6 resultados para Analgesia: Labor
BACKGROUND: Patient-controlled epidural analgesia with low concentrations of anesthetics is effective in reducing labor pain. The aim of this study was to assess and compare two ultra-low dose regimens of ropivacaine and sufentanil (0.1% ropivacaine plus 0.5 μg.ml-1 sufentanil vs. 0.06% ropivacaine plus 0.5 μg.ml-1 sufentanil) on the intervals between boluses and the duration of labor. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this non-randomized prospective study, conducted between January and July 2010, two groups of parturients received patient-controlled epidural analgesia: Group I (n = 58; 1 mg.ml-1 ropivacaine + 0.5 μg.ml-1 sufentanil) and Group II (n = 57; 0.6 mg.ml-1 ropivacaine + 0.5 μg.ml-1 sufentanil). Rescue doses of ropivacaine at the concentration of the assigned group without sufentanil were administered as necessary. Pain, local anesthetic requirements, neuraxial blockade characteristics, labor and neonatal outcomes, and maternal satisfaction were recorded. RESULTS: The ropivacaine dose was greater in Group I (9.5 [7.7-12.7] mg.h-1 vs. 6.1 [5.1-9.8 mg.h-1], p < 0.001). A time increase between each bolus was observed in Group I (beta = 32.61 min, 95% CI [25.39; 39.82], p < 0.001), whereas a time decrease was observed in Group II (beta = -1.40 min, 95% CI [-2.44; -0.36], p = 0.009). The duration of the second stage of labor in Group I was significantly longer than that in Group II (78 min vs. 65 min, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Parturients receiving 0.06% ropivacaine exhibited less evidence of cumulative effects and exhibited faster second stage progression than those who received 0.1% ropivacaine.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of post-caesarean analgesia comparing three techniques most frequently used. PATIENTS AND METHODS: For three months all pregnant women submitted to elective or urgent caesarean section, under general or regional anaesthesia, were evaluate with a total of 129 parturient. These parturient were divided into three groups with different techniques of postoperative analgesia: Group 1 (n = 26) received intravenous pethidine and paracetamol per os, group 2 (n = 58) received epidural morphine and group 3 (n = 45) epidural morphine and intravenous propacetamol. Pain was assessed at rest and during mobilisation using a scale of 0-without pain, 1-mild pain, 2-moderate pain and 3-severe pain. Overall satisfaction was assessed with a verbal qualitative scale of very good, good, sufficient and bad. Side effects were analysed. RESULTS: The records of pain at rest and during mobilisation were significantly lower with epidural analgesia compared with intravenous pethidine. There were no significant differences between groups 2 and 3. Similar results were observed in the degree of satisfaction. For 50% of parturient of epidural analgesia (groups 2 and 3) and only 4% of intravenous pethidine (group 1) the analgesic technique was very good. Propacetamol and epidural morphine (group 3) had better pain scores (very good and good) when compared with morphine alone (group 2) but there were no significant differences. Epidural morphine was associated with more pruritus. CONCLUSION: From this study we are able to conclude that epidural morphine offers a good quality of analgesia with better satisfaction and minimal side effects.
Os autores fazem uma breve revisão da literatura sobre os métodos disponíveis para a analgesia durante o trabalho de parto: indicações, contraindicações, complicações e efeitos secundários.
Objectives: To assess induced labor-associated perinatal infection risk at Hospital D.Estefânia from January to June of 2010 at Hospital de D. Estefânia’s delivery rooms, reviewing the indications for inducing labor as well as the techniques used. Material and Methods: Performing an historical prospective study searching the clinical processes as well as the mother and newborn’s computer database from January to June of 2010. An exposed and an unexposed group were created; the first group comprises pregnant women and their newborns whose labor was induced. The unexposed group is constituted by newborns and pregnant women whose labor was spontaneous. Labor induction was performed using intra-vaginal prostaglandins in women who didn’t start it spontaneously; perinatal infection was defined either clinically or using blood tests. The gestational age was ≥ 37 weeks for both groups. 19 variables were studied for both groups. Results: A total of 190 mother-newborn pairs were included: 55 in the exposed group and 135 in the unexposed group. 3 cases of perinatal infection were reported, two in the exposed group and one in the unexposed group. Preliminary data resulted in a perinatal infection rate of 3.6% in the exposed group and 0.7% in the unexposed group; preliminary data suggest that the risk of perinatal infection may be increased in up to 5-fold when labor is inducted. Conclusions: A larger series of patients and a multivariable analysis using logistic regression are both necessary in order to perform a more thorough assessment of labor induction’s role in perinatal infection risk. One must also try to distinguish labor inducing- and clinical practicesrelated factors.
Resumo: Por intermédio deste estudo, pretendeu-se verificar qual a realidade em termos de analgesia e anestesia obstétricas na Maternidade do Hospital D. Estefânia, ao longo de 4 anos. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo no período entre Janeiro de 2005 e Dezembro de 2008. Foram avaliados a classificação ASA das parturientes, o número total de partos, o número de parturientes submetidas a técnicas locorregionais e suas complicações, número de cesarianas e a necessidade de conversão de técnica regional para anestesia geral. No período do estudo, houve um total de 8291 partos, maioritariamente em mulheres ASA I, dos quais 2643 foram cesarianas. A maioria das parturientes (77%) foi submetida a uma técnica locorregional, para analgesia de trabalho de parto ou anestesia para cesariana, com baixa taxa de complicações (2,9%) e com rara necessidade de conversão para anestesia geral (3,5%). As autoras concluiram que, na Maternidade do Hospital D. Estefânia, a epidural continua a ser a técnica gold standard para analgesia do trabalho de parto, com raras complicações e permitindo a fácil conversão para anestesia para cesariana.
INTRODUCTION: Labour is considered to be one of the most painful and significant experiences in a woman's life. The aim of this study was to examine whether women's attachment style is a predictor of the pain experienced throughout labour and post-delivery. MATERIAL AND METHODS:Thirty-two pregnant women were assessed during the third trimester of pregnancy and during labour. Adult attachment was assessed with the Adult Attachment Scale ' Revised. The perceived intensity of labour pain was measured using a visual analogue scale for pain in the early stage of labour, throughout labour and post-delivery. RESULTS:Women with an insecure attachment style reported more pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation (p < 0.05), before the administration of analgesia (p < 0.01) and post-delivery (p < 0.05) than those securely attached. In multivariate models, attachment style was a significant predictor of labour pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation and before the first administration of analgesia but not of the perceived pain post-delivery. DISCUSSION: These findings confirm that labour pain is influenced by relevant psychological factors and suggest that a woman's attachment style may be a risk factor for greater pain during labour. CONCLUSION:Future studies in the context of obstetric pain may consider the attachment style as an indicator of individual differences in the pain response during labour. This may have important implications in anaesthesiology and to promote a relevant shift in institutional practices and therapeutic procedures.