11 resultados para CENTRAL PORTUGAL


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OBJECTIVES: 1) To determine trends in prevalence of neural tube defects and the impact of therapeutic abortion. 2) To review perinatal management of spina bifida. DESIGN: All spontaneous and therapeutic abortions, still births and live births affected by neural tube defects registered in Alfredo da Costa Maternity in Lisbon, from 1983 to 1992, were retrospectively analysed. RESULTS: Eighty-two cases with neural tube defects are reported and myelomeningocele and anencephaly++ were the most frequent ones. Total prevalence for all defects was 0.78:1000 births with a small upward trend during the last two years. Birth prevalence was 0.6:1000, with a clear downward trend, due to therapeutic abortion. Prenatal diagnosis improved significantly, from 9% of all defects detected in 1983-87 to 77.5% in 1988-92. Since 1989, all cases of anencephaly were detected before birth. Most cases of spina bifida were vaginally delivered, and elective cesarean section occurred in 4. Early closure of the defect was undertaken in 87.6% of the newborns with open spina bifida. CONCLUSION: While total prevalence of neural tube defects remained stable, with only a small upward trend, prenatal diagnosis and therapeutic abortion resulted in a 56.3% fall in birth prevalence. Optimal management of open spina bifida demands a multidisciplinary team with an individual program for each case.


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A primeira referência a controlo de infecção em Portugal remonta a 1930 mas é só em 1979 que é publicada a primeira circular informativa da Direcção-Geral dos Hospitais a qual divulgava a Resolução 31 do Conselho da Europa sobre a institucionalização das Comissões de Controlo de Infecção. Em 1986 é recomendado a todas as unidades de saúde o controlo de infecção, também pela DGH e, novamente, seguindo uma disposição do Conselho da Europa. Em 1993 aquela Direcção Geral decide pela necessidade de institucionalização das CCIH mas é só em 1996 que são criadas as CCIH em todas as unidades hospitalares públicas e privadas com definição, afectação de recursos humanos, físicos e financeiros e definida a composição e as atribuições. Três anos depois nasce o Programa Nacional de Controlo de Infecção com o objectivo de divulgar a verdadeira dimensão do problema e promover as medidas necessárias para a prevenção da infecção. O PNCI foi criado na DGS em 1996, transferido para o INS Dr. Ricardo Jorge em 1999, tendo regressado à DGS em 2006. No ano seguinte foi aprovado pelo Sr. Ministro da Saúde Dr. Correia de Campos e publicado em DR o Programa Nacional de Controlo de Infecção Associada aos Cuidados de Saúde. No mesmo ano é determinada pela DGS a reestruturação das CCI em todas as unidades de saúde, definida a organização, constituição e atribuições dos agrupamentos de Centros de Saúde, Administrações Regionais e Unidades de Cuidados Continuados. O PNCI tem missão bem definida e projectos desenvolvidos em áreas de vigilância epidemiológica, desenvolvimento de normas e boa prática e funções de consultoria e apoio. Em vigilância epidemiológica tem em campo os projectos HELICS-UCI, HELICS - Cirurgia, Infecções nosocomiais da corrente sanguínea, infecções em UCI - recém-nascidos e Inquéritos Nacionais de Prevalência. Têm sido emanadas inúmeras normas de boa prática e protocolos divulgados no sítio da DGS, micro sítio do PNCI. Os vários estudos têm gerado informação sob o ponto de vista nosológico, microbiológico, de resistência bacteriana e de uso de antibióticos, de importância fundamental para intervenção dirigida e avaliação de resultados.


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Lo Servicio Nacional de Salud en Portugal fue criado en 1979, universal e gratis. Las primeras UCIN surgieran en 1980, en 1985 fue criada la Sociedad Portuguesa de Neonatología, en 1987 lo sistema de transporte neonatal, en mismo año fue nominada una Comisión de Peritos en Perinatología. En 1989 fue nominado el Comité Nacional de la Mujer y del niño y empezó la Reforma de los cuidados de salud perinatal. Era un programa de 9 años en etapas de 3 años que incluía el ccierre de Hospitales con menos de 1500 partos/año, categorización de los hospitales en niveles de cuidados e la creación de Unidades Coordinadoras entre Centros de Salud y Hospitales. Las UCIN y Intermedios neonatales fueran equipados y definido el número necesario de obstetras, pediatras y enfermeras e fue hecha formación en Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales. Los Centros de Salud no tienen partos e controlan el embarazo normal; los hospitales Nivel I no tienen partos; los de Nivel II tienen partos normales y de bajo riesgo, por lo menos 1500/año, obstetras, Unidad de Cuidados Intermedios, Pediatras con formación en neonatología, ventilación por períodos cortos. Los Hospitales de Nivel III tienen partos de bajo y alto riesgo, obstetras y neonatólogos, UCIN, formación en obstetricia y neonatología e investigación. Las UCIN tienen ventilación de longa duración, nutrición parenteral, cuidados de recién nacidos con menos de 1500g, condiciones quirúrgicas, son centros de enseñanza e investigación. Deben tener neonatólogos y pediatras con competencia en neonatología 24h por día, 1.5 camas /1000 partos, 1 enfermera para 2 logares de intensivos – 2,5 enfermeras por cada cama de intensivos - deben estar localizadas en maternidades con >3000 partos. Hay también reglas para translado para nível III pré-natal y pós-natal. Lo impacto fue que la tasa de partos hospitalares aumentó hasta 99% la mortalidad fetal e fetal tardia disminuiu hasta 3,7 e 2,5/1000 NV+MN, la mortalidad perinatal con más de 28 semanas para 4,6/1000 NV+ MN, la neonatal para 2,4/1000NV e la infantil para 3,6. Las mejores condiciones socioeconómicas y nivel de educación pueden justificar parte de estos resultados pero la organización de los cuidado perinatales fue ciertamente una grande razón de mejoría.


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Portuguese health care system was created in 1979. It is universal and for free. Expenses are supported by the State through taxes. The modern perinatal care system started by the end of 1970. The first neonatal intensive care units were created in 1980, the Portuguese Neonatal Society in 1985 and the National Neonatal Transport System in 1987. Until the seventies of twentieth century and even during eighties there were more than 200 hospitals with deliveries, a great part without obstetrician or paediatrician, a great percentage of pregnancies had no prenatal care, there were few neonatal intensive care units and perinatal mortality rate was one of the highest in the European countries. In 1987 an Experts Committee was nominated by the Health Ministry aiming to collect and analyse data on perinatal care and to suggest improvements. The Report resulting from this work is the main document on which is based the reform. The reform was a 9 years program in 3 years stages aiming to close hospitals with less than 1500 deliveries/year, to reclassify hospitals, to create Coordinating Units between health centres and hospitals, to equip neonatal intensive and intermediate care units, to define needs of obstetricians, paediatricians and nurses for each centre and to promote specialised training in neonatology for paediatricians and nurses. Levels of perinatal care were defined as well as localization of each level of hospital according to the number of deliveries in one geographic area, geographic difficulties and existing routes and connections. Steps for opening and closure of different levels of hospitals were very well programmed. The organization, capacities, number of obstetricians, neonatologists and nurses as well as equipment for each level of care was defined. Rules for pregnant women and newborns transfer from level II to level III hospitals were also well described. A specific training is neonatology was created starting in 1990. This organization resulted in an impressive decrease in mortality rates at all levels and still it is the policy we have today.


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An increase in the number of new cases of tuberculosis (TB) combined with poor clinical outcome was identified among HIV-infected injecting drug users attending a large HIV unit in central Lisbon. A retrospective epidemiological and laboratory study was conducted to review all newly diagnosed cases of TB from 1995 to 1996 in the HIV unit. Results showed that from 1995 to 1996, 63% (109/173) of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from HIV-infected patients were resistant to one or more anti-tuberculosis drugs; 89% (95) of these were multidrug-resistant, i.e., resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampicin. Eighty percent of the multidrug-resistant strains (MDR) available for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) DNA fingerprinting clustered into one of two large clusters. Epidemiological data support the conclusion that the transmission of MDR-TB occurred among HIV-infected injecting drug users exposed to infectious TB cases on open wards in the HIV unit. Improved infection control measures on the HIV unit and the use of empirical therapy with six drugs once patients were suspected to have TB, reduced the incidence of MDR-TB from 42% of TB cases in 1996 to 11% in 1999.


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Objective: To define the pattern of disease expression and to gain better understanding in patients with juvenile onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Portugal. Methods: The features of unselected patients with systemic lupus erythematosus who had disease onset before the age of 18 years were retrospectively analysed in three Portuguese centres with Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic over a 24-year period (1987-2011). Demographic, clinical and laboratory manifestations, therapy and outcome were assessed. Results: A cohort of 56 patients with a mean age at disease onset of 12.6±4.04 years (mean±1SD) (range, 1.0-17.0 years) and a mean period of follow-up of 5.5±5.4 years. Forty six (82.1%) patients were female. The most common disease manifestations were musculoskeletal (87.5%), mucocutaneous (80.3%) and haematological abnormalities (75%). Lupus nephritis was diagnosed in 46.4% of patients and consisted of glomerular ne - phritis in all cases. Neuropsychiatric manifestations occurred in 21.4% but severe central nervous system complications were uncommon, as brain infarcts and organic brain syndrome in 4 (7.1%) patients. Antinuclear antibodies and anti-double stranded DNA were positive in most patients in (98.2% and 71.4% respectively), as well as low C3 and/or C4 were observed frequently (85.7%). Generally, most patients had a good response to therapy as demonstrated by a significant decreasing of SLEDAI score from disease presentation to the last evaluation. The SLEDAI at diagnosis, the maximum SLEDAI and the incidence of complications were significantly higher in patients with neurolupus and/or lupus nephritis. Therapy included oral steroids (87.5%), hydroxychloroquine (85.7%), azathioprine (55.4%), IV cyclophosphamide (28.6%) along with other drugs. Six (10.7%) patients were treated with rituximab. Long-term remission was achieved in 32%, disease was active in 68%, adverse reactions to therapy occurred in 53.6% and complications/severe manifestations in 23.2%. Two patients died, being active disease and severe infection the causes of death. Conclusions: This study suggests that in our patients the clinical and laboratory features observed were similar to juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients from other series. Clinical outcome was favourable in the present study. Complications from therapy were frequent. Objective: To define the pattern of disease expression and to gain better understanding in patients with juvenile onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Portugal. Methods: The features of unselected patients with systemic lupus erythematosus who had disease onset before the age of 18 years were retrospectively analysed in three Portuguese centres with Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic over a 24-year period (1987-2011). Demographic,clinical and laboratory manifestations, therapy and outcome were assessed. Results: A cohort of 56 patients with a mean age at disease onset of 12.6±4.04 years (mean±1SD) (range, 1.0-17.0 years) and a mean period of follow-up of 5.5±5.4 years. Forty six (82.1%) patients were female. The most common disease manifestations were musculoskeletal (87.5%), mucocutaneous (80.3%) and haematological abnormalities (75%). Lupus nephritis was diagnosed in 46.4% of patients and consisted of glomerular ne - phritis in all cases. Neuropsychiatric manifestations occurred in 21.4% but severe central nervous system complications were uncommon, as brain infarcts and organic brain syndrome in 4 (7.1%) patients. Antinuclear antibodies and anti-double stranded DNA were positive in most patients in (98.2% and 71.4% respectively), as well as low C3 and/or C4 were observed frequently (85.7%). Generally, most patients had a good response to therapy as demonstrated by a significant decreasing of SLEDAI score from disease presentation to the last evaluation. The SLEDAI at diagnosis, the maximum SLEDAI and the incidence of complications were significantly higher in patients with neurolupus and/or lupus nephritis. Therapy included oral steroids (87.5%), hydroxychloroquine (85.7%), azathioprine (55.4%), IV cyclophosphamide (28.6%) along with other drugs. Six (10.7%) patients were treated with rituximab. Long-term remission was achieved in 32%, disease was active in 68%, adverse reactions to therapy occurred in 53.6% and complications/severe manifestations in 23.2%. Two patients died, being active disease and severe infection the causes of death. Conclusions: This study suggests that in our patients the clinical and laboratory features observed were similar to juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients from other series. Clinical outcome was favourable in the present study. Complications from therapy were frequent.


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Introdução O sugamadex é uma gama ciclodextrina modificada que forma um complexo com os bloqueadores neuromusculares rocurónio e vecurónio, revertendo o bloqueio neuromuscular (BNM) induzido por estes fármacos1,2,3,4. O sugamadex apresentou valor terapêutico acrescentado em relação aos anticolinesterásicos, nomeadamente à neostigmina, para a reversão do BNM causado pelo rocurónio e vecurónio1,3. No Hospital de São José (HSJ) este medicamento foi introduzido em Outubro de 2010 para a reversão do BNM profundo e nas situações de risco de vida imediato associadas a via aérea difícil com impossibilidade de ventilar e de entubar. A dispensa do sugamadex é efectuada por reposição de stock mediante envio de justificação clínica aos Serviços Farmacêuticos (SF). Objetivo Caracterizar a utilização de sugamadex no HSJ: evolução do consumo, serviços clínicos utilizadores e adequação da utilização clínica face às indicações aprovadas pela Comissão de Farmácia e Terapêutica (CFT). Métodos Pesquisa e análise bibliográfica. Recolha, através da do sistema de gestão integrada do circuito do medicamento, dos dados de consumo desde Outubro de 2010 até Junho de 2015, por semestre e por serviço clínico. Recolha das indicações terapêuticas em que o sugamadex foi administrado, no período acima referido, através da consulta das justificações clínicas. Análise retrospectiva dos dados recolhidos. Resultados Apresentação gráfica dos consumos de sugamadex nos serviços utilizadores no período em estudo. Apresentação gráfica das indicações terapêuticas em que foi administrado, por serviço e no período em estudo. Conclusões O consumo de sugamadex tem um evidente crescimento desde o seu início de utilização. A justificação dominante para a utilização do sugamadex é a curarização residual. Verifica-se um alargamento do âmbito de utilização, face às indicações aprovadas pela CFT. Decorridos cinco anos de utilização, justifica-se uma reavaliação das indicações de utilização no HSJ pela CFT. Bibliografia 1. Chambers D, Paulden M, Paton F, Heirs M, Duffy S, Craig D, et al. Sugammadex for the reversal of muscle relaxation in general anaesthesia: a systematic review and economic assessment. Health Technol Assess 2010;14(39). 2. De Boer HD, Van Egmond J, Driessen JJ, Booij LH. Update on the management of neuromuscular block: Focus on sugammadex. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2007;3:539-44. 3. Relatório avaliação prévia de medicamento para uso humano em meio hospitalar – DCI – Sugamadex (06-05-2010) – Infarmed - acedido a 27/08/2015 www.infarmed.pt. 4. Resumo das Características do Medicamento Bridion® 100 mg/ml solução injectável - acedido a 27/08/2015 www.ema.europa.eu/.