12 resultados para Carcinoma, Merkel cell
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare malignant and primary neuroendocrine carcinoma with several known risk factors. Early diagnosis and aggressive treatment are critical. We report the case of an 82-year old woman with a Merkel cell carcinoma on the face. Clinical and histopathological features are presented. In addition, dermoscopic features and the differential diagnosis of this rare tumor are discussed. Although nodules with atypical dermoscopic vascular pattern and milky-red areas will end up being excised, this report adds more clues to the rarely described dermoscopic morphologic presentation of MCC.
Based on a case of gastric antral vascular ectasia (watermelon stomach) that was associated with hemorrhagic pericarditis, small cell lung carcinoma with mediastinal lymph node metastases and a synchronous squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue, the authors made a review of the clinical, endoscopic and histopathological aspects of this type of gastropathy, and its association with other diseases, and of the results of its endoscopic therapy. The causes of hemorrhagic pericarditis are considered, emphasizing the necessity to know if the effusion has a malignant etiology. To the best of our knowledge the association of watermelon stomach to small cell lung carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue has not yet been described. Extensive metastases to mediastal lymph nodes are common to small cell lung carcinoma.
BACKGROUND: Both primary and secondary gynaecological neuroendocrine (NE) tumours are uncommon, and the literature is scarce concerning their imaging features. METHODS: This article reviews the epidemiological, clinical and imaging features with pathological correlation of gynaecological NE tumours. RESULTS: The clinical features of gynaecological NE tumours are non-specific and depend on the organ of origin and on the extension and aggressiveness of the disease. The imaging approach to these tumours is similar to that for other histological types and the Revised International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Staging System also applies to NE tumours. Neuroendocrine tumours were recently divided into two groups: poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs) and well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumours (NETs). NECs include small cell carcinoma and large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, while NETs account for typical and atypical carcinoids. Cervical small cell carcinoma and ovarian carcinoid are the most common gynaecological NE tumours. The former typically behaves aggressively; the latter usually behaves in a benign fashion and tends to be confined to the organ. CONCLUSION: While dealing with ovarian carcinoids, extra-ovarian extension, bilaterality and multinodularity raise the suspicion of metastatic disease. NE tumours of the endometrium and other gynaecological locations are very rare. TEACHING POINTS: • Primary or secondary neurondocrine (NE) tumours of the female genital tract are rare. • Cervical small cell carcinoma and ovarian carcinoids are the most common gynaecological NE tumours. • Cervical small cell carcinomas usually behave aggressively. • Ovarian carcinoids tend to behave in a benign fashion. • The imaging approach to gynaecological NE tumours and other histological types is similar.
BACKGROUND: Most available studies on the efficacy of topical photodynamic therapy focus on short-to medium-term results. Long-term data are scarce. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the long-term efficacy of photodynamic therapy with topical methylaminolevulinate to treat Bowen's disease and basal cell carcinoma in the clinical practice setting of a dermato-oncology department. METHODS: The study included patients diagnosed with Bowen's disease or basal cell carcinoma, and who received photodynamic therapy from 2004 to 2008. Treatment protocol and clinical follow-up were standardized. The primary endpoint was clinically observed recurrence in a previous photodynamic therapy-treated area. Descriptive and survival analyses were performed. RESULTS: A total of 31 Bowen's disease lesions and 44 superficial basal cell carcinoma were treated, with a median follow-up of 43.5 months. Recurrence was observed in 14 Bowen's disease lesions (53.8%) and in 11 superficial basal cell carcinoma (33.3%). Significantly higher estimates for recurrence rates were found in patients with Bowen's disease (p=0.0036) or those aged under 58 years (p=0.039). The risk of recurrence was higher in patients with Bowen's disease than in those with superficial basal cell carcinoma and younger patients. CONCLUSIONS: Recurrence should be considered when choosing to treat non-melanoma skin cancer with photodynamic therapy. Younger age and Bowen's disease were independent predictors for long-term recurrence, suggesting the need to establish an extended period of follow-up for this subset of patients.
O Mesotelioma peritoneal maligno é um tumor maligno relacionado frequentemente com exposição prolongada a fibras de amianto, de mau prognóstico, de diagnóstico geralmente tardio, face à pouca expressão clínica na fase inicial da doença. Como o mesotelioma evolui geralmente só na cavidade peritoneal, doentes seleccionados poderão ter maior sobrevivência se for possível a peritonectomia extensa e quimioterapia hipertérmica intraperitoneal intraoperatória. Os autores referem a sincronicidade ainda não descrita, de mesotelioma peritoneal maligno primário e carcinoma de Grawitz. São revistos concisamente: a clínica destes tumores, síndromes paraneoplásicos (disfunção bioquímica hepática, emagrecimento extremo); etiopatogenia da acção cancerígena das fibras de amianto; mecanismos de disseminação intraperitoneal; avaliação tomodensitométrica; importância da imunohistoquímica no diagnóstico histopatológico; estadiamento; importância do tratamento multidisciplinar destes tumores.
Apresenta-se o caso de um homem de 62 anos de idade com um episódio de dispneia súbita que motivou estudo ecocardiográfico, o qual revelou uma massa na aurícula direita. A avaliação posterior demonstrou tratar-se de extensão de neoplasia do rim direito. A massa tumoral foi removida através duma abordagem multidisciplinar, com cirurgia torácica e abdominal. O estudo anatomopatológico mostrou tratar-se de um carcinoma de células renais.
Exenteration of the orbit is a disfiguring and destructive procedure; it is generally performed for orbital malignancies and often provides a significant reconstructive challenge. Our purpose was to evaluate the clinical indications for orbital exenteration in a tertiary referral center and to assess the reconstructive options employed. A retrospective nonrandomized analysis was performed, selecting all patients undergoing orbital exenteration over a 5-year period, between January 2005 and January 2010. Patient demographics, tumor characteristics, and reconstructive techniques used were evaluated. Twenty patients with a mean age of 76.5 years underwent total orbital exenteration. Basal cell carcinoma was the main operative indication (45%), followed by squamous cell carcinoma (15%). Reconstructive techniques included cover of the raw orbital cavity with a temporal muscular flap in all cases followed with split skin grafting (25%), bilaterally pedicle V-Y advancement flap (10%) and a fasciocutaneous island flap of the retroauricular region (65%). Twenty percent of patients had local complications and all were treated in a satisfactory fashion. Eyelid skin tumors remain an important cause of orbital exenteration. Temporal muscle flap is a reliable and stable reconstructive solution after orbital exenteration and additional aid is supplied with skin grafts or local flaps. This technique ensures a good aesthetic outcome and better situation for later complementary treatments and minimal associated donor site morbidity.
A nefrectomia radical associada a trombectomia da veia cava inferior constitui a única opção terapêutica passível de melhoria prognóstica dos carcinomas de células renais com trombos venosos major. Descrevemos o caso de um homem, 55 anos, com o diagnóstico de tumor renal com trombo intra-cávico de grandes dimensões. O doente foi alvo de uma abordagem multidisciplinar, tendo sido submetido a nefrectomia radical à direita, trombectomia e cavoplastia, com recurso ainda a bypass cardiopulmonar e circulação extra-corpórea. O pós-operatório não registou intercorrências. A análise histológica concluiu tratar-se de um carcinoma de células renais, variante células claras e trombo excisado na totalidade, sem invasão da parede venosa. Aos dois anos de pós-operatório o doente encontra-se sem evidência de recidiva tumoral nem foram descritos eventos de embolização pulmonar.