngoscopic view). 4. Solving the problem Re-intubation was finally accomplished with the flexible fiberscope and the procedure was concluded without any more incidents. Extubation was performed 24 hours postoperatively with the patient fully awake. After surgery mouth opening improved to inter-incisor gap of 15 mm. 5. Lessons learned and take home message Two airways issues present in this case can lead to difficultventilation and intubation: TMJA and adenotonsillar hypertrophy. These difficulties were anticipated and managed accordingly. The accidental extubation brought to our attention the fact that, even after surgical correction, this airway remains challenging. Even with intensive jaw stretchingexercises there is a high incidence of re-ankylosis, especially in younger patients. One should bear that in mind when anaesthetizing patients with TMJA.
Perinatal bacterial infection may be caused by any microorganism colonizing the vaginal tract. Neonatologists and paediatricians are especially concerned about group B Stretpococcus (GBS). However, Enterobactereacea, mainly E.coli and Proteus, are also responsible for infection. GBS screening may be accomplished in over 90% of pregnant women. In our maternity in 2007-2008, 85% of the mothers had been screened. Screening and prophylaxis were responsible for a decreasing incidence of neonatal infection - from 0.6/1000 to 0.15/1000 live births in Portugal, from 2002 to 2007. However there are some difficulties related to screening. In the second Portuguese study 16/57 NB with early-onset infection (28%) were born to “negative” mothers. Several factors illustrate how difficult is to draw national screening policies: a wide range of carrier’s state rate throughout a country - in Portugal from 12% to 30%. The success of any screening policy may also be affected by additional technical and organizational problems. In countries where home delivery is a tradition or a trend intrapartum GBS prophylaxis requires a very well organized assistance.. Moreover factors usually accepted as protective are not so effective. In the Portuguese study 24/57 infected newborns (42%) were delivery by caesarean section. Another subject deals with the workload in the postnatal ward generated by deficient compliance to the guidelines a problem not confirm by a study of our group. Decreasing the importance of GBS, highlight the importance of E. coli in perinatal infection. From the 16 340 registrations of the National Registry 1676 were newborns with mother-related infection. Applying the same reasoning to E.coli as to GBS and Listeria monocytogenes – that is considering all of them are of maternal origin - 6.7% of these infections were due to E. coli, 4.6% to SGB and 0.5% to Listeria monocytogenes. In conclusion screening and prophylaxis may be not the best way to prevent all GBS neonatal infections but by now it is the only available procedure. The other bacteria continue to demand a high suspicion level and immediate intervention.
Introduction: Congenital complete atrioventricular block (AVB) without cardiac malformation is a rare and potentially fatal condition. In most cases it is associated with maternal systemic lupus erythematosus through transplacental passage of antibodies anti-SSA/Ro and/or anti-SSB/La. Antenatal fluorinated-steroids have been successful in reversing first and second degree congenital AVB but inconsistent in third degree block. Case Report:The authors report a case of fetal bradycardia diagnosed at 24 weeks of gestation. The fetal echocardiogram revealed a second/third degree AVB without structural heart disease. Maternal anti-SSA/Ro antibodies were detected. There was no blockage improvement with maternal oral fluorinated-steroids. An elective cesarean section was performed at term with the delivery of a healthy girl that required an epicardical pacemaker on the 8th day of life. Conclusion: In this case, treatment with maternal fluorinated corticosteroids was not effective in preventing progression of the heart block.
Elective Laparoscopic Cholecistectomy in a Severe Hemophilia A Patient with Inhibitors to Factor VII