3 resultados para COMPARATIVE LAW
Objectivo: estudo comparativo simultâneo de medições invasivas utilizando o cateterismo da artéria pulmonar e não invasivas utilizando a ecocardiografia transtorácica (ETT) de 4 parâmetros hemodinâmicos: débito cardíaco (DC), pressão de encravamento da artéria pulmonar (PCP), pressão venosa central (PVC), e pressão sistólica da artéria pulmonar (PSAP). Material e Métodos: estudo prospectivo numa Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) médico-cirurgica. Foram estudados 41 doentes em pós-operatório de transplante hepático, nos quais o DC, a PCP, a PVC e a PSAP foram obtidos em simultâneo por 2 observadores independentes, utilizando a ETT e o cateterismo invasivo da artéria pulmonar. Para a quantificação por ETT dos parâmetros foram utilizadas fórmulas descritas na literatura. As medições invasivas e não invasivas foram comparadas através de uma análise de correlação linear e de Bland-Altman. Resultados: Verificou-se uma boa correlação nas medições invasivas e não invasivas do DC (r=0,97) e PVC (r=0,88). As correlações entre as medições invasivas e não invasivas da PCP e da PSAP foram fracas (r=0,41 e r= 0,118 respectivamente). O intervalo de confiança de 95% e bias para o DC foi negligenciável, em especial para valores de DC abaixo dos 6l/minuto. A ETT subestima em regra o DC, mas as duas técnicas mostraram uma correlação significativa entre si. Conclusões: a ETT pode estimar de forma fidedigna o DC em doentes submetidos a transplante hepático. A determinação não invasiva das restantes variáveis hemodinâmicas por ETT pode estar sujeita a uma variabilidade grande relacionada com as características dos doentes. Apesar dos dados terem sido obtidos num grupo específico de doentes, podem ajudar a definir uma aplicação futura da ecocardiografia em Cuidados Intensivos.
Our objective was to compare the results of ambulatory hysteroscopy in postmenopausal women with and without uterine bleeding. A retrospective descriptive study was carried out on 236 women who were at least 2 years into the menopause, who were not undergoing hormone treatment and who had had abnormal pelvic ultrasound results. Of these women, 150 were asymptomatic and 86 reported haemorrhage. Diagnostic and operative outpatient hysteroscopy was performed between January 2002 and December 2003. There was no difference between the two groups regarding age of patients, age of menopause and presence of at least one of the risk factors for endometrial carcinoma evaluated, although obesity was more frequent in the symptomatic group. Abnormal ultrasound results for these women corresponded in the majority of cases to intracavitary disease, and the absence of organic endometrial pathology was 9.3% vs 11.3% in each group. The more frequent pathology was benign endometrial polyps (64% in bleeding patients and 84.7% in asymptomatic ones). Endometrial carcinoma was diagnosed in 23.3% of women with metrorrhagia and in 1.3% of asymptomatic women. We diagnosed 2.6% of malignancy inside polyps. Hysteroscopy results were confirmed by histology in 90.3% of cases. See and treat in one session was achieved in 91% of benign endometrial polyps. Ambulatory hysteroscopy has high sensitivity and specificity for intracavitary pathology and high tolerability and safety. See and treat in one session can be achieved in the majority of lesions with indication for excision. These results make us advise our menopausal patients with abnormal uterine bleeding to undergo diagnostic hysteroscopy complemented with biopsy.
Background: In the haemodynamically unstable patient the method of treatment of acute renal failure is still largely controversial. The purpose of our study was to compare slow extended dialysis with continuous haemodiafiltration in the critical patient with indication for renal replacement therapy and haemodynamic instability. Patients and Methods: This is a cohort study comparing in 63 ventilated critical patients a 12 month period when only continuous haemodiafiltration was used (n=25) with an equal period of slow extended dialysis (n=38). Our primary objective was to evaluate the impact of the dialytic procedure on cardiovascular stability in those patients. As secondary aims we considered system coagulation/thrombosis and predictors of mortality. In the two groups we analysed the first session performed, the second session performed and the average of all the sessions performed in each patient. Results: In these patients, mortality in the intensive care unit was high (68% in the continuous haemodiafiltration group and 63% in the slow extended dialysis group). We did not find any association between the dialytic technique used and death; only the APACHE score was a predictor of death. Slow extended dialysis was a predictor of haemodynamic stability, a negative predictor of sessions that had to be interrupted for haemodynamic instability, and a predictor of achieving the volume removal initially sought. Slow extended dialysis was also associated with less coagulation of the system. Conclusions: Our data suggested that slow extended dialysis use was not inferior to continuous haemodiafiltration use in terms of cardiovascular tolerability.