8 resultados para Bernardo de Cabrera


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Introduction and hypothesis Puborectalis avulsion is a likely etiological factor for female pelvic organ prolapse(FPOP). We performed a study to establish minimal sonographic criteria for the diagnosis of avulsion. Methods We analysed datasets of 764 women seen at a urogynecological service. Offline analysis of ultrasound datasets was performed blinded to patient data. Tomographic ultrasound imaging (TUI) was used to diagnose avulsion of the puborectalis muscle. Results Logistic regression modelling of TUI data showed that complete avulsion is best diagnosed by requiring the three central tomographic slices to be abnormal. This finding was obtained in 30% of patients and was associated with symptoms and signs of FPOP (P<0.001). Lesser degrees of trauma (‘partial avulsion’) were not associated with symptoms or signs of pelvic floor dysfunction. Conclusions Complete avulsion of the puborectalis muscle is best diagnosed on TUI by requiring all three central slices to be abnormal. Partial trauma seems of limited clinical relevance.


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Precocious puberty, defined as the development of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8, often leads to anxiety in patients and their families but also in clinicians searching for the final diagnosis. After adequate investigation, the majority of the cases in girls turn out to be idiopathic. The authors present a case of McCune Albright syndrome in order to call attention to a rare cause of sexual precocity and the value of ultrasound in the evaluation of these situations. 10 years old infant girl admitted in our department due to irregular menstrual bleeding. She experienced a vaginal bleeding by the age of 3 which led to the diagnosis of McCune Albright Syndrome after a complete evaluation. Pubertal assessment revealed a reversed sequence in the remaining events with adrenarche at 5 and thelarche at 8. Hormonal evaluation demonstrated low FSH and LH levels (11,2 and 6,72 respectively) with high estrogen (204). Pelvic ultrasound showed a normal sized uterus (73x 29x32 mm), endometrial thickness of 5 mm and ovaries with several microfollicles and a copus luteum measuring 23 mm in the right ovary. McCune Albright syndrome is a very uncommon cause of sexual precocity that should, however, be suspected in all infant girls who present with vaginal bleeding. It is characterized by a triad: polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty and café-au-lait skin spots. Due to autonomous production of estrogen by the ovaries, ultrasound image of the female reproductive tract is inconsistent with chronologic age. Pelvic ultrasound demonstrates a normal sized uterus with a well defined cervix and clearly identified ovaries with several follicles, similar to adult women of reproductive age. Ultrasonography of the pelvis has also an important role excluding other causes of GnRH-independent precocious puberty conditions like ovarian cysts or tumors.


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Introduction: Postmenopausal bleeding is a common complaint from women seen in general practice, although majority of them, will have no major problem. Objective: Study of endometrium in postmenopausal women with suspicious sonographic endometrial changes. Comparison of findings in asymptomatic women and those who reported metrorrhagia. Methods: Consultation of outpatient medical records of 487 women undergoing endometrial study (sonohysterography, hysteroscopy), between January/2004 and July/2010. Patients were subdivided into two groups: women with (G1) and without (G2) complaints of postmenopausal metrorrhagia. Results: G1 and G2 comprises 78 and 409 women, respectively. G1: 23.1% normal uterine cavity, 74.3% benign pathology (majority endometrial polyps) and 2.6% of them endometrial carcinoma. G2: 14.4% normal uterine cavity, 83.7% benign pathology (majority endometrial polyps), 1.4% endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma in 0.49%. Conclusion: Postmenopausal metrorrhagia is associated with an increased risk of endometrial malignancy, in relation to asymptomatic, although represents a minority of the population. To highlight the existence of premalignant and malignant pathology in asymptomatic endometrial thickening.


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Introduction: Heterotopic pregnancy (HP) is defined as two gestational sacs simultaneously present in two different locations, being the uterus and the fallopian tubes the more common. Sporadic HP is a very rare condition (1:30,000 pregnancies). With the use of medically assisted reproduction the prevalence is significantly higher(1:7,000). Considering spontaneous pregnancy, HP is associated with risk factors, being prior inflammatory pelvic disease the most common. The clinical presentation is similar to that of ectopic pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage although it is usually a more late diagnosis. Case report: 25 year-old pregnant woman, OI 0000, previously healthy; admitted at the Emergency Department (ED) with acute pelvic pain mainly at the right iliac fossa and moderate vaginal bleeding confirmed by speculum examination. She was hemodynamically stable and the bimanual palpation was painful; no prior medically assisted reproduction technique had been performed. The haemoglobin value was within normal range and the serum β-hCG was 2,763mUI/mL. The ultrasonography at the ED showed an in uterus gestational sac and another one inside the right fallopian tube; in both gestational sacs cardiac activity was absent. HP diagnosis was then established and the patient was admitted at the Obstetrics Ward for surveillance and ultrasonographic/laboratorial reassessment; complete miscarriage of the uterine pregnancy occurred but methotrexate was necessary for the treatment of persistent tubarian pregnancy. Conclusion: When evaluating a pregnant woman with pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding one should always be aware of several differential diagnosis amongst which HP should be considered. If the patient has in uterus viable pregnancy the treatment of the ectopic concomitant gestational sac should be as conservative as possible; methotrexate should not be used in that situation as it leads to uterine pregnancy miscarriage in about one third of the patients.


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Objectives: Chorionic Vilus Sampling (CVS) has several advantages over amniocentesis: it may be performed at an earlier gestational age, the results are quicker to obtain and there’s a lower miscarriage risk – 1%. However, the higher prevalence of discrepant fetal and vilus sampling material’s karyotype findings is a disadvantage of this technique – 0.5%. This is caused, amongst other causes, by placental mosaicism which consists of two genetically different cell lines. There are three types of placental mosaicism according to the abnormal cell line location: Type I – in the cytotrophoblast; Type II – in the vilus’ stroma; Type III – in both the above locations. Material and Methods: We present a case report about a 36-year-old pregnant woman going through our Department’s 1st trimester combined screening program; a CVS was performed, which showed Confined Placental Mosaicism (CPM). Results and Conclusion: Although the pregnant woman was in the low-risk group for aneuploidy, the patient wanted the cytogenetic study to be performed in order to reduce maternal anxiety. CVS was performed at the gestational age of 12 weeks + 5 days and the karyotype was 47XY+2/46XY. For the correct interpretation of this data an amniocentesis was performed at the gestational age of 15 weeks + 6 days, which showed a 46XY karyotype. We therefore conclude that the cytogenetic analysis of the CVS was the result of a CPM. A careful follow-up including fetal echocardiogram and seriated ultrasonographic monitoring was used to safely exclude malformations and fetal growth restriction. We verified no occurences throughout pregnancy, delivery and perinatal period. CVS practice was recently implemented in our country and has many advantages over amniocentesis. Besides the fact that an earlier gestational age usually means less affective bonding to the fetus and therefore makes medical termination of pregnancy somewhat less difficult, one should consider specific situations like the one reported in which CPM may be diagnosed. This condition is associated with increased risk of fetal growth restriction, so the clinician should be aware of the need for a more careful follow-up, since perinatal complications, which should be anticipated and treated, can be expected in 16-21% of these cases.


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Background: Calcified chronic subdural hematoma is a rare but known entity, estimated to represent 0.3-2.7% of chronic subdural hematomas. Although surgical treatment is unanimous for chronic subdural hematomas, therein lies some doubt on it being applied to calcified chronic subdural hematomas. Case Description: We report a case of a 73‑year‑old male, presenting with deterioration of motor function in his right limbs since 18 months, with computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) documenting a large subdural collection of the left hemisphere, with calcified inner membrane, which was successfully and completely removed, with progressive clinical and radiological improvement. Conclusions: We report a case where this type of rare lesion was removed with a progressive and complete resolution of the patient’s symptoms, restoring his previous neurological condition. From the cases described in the literature and our own experience with this case, we think surgical treatment in these patients, when symptomatic, is necessary and viable, frequently resulting in the patient’s improvement.


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The aim of our study was to access office hysteroscopy results in postmenopausal patients with thickened endometrium. A retrospective descriptive study was carried out on 245 postmenopausal patients submitted to office hysteroscopy after sonographic diagnosis of thickened endometriumin 20 consecutive months.Women were evaluated for age, hormonal therapy, hysteroscopic findings, procedure duration, complications and associated pain, and histological diagnosis. Patients with and without uterine bleeding were considered separately. Symptomatic patients were older and had longer procedure duration. The most frequent hysteroscopic finding was endometrial polyp in both groups. Pain was subjectively assessed in a numeric scale from 0 to 10 and median value was 4. There were no complications reported. Global neoplasia rate was 2.9% for asymptomatic patients and 16.4% for symptomatic ones (p<0.05). Thickened endometrium with postmenopausal metrorrhagia gave patients a significantly higher risk for neoplasia and hyperplasia.