15 resultados para CHILDHOOD PNEUMONIA
A infecção por vírus influenza B é rara no período neonatal com uma incidência desconhecida. Relata-se o caso de uma recém-nascida de termo, reinternada ao nono dia de vida por quadro de má perfusão periférica, gemido, dificuldade alimentar e dificuldade respiratória com necessidade de ventila ção mecânica, óxido nítrico inalado e surfactante. A radiografia de tórax no primeiro dia apresentava infiltrado intersticial ligeiro, difuso. Esteve sob ventilação invasiva durante 11 dias e oxigenoterapia 15 dias, tendo tido alta ao 20º dia, clinicamente bem. É fundamental pensar em infecção por vírus influenza B quando existe história de possível contágio, e em mães sem imunização anti-influenza. Não há terapêutica aprovada neste grupo etário, devendo ser tomadas medidas de suporte, de contenção e prevenção da disseminação da infecção.
Nos doentes com infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) o citomegalovírus torna-se um agente de doença importante quando existe imunossupressão avançada. O seu papel como agente de doença pulmonar neste contexto tem sido amplamente debatido. Nos doentes com pneumocistose, a presença do citomegalovírus no pulmão não parece conferir pior prognóstico, excepto nos que recebem terapêutica adjuvante com corticóides. Os autores apresentam dois casos de doentes com infecção VIH e imunossupressão avançada, admitidos na unidade de cuidados intensivos por insuficiência respiratória. Em ambos houve isolamento de Pneumocystis jirovecii no lavado broncoalveolar. Apesar da terapêutica instituída ambos vieram a falecer. A biópsia pulmonar post mortem mostrou, nos dois casos, a presença de Pneumocystis e inclusões por citomegalovírus. Perante este achado tecem-se algumas considerações sobre o papel do citomegalovírus como agente de pneumonia na SIDA e sobre o seu significado como co-infectante na pneumocistose, sobretudo nos casos de falência terapêutica.
Every month we see to be published dozens of scientific papers about etiology and physiopathology of CP, imaging, treatment, survival, quality of life of patients and of mothers (just a few) and so on. Papers dealing with the feelings and the problems of siblings of children and adults with CP in the most important scientific journals are extremely rare. However in internet we can find the sites of the most important Cerebral Palsy Societies, like the British, the Australian and the American ones already devoting a special attention to the issue of siblings; we also can see several interesting blogs of parents sharing their experiences not only with the handicapped child but also with the siblings, even counseling some books written for children giving practical advices how to deal and live with a handicapped sibling. What was a surprise to me were the several sites of adults having a disabled sibling, frequently with CP, in a new situation: without parents to care them.
The aims of the present study were to test the association between insecure attachment and basal cortisol and catecholamines levels in a sample of obese children. The role of familial vulnerability and gender was also investigated. Methods: Cortisol and catecholamines levels of 8- to 13-year olds obese children were measured. Self-report questionnaires were used to assess attachment pattern and current anxiety and depression, and parent-report questionnaires were used to assess attachment, current anxiety and depression and familial vulnerability. Linear regression analyses were performed for individuals that scored low versus high on parental internalizing problems, and for boys and girls, separately. Results: In the group with high parental internalizing problems, insecure attachment was significantly associated with reduced basal levels of cortisol, in boys (p=0.007, b= -0.861, R2= 73.0%). In the group with low parental internalizing problems, the association between insecure attachment and cortisol was not significant in either boys or girls, and it was negative in boys (p=0.075, b= -0.606, R2= 36.7%) and positive in girls (p=0.677, b= 0.176, R2= 3.1%) . Conclusions: Apparently, physiological risk factors for psicopathology in obesity are more evident in individuals with a high familial vulnerability. In addition, patterns of physiological risk for psicopathology in obesity are different in boys and girls. Therefore, it is important to take into account familial vulnerability and gender when investigating physiological risk factors for psycopathology in obesity. Insecure attachment in childhood may be a risk factor for obesity. Interventions to increase children's attachment security should examine the effects on children's weight.
Introduction: Skin diseases in paediatric age are often distressing conditions with significant impact in children’s psychosocial development. Additionally, systemic therapeutic options are often limited in childhood, due to its potential toxicity in this vulnerable group. Phototherapy is therefore an endorsed option for photo-responsive dermatological conditions. Objective and Methods:This observational retrospective study aims to access efficacy and safety of Phototherapy in our paediatric population. Relevant clinical data from 1996 to present concerning patients aged 18 years or less was collected. Results: 78 patients were included, of which64,1%was female. Mean age was 12,9 years (range 2-18). Distribution according to diagnosis was:47,4%psoriasis, 34,6% alopecia areata, 9,0% vitiligo, 9,0% other diagnosis. Mean number of cycles was 1,5 (range 1-7), with an average of 16,3 treatments per cycle and mean cumulative dose 134 J/cm2. 70,5% was treated with one single cycle. Topic and systemic PUVA were the first choice in 37,2% and 39,7%, respectively, while UVB TL01 and broadband UVB were used in 11,5% each. On the first cycle 67,5% improved, 14,3% showed no sustained clinical response and 19,5% were lost to follow-up. Psoriasis patients had the best response rates (81,8%), followed by alopecia areata (59,3%). Side effects occurred in 21%, being erythema the most common (12%). None led to therapeutic interruption. Discussion: Phototherapy is a safe and effective option in childhood, yet the withdraw rate might be an important limitation.
Urticaria, defined by the presence of wheals and/or angioedema,is a common condition in children, prompting parents to consult physicians. For its successful management, paediatric-specific features must be taken into account, regarding the identification of eliciting triggers and pharmacological therapy. This review systematically discusses the current best-available evidence on spontaneous acute and chronic urticaria as well as physical and other urticaria types in children. Potential underlying causes, namely infections, food and drug hypersensitivity, autoreactivity and autoimmune or other conditions, and eliciting stimuli are considered, with practical recommendations for specific diagnostic approaches. Second-generation antihistamines are the mainstay of pharmacological treatment aimed at relief of symptoms, which require dose adjustment for paediatric use. Other therapeutic interventions are also discussed. In addition, unmet needs are highlighted, aiming to promote research into the paediatric population, ultimately aiming at the effective management of childhood urticaria.
To contribute to the validation of the sensory and behavioral criteria for Regulation Disorders of Sensory Processing (RDSP) (DC:0-3R, 2005), this study examined a sample of toddlers in a clinical setting to analyze: (1) the severity of sensory modulation deficits and the behavioral symptoms of RDSP; (2) the associations between sensory and behavioral symptoms; and (3) the specific role of sensory modulation deficits in an RDSP diagnosis. Based on clinical observations, 78 toddlers were classified into two groups: toddlers with RDSP (N = 18) and those with‘‘other diagnoses in Axis I/II of the DC:0-3R’’ (OD3R; N = 60). The parents completed the Infant Toddler Sensory Profile and the Achenbach Checklist. The results revealed that the RDSP group had more severe sensory modulation deficits and specific behavioral symptoms; stronger, although not significant, associations between most sensory and behavioral symptoms; and a significant sensory modulation deficit effect. These findings support the validity of RDSP.
Objective: The Panayiotopoulos type of idiopathic occipital epilepsy has peculiar and easily recognizable ictal symptoms, which are associated with complex and variable spike activity over the posterior scalp areas. These characteristics of spikes have prevented localization of the particular brain regions originating clinical manifestations. We studied spike activity in this epilepsy to determine their brain generators. Methods: The EEG of 5 patients (ages 7–9) was recorded, spikes were submitted to blind decomposition in independent components (ICs) and those to source analysis (sLORETA), revealing the spike generators. Coherence analysis evaluated the dynamics of the components. Results: Several ICs were recovered for posterior spikes in contrast to central spikes which originated a single one. Coherence analysis supports a model with epileptic activity originating near lateral occipital area and spreading to cortical temporal or parietal areas. Conclusions: Posterior spikes demonstrate rapid spread of epileptic activity to nearby lobes, starting in the lateral occipital area. In contrast, central spikes remain localized in the rolandic fissure. Significance: Rapid spread of posterior epileptic activity in the Panayitopoulos type of occipital lobe epilepsy is responsible for the variable and poorly localized spike EEG. The lateral occipital cortex is the primary generator of the epileptic activity.
Budesonide (800 mg bid, for 2 months) was administered to 12 asthmatic children (mean age, 11.293.3 years) with lung hyperinflation (TGV]130% predicted and:or RV]140% predicted) in a randomised, placebo controlled, double blind, crossover study. Body plethysmography (panting frequency controlled at 1·s 1) was performed at the beginning, 2 months afterwards (before crossover) and at the end of the study. Budesonide significantly reduced TGV (2.3590.90 l BTPS or 126924% predicted) compared with placebo (2.5491.08 l BTPS, P 0.014 or 140921% predicted, PB0.05). In addition, budesonide significantly increased mean specific conductance (0.0690.02 cm H2O 1 l s 1 to 0.0790.01 cm H2O 1 l s 1, PB0.05). It was concluded that budesonide reduced lung hyperinflation most likely by decreasing airway inflammation.
A broncofibroscopia (BF) é frequentemente efectuada em doentes com pneumonias de evolução arrastada com o objectivo de excluir patologia endobrónquica de etiologia neoplásica. Dado que a resolução radiográfica das pneumonias da comunidade é variável, sendo dependente de vários factores (agente etiológico, idade, doenças associadas) a decisão para efectuar uma BF é muitas vezes empírica. Com o objectivo de descrever a nossa experiência neste problema estudámos retrospectivamente 123 doentes com o diagnóstico de pneumonia da comunidade baseado em critérios clínicos e radiográficos e que, apesar da antibioferapia considerada adequada, não apresentavam melhoria radiográfica significativa ao fim de pelo menos 2 semanas. Obtivemós um diagnóstico histológico de neoplasia maligna do pulmão em 7 doentes (5,6° o), sendo todos do sexo masculino, com idade superior a 55 anos efuínadores de pelo menos 40 U.M.A. A análise comparativa com os restantes doentes mostrou diferenças com significado~estatístico em relação à idade e ao consumo tabágico. O tempo de evolução da doença,valores médios de hemoglobina, leucocitos, VS, existência ou não de alterações da função renal ou hepática não foram significativamente diferentes nos dois grupos. Concluimos que a BF deve ser efectuada precocemente nos doentes pertencentes ao grupo de risco identificado (fumadores, com mais de 55 anos) não se justificando a sua realização nos restantes doentes antes das 4 a 8 semanas de evolução, a menos que estejam presentes critérios clínicos objectivos tais como progressão da doença ou agravamento do estado geral.
Occipital lobe epilepsy (OLE) presents in childhood with different manifestations, age of onset and EEG features that form distinct syndromes. The ictal clinical symptoms are difficult to correlate with onset in particular areas in the occipital lobes, and the EEG recordings have not been able to overcome this limitation. The mapping of epileptogenic cortical regions in OLE remains therefore an important goal in our understanding of these syndromes.
Nursing home-acquired pneumonia (NHAP) is one of the most common infections arising amongst nursing home residents, and its incidence is expected to increase as population ages. The NHAP recommendation for empiric broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, arising from the concept of healthcare-associated pneumonia, has been challenged by recent studies reporting low rates of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria. This single center study analyzes the results of NHAP patients admitted through the Emergency Department (ED) at a tertiary center during the year 2010. There were 116 cases, male gender corresponded to 34.5 % of patients and median age was 84 years old (IQR 77-90). Comorbidities were present in 69.8 % of cases and 48.3 % of patients had used healthcare services during the previous 90 days. In-hospital mortality rate was 46.6 % and median length-of-stay was 9 days. Severity assessment at the Emergency Department provided CURB65 index score and respective mortality (%) results: zero: n = 0; one: n = 7 (0 %); two: n = 18 (38.9 %); three: n = 26 (38.5 %); four: n = 30 (53.3 %); and five; n = 22 (68.2 %); and sepsis n = 50 (34.0 %), severe sepsis n = 43 (48.8 %) and septic shock n = 22 (72.7 %). Significant risk factors for in-hospital mortality in multivariate analysis were polypnea (p = 0.001), age ≥ 75 years (p = 0.02), and severe sepsis or shock (p = 0.03) at the ED. Microbiological testing in 78.4 % of cases was positive in 15.4 % (n = 15): methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (26.7 %), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20.0 %), S. pneumoniae (13.3 %), Escherichia coli (13.3 %), others (26.7 %); the rate of MDR bacteria was 53.3 %. This study reveals high rates of mortality and MDR bacteria among NHAP hospital admissions supporting the use of empirical broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy in these patients.
Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) is a syndrome with well-defined electroclinical features but unknown pathological basis. An increased thalamic tonic GABA inhibition has recently been discovered on animal models (Cope et al., 2009), but its relevance for human CAE is unproven. METHODS: We studied an 11-year-old boy, presenting the typical clinical features of CAE, but spike-wave discharges (SWD) restricted to one hemisphere. RESULTS: High-resolution EEG failed to demonstrate independent contralateral hemisphere epileptic activity. Consistently, simultaneous EEG-fMRI revealed the typical thalamic BOLD activation, associated with caudate and default mode network deactivation, but restricted to the hemisphere with SWD. Cortical BOLD activations were localized on the ipsilateral pars transverse. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy, using MEGA-PRESS, showed that the GABA/creatine ratio was 2.6 times higher in the hemisphere with SWD than in the unaffected one, reflecting a higher GABA concentration. Similar comparisons for the patient's occipital cortex and thalamus of a healthy volunteer yielded asymmetries below 25%. SIGNIFICANCE: In a clinical case of CAE with EEG and fMRI-BOLD manifestations restricted to one hemisphere, we found an associated increase in thalamic GABA concentration consistent with a role for this abnormality in human CAE.