8 resultados para E1A associated p300 protein
Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de uma doente do sexo feminino, de 58 anos, sem antecedentes pessoais relevantes, sujeita a ressecção extensa jejuno-ileal, num hospital de Luanda, por trombose da artéria mesentérica superior. Posteriormente transferida para o serviço 1 do Hospital dos Capuchos, foi diagnosticada a existência de tromboses a nível das veias porta, mesentérica superior e eixo esplénico. Os estudos efectuados revelaram défice de proteínas C e S. O estudo paralelo da filha e neta revelou, também, défice de proteína C.
Objective:We aimed to identify the cut-off for risk of pre-eclampsia (PE) in Portuguese population by applying the first trimester prediction model from Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) in a prospective enrolled cohort of low risk pregnant women. Population and methods: A prospective cohort of low risk singleton pregnancies underwent routine first-trimester scree - ning from 2011 through 2013. Maternal characteristics, blood pressure, uterine artery Doppler, levels of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) and free b-human chorionic gonadotropin were evaluated. The prediction of PE in first trimester was calculated through software Astraia, the outcome obtained from medical records and the cutoff value was subse quently calculated. Results:Of the 273 enrolled patients, 7 (2.6%) developed PE. In first trimester women who developed PE presented higher uterine arteries resistance, represented by higher values of lowest and mean uterine pulsatility index, p <0.005. There was no statistical significance among the remaining maternal characteristics, body mass index, blood pressure and PAPP-A. Using the FMF first trimester PE algorithm, an ideal cut-off of 0.045 (1/22) would correctly detect 71% women who developed PE for a 12% false positive rate and a likelihood ratio of 12.98 (area under the curve: 0.69; confidence interval 95%: 0.39-0.99). By applying the reported cutoff to our cohort, we would obtain 71.4% true positives, 88.3% true negatives, 11.4% false positives and 28.6% false negatives. Conclusion: By applying a first trimester PE prediction model to low risk pregnancies derived from a Portuguese population, a significant proportion of patients would have been predicted as high risk. New larger studies are required to confirm the present findings.
clinical presentation is self limited. It is classified into five groups (genogroups I through V). There are numerous reports of neurologic complications, namely afebrile seizures, but only two reports of associated encephalopathy. Case Report: A 12 month old girl with previous history of a pneumonia treated with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and clarythromycin, presented in our emergency department with strabismus, ataxia for 3 days, later associated with vomiting and diarrhea. On admission she had ataxia and an episode of strabismus, but her later neurologic exam was normal. Laboratory data revealed: 10,9 g/dL hemoglobin, 11.200/μL leukocytes, 29,1% neutrophils and 65,2% lymphocytes, 488.000/μL platelets and negative CRP. The brain MRI showed middle ear, maxillary sinus and ethmoidal opacification, with no other abnormalities. During the first day of admission she had a tonic (?) seizure for 20 minutes. CSF analysis showed 5,6 cells/μL, 100% lymphocytes, 80 mg/dL glucose and 154,1 mg/dL protein. The EEG revealed short duration paroxystic activity located to the vertex. She was treated with acyclovir, ciprofloxacin, cefthriaxone and phenytoin. Her symptoms resolved by the third day of admission. Blood samples were tested for numerous pathogens, including serology for Borrelia, which was positive for IgG but negative for IgM. Fecal sample analysis revealed positive PCR for norovirus, although it was negative in CSF samples. IL-6 was measured in the CSF and was negative (5,8 pg/mL). She had a history of recurrent otitis media and pernieal candidiasis, which led to a detailed immune function study, which showed Immunology tests revealed diminished IgA (< 0,244 g/L) and absent antibody response to vaccinations. Since she was only 13 months old when she was tested, only follow up will determine the relevance of these values. Follow up at two years of age showed no delays and a normal development. Conclusion: Norovirus encephalitis is a rare entity, although gastrointestinal infection with this agent is relatively common. Here we present a case of a probable norovirus associated encephalopathy, although PCR for norovirus was negative in CSF samples and there was no CSF cytokine increase. It was not associated with adverse neurologic outcome and so far her development is normal, unlike the evolution described in previous case reports.
Hyperimmunoglobulinemia D and periodic fever syndrome (HIDS; MIM#260920) is a rare recessively-inherited autoinflammatory condition caused bymutations in the MVK gene, which encodes for mevalonate kinase, an essential enzyme in the isoprenoid pathway. HIDS is clinically characterized by recurrent episodes of fever and inflammation. Herewe report on the case of a 2 year-old Portuguese boy with recurrent episodes of fever, malaise, massive cervical lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly since the age of 12 months. Rash, arthralgia, abdominal pain and diarrhea were also seen occasionally. During attacks a vigorous acute-phase response was detected, including elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A and leukocytosis. Clinical and laboratory improvement was seen between attacks. Despite normal serum IgD level, HIDS was clinically suspected. Mutational MVK analysis revealed the homozygous genotype with the novel p.Arg277Gly (p.R277G) mutation, while the healthy non consanguineous parents were heterozygous. Short nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroid courses were given during attacks with poor benefits, where as anakinra showed positive responses only at high doses. The p.R277Gmutation here described is a novel missense MVK mutation, and it has been detected in this casewith a severe HIDS phenotype. Further studies are needed to evaluate a co-relation genotype, enzyme activity and phenotype, and to define the best therapeutic strategies.
In this work we explored the role of the 3'UTR of the MECP2 gene in patients with clinical diagnosis of RTT and mental retardation; focusing on regions of the 3'UTR with almost 100% conservation at the nucleotide level among mouse and human. By mutation scanning (DOVAM-S technique) the MECP2 3'UTR of a total of 66 affected females were studied. Five3'UTR variants in the MECP2 were found (c.1461+9G>A, c.1461+98insA, c.2595G>A, c.9961C>G and c.9964delC) in our group of patients. None of the variants found is located in putative protein-binding sites nor predicted to have a pathogenic role. Our data suggest that mutations in this region do not account for a large proportion of the RTT cases without a genetic explanation.
OBJECTIVE: Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is a disease caused by mutations in the Hfe gene characterised by systemic iron overload and associated with an increased prevalence of osteoarthritis (OA) but the role of iron overload in the development of OA is still undefined. To further understand the molecular mechanisms involved we have used a murine model of HH and studied the progression of experimental OA under mechanical stress. DESIGN: OA was surgically induced in the knee joints of 10-week-old C57BL6 (wild-type) mice and Hfe-KO mice. OA progression was assessed using histology, micro CT, gene expression and immunohistochemistry at 8 weeks after surgery. RESULTS: Hfe-KO mice showed a systemic iron overload and an increased iron accumulation in the knee synovial membrane following surgery. The histological OA score was significantly higher in the Hfe-KO mice at 8 weeks after surgery. Micro CT study of the proximal tibia revealed increased subchondral bone volume and increased trabecular thickness. Gene expression and immunohistochemical analysis showed a significant increase in the expression of matrix metallopeptidase 3 (MMP-3) in the joints of Hfe-KO mice compared with control mice at 8 weeks after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: HH was associated with an accelerated development of OA in mice. Our findings suggest that synovial iron overload has a definite role in the progression of HH-related OA
Introduction: The Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) is an immunoglobulin A (IgA)-mediated smallvessel systemic vasculitis, rare in adults. The association with solid tumours has been described, especially with lung cancer. Case Report: We present the case of a 60-year-old Caucasian male, diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma that underwent surgical resection without (neo)adjuvant theraphy. Two months latter he was admitted for abdominal pain, purpuric rash on his lower extremities and acute kidney injury, with serum creatinine (Scr) of 2 mg/dl. Urinalysis revealed haematuria and 24h proteinuria (P24h) of 1.5 g. The serum protein electrophoresis, complement components C3 and C4, circulating immune complexes, cryoglobulins, ANCA, ANA, anti-dsDNA and the remaining immunologic study as screening for viral infections (HCV, HBV and HIV) were negative. Renal ultrasound was normal and kidney biopsy revealed mild mesangial proliferation; 2 cellular glomerular crescents and 1 fibrinoid necrosis lesion; large amounts of red blood cell casts; lymphocytic infiltration in the intertubular interstitial capillaries; moderate arteriolar hyalinosis. Immunofluorescence demonstrated mesangial and parietal deposits of IgA. The diagnosis of HSP was assumed, and the patient started prednisolone 1 mg/kg/day. Ten months after diagnosis the patient’s baseline Scr is 1.4 mg/dl with P24h of 0.18g, without haematuria. Conclusion: Although this is a rare association and the exact mechanism behind the disease is yet unknown, physicians should be aware of it. The early recognition and treatment may prevent renal disease progression.
Adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia remains a major therapeutic challenge, requiring a better characterization of the molecular determinants underlying disease progression and resistance to treatment. Here, using a phospho-flow cytometry approach we show that adult diagnostic B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia specimens display PI3K/Akt pathway hyperactivation, irrespective of their BCR-ABL status and despite paradoxically high basal expression of PTEN, the major negative regulator of the pathway. Protein kinase CK2 is known to phosphorylate PTEN thereby driving PTEN protein stabilization and concomitant PTEN functional inactivation. In agreement, we found that adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia samples show significantly higher CK2 kinase activity and lower PTEN lipid phosphatase activity than healthy controls. Moreover, the clinical-grade CK2 inhibitor CX-4945 (Silmitasertib) reversed PTEN levels in leukemia cells to those observed in healthy controls, and promoted leukemia cell death without significantly affecting normal bone marrow cells. Our studies indicate that CK2-mediated PTEN posttranslational inactivation, associated with PI3K/Akt pathway hyperactivation, are a common event in adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and suggest that CK2 inhibition may constitute a valid, novel therapeutic tool in this malignancy.