20 resultados para Aorta Abdominal
Os pseudoaneurismas da aorta abdominal são muito raros, principalmente quando associados a traumatismo abdominal fechado. Têm muitas vezes um comportamento clínico insidioso, com queixas dolorosas ou sinais compressivos de estruturas adjacentes. Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de um homem de 47 anos de idade que desenvolveu um pseudoaneurisma da aorta terminal após traumatismo abdominal fechado, na sequência de acidente de viação e que foi objecto de tratamento cirúrgico com êxito.
Apresenta-se um caso clínico de dissecção da aorta abdominal - tipo B - diagnosticada por eco-Doppler e tomografia axial computorizada (TC). Discute-se o interesse do eco-Doppler no diagnóstico de dissecção da aorta abdominal e na avaliação do envolvimento arterial visceral. É ainda um método útil no follow-up dos doentes com terapêutica conservadora.
Introdução: A correção cirúrgica do aneurisma da aorta abdominal (AAA), por Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) ou cirurgia convencional (CC), pode agravar a função renal a curto prazo. Esta complicação, mais frequente nos doentes com insuficiência renal crónica (IRC), associa-se a pior prognóstico a longo prazo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o agravamento da função renal após reparação do AAA em doentes com IRC prévia e demonstrar o consequente aumento da morbimortalidade. Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo em doentes com IRC estádios Chronic Kidney Disease 3-4 (TFGe 15-59ml/min), submetidos a correção eletiva de AAA entre fevereiro/2011 e fevereiro/2015 numa instituição terciária. Variáveis estudadas: idade, sexo, tipo de intervenção (convencional/EVAR) e estádio CKD. Endpoints: variação da creatinina e taxa de filtração glomerular com a cirurgia, complicações renais pós-operatórias, necessidade de reintervenção cirúrgica e mortalidade. A análise estatística foi realizada em SPSS. Resultados: Foram incluídos 71doentes. Quinze doentes (21%) foram operados por CC e 56 (78%) por EVAR. À data da intervenção, os doentes encontravam-se nos seguintes estádios da DRC: CKD 3 --- 65 (91%) e CKD 4 --- 6 (9%). A variac¸ão da TFG com a cirurgia foi −1,08±18,01mg/dl. Verificou-se IRC agudizada pós-operatória em 22 (31%) doentes e necessidade de diálise em 5 (7%). A mortalidade global foi 8,5%. Os doentes operados por EVAR tinham DRC mais avançada pré-operatoriamente, mas apresentaram menor agravamento da função renal. Variação TFG: EVAR 1,14±16,26ml/min vs. CC 9,40±22,11ml/min (p=0,022); variação creatinina: EVAR 0,17±1,03mg/dl vs. CC 0,81±1,47mg/dl (p=0,02). A agudização da IRC pós-operatória foi superior no grupo CC (53,3 vs. 28,6%; p=0,072), assim como a necessidade de diálise (20 vs. 3,6%, p=0,06). Os 6 doentes que faleceram (EVAR: 3; CC: 3) apresentaram maior agravamento da função renal (variação da creatinina: 1,41±1,63mg/dl vs. 0,20±1,07mg/dl, p=0,001; variação da TFG: −19,0±16,55ml/min; 0,57±17,34ml/min, p=0,007) e necessidade de diálise (50 vs. 3,1%, p=0,003). Conclusão: Os resultados demonstraram uma tendência para uma menor probabilidade de IRA, menor necessidade de diálise pós-operatória e menor mortalidade nos doentes tratados por EVAR. Contudo, o impacto da administração de contraste a médio/longo prazo, decorrente dos programas de vigilância pós-EVAR, deve ser considerado. Julgamos ser possível considerar que a realização de EVAR para o tratamento de doentes com AAA e IRC é um procedimento pelo menos tão seguro como a CC.
Abdominal aortic pseudoaneurysms are rare, particularly when they are related to blunt abdominal trauma. The authors report the clinical case of a 65 years old man with an abdominal aortic pseudoaneurysm related to a blunt abdominal trauma, that occurred three years ago. The patient complained of a diffuse abdominal pain, increased while walking. The diagnosis was confirmed by angiography and by angio-CT. An aortic resection and interposition graft was performed, according to the age of the patient and the low operative risk. A discussion on the therapeutic option was made, followed by a revision of the literature on the subject, and the authors conclude by emphasizing the need of a detection of this type of pathology, particularly in patients who had suffered in the past violent trauma.
OBJECTIVE: Despite the apparent familial tendency toward abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) formation, the genetic causes and underlying molecular mechanisms are still undefined. In this study, we investigated the association between familial AAA (fAAA) and atherosclerosis. METHODS: Data were collected from a prospective database including AAA patients between 2004 and 2012 in the Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Family history was obtained by written questionnaire (93.1% response rate). Patients were classified as fAAA when at least one affected first-degree relative with an aortic aneurysm was reported. Patients without an affected first-degree relative were classified as sporadic AAA (spAAA). A standardized ultrasound measurement of the common carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), a marker for generalized atherosclerosis, was routinely performed and patients' clinical characteristics (demographics, aneurysm characteristics, cardiovascular comorbidities and risk factors, and medication use) were recorded. Multivariable linear regression analyses were used to assess the mean adjusted difference in CIMT and multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to calculate associations of increased CIMT and clinical characteristics between fAAA and spAAA. RESULTS: A total of 461 AAA patients (85% men, mean age, 70 years) were included in the study; 103 patients (22.3%) were classified as fAAA and 358 patients (77.7%) as spAAA. The mean (standard deviation) CIMT in patients with fAAA was 0.89 (0.24) mm and 1.00 (0.29) mm in patients with spAAA (P = .001). Adjustment for clinical characteristics showed a mean difference in CIMT of 0.09 mm (95% confidence interval, 0.02-0.15; P = .011) between both groups. Increased CIMT, smoking, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus were all less associated with fAAA compared with spAAA. CONCLUSIONS: The current study shows a lower atherosclerotic burden, as reflected by a lower CIMT, in patients with fAAA compared with patients with spAAA, independent of common atherosclerotic risk factors. These results support the hypothesis that although atherosclerosis is a common underlying feature in patients with aneurysms, atherosclerosis is not the primary driving factor in the development of fAAA.
Os autores apresentam uma análise retrospectiva de todos os procedimentos endovasculares aórticos realizados no Serviço, até Novembro de 2009. A série inclui 302 doentes, dos quais 246 correspondem ao tratamento electivo de aneurismas da aorta abdominal, 33 ao tratamento de aneurismas da aorta abdominal em contexto de urgência e 23 a procedimentos endovasculares da aorta torácica. O objectivo da análise visa descrever as características epidemiológicas, incluindo patologia associada, assim como mortalidade major e mortalidade aos 30 dias de pós-operatório.
OBJECTIVE: Long-term follow-up after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) is very scarce, and doubt remains regarding the durability of these procedures. We designed a retrospective cohort study to assess long-term clinical outcome and morphologic changes in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) treated by EVAR using the Excluder endoprosthesis (W. L. Gore and Associates, Flagstaff, Ariz). METHODS: From 2000 to 2007, 179 patients underwent EVAR in a tertiary institution. Clinical data were retrieved from a prospective database. All patients treated with the Excluder endoprosthesis were included. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) scans were retrospectively analyzed preoperatively, at 30 days, and at the last follow-up using dedicated tridimensional reconstruction software. For patients with complications, all remaining CTAs were also analyzed. The primary end point was clinical success. Secondary end points were freedom from reintervention, sac growth, types I and III endoleak, migration, conversion to open repair, and AAA-related death or rupture. Neck dilatation, renal function, and overall survival were also analyzed. RESULTS: Included were 144 patients (88.2% men; mean age, 71.6 years). Aneurysms were ruptured in 4.9%. American Society of Anesthesiologists classification was III/IV in 61.8%. No patients were lost during a median follow-up of 5.0 years (interquartile range, 3.1-6.4; maximum, 11.2 years). Two patients died of medical complications ≤ 30 days after EVAR. The estimated primary clinical success rates at 5 and 10 years were 63.5% and 41.1%, and secondary clinical success rates were 78.3% and 58.3%, respectively. Sac growth was observed in 37 of 142 patients (26.1%). Cox regression showed type I endoleak during follow-up (hazard ratio, 3.74; P = .008), original design model (hazard ratio, 3.85; P = .001), and preoperative neck diameter (1.27 per mm increase, P = .006) were determinants of sac growth. Secondary interventions were required in 32 patients (22.5%). The estimated 10-year rate of AAA-related death or rupture was 2.1%. Overall life expectancy after AAA repair was 6.8 years. CONCLUSIONS: EVAR using the Excluder endoprosthesis provides a safe and lasting treatment for AAA, despite the need for maintained surveillance and secondary interventions. At up to 11 years, the risk of AAA-related death or postimplantation rupture is remarkably low. The incidences of postimplantation sac growth and secondary intervention were greatly reduced after the introduction of the low-permeability design in 2004.
OBJECTIVE: Intensive image surveillance after endovascular aneurysm repair is generally recommended due to continued risk of complications. However, patients at lower risk may not benefit from this strategy. We evaluated the predictive value of the first postoperative computed tomography angiography (CTA) characteristics for aneurysm-related adverse events as a means of patient selection for risk-adapted surveillance. METHODS: All patients treated with the Low-Permeability Excluder Endoprosthesis (W. L. Gore & Assoc, Flagstaff, Ariz) at a tertiary institution from 2004 to 2011 were included. First postoperative CTAs were analyzed for the presence of endoleaks, endograft kinking, distance from the lowermost renal artery to the start of the endograft, and for proximal and distal sealing length using center lumen line reconstructions. The primary end point was freedom from aneurysm-related adverse events. Multivariable Cox regression was used to test postoperative CTA characteristics as independent risk factors, which were subsequently used as selection criteria for low-risk and high-risk groups. Estimates for freedom from adverse events were obtained using Kaplan-Meier survival curves. RESULTS: Included were 131 patients. The median follow-up was 4.1 years (interquartile range, 2.1-6.1). During this period, 30 patients (23%) sustained aneurysm-related adverse events. Seal length <10 mm and presence of endoleak were significant risk factors for this end point. Patients were subsequently categorized as low-risk (proximal and distal seal length ≥10 mm and no endoleak, n = 62) or high-risk (seal length <10 mm or presence of endoleak, or both; n = 69). During follow-up, four low-risk patients (3%) and 26 high-risk patients (19%) sustained events (P < .001). Four secondary interventions were required in three low-risk patients, and 31 secondary interventions in 23 high-risk patients. Sac growth was observed in two low-risk patients and in 15 high-risk patients. The 5-year estimates for freedom from aneurysm-related adverse events were 98% for the low-risk group and 52% for the high-risk group. For each diagnosis, 81.7 image examinations were necessary in the low-risk group and 8.2 in the high-risk group. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the first postoperative CTA provides important information for risk stratification after endovascular aneurysm repair when the Excluder endoprosthesis is used. In patients with adequate seal and no endoleaks, the risk of aneurysm-related adverse events was significantly reduced, resulting in a large number of unnecessary image examinations. Adjusting the imaging protocol beyond 30 days and up to 5 years, based on individual patients' risk, may result in a more efficient and rational postoperative surveillance.
Efectuou-se angioplastia transluminal percutânea (ATP) do sector aorto-ilíaco em 92 doentes, com lesões de aterosclerose. Conseguiu-se um sucesso inicial de 87,8% e um sucesso tardio de 69,4%. Os resultados tardios foram avaliados objectivamente em 58 doentes, 36 dos quais foram estudados por Angiografia e os restantes por Doppler. Houve complicações em 6,6% dos doentes das quais 2,8% eram graves tendo sido necessária intervenção cirúrgica. A mortalidade foi nula. Os bons resultados iniciais e tardios, a baixa morbilidade e a mortalidade nula levam-nos a concluir que a ATP é um bom método de revascularização altamente eficaz. Os melhores resultados obtiveram-se em doentes sintomáticos com estenose ou oclusão curta e significativa.
Introdução: A oclusão da artéria hipogástrica pode ser necessária na reparação endovascular de aneurismas da aorta abdominal (EVAR). A oclusão intencional da hipogástrica pode ter complicações isquémicas. As endopróteses de bifurcação ilíaca (IBD) surgiram como alternativa endovascular à oclusão da hipogástrica em doentes com elevado risco para isquemia pélvica. Os autores descrevem um caso de oclusão precoce do ramo hipogástrico de IBD com graves consequências clínicas. Caso clínico: Sexo masculino, de 74 anos, com aneurisma da aorta abdominal (diâmetro máximo de 55 mm) com envolvimento de ambas as bifurcações ilíacas e segmentos proximais das hipogástricas (diâmetro máximo de 31 e 32 mm), submetido a EVAR com revascularização hipogástrica esquerda via IBD (Cook Zenith®) e coiling+overstenting da artéria hipogástrica contralateral. O procedimento decorreu sem complicações e a angiografia final mostrava permeabilidade da hipogástrica revascularizada e escassa colateralidade pélvica. O pós-operatório imediato complicou-se de dor lombar e glútea bilateral associada a manifestações cutâneas isquémicas e monoparesia do membro inferior esquerdo. Por agravamento progressivo nas primeiras 24h e angioTC com oclusão do stent da hipogástrica esquerda, procedeu-se novamente a revascularização da hipogástrica, com bom resultado na angiografia final. Apesar da revascularização bem-sucedida, houve agravamento progressivo do estado geral, com isquemia pélvica irreversível e rabdomiólise. Óbito ao 5.◦dia pós-operatório. Conclusão: A isquemia pélvica aguda é uma complicação grave e frequentemente fatal que pode advir da oclusão bilateral das artérias hipogástricas. A falência da revascularização por IBD pode ser fatal, pelo que os autores aconselham um cuidado redobrado no controlo angiográfico final e um baixo limiar para investigação na suspeita de complicações pós-operatórias. Se maior risco de falência técnica, embolização ou escassa colateralidade pélvica, a preservação bilateral de fluxo nas artérias hipogástricas pode estar recomendada.
Objectivos: Avaliar a possibilidade de realizar angiografia de alta resolução com reconstrução tridimensional, com recurso a equipamento de ressonância magnética de 1 Tesla, em doentes com patologia aórtica. Métodos: Efectuaram-se trinta e um exames de ressonâncias magnética em dezassete doentes, após administração, sob a forma de bolus, de gadolinium. Foram adquiridas imagens em spin echo rápido, gradiente echo e angiografia com time-of-flight. Resultados: Todas as aquisições foram bem toleradas e conseguiu-se a opacificação do lumen aórtico, no momento apropriado, em todos os doentes. As sequências angiográficas foram obtidas com respiração suspensa que requereu cerca de 25 segundos por imagem e seis a oito minutos para conseguir uma reconstrução tridimensional. Conclusão: A angiografia aórtica por reconstrução tridimensional é possível com um equipamento de 1 Tesla, com imagens de elevada qualidade e resolução, obtidas em pouco minutos. É possível obter toda a informação facultada pela aquisição em spin echo, convencional ou acelerado, a partir da reconstrução das imagens tridimensionais, afastando assim a necessidade de aquisição, tão incómoda, das imagens spin echo, melhorar a rapidez e diminuir, portanto, o tempo de aquisição, o que se torna relevante em doentes com síndromes aórticos agudos.
INTRODUCTION: Coarctation of the aorta (CoA) is a stenosis usually located in the descending aorta. Treatment consists of surgical or percutaneous removal of the obstruction and presents excellent immediate results but significant residual problems often persist. OBJECTIVES: To describe the presentation, treatment and long-term evolution of a population of 100 unselected consecutive patients with isolated CoA in a single pediatric cardiology center. METHODS: This was a retrospective study of all patients with isolated CoA treated during4 the last 21 years (1987-2008). RESULTS: The patients (n=100, 68.3% male) were diagnosed at a median age of 94 days (1 day to 16 years). The clinical presentation differed between patients aged less or more than one year, the former presenting with heart failure and the latter being asymptomatic with evidence of hypertension (88 and 63%, respectively; p < 0.01). Treatment, a median of 8 days after diagnosis, was surgical in 79 cases (20 end-to-end anastomosis, 31 subclavian flap, 28 patch) and percutaneous in the remaining 21 (15 balloon angioplasty, 6 with stenting). The mean age of surgical patients was younger than in those treated percutaneously (3.4 vs. 7.5 years; p < 0.01). Immediate mortality was 2% and occurred in the surgical group. There was no late mortality, in a mean follow-up of 7.2 +/- 5.4 years. Recoarctation occurred in 8 patients (6 surgical, 2 percutaneous). There are 46 patients who currently have hypertension (19 at rest, 27 with effort), their median age at diagnosis being older than the others (23 vs. 995 days; p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Isolated CoA has an excellent short-term prognosis but a significant incidence of long-term complications, and should thus no longer be seen as a simple obstruction in the descending aorta, but rather as a complex pathology that requires careful follow-up after treatment. Its potentially insidious presentation requires a high level of clinical suspicion, femoral pulse palpation during physical examination of newborns and older children being particularly important. Delay in treatment has an impact on late morbidity and mortality. Taking into account the data currently available on late and immediate results, the final choice of therapeutic technique depends on the patient's age, associated lesions and the experience of the medical-surgical team. Hypertension should be closely monitored in the follow-up of these patients, as well as its risk factors and complications.
Os tumores primários da aorta são raros e já têm sido associados a dissecção aórtica, sendo como tal reconhecido o sarcoma da íntima, muito agressivo, com potencial metastático precoce. Uma vez confirmado o diagnóstico, a ressecção cirúrgica pode ser curativa, não deixando o prognóstico de ser reservado, resultando na mortalidade na maioria dos casos. Descrevemos um caso de uma dissecção aórtica do tipo A, com hematoma intramural, associado a sarcoma da íntima, numa doente jovem, apresentando-se com hematoma cerebral e culminando na morte da doente.