7 resultados para Digital self
Self-inflicted burns (SIB) are responsible for 2-6% of admissions to Burn Units in Europe and North America, and for as many as 25% of admissions in developing nations. Recently, a promising new tool was proposed to stratify SIB patients in the following subgroups: "typical", "delirious", and "reactive". However, as far as the authors know, the clinical usefulness of this instrument has not yet been validated by others. We retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of 56 patients admitted to our Burn Unit with the diagnosis of SIB injury in the past 14 years. The following parameters were evaluated: demographic features; psychiatric illness; substance abuse; mechanism of injury; burn depth, total body surface area (TBSA) involved, Abbreviated Burn Severity Index (ABSI); length of hospital stay, and mortality. All patients were followed up by a psychologist and a psychiatrist, and were classified according to the SIB-Typology Tool, into three classes: "typical", "delirious" and "reactive". There was a slight predominance of the "typical" type (44.6%), followed by the "delirious" type (30.4%), and, finally the "reactive" type (25.0%). Mortality was significantly higher in the "typical" subgroup. In conclusion, the SIB-Typology Tool appears to be a valuable instrument in the clinical management of SIB patients.
Background: Childhood asthma represents an increasing health problem and is the leading cause of hospital admission and absenteeism in children with chronic disease. It also compromises quality of life, eventually contributing to disturbances in self-concept. Self-concept is a recent and global perspective of “the self” and relates to skills, self-image and self-esteem. Little information is available on this topic and there are no data from Portuguese countryside towns. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of asthma among all school children in the 5th and 6th grades in a Portuguese countryside town and to establish its possible correlation with absenteeism and self-concept. Methods: In April 2002, two questionnaires were administered in the presence of the researcher to a group of 950 children attending different schools. The children completed the internationally renowned questionnaires: ISAAC and the Self-Concept Scale by Susan Harter. Results: Our sample (n = 818) had a mean age of 11 years (10-15 years) and a male-to-female ratio of 1/1. The cumulative prevalence of asthma was11.9% and that of active asthma was 8.8 %; 63.9% of asthmatics were male and 36.1 % were female. The mean age of asthmatics was 11.34 years and 74 % had active symptoms. Comparison of this group of 97 asthmatic children with the remaining children revealed a statistically significant correlation between the presence of asthma and school absenteeism (global: p = 0.04; gymnastics: 0.05). Regarding the Self-Concept Scale a statistically significant association was found between the presence of asthma and school achievement (p = 0.027), physical appearance (p = 0.015), behavior (p < 0.000) and self-esteem (p < 0.000). No statistically significant correlations were found in social acceptance (p = 0.289) or athletic competence (p = 0.085). Asthmatic boys had higher self-concept scores than girls, except in the domain of behavior. Conclusions: Twelve percent of the population studied was asthmatic. In asthmatic children, absenteeism was higher and self-concept was lower for almost all domains, except social acceptance and athletic achievement, probably due to overprotection.
Over the last decades extended medical knowledge has been an important health care benefit in terms of disease prevention and management. However, probably with no exception, most pharmaceutical products are not devoid of adverse consequences. Immunomodulators are commonly considered a “benign” drug whose advantages bypass consequences. The immunomodulator AM3 (Immunoferon®) is a clinically used, orally administered compound whose active principle is stabilised in an inorganic matrix of calcium. We report the misuse of AM3 in three members of a family; father and two children. The drug was prescribed to the father who subsequently administered it to the children without seeking medical advice. Two months later, all subjects developed abdominal and/or flank colicky pain. Hypercalciuria was diagnosed in the children with different degrees of severity. It is likely that the calcium content of the inorganic matrix played an important role in the onset of symptoms. No adverse side effects related to the inorganic matrix of calcium of immunoferon® have been documented so far. This family case report calls attention to the risks of self -medication in a susceptible family. Paediatric patients are vulnerable as they rely on adults for the supply of medications. Concerning the use of drugs in family, especially nonprescription drugs, the quality of health care provided to the children depends on the health literacy of their parents.
INTRODUCTION: There is much controversy regarding the current indications and contraindications for digital replantation. PRESENTATION OF CASE: Three patients with absolute contraindications for digital replantation according to classical criteria are presented (Case 1: multilevel amputation of the hand and fingers; Case 3: avulsion of the thumb; Case 4: index amputation proximal to the insertion of the flexor digitorum superficialis). In addition a patient with a very distal digital amputation (Case 2), whose indication for replantation is controversial is also presented. In all cases, the patients were replanted and showed good functional and aesthetical results. DISCUSSION: Most authors advocate that the classical indications for replantation have been validated by experience, are predicated on the potential for long-term function, and should be followed in most if not all cases. However, some surgeons have been adopting a more liberal attitude with good results. CONCLUSION: The clinical cases presented in this paper suggest that the standard criteria for digital replantation should not be followed rigidly but instead should be regarded as a general guide.
Objectivo: Avaliar a acuidade da angiografia de subtracção digital (ASD) no diagnóstico morfológico da conexão venosa pulmonar anómala (CVPA) em crianças. Concepção do estudo: Estudo prospectivo de doentes consecutivos entre Janeiro de 1989 e Julho de 1992. Tipo de Atendimento: Serviço de Cardiologia Pediátrica de um Hospital Central. População: Vinte e quatro doentes com CVPA. Métodos: Todos os doentes fizeram avaliação clínica e ecocardiográfica completa (modo M, bidimensional e Doppler) antes da realização do exame hemodinâmico. Em todos os casos se fizeram, de modo sistemático, injecções selectivas de contraste de baixa osmolaridade (0,5-1 ml/kg; dose total <6 mi/kg) no tronco e ramos da artéria pulmonar com registo em angiografia com subtracção digital (ASD). As imagens colhidas foram trabalhadas, selecciona das e armazenadas em video-cassetes e películas fotográficas (câmara multiformato). Resultados: Dezasseis doentes tinham CVPA total (CVPAT): onze à veia cava superior (VCS), dois ao seio coronário e três infradiafragmáticos (dois à veia cava inferior (VCI) e um à veia porta). Oito crianças tinham CVPA parcial (CVPAP): três à VCS, uma à aurícula direita (AD), três à VCI (síndroma da cimitarra) e num caso a CVPA era mista. Em oito doentes (seis com CVPAT e dois com CVPAP), a ASD contribuiu significativamente para o diagnóstico final tendo completado ou corrigido a informação obtida por ecocardiografia. Nos dezoito doentes submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca foi confirmado o diagnóstico obtido por ASD. Conclusões: A ASD é um método muito útil para o diagnóstico anatómico de doentes com CVPA. Na nossa experiência foi particularmente informativa a análise de registos em «video». A ASD está indicada nos casos em que os achados clínicos e ecocardiográficos não sejam típicos.
OBJECTIVE: Arthropathy that mimics osteoarthritis (OA) and osteoporosis (OP) is considered a complication of hereditary hemochromatosis (HH). We have limited data comparing OA and OP prevalence among HH patients with different hemochromatosis type 1 (HFE) genotypes. We investigated the prevalence of OA and OP in patients with HH by C282Y homozygosity and compound heterozygosity (C282Y/H63D) genotype. METHODS: A total of 306 patients with HH completed a questionnaire. Clinical and demographic characteristics and presence of OA, OP and related complications were compared by genotype, adjusting for age, sex, body mass index (BMI), current smoking and menopausal status. RESULTS: In total, 266 of the 306 patients (87%) were homozygous for C282Y, and 40 (13%) were compound heterozygous. The 2 groups did not differ by median age [60 (interquartile range [IQR] 53 to 68) vs. 61 (55 to 67) years, P=0.8], sex (female: 48.8% vs. 37.5%, P=0.18) or current smoking habits (12.4% vs. 10%, P=0.3). As compared with compound heterozygous patients, C282Y homozygous patients had higher median serum ferritin concentration at diagnosis [1090 (IQR 610 to 2210) vs. 603 (362 to 950) µg/L, P<0.001], higher median transferrin saturation [80% (IQR 66 to 91%) vs. 63% (55 to 72%), P<0.001]) and lower median BMI [24.8 (22.1 to 26.9) vs. 26.2 (23.5 to 30.3) kg/m2, P<0.003]. The overall prevalence of self-reported OA was significantly higher with C282Y homozygosity than compound heterozygosity (53.4% vs. 32.5%; adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.4 [95% confidence interval 1.2-5.0]), as was self-reported OP (25.6% vs. 7.5%; aOR 3.5 [1.1-12.1]). CONCLUSION: Patients with C282Y homozygosity may be at increased risk of musculoskeletal complications of HH.
Dermatitis artefacta is a disease characterized by self-inflicted skin lesions as the result or manifestation of psychiatric disorders or specific stress situations. Clinical manifestations range from superficial erosions to deep wounds. Because of its rarity and the polymorphism of the lesions, dermatitis artefacta is often a challenge for the clinicians. This report presents the case of a 62-year-old woman who had an ulcer of the nose lasting for three years caused by digital manipulation. Early recognition of dermatitis artefacta is difficult but avoids unnecessary treatments. A multidisciplinary approach to this entity is necessary to obtain the best results.