3 resultados para American Revolution Bicentennial, 1976.
Background: Although epilepsy is common in children with cerebral palsy (CP), no data exists on prevalence rates of CP and epilepsy. Aims: To describe epilepsy in children with CP, and to examine the association between epilepsy and neonatal characteristics, associated impairments and CP subtypes. Methods: Data on 9654 children with CP born between 1976 and 1998 and registered in 17 European registers belonging to the SCPE network (Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe)were analyzed. Results: A total of 3424 (35%) children had a history of epilepsy. Among them, seventy-two percent were on medication at time of registration. Epilepsy was more frequent in children with a dyskinetic or bilateral spastic type and with other associated impairments. The prevalence of CP with epilepsy was 0.69 (99% CI, 0.66e0.72) per 1000 live births and followed a quadratic trend with an increase from 1976 to 1983 and a decrease afterwards. Neonatal characteristics independently associated with epilepsy were the presence of a brain malformation or a syndrome, a term or moderately preterm birth compared with a very premature birth, and signs of perinatal distress including neonatal seizures, neonatal ventilation and admission to a neonatal care unit. Conclusions: The prevalence of CP with epilepsy followed a quadratic trend in 1976e1998 and mirrored that of the prevalence of CP during this period. The observed relationship between epilepsy and associated impairments was expected; however it requires longitudinal studies to be better understood.
Os autores fazem uma análise retrospectiva dos processos de crianças com hemossiderose pulmonar (HP) inscritas na Consulta de Hematologia Pediátrica do Hospital de Dona Estefânia no período de 1976 a 1994. Foram caracterizados o sexo e a raça dos doentes, a idade de aparecimento da sintomatologia inicial, o período que decorreu entre esta e a confirmação do diagnóstico e os aspectos clínicos, laboratoriais e radiológicos respeitantes ao diagnóstico, terapêutica e evolução clínica. A propósito desta entidade nosológica, é feita uma revisão bibliográfica. Confirma-se que a HP é uma doença rara, que inicialmente se apresenta com um quadro de anemia ferropénica arrastada com ou sem sintomatologia respiratória. O diagnóstico faz-se pelo achado de hemossiderófagos no lavado gástrico ou bronco-alvéolar. A etiopatogenia mantém-se desconhecida e a corticoterapia continua a ser a terapêutica mais eficaz no controlo da hemorragia pulmonar. A doença tem uma evolução inconstante, persistente ou intermitente, com um prognóstico variável, geralmente grave.
American Society of Anesthesiologists Score: Still Useful After 60 Years? Results of the EuSOS Study
OBJECTIVE: The European Surgical Outcomes Study described mortality following in-patient surgery. Several factors were identified that were able to predict poor outcomes in a multivariate analysis. These included age, procedure urgency, severity and type and the American Association of Anaesthesia score. This study describes in greater detail the relationship between the American Association of Anaesthesia score and postoperative mortality. METHODS: Patients in this 7-day cohort study were enrolled in April 2011. Consecutive patients aged 16 years and older undergoing inpatient non-cardiac surgery with a recorded American Association of Anaesthesia score in 498 hospitals across 28 European nations were included and followed up for a maximum of 60 days. The primary endpoint was in-hospital mortality. Decision tree analysis with the CHAID (SPSS) system was used to delineate nodes associated with mortality. RESULTS: The study enrolled 46,539 patients. Due to missing values, 873 patients were excluded, resulting in the analysis of 45,666 patients. Increasing American Association of Anaesthesia scores were associated with increased admission rates to intensive care and higher mortality rates. Despite a progressive relationship with mortality, discrimination was poor, with an area under the ROC curve of 0.658 (95% CI 0.642 - 0.6775). Using regression trees (CHAID), we identified four discrete American Association of Anaesthesia nodes associated with mortality, with American Association of Anaesthesia 1 and American Association of Anaesthesia 2 compressed into the same node. CONCLUSION: The American Association of Anaesthesia score can be used to determine higher risk groups of surgical patients, but clinicians cannot use the score to discriminate between grades 1 and 2. Overall, the discriminatory power of the model was less than acceptable for widespread use.