13 resultados para Being towards death


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A retrospective study was made of 6 children, with nonsurgical-related acute myocardial infarction (AMI), between January 1987 and December 1994. The ratio for gender was 1 and mean age at AMI was 49 days, 4 cases being associated with congenital heart disease (Fallot's tetralogy, truncus arteriosus and DiGeorge syndrome, one case each, and anomalous origin of left coronary artery, 2 cases). Kawasaki disease and coronary embolisation from thrombosis of the renal vein occurred in the other 2 cases respectively. All developed congestive cardiac failure and cardiomegaly. In the ECG pathologic q waves with more than 35 msec occurred in all, and QT prolongation occurred in 3. Five children (83%) all with AMI in the anterior and lateral wall of the left ventricle died, death being related with cardiac mechanical failure and not with arrhythmias.


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OBJECTIVE: In the last decade, some attention has been given to spirituality and faith and their role in cancer patients' coping. Few data are available about spirituality among cancer patients in Southern European countries, which have a big tradition of spirituality, namely, the Catholic religion. As part of a more general investigation (Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study--SEPOS), the aim of this study was to examine the effect of spirituality in molding psychosocial implications in Southern European cancer patients. METHOD: A convenience sample of 323 outpatients with a diagnosis of cancer between 6 to 18 months, a good performance status (Karnofsky Performance Status > 80), and no cognitive deficits or central nervous system (CNS) involvement by disease were approached in university and affiliated cancer centers in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland (Italian speaking area). Each patient was evaluated for spirituality (Visual Analog Scale 0-10), psychological morbidity (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale--HADS), coping strategies (Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer--Mini-MAC) and concerns about illness (Cancer Worries Inventory--CWI). RESULTS. The majority of patients (79.3%) referred to being supported by their spirituality/faith throughout their illness. Significant differences were found between the spirituality and non-spirituality groups (p ≤ 0.01) in terms of education, coping styles, and psychological morbidity. Spirituality was significantly correlated with fighting spirit (r = -0.27), fatalism (r = 0.50), and avoidance (r = 0.23) coping styles and negatively correlated with education (r = -0.25), depression (r = -0.22) and HAD total (r = -0.17). SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: Spirituality is frequent among Southern European cancer patients with lower education and seems to play some protective role towards psychological morbidity, specifically depression. Further studies should examine this trend in Southern European cancer patients.


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Purpose: To assess the results obtained in very high-risk patients, which are those patients with an EUROSCORE greater than 13 points. Material and methods: From September 2001 to September 2003, thirty-three very high-risk patients were operated on in our department, which represents 1.6% of all the surgical activity during that period of time, being 17 male and 16 female, with an average of 69 years old (maximum 86 and minimum 32). Diagnosis includes: post infarction CIV 5, coronary insufficiency 11, aortic dissection 3, mitral prosthesis 3, valvular disease 9, aortic prosthesis disfunction 2. Fifteen patients underwent an emergency procedure, 12 were urgent and the remaining 6 were electively operated on. Results: Overall post-operative mortality was 12 patients (36%), being 6 emergent, 5 urgent and 1 elective patient. Patients who survived the operation had longer intensive care and hospital admission periods, which will be analyzed in detail. Conclusion: Surgery can be justified in very high risk patients. Despite the high perioperative mortality and longer periods of hospital stay, they will be otherwise condamned to death, if surgery would not be performed.


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OBJECTIVE: Since most centers' experience with Ebstein anomaly is limited, we sought to analyze the collective experience of participating institutions of the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association with surgery for this rare malformation. METHODS: The records of all 150 patients (median age 6.4 years) who underwent surgery for Ebstein anomaly in the 13 participating Association centers between January 1992 and January 2005 were reviewed retrospectively. Patients with congenitally corrected transposition were excluded. RESULTS: Most patients (81%) had Ebstein disease type B or C and significant functional impairment (61% in New York Heart Association class III or IV) and 16% had prior operations. Surgical procedures (n = 179) included valve replacement (n = 60, 33.5%), valve repair (n = 49, 27.3%), 1(1/2) ventricle repair (n = 46, 25.6%), palliative shunt (n = 13, 7.26%), and other complex procedures (n = 11, 6.14%). There were 20 hospital deaths (operative mortality 13.3%) after valve replacement in 5 patients, valve repair in 3, 1(1/2) ventricle repair in 7, palliative procedures in 3, and miscellaneous procedures in 2. Younger age and palliative procedures were univariate risk factors for operative death, but only age was an independent predictor on multivariable analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Most patients coming to surgery presented in childhood and were significantly symptomatic. More than half underwent valve replacement or repair, but a considerable proportion had severe disease necessitating 1(1/2) ventricle repair or palliative procedures. Operative mortality did not differ significantly among repair, replacement, and 1(1/2) ventricle repair but was associated with palliative procedures for severe disease early in life, young age being the only independent predictor of operative death.


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INTRODUCTION: The elderly population admitted for acute myocardial infarction is increasing. This group is not well studied in international trials and is probably treated with a more conservative approach. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the presentation and treatment of myocardial infarction according to age, particularly in very elderly patients. METHODS: We studied 1242 consecutive patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction, assessing in-hospital, 30-day and one-year mortality during follow-up for each age-group. Patients were divided into four groups according to age: <45 years (7.6%); 45-64 years (43.3%); 65-74 years (23.4%); and ≥75 years (25.7%). RESULTS: Elderly patients had a worse risk profile (except for smoking), more previous history of coronary disease and a worse profile on admission, with the exception of lipid profile, which was more favorable. With regard to treatment of the elderly, although less optimized than in other age-groups, it was significantly better compared to other registries, including for percutaneous coronary angioplasty. Both complications and mortality were worse in the older groups. In elderly patients (≥75 years), adjusted risk of mortality was 4.9-6.3 times higher (p<0.001) than patients in the reference age-group (45-64 years). In these patients, the independent predictors of death were left ventricular function and renal function, use of beta-blockers being a predictor of survival. CONCLUSIONS: Elderly patients represent a substantial proportion of the population admitted with myocardial infarction, and receive less evidenced-based therapy. Age is an independent predictor of short- and medium-term mortality.


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Introduction: Uncontrolled studies suggest that twins conceived by in vitro fertilization have increased rates of preterm birth and low birth weight and would warrant increased antenatal monitoring. The objective of this study was to compare the obstetric outcome of twin pregnancies conceived by in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF/ICSI) and ovulation induction with those conceived spontaneously. Methods: All twin deliveries achieved by IVF/ICSI (n=235) and ovulation induction (n=68) from September 1994 through December 2010 were evaluated. Both groups and an additional control group who conceived spontaneously (n=997) and was delivered during the same time period were compared with each other. Results: In univariate analysis, patients who conceived with the assistance of IVF/ICSI had a significantly higher risk of being older (p=0.01), nulliparous (p=0.01), having hypertensive disorders (p=0.012), gestational diabetes mellitus (p=0.031), cesarean section (p=0.008) and lower gestational age at birth, compared with the control group. Newborns had similar birthweights in all groups (2229±544g; 2102±619g; 2251±553g). Spontaneous pregnancies had a higher risk of being monochorionic 38.4% versus 16.2% and 10.2% (p=0.01). Multivariate analysis however showed that patients who conceived with the assistance of IVF/ICSI only had a higher risk of gestational diabetes (OR=1.91,95%CI 1.168-3.120; p=0.01). Conclusions: Our study shows that twin pregnancies conceived with the assistance of IVF/ICSI had a higher risk of gestacional diabetes and a lower gestacional age at birth. Birthweights were similar, as was the incidence of perinatal death, low birth weight infants, and congenital malformations.


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This retrospective study was designed to evaluate the outcome of pregnancies in women diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) followed in a tertiary fetal–maternal center. Data were collected from clinical charts between January 1993 and December 2007, with a total of 136 pregnancies (107 patients). Mean maternal age was 29 years, with the vast majority of patients being Caucasian. Most patients were in remission 6 months prior to pregnancy (93%) and the most frequently affected organs were the skin and joints. Renal lupus accounted for 14% of all cases. Twenty-nine percent of patients were positive for at least one antiphospholid antibody (aPL) and nearly 50% had positive SSa/SSb antibodies. All patients with positive aPL received low-dosage aspirin and low molecular- weight heparin (LMWH). There were no pregnancy complications in more than 50% of cases and hypertensive disease and intrauterine growth restriction were the most common adverse events. There were 125 live births, one neonatal death, eight miscarriages, and three medical terminations of pregnancy. Preterm delivery occurred in 25% of pregnancies. Our results are probably the conjoined result of a multidisciplinary approach together with a systematic management of SLE pregnancies, with most patients keeping their prior SLE medication combined with low-dosage aspirin and LMWH in the presence of aPL.


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Perinatal mortality rate is an important mark to evaluate women and perinatal health care. It is of utmost importance to know causes and the evolution of its two components aiming to improve health care in different fields – sanitary conditions, diagnosis and treatment of infectious disease, immunisations, diagnosing and caring for medical diseases induced by pregnancy or directly related to it, providing skilled birth attendance, preventing birth asphyxia, preventing preterm birth complications and infections. In high-income countries the epidemiology varies mainly with social and economic conditions; in low-income countries, paired with poverty, undernutrition, superstition, lack of medical care, deficient basic sanitary conditions are also found. Also, in rich countries, responsible for 1% of deaths, data are published and improvements evaluated, while in low-income countries responsible for 99% of deaths numbers and causes are unknown, making difficult to implement cost effective interventions, a reason why “stillbirth rates in low-income countries are now where they were in high-income countries 50 to 100 years ago”. Knowledge on causes of death are very important as often what is needed are “simple” measures as improvement of sanitary conditions and immunisation programmes rather than high technologies. About four million babies dye each year in the first 28 days of life and another 3 million dye before birth in the third-trimester, with 98% occurring in low-income and middle income countries and more than 1 million occurring during labour and delivery. Classically stillbirths are the major component of perinatal mortality rate. Causes of death are even more difficult to know. In low-income countries a great proportion of women give birth at home. Worldwide the main causes of stillbirth are asphyxia due to obstructed labour, eclampsia, abruption placenta and umbilical cord complications - making valid the assumption that skilled birth attendance would decrease stillbirth; and infection - chorioamnioitis, syphilis and malaria. In high-income countries placental pathology and infection, congenital anomalies, complications of preterm birth and post term delivery, are the most common. If in low-income countries famine and lack of provisions and health care are common, in high-income countries, advanced maternal age and diabetes, obesity, hypertension, smoking, are frequent findings.


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Infantile cystinosis is a rare disorder which leftuntreated results in end -stage renal disease early in life. Together with dehydration and electrolyte imbalance due to renal tubular Fanconi syndrome, endstage renal disease used to be the leading cause of death in children with cystinosis. Specific therapy with cysteamine (cystine -depleting agent) has changed the course of this disease. Instead of being fatal in childhood, it can nowadays be considered a multisystemic adult disorder. The authors report a case of a child diagnosed with Fanconi syndrome at 14 months of age and infantile cystinosis at 19 months of age in whom oral cysteamine treatment led to a good outcome during childhood.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to calculate the prospective risk of fetal death in monochorionic-diamniotic twins. STUDY DESIGN: We evaluated 193 monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies that were followed and delivered after 24 weeks. Surveillance included cardiotocography and sonography performed at least once weekly. The prospective risk of fetal death was calculated as the total number of deaths at the beginning of the gestational period divided by the number of continuing pregnancies at or beyond that period. RESULTS: The fetal death rate was 5 of 193 pregnancies (2.6%; 95% CI, 1.1, 5.9); the prospective risk of stillbirth per pregnancy after 32 weeks of gestation was 1.2% (95% CI, 0.3% - 4.2%). CONCLUSION: Under intensive surveillance, the prospective risk of fetal death in monochorionic-diamniotic pregnancies after 32 weeks of gestation is much lower than reported and does not support a policy of elective preterm delivery.


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Introduction: Sulfite oxidase deficiency (SOD) is an autosomal recessive inherited disease usually presenting in the neonatal period with severe neurological symptoms including seizures, often refractory to anticonvulsant therapy, and a rapidly progressive encephalopathy resembling neonatal hypoxic ischemia, with premature death. Most patients develop dislocated ocular lenses. Later or milder presentations of SOD are being reported with increasing frequency. These presentations include neurological regression with loss of previously acquired milestones or movement disorders. Case report: We report a four years old girl presenting with intermittent ataxia and uncoordinated limb movements. A similar episode of ataxia had occurred previously, one year before, with complete neurologic recovery and normal developmental milestones. Bilateral lens dislocation had been recently diagnosed. Cranial MRI demonstrated bilateral globus pallidus enhancement. Low homocysteine was found in plasma and SulfitestR was positive. Further investigations led to confirmation of isolated sulfite oxidase deficiency with no enzyme activity detected on skin fibroblasts culture. Discussion: This case illustrates the clinical variability of SOD and it is not only atypical but also seems to be the mildest form described so far. The association of ectopia lentis with a movement disorder, even without psychomotor regression, should prompt us to look for this diagnosis.


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Objective: To define the pattern of disease expression and to gain better understanding in patients with juvenile onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Portugal. Methods: The features of unselected patients with systemic lupus erythematosus who had disease onset before the age of 18 years were retrospectively analysed in three Portuguese centres with Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic over a 24-year period (1987-2011). Demographic, clinical and laboratory manifestations, therapy and outcome were assessed. Results: A cohort of 56 patients with a mean age at disease onset of 12.6±4.04 years (mean±1SD) (range, 1.0-17.0 years) and a mean period of follow-up of 5.5±5.4 years. Forty six (82.1%) patients were female. The most common disease manifestations were musculoskeletal (87.5%), mucocutaneous (80.3%) and haematological abnormalities (75%). Lupus nephritis was diagnosed in 46.4% of patients and consisted of glomerular ne - phritis in all cases. Neuropsychiatric manifestations occurred in 21.4% but severe central nervous system complications were uncommon, as brain infarcts and organic brain syndrome in 4 (7.1%) patients. Antinuclear antibodies and anti-double stranded DNA were positive in most patients in (98.2% and 71.4% respectively), as well as low C3 and/or C4 were observed frequently (85.7%). Generally, most patients had a good response to therapy as demonstrated by a significant decreasing of SLEDAI score from disease presentation to the last evaluation. The SLEDAI at diagnosis, the maximum SLEDAI and the incidence of complications were significantly higher in patients with neurolupus and/or lupus nephritis. Therapy included oral steroids (87.5%), hydroxychloroquine (85.7%), azathioprine (55.4%), IV cyclophosphamide (28.6%) along with other drugs. Six (10.7%) patients were treated with rituximab. Long-term remission was achieved in 32%, disease was active in 68%, adverse reactions to therapy occurred in 53.6% and complications/severe manifestations in 23.2%. Two patients died, being active disease and severe infection the causes of death. Conclusions: This study suggests that in our patients the clinical and laboratory features observed were similar to juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients from other series. Clinical outcome was favourable in the present study. Complications from therapy were frequent. Objective: To define the pattern of disease expression and to gain better understanding in patients with juvenile onset systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Portugal. Methods: The features of unselected patients with systemic lupus erythematosus who had disease onset before the age of 18 years were retrospectively analysed in three Portuguese centres with Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic over a 24-year period (1987-2011). Demographic,clinical and laboratory manifestations, therapy and outcome were assessed. Results: A cohort of 56 patients with a mean age at disease onset of 12.6±4.04 years (mean±1SD) (range, 1.0-17.0 years) and a mean period of follow-up of 5.5±5.4 years. Forty six (82.1%) patients were female. The most common disease manifestations were musculoskeletal (87.5%), mucocutaneous (80.3%) and haematological abnormalities (75%). Lupus nephritis was diagnosed in 46.4% of patients and consisted of glomerular ne - phritis in all cases. Neuropsychiatric manifestations occurred in 21.4% but severe central nervous system complications were uncommon, as brain infarcts and organic brain syndrome in 4 (7.1%) patients. Antinuclear antibodies and anti-double stranded DNA were positive in most patients in (98.2% and 71.4% respectively), as well as low C3 and/or C4 were observed frequently (85.7%). Generally, most patients had a good response to therapy as demonstrated by a significant decreasing of SLEDAI score from disease presentation to the last evaluation. The SLEDAI at diagnosis, the maximum SLEDAI and the incidence of complications were significantly higher in patients with neurolupus and/or lupus nephritis. Therapy included oral steroids (87.5%), hydroxychloroquine (85.7%), azathioprine (55.4%), IV cyclophosphamide (28.6%) along with other drugs. Six (10.7%) patients were treated with rituximab. Long-term remission was achieved in 32%, disease was active in 68%, adverse reactions to therapy occurred in 53.6% and complications/severe manifestations in 23.2%. Two patients died, being active disease and severe infection the causes of death. Conclusions: This study suggests that in our patients the clinical and laboratory features observed were similar to juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients from other series. Clinical outcome was favourable in the present study. Complications from therapy were frequent.


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Severe chronic kidney disease may lead to disturbances, such as hyperphosphatemia, increased secretion of fibroblast growth factor -23 (FGF -23) and vitamin D deficiency. These may increase plasmatic levels of parathyroid hormone, and decrease plasmatic levels of calcium. Altogether, these may contribute to the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism, and to abnormalities in mineral metabolism. Kidney transplantation is the best option to improve longevity and quality of life in end -stage chronic kidney disease patients. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death in chronic kidney disease. Therefore, diagnosing this deficiency may be pivotal for minimizing mortality in chronic kidney disease, because pharmacological treatments for this deficiency may be prescribed. Calcitriol is indicated for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, both in chronic kidney disease and in kidney transplanted patients. However, calcitriol may increase the plasmatic levels of calcium and phosphorous, which can lead to vascular calcifications, that have been associated with cardiovascular mortality. Selective vitamin D receptor activators are indicated for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency in chronic kidney disease. These have the advantage of being associated with lower increases of plasmatic levels of calcium and phosphorous. These drugs also seem to have additional effects that may minimise patient morbidity and mortality, especially due to potentially reducing cardiovascular events. Unfortunately, there are few studies about the use of these drugs in kidney transplanted patients. Here we present a review about the physiology of vitamin D, the consequences of its deficiency in chronic kidney disease and in kidney transplanted patients, and about the diagnosis and treatment of this deficiency. Finally, we discuss the new line of research about the efficacy and safety of selective vitamin D receptor activators in kidney transplanted patients.