68 resultados para Detecção e diagnóstico de avarias
Para encarar a detecção crescente de distrbios do equilbrio cido-base e hidro-electroltico nos nossos servios hospitalares, descrevemos e exemplificamos um programa informtico auxiliar no diagnóstico e teraputica destes distrbios. Partindo dos resultados dum ionograma e dos gases no sangue so apontados os sndromas presentes, e na sequncia de um curto dilogo mquina/utilizador os diagnósticos etiolgicos mais provveis. 0 programa prope tambm uma teraputica concreta para esse doente e fornece referncias bibliogrficas. So discutidas criticamente as possveis aplicaes deste trabalho na clnica e no ensino mdico.
O electroencefalograma (EEG) um mtodo no invasivo, econmico e acessvel, universalmente utilizado na investigao da epilepsia. Realizmos uma reviso dos principais trabalhos sobre a prevalncia de actividade epileptiforme em EEGs de doentes epilpticos e no epilpticos, com o objectivo de tirar concluses sobre a sensibilidade e especificidade deste exame no diagnóstico de epilepsia. Conclumos que o primeiro EEG tem uma sensibilidade global de 50-55% podendo atingir os 92% com a repetio do exame e recurso a registos de sono e tcnicas de activao. A especificidade atinge os 96%, sendo afectada por mltiplos factores.
INTRODUCTION: Transthoracic echocardiography is the method of choice for the diagnosis of cardiac myxomas, but the transesophageal approach provides a better definition of the location and characteristics of the tumor. The authors review their thirteen years' experience on the echocardiographic diagnosis of this pathology. METHODS: From 1994 to 2007, 41 cardiac tumors were diagnosed in our echocardiographic laboratory, of which 27 (65.85%) were cardiac myxomas. The exams and the patients' clinical files were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: Of the 27 patients, 22 (81.5%) were female, with a mean age of 62.1 +/- 13.6 years (25-84 years). The predominant clinical features were due to the obstruction caused by the tumor in more than two thirds of the patients, followed by constitutional symptoms in one third and embolic events in 30%. In the lab results, anemia was found in three patients and elevated sedimentation rate and CRP in two. In two patients the myxoma was found by chance. All the cases were of the sporadic type, although we found a prevalence of thyroid disease of 14% (4 patients). All patients underwent urgent surgical resection except one, in whom surgery was refused due to advanced age and comorbidities. The myxomas followed a typical distribution with 24 (88.8%) located in the left atrium, 18 of them attached to the atrial septum (AS) and two to the mitral valve. In one patient, the tumor involved both atria. The other two cases originated in the right atrium at the AS. Embolic phenomena were more frequent in small tumors (p = 0.027) and in those with a villous appearance (p = 0.032). Obstructive manifestations were associated with larger tumors (p = 0.046) and larger left atria (p = 0.048). In our series, there were no deaths during hospitalization or in the follow-up period of 5.2 +/- 3.7 years in 19 patients. There were two recurrences, both patients being successfully reoperated. CONCLUSION: Myxoma is the most common cardiac tumor. Transesophageal echocardiography provides excellent morphologic definition, aiding in diagnosis and follow-up. Most clinical manifestations are obstructive and are associated with larger tumors. Small tumors with a friable appearance have a higher chance of embolization. Surgical resection is usually curative and the long-term prognosis is excellent.
The authors divide neonatal metabolic diseases into two major groups: intoxication and energy deficiency. The main signs which allow for the suspicion of the diagnosis are indicated for each group. The complementary examinations to be carried out by the Clinical Pathology Service of the Central Hospital and those which must be carried out by the metabolic diseases Reference Centre are reviewed. Based on the clinical framework and on the examination results, the authors establish five syndromatic groups to orientate diagnosis. The authors conclude by presenting differential diagnosis tables based on the original systematic classification by Jean-Marie Saudubray, with up-dated modifications from their own experience.
Exame fsico (incluindo toque rectal). Ultrasonografia renal e da bexiga e/ou UIV Cistoscopia com descrio de tamanho, e localizao do tumor (o diagrama da bexiga deve ser includo). Urina Tipo II; Citologia urinria, RTU com bipsia da base tumoral. Bipsias de todas as reas suspeitas; bipsias randomizadas na presena da citologia positiva, tumor >3cm, ou tumor no papilar; bipsia da uretra prosttica em casos de Cis ou suspeita de carcionoma in situ. Quando o tumor da bexiga invasivo e est indicado um tratamento radical, mandatrio RX do trax, UIV e/ou tomografia axial computorizada abdominal e plvica, Ultasonografia heptica, cintigrafia ssea se houver sintomas ou se fosfatase alcalina for elevada.
O Portuguese Acne Advisory Board (PAAB), grupo de dermatologistas portugueses que, semelhana de grupos congneres internacionais, tem dedicado particular ateno definio de linhas de orientao para o tratamento da acne, pretende que o presente documento constitua uma ferramenta til na abordagem dos doentes com esta patologia. Elaborou-se um dossier, para educao mdica contnua, subdividido em 2 partes: Parte I etiopatogenia e clnica; Parte II abordagem teraputica. Nesta Parte I, revem-se os principais aspectos da clnica e da fisiopatogenia da acne luz dos conhecimentos actuais. Discute-se a importncia do impacto psicolgico e social desta entidade e analisam-se os principais mitos e realidades com ela relacionados. Descrevem-se, sucintamente, as patologias mais relevantes no diagnóstico diferencial das leses de acne. Enumeram-se as indicaes para estudo hormonal, bem como os exames a efectuar nos doentes com esta patologia.
INTRODUCTION: Carotid body tumours (CBT) are neoplasms that develop from paragangionic cells of this structure. They are rare, with an estimated incidence of 1:30000 and can be associated with other neuro-endocrine neoplasia. The authors report their experience in the management of the disease, in the last 10 years. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eight patients (with eight tumours) were treated, all submitted to tumour resection. 75% were female and the mean age was 56 years. We report a 12,5% incidence of neurological sequelae from surgery, and no mortality. In the follow-up (which varied between 1 and 10 years), no local or contralateral recurrence or metastasis were registered. Also, we did not found family cases of this disease. CONCLUSIONS: The authors noticed an unusually high proportion of female patients. The tumour resection was curative in all patients, with a rate of neurological complications inferior to that reported in other published series. These neurological sequelae were reported in patients with large tumours, thus reinforcing the outmost importance of an early diagnosis. Pre-operative selective embolization of these tumours can be helpful in the resection of large tumours, allowing a potential reduction in neurological complications.
O tromboembolismo venoso uma das principais causas de morbilidade e mortalidade materna. Quando no diagnosticado e no tratado, o embolismo pulmonar (EP) pode levar a morte materna. assim, muito importante a classe mdica estar atenta para esta patologia.O eco-Doppler-colorido e a cintigrafia de ventilao-perfuso so fundamentais, durante a gravidez, para o diagnóstico de trombose venosa profunda (TVP) e EP respectivamente. Em doentes com suspeita clnica de TVP ou EP, deve-se iniciar teraputica com heparina no fraccionada ou de baixo peso molecular, at que o diagnóstico seja excludo, a menos que a anticoagulao seja fortemente contra-indicada.
Nos pases europeus, o hemoperitoneu por ruptura de carcinoma hepatocelular (HCC) muito raro. Apresentam-se dois casos clnicos de hemoperitoneu secundrio a ruptura espontnea de carcinoma hepatocelular, em que a Tomografia Computorizada (TC) abdominal foi de primordial importncia para o diagnóstico. A propsito faz-se reviso da literatura sobre os aspectos mais relevantes desta patologia.
A Perturbao da Ansiedade e a Perturbao Depressiva constituem entidades clnicas de elevada prevalncia na infncia e na adolescncia, e podem ser precursoras de psicopatologia na idade adulta. Por ambos os motivos, o seu diagnóstico precoce e interveno atempada tornam-se essenciais, assim como a detecção de eventuais factores de risco que as possam promover. Os Cuidados de Sade Primrios assumem, neste contexto, uma funo primordial na triagem de casos, assim como na interveno e eventual referenciao para os servios de Pedopsiquiatria. Neste artigo, abordamos, abreviadamente, aspectos referentes aos factores de risco, prevalncia, diagnóstico, interveno clnica e prognstico para as Perturbaes da Ansiedade e Depressiva.
A sncope neurocardiognica uma entidade com prevalncia e incidncia significativas. Apesar da baixa mortalidade relacionada com esta entidade, so significativas as implicaes na qualidade de vida dos doentes. A metodologia para o seu diagnóstico est hoje claramente estabelecida nas recomendaes internacionais e o teste de inclinao um elemento til na abordagem diagnstica, em particular na sncope recorrente de causa desconhecida e frequente. Vrios protocolos tm vindo a ser descritos nos ltimos anos, inicialmente passivos e posteriormente com introduo de agentes provocativos, dos quais os nitratos sub-linguais so os mais largamente aceites, pela simplicidade e bons resultados da sua utilizao. O recurso ao teste de inclinao na avaliao da teraputica est limitado por problemas relacionados com a reprodutibilidade, que contudo esto na base de uma forma de tratamento o treino de ortostatismo (tilt training) embora com taxas de sucesso variveis. Na presente reviso, iremos abordar os vrios aspectos relacionados com a aplicao do teste de inclinao na prtica clnica.
Even though in clinical practice carotid cavernous fistulas (CCF) are not a frequent pathology, it should be a diagnostic hypothesis in face of a suggestive clinical presentation. We intended to review the diagnosis and the therapeutics, comparing them with the actual perspectives. Files of 25 patients with the diagnostic hypothesis of CCF, confirmed by conventional angiography in the HSAC Neuroradiology Department, were reviewed. In this group of patients, (5 males and 20 females), the fistulous aetiology was spontaneous in 10 and traumatic in 15. Clinically the symptom most often presented was diplopia (23 cases) and the most frequent encountered sign was ophthalmoplegia (20 cases). Of the Neuroradiologic investigation, CT scan (done to all patients) have shown an prominent superior ophthalmic vein as the most frequent abnormality. Angiographic study was based on Lasjaunias et al protocol (Surgical Neuroangiography, Vol. 2, Springer-Verlag). Surgery was the therapeutic approach for the traumatic fistulas; only 2 of the spontaneous were treated by endovascular route. Three patients are still under observation. In all the others cases there was a fistula exclusion.
The role of cerebral angiography in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease is currently being questioned due to both the increasing availability of carotid sonography and the recent introduction of Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA). After a technical foreword about the different modalities available today in Cerebral Angiography, we discuss its present indications (Conventional or Digital subtraction by intra-arterial route), in patients with extra and intra cranial atherosclerotic cerebro vascular disease, subarachnoid hemorrhage and arterial aneurysms, in vascular malformations, particularly arterio-venous malformations (AVM's), in occlusive non-atherosclerotic non hypertensive arteriopathies and in occlusive venous pathology. Although it is possible that the future will show us the progressive replacement of the invasive technologies by MRA, at the present stage of Magnetic Resonance development there is still an important role, if not crucial, for catheter angiography in the diagnosis of most of the diseases producing stroke syndromes.