9 resultados para 800.874


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Os autores descrevem um caso de um doente com uma neoplasia da bexiga inoperável, internado por um quadro de síncope e hipotensão arterial. Na avaliação do doente é efectuado um ecocardiograma que mostra a existência de um trombo livre ao nível das cavidades direitas e dilatação das mesmas que levou à hipótese diagnóstica de embolia pulmonar. Perante a existência de uma neoplasia com hemorragia recente, algumas dúvidas terapêuticas surgiram, tendo sido iniciado heparina. Devido a agravamento da situação, com hipertensão pulmonar grave e presença de volumosos trombos ao nível de ambos os ramos da artéria pulmonar visualizados por ecocardiografia transesofágica, o doente acabou por ser submetido a trombólise, embora com algumas alterações ao esquema habitualmente realizado. O doente melhorou, sendo o ecocardiograma final normal.


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INTRODUCTION: Excision of large dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans in the anterior aspect of the trunk often results in large surgical defects that frequently dictate the need for microsurgical reconstruction. However, this option is not always available. PRESENTATION OF CASE: The authors describe two patients with very large anterior trunk dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: one in the epigastric region and the other in the hypogastric region. In the patient with the hypogastric tumor, a classical abdominoplasty flap associated with umbilical transposition was used to cover the skin defect after muscle and fascial plication, and placement of a polypropylene mesh. In the patient with the epigastric tumor, a synthetic mesh was also placed, and the skin and subcutaneous defect was reconstructed with a reverse abdominoplasty flap and two thoraco-epigastric flaps. In both cases, complete closure was possible without immediate or late complications. DISCUSSION: The local options described in this paper present several potential advantages compared to microsurgical reconstruction, namely they are easier and faster to perform and teach; they provide a good skin color and texture match; they are not associated with distant donor site morbidity; follow-up is usually less cumbersome; the post-operative hospital stay tends to be shorter; they are less costly; they are less prone to complete failure. CONCLUSION: The authors believe that these two patients clearly show that local flaps, although frequently neglected, continue to be valid options for reconstructing large anterior trunk defects, even in the current era of microsurgery enthusiasm.


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BACKGROUND: The major causes of renal transplant loss are death and chronic allograft dysfunction (CAD). The aims of this study were to determine the incidence of CAD in our population and the relation between allograft survival and immunosuppressive regimens. METHODS: We studied retrospectively 473 patients who received deceased donor kidney transplants with at least 1 allograft biopsy between January 1990 and May 2007. Clinical data included age, gender, biopsy data, and immunosuppression before and after kidney biopsy. Mean age was 45.4 +/- 12.7 years including 65% males with a mean follow-up of 6.7 +/- 4.5 years. CAD was observed in 177 of 473 biopsies: 48 patients showed interstitial fibrosis (IF); 101 chronic rejection (CR); 16 transplant glomerulopathy (TG); and 12, CR and TG. Mean follow-up since the discovery of the histologic feature was 60.5 +/- 50.5 months for IF; 38.3 +/- 40.8 for CR, and 18.2 +/- 19.2 for TG. RESULTS: CAD, which was more common in younger patients (P = .03), correlated upon univariate and multivariate analysis with CKD stage 5d development (P < .001). Deposition of C4d in peritubular capillaries was more frequent among CAD patients (P = .004), an association with particular relevance to recipients with CR (P = .02) and TG (P < .001). When we analyzed CAD subpopulation, we observed a positive correlation between allograft survival and immunosuppression modification after biopsy. Substitution of sirolimus (40/177) was shown in univariate, multivariate and Cox regression analyses to be a renal protector (P < .002). Allograft survival was also correlated with initial mycophenolate mofetil versus azathioprine, (62/177) immunosuppression (P < .001). CONCLUSION: CAD, a frequent histologic feature, may benefit from sirolimus conversion.


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Allelic differences in gene promoter or codifying regions have been described to affect regulation of gene expression, consequently increasing or decreasing cytokine production and signal transduction responses to a given stimulus. This observation has been reported for interleukin (IL)-10 (-1082 A/G; -819/-592 CT/CA), transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta (codon 10 C/T, codon 25 G/C), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha (-308 G/A), TNF-beta (+252 A/G), interferon (IFN)-gamma (+874 T/A), IL-6 (-174 G/C), and IL-4R alpha (+1902 G/A). To evaluate the influence of these cytokine genotypes on the development of acute or chronic rejection, we correlated the genotypes of both kidney graft recipients and cadaver donors with the clinical outcome. Kidney recipients had 5 years follow-up, at least 2 HLA-DRB compatibilities, and a maximum of 25% anti-HLA pretransplantation sensitization. The clinical outcomes were grouped as follows: stable functioning graft (NR, n = 35); acute rejection episodes (AR, n = 31); and chronic rejection (CR, n = 31). The cytokine genotype polymorphisms were defined using PCR-SSP typing. A statistical analysis showed a significant prevalence of recipient IL-10 -819/-592 genotype among CR individuals; whereas among donors, the TGF-beta codon 10 CT genotype was significantly associated with the AR cohort and the IL-6 -174 CC genotype with CR. Other albeit not significant observations included a strong predisposition of recipient TGF-beta codon 10 CT genotype with CR, and TNF-beta 252 AA with AR. A low frequency of TNF-alpha -308 AA genotype also was observed among recipients and donors who showed poor allograft outcomes.


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No momento da alta existe grande prevalência de restrição de crescimento extrauterino em crianças nascidas pré-termo, pelo défice reservas aquando do nascimento associado à dificuldade na administração de nutrientes em quantidade suficiente por via parentérica e entérica durante o internamento. De acordo com as recomendações da ESPGHAN (JPGN 2006;42:596), quando a criança atinge as 40 semanas (porventura 52 semanas) de idade corrigida: 1) se a evolução ponderal for adequada, está indicada a amamentação exclusiva, ou, se esta não for suficiente, suplementação com Fórmula para Lactente enriquecida em ácidos gordos polinsaturados de cadeia longa; 2) se a evolução ponderal for deficitária, será necessário fortificar o leite materno, ou introduzir Fórmula para Após Alta (post-discharge formula – PDF), mais rica em energia e nutrientes. Quanto aos micronutrientes, de acordo com as recomendações ESPGHAN (JPGN 2010;50:1), está indicada a dose diária de 800-1000 UI de vitamina D até aos 12-18 meses e de 2-3 mg/Kg de ferro das 2-6 semanas aos 6-12 meses de idade. Embora possa haver a necessidade de suplementação com outras vitaminas e oligoelementos nesta população, não existem recomendações disponíveis emanadas por sociedades científicas.


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o autor fundamenta a tratamento psicanaalítico numa concepção interactiva e intersubjectiva do desenvolvimento psíquico normal e palológico. Peia internalização - durante a infância - de relações patológicas e patogénicas, o indivíduo estrutura um modelo relacional interno perturbado que vai determinar as suas escolhas sequentes, perpetuando a patologia. O estilo relacional patológico repete-se, também, na relação psicanalítica, permitindo a sua análise e dissolução. Paralelamente, enceta-se uma nova relação - proposta e promovida - pelo psicanalista - que vai no sentido do desenvolvimento e da saúde mental. Esta nova relação - desenvolutiva e sanígena - vai sendo transportada para o quotidiano do paciente. O modelo interno de relação, ele próprio, e através das novas vivências, transforma-se. A psicanálise termina quando o novo modelo relacional interno esta consolidado. A cura psicanalítica é, portanto, um processo de transformação; e o psicanalista o agente transformacional. Neste sentido, o autor defende que a contratransferência precede a transferência e é o motor do processo de cura. O que resume na injunção: precessão e primazima da contratransferência.


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Budesonide (800 mg bid, for 2 months) was administered to 12 asthmatic children (mean age, 11.293.3 years) with lung hyperinflation (TGV]130% predicted and:or RV]140% predicted) in a randomised, placebo controlled, double blind, crossover study. Body plethysmography (panting frequency controlled at 1·s 1) was performed at the beginning, 2 months afterwards (before crossover) and at the end of the study. Budesonide significantly reduced TGV (2.3590.90 l BTPS or 126924% predicted) compared with placebo (2.5491.08 l BTPS, P 0.014 or 140921% predicted, PB0.05). In addition, budesonide significantly increased mean specific conductance (0.0690.02 cm H2O 1 l s 1 to 0.0790.01 cm H2O 1 l s 1, PB0.05). It was concluded that budesonide reduced lung hyperinflation most likely by decreasing airway inflammation.


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Introduction: Brachial plexus (BP) tumors are very rare tumors, with less than 800 cases been described in the literature worldwide since 1970. These tumors often present as local or radicular pain, with scant or no neurological deficits. These symptoms are shared by many other more common rheumatologic diseases, thus making their diagnosis difficult in most cases. Additionally, these tumors often present as lumps and are therefore biopsied, which carries a significant risk of iatrogenic nerve injury. Material and Methods: In this paper the authors describe their experience with the management of 5 patients with BP tumors followed up for at least 2 years. There were 4 males and 1 female. Median follow-up time was 41 ± 21 months. Average age at diagnosis was 40,0 ± 19,9 years. The most common complaints at presentation were pain and sensibility changes. All patients had a positive Tinel sign when the lesion was percussed. In all patients surgery was undertaken and the tumors removed. In 4 patients nerve integrity was maintained. In one patient with excruciating pain a segment of the nerve had to be excised and the nerve defect was bridged with sural nerve grafts. Results: Pathology examination of the resected specimens revealed a Schwannoma in 4 cases and a neurofibroma in the patient submitted to segmental nerve resection. Two years postoperatively, no recurrences were observed. All patients revealed clinical improvement. The patient submitted to nerve resection had improvement in pain, but presented diminished strength and sensibility in the involved nerve territory. Conclusion: Surgical excision of BP tumors is not a risk free procedure. Most authors suggest surgery if the lesion is symptomatic or progressing in size. If the tumor is stationary and not associated with neurological dysfunction a conservative approach should be taken.


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BACKGROUND: The use of cardiac output monitoring may improve patient outcomes after major surgery. However, little is known about the use of this technology across nations. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of a previously published observational study. Patients aged 16 years and over undergoing major non-cardiac surgery in a 7-day period in April 2011 were included into this analysis. The objective is to describe prevalence and type of cardiac output monitoring used in major surgery in Europe. RESULTS: Included in the analysis were 12,170 patients from the surgical services of 426 hospitals in 28 European nations. One thousand four hundred and sixteen patients (11.6 %) were exposed to cardiac output monitoring, and 2343 patients (19.3 %) received a central venous catheter. Patients with higher American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) scores were more frequently exposed to cardiac output monitoring (ASA I and II, 643 patients [8.6 %]; ASA III-V, 768 patients [16.2 %]; p < 0.01) and central venous catheter (ASA I and II, 874 patients [11.8 %]; ASA III-V, 1463 patients [30.9 %]; p < 0.01). In elective surgery, 990 patients (10.8 %) were exposed to cardiac output monitoring, in urgent surgery 252 patients (11.7 %) and in emergency surgery 173 patients (19.8 %). A central venous catheter was used in 1514 patients (16.6 %) undergoing elective, in 480 patients (22.2 %) undergoing urgent and in 349 patients (39.9 %) undergoing emergency surgery. Nine hundred sixty patients (7.9 %) were monitored using arterial waveform analysis, 238 patients (2.0 %) using oesophageal Doppler ultrasound, 55 patients (0.5 %) using a pulmonary artery catheter and 44 patients (2.0 %) using other technologies. Across nations, cardiac output monitoring use varied from 0.0 % (0/249 patients) to 27.5 % (19/69 patients), whilst central venous catheter use varied from 5.6 % (7/125 patients) to 43.2 % (16/37 patients). CONCLUSIONS: One in ten patients undergoing major surgery is exposed to cardiac output monitoring whilst one in five receives a central venous catheter. The use of both technologies varies widely across Europe.