21 resultados para DEFICIÊNCIAS


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Isolated anterior mitral leaflet cleft (not associated with atrio-ventricular septal defect) is a rare cause of congenital mitral regurgitation, and the treatment consists of direct suturing of the cleft. We present a clinical case with this entity.


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INTRODUCTION: Atrial septal defects (ASD) are among the most common congenital anomalies and account for 10% of congenital heart disease in the pediatric age-group and 30% in adults. Closure is indicated when there is evidence of hemodynamic significance or after a paradoxical embolic event. Ten years ago, percutaneous closure became the treatment of choice in our center for all patients with a clear indication and favorable anatomy. In this paper we report the experience of this first decade. OBJECTIVE: To assess the short- and long-term results of our ten-year experience with percutaneous closure of atrial septal defects. METHODS: We studied retrospectively all patients with ASD treated with a percutaneous approach between November 1998 and December 2008. The pediatric age-group consisted of patients younger than 19 years old. Demographic data, clinical indications, minor and major complication rates, success rate and long-term outcome were assessed. RESULTS: In the first ten years of experience 510 patients, of whom 166 were in the pediatric group, were treated in our center by a team of adult and pediatric cardiologists. The overall success rate of the procedure was 98% (97.5% in ASD and 99.5% in patent foramen ovale (PFO). The minor complication rate was 3% (3.4% in ASD and 2% in PFO). The most frequent complication was supraventricular tachycardia. The major complication rate was 1.2% (0.6% in ASD and 2% in PFO). Two patients developed cardiac tamponade due to hemopericardium that was resolved by pericardiocentesis, without need for surgery. One patient had an arterial pseudoaneurysm corrected by vascular surgery. There was no device embolization and no need for urgent surgery in this population. During follow-up two patients had recurrence of ischemic stroke, one had a transient ischemic attack and another had a hemorrhagic stroke. Mortality was 0.6% (0.6% in ASD and 0.5% in PFO). There were no in-hospital deaths. During follow-up there were two deaths, both in the adult group. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In this population the success rate was high and most of the complications were minor. The results of this collaboration between adult and pediatric cardiologists in the first ten years of activity confirm the safety and efficacy of percutaneous closure of septal defects, when there is careful patient selection and a standardized technique.


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The mortality rate is high and prognosis is worse among new-borns with prenatal diagnosis of heart malformation, mainly due to factors such as its association with other malformations, and a range of more severe diseases probably resulting from the predominance of the obstetric use of the four chamber view. In this study we retrospectively assessed the range of cardiopathies diagnosed by foetal echocardiography and their evolution, compared with previous years. From January 1994 to December 1995, 1173 foetal echocardiograms were performed at a gestation age of 24 weeks. Sixty-one foetuses (5.2%) had cardiac anomalies, structural in 56 and arrhythmia in 5. The risks and indications were maternal in 37%, foetal in 31%, familial in 17% and environmental in 15%. Three were false negatives (VSD:2; truncus arteriosus: 1). Five died in utero, and 18 were assessed after birth with a mean gestational age of 37 weeks and birth weight of 3 Kg, a caesarean section was performed in 9. All but one were born in central hospitals. Six children were operated on. Two children died, one after surgery. Compared with the four previous years of activity, indication due to foetal risk rose from 6 to 31%, the number of cases diagnosed with heart disease increased from 14 to 30 per year, and the mortality decreased from 59 to 11%. Despite this, we still observe that the vast majority of new-borns who are hospitalised due to a severe heart disease had no prenatal diagnosis, indicating the need to continue our educational policy in this field.


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OBJECTIVES: Atrio-ventricular septal (AVSD) defects include a variable spectrum of congenital malformations with different forms of clinical presentation. We report the surgical results, from a single institution, with this type of congenital cardiac malformation. Patients with hypoplasia of one of the ventricles were excluded from this analysis. POPULATION: Between November of 1998 and June of 2005, 49 patients with AVSD were operated on by the same team and in the same department. The average age was 37.3 months (medium 6 months) and 31 patients were female. In 38 patients (78%) an inter-ventricular communication was present (AVSD-complete) and of these, 26 were of the type A of Rastelli, being 13 of type B or C. The age for defect correction of the complete form was of 5.5 months, palliative surgery was not carried out on any of the patients. Associated lesions included: Down's syndrome in 22 patients (45%), patent arterial duct in 17 patients (35%), severe AV regurgitation in 4 patients (8%), tetralogy of Fallot in two (4%) and sub-aortic stenosis in one patient (2%). Pre-operatively 10 patients presented severe congestive heart failure and two were mechanically ventilated. RESULTS: Complete biventricular correction was carried out in all patients. The average time on bypass (ECC) was 74.1+/-17.5 min. and time of aortic clamping was 52.0+/-12.9 min. The complete defects were corrected by the double patch technique, and in all patients the mitral cleft was closed, except in two with single papillary muscle. There was no intra-operative mortality, but hospital mortality was 8%(4 patients), due to pulmonary hypertension crises, in the first 15 post-operative days. The mean ventilation time was of 36.5+/-93 hours (medium 7 h) and the average ICU stay was of 4.3+/-4.8 days (medium 3 days). The minimum follow-up period is 1 month and the maximum is 84 months (medium 29.5 months), during which time 4 re-operations (8%) took place: two for residual VSD's and two for mitral regurgitation. There was no mortality at re-do surgery. At follow up there was residual mitral regurgitation, mild in 17 patients and moderate in two. Four other patients presented with minor residual defects. CONCLUSIONS: The complete correction of AVSD can be carried out with acceptable results, in a varied spectrum of anatomic forms and of clinical severity. Despite the age of correction, for the complete forms, predominantly below 12 months, pulmonary hypertension was the constant cause for post operative mortality. Earlier timing of surgery and stricter peri-operative control might still improve results.


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Cavopulmonary connections have been extensively used in the palliation of complex forms of congenital heart disease requiring some form of right heart bypass. We examine the mid term outcomes of pulmonary ventricle bypass operations in a single institution and performed by the same surgical team. POPULATION: Between March 1999 and April 2006, 62 patients underwent pulmonary ventricle bypass operations: bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis (Glenn procedure), total cavopulmonary connections (Fontan procedure) and one and a half ventricle correction in two cases. Age at operation averaged three years (range: 0.42-25 years) for the Glenn procedure and seven years (range: 3-14 years) for the Fontan procedure. There were 36 male patients (58%) and 26 female patients (42%). The most common indication for surgery was the single ventricle defect, present in 66% of patients. Associated lesions included: transposition of the great arteries in 16 patients (35.6%), bilateral superior vena cava in four patients (8.9%), situs ambigus in five patients (11%), situs inversus in another patient (2.2%), Ebstein disease in one patient (2.2) and coronary fistula in another patient (2.2%). Sub-aortic stenosis was present in one patient (2.2%). Palliative surgery was performed in all, but three patients (5%), before the Fontan procedure. RESULTS: Thirty two patients underwent bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis and thirty patients underwent cavopulmonary connections, total or 2nd stage. Mean cardiopulmonary bypass times were 50.6+/-21.9 minutes for the Glenn procedure and 88.5+/-26.3 minutes for the Fontan procedure. There was no intra-operative mortality, but two patients (3.2% (died in the first month after surgery; one due to failure of the Glenn circuit and sepsis and the other due to a low cardiac output syndrome and multi-organ dysfunction. Mean ventilation time was 5.2+/-1.7 hours for the Glenn operation and 6.2+/-3.2 hours for the Fontan operation. The mean length of stay in ICU was 3.4+/-2.8 days for patients undergoing the Glenn operation and 4.6+/-3.1 days for patients undergoing the Fontan operation and the mean length of hospital stay was 10.6+/-5.8 days for the Glenn operation and 19.1+/-12.6 days for the Fontan operation respectively. The mean follow up time was 4+/-2.1 years (minimum 0 years and maximum seven years), most patients being in NYHA class I. Epicardiac pacemakers were implanted in three patients due to arrhythmias. Two re-operations (6.7%) were needed, both in the same patient, after the Fontan procedure, this patient eventually died a few years after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: The immediate and mid term outcomes of pulmonary ventricle bypass operations can have excellent results. From our point of view there has been an improvement, namely in the use of the extracardiac conduit technique in the 2nd stage of the Fontan operation.


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Introdução: A malformação congénita mais frequente é a cardíaca, afectando cerca de 5-8 recém-nascidos/mil nados vivos. Actualmente é possível obter um diagnóstico pré-natal destas anomalias através do ecocardiograma fetal (EcoF), porém, porque os recursos em Saúde são limitados, este exame deve ser pedido de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos pela Direcção Geral de Saúde (DGS). Objectivos: Avaliar a importância dos critérios de referenciação propostos pela DGS para detecção de anomalias cardíacas. Determinar as taxas de prevalência e mortalidade nos fetos com doença cardíaca. Material e Métodos: Revisão casuística de uma amostra de 733 fetos aos quais foi realizado EcoF em consulta de Cardiologia Pré-natal num centro terciário de Cardiologia Pediátrica, no período de 2006 a 2008. Foram avaliados dados demográficos, motivo de referenciação (MR), resultados da EcoF e evolução. Classificámos os MR em dois grupos: (I) concordantes com as indicações da DGS- causas major (familiar, materna, fetal) e causas minor (outras situações); (II) não concordantes. Resultados: Realizaram-se 871 EcoF a 705 grávidas. A mediana da idade materna foi de 32 anos (15-45 anos) e a média da idade gestacional foi de 26 semanas (±4 sem). O grupo I incluiu 89% das grávidas. Identificaram-se 52 fetos (7%) com anomalias cardíacas: 42 estruturais, 8 de ritmo e 2 derrames pericárdicos. Estas anomalias distribuíram-se da seguinte forma: grupo I - causa familiar (3), causa materna (3), causa fetal (39), causas minor (5) e no grupo II (2). Observou-se um maior número de anomalias cardíacas no grupo I (6,8% vs 0,3%) (p> 0.05), sobretudo nos fetos referenciados por causa fetal (p<0,05). Perderam-se no controlo evolutivo 10 casos positivos, realizaram-se 3 interrupções médicas da gravidez e ocorreram 3 mortes. Mantêm-se em seguimento na consulta de Cardiologia Pediátrica 11 casos positivos. Conclusões: Na maioria dos casos cumpriram-se os critérios de referenciação da DGS, no entanto não se observou uma diferença estatisticamente significativa na prevalência de anomalias cardíacas fetais nas grávidas com e sem factores de risco. A causa fetal foi a que melhor se correlacionou com a presença de anomalia cardíaca. A prevalência destas anomalias e a taxa de mortalidade aferida na amostra pode estar subestimada por perda de casos positivos no controlo evolutivo.


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Apresentam-se os resultados de 62 exames cineangiocardiográficos registados em projecções axiais referentes a 52 crianças internadas por cardiopatia congénita na Unidade de Cardiologia Pediátrica dos Hospitais Civis de Lisboa. Os diagnósticos mais frequentes foram: defeitos atrioventriculares, tetralogia de Fallot e comunicação interventricular isolada. Dos resultados, a grande maioria dos exames permitiu uma definição clara das estruturas visualizáveis na projecção utilizada. Conclui-se que, com uma selecção criteriosa das projecções a utilizar, é possível diminuir de modo muito significativo a necessidade de repetir exames por diagnóstico incompleto e, com o auxílio das projecções axiais, obter informação detalhada sobre a morfologia das cardiopatias congénitas.


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Apresenta-se a distribuição por sexos em 4150 crianças, de idade inferior a 13 anos, com cardiopatias congénitas bem definidas, estudadas num periodo de 17 anos. Globalmente a distribuição foi equilibrada, sendo 2108 do fenotipo masculino (50,8%) e 2042 do fenotipo feminino(49,2%), com um quociente Q = 1,03. Verificou-se um predomínio franco do sexo masculino para as seguintes cardiopatias: estenose aórtica valvular e subvalvular fixa (70%), coarctação da aorta(66%), transposição das grandes artérias (60%), coração univentricular (76%), atrésia da tricúspide (63%), anomalia de Ebstein (76%), sindrome do coração esquerdo hipoplásico (85%), aneis vasculares (77%) e estenose médio-ventricular direita (70%). Verificou-se um predomínio franco do sexo feminino para o canal arterial persistente (72%), os defeitos do septo aurículo-ventricular (62%,), a estenose aórtica supravalvular (71%) e a estenose pulmonar infundibular isolada (80%). Confirmou-se uma distribuição muito mais equilibrada para os casos de canal arterial persistente isolado em síndrome de rubéola congénita (56%). Salienta-se a importância de conhecer a distribuição por sexos, por esta ter valor preditivo quanto ao risco de recorrência familiar das cardiopatias congénitas.


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Objectivo: Avaliar a acuidade da angiografia de subtracção digital (ASD) no diagnóstico morfológico da conexão venosa pulmonar anómala (CVPA) em crianças. Concepção do estudo: Estudo prospectivo de doentes consecutivos entre Janeiro de 1989 e Julho de 1992. Tipo de Atendimento: Serviço de Cardiologia Pediátrica de um Hospital Central. População: Vinte e quatro doentes com CVPA. Métodos: Todos os doentes fizeram avaliação clínica e ecocardiográfica completa (modo M, bidimensional e Doppler) antes da realização do exame hemodinâmico. Em todos os casos se fizeram, de modo sistemático, injecções selectivas de contraste de baixa osmolaridade (0,5-1 ml/kg; dose total <6 mi/kg) no tronco e ramos da artéria pulmonar com registo em angiografia com subtracção digital (ASD). As imagens colhidas foram trabalhadas, selecciona das e armazenadas em video-cassetes e películas fotográficas (câmara multiformato). Resultados: Dezasseis doentes tinham CVPA total (CVPAT): onze à veia cava superior (VCS), dois ao seio coronário e três infradiafragmáticos (dois à veia cava inferior (VCI) e um à veia porta). Oito crianças tinham CVPA parcial (CVPAP): três à VCS, uma à aurícula direita (AD), três à VCI (síndroma da cimitarra) e num caso a CVPA era mista. Em oito doentes (seis com CVPAT e dois com CVPAP), a ASD contribuiu significativamente para o diagnóstico final tendo completado ou corrigido a informação obtida por ecocardiografia. Nos dezoito doentes submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca foi confirmado o diagnóstico obtido por ASD. Conclusões: A ASD é um método muito útil para o diagnóstico anatómico de doentes com CVPA. Na nossa experiência foi particularmente informativa a análise de registos em «video». A ASD está indicada nos casos em que os achados clínicos e ecocardiográficos não sejam típicos.


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O sistema do complemento é um componente essencial do sistema imunitário inato, pelo que as deficiências de proteínas da sua complexa cascata podem ter consequências mais ou menos graves, de acordo com a importância do factor afectado. As complicações mais usuais das deficiências do complemento são infecções recorrentes a bactérias encapsuladas e distúrbios autoimunes. Os autores apresentam um caso clínico de deficiência do factor C3, situação extremamente rara, discutindo a fisiopatologia, apresentação clínica, investigação laboratorial e abordagem terapêutica.


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Num total de 2806 crianças de idade inferior a 13 anos portadoras de cardiopatia congénita isolada e observadas durante um período de 14 anos e 2 meses, averiguou-se a ocorrência de cardiopatias congénitas nos seus familiares, globalmente e pelos diversos graus de parentesco. Os resultados obtidos mostram maior ocorrência de cardiopatias congénitas nos familiares dos propositi (1,32%) que na população em geral (0,8%). A ocorrência foi de 1,28% nos familiares de 1º grau e de 1,38% nos restantes. Verificou-se a existência de cardiopatias congénitas concordantes entre os familiares de 1º grau. A taxa média global de concordância encontrada foi de 22,64%. Não houve correlação significativa entre as cardiopatias discordantes. Os resultados obtidos permitem que, na maioria dos casos, possa ser dada uma opinião favorável no que respeita ao aconselhamento genético.


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Procurou-se a probabilidade de cada tipo de cardiopatia congénita ocorrer como parte de síndromes malformativas. Estudaram-se em 14 anos 3027 crianças de idade inferior a 13 anos, com diagnóstico definitivo de cardiopatias congénitas bem definidas. A ocorrência de síndromes verificou-se em 208 casos (6,87%). Esta percentagem foi maior nas crianças com fenótipo feminino (8,22%) do que nas crianças com fenótipo masculino (5,51%). Enquadraram-se em síndromes, em percentagens muito superiores os defeitos do septo aurículo-ventricular (38,61%), a atrésia da pulmonar com (16,13%) e sem comunicação inter-ventricular (18,18%), as estenoses das artérias pulmonares (84,21%), a estenose aórtica supravalvular (69,23%) e as dextrocardias com cardiopatia (10%). Englobaram-se em síndromes, em percentagens inferiores a comunicação inter-ventricular, a estenose pulmonar valvular, a tetralogia de Fallot, a estenose aórtica, a comunicação inter-auricular e a coarctação da aorta. A transposição completa dos grandes vasos e outras cardiopatias congénitas mais raras não fizeram parte de síndromes.