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INTRODUCTION: Peripheral embolism is frequently related to a cardiac source of embolism. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a useful tool for identifying such sources. OBJECTIVES: Our laboratory has gained wide experience in TEE, with a large number of exams performed to search for a cardiac source of embolism. We therefore thought it would be useful to present our experience in the last 12 years following the introduction of the technique. METHODS: This was a retrospective study of 1110 consecutive patients undergoing TEE to search for a cardiac source of embolism, after an embolic event and a transthoracic echocardiogram. RESULTS: The patients' mean age was 53 +/- 14 years, 52% male. There was peripheral embolism in 5% of cases and cerebral embolism in the remainder. The exam identified a potential embolic source in 35.6% of cases, the most frequent diagnoses being intracardiac shunt at the atrial level (9.5%), atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) (6.6%), intracardiac thrombi (6.4%) and atherosclerotic plaques in the thoracic aorta (9.6%). The presence of ASA was frequently associated with patent foramen ovale (27%), which was more frequent in younger patients. Overall, we identified a cardiac source of embolism more often in elderly patients, with a predominance of atherosclerotic plaques in the aorta. ETE was more frequently diagnostic in patients with peripheral embolism, but there were no differences in terms of etiology. CONCLUSIONS: TEE is very useful to search for cardiac sources of embolism, especially in younger patients, in whom causes potentially treatable surgically or percutaneously can be identified. In elderly patients, therapeutic strategy will probably not be changed by the findings (mostly thrombi and atherosclerotic plaques). The presence of ASA and embolic events makes it essential to perform a thorough search by TEE for intracardiac shunts, which are frequently associated.
Perinatal mortality rate is an important mark to evaluate women and perinatal health care. It is of utmost importance to know causes and the evolution of its two components aiming to improve health care in different fields – sanitary conditions, diagnosis and treatment of infectious disease, immunisations, diagnosing and caring for medical diseases induced by pregnancy or directly related to it, providing skilled birth attendance, preventing birth asphyxia, preventing preterm birth complications and infections. In high-income countries the epidemiology varies mainly with social and economic conditions; in low-income countries, paired with poverty, undernutrition, superstition, lack of medical care, deficient basic sanitary conditions are also found. Also, in rich countries, responsible for 1% of deaths, data are published and improvements evaluated, while in low-income countries responsible for 99% of deaths numbers and causes are unknown, making difficult to implement cost effective interventions, a reason why “stillbirth rates in low-income countries are now where they were in high-income countries 50 to 100 years ago”. Knowledge on causes of death are very important as often what is needed are “simple” measures as improvement of sanitary conditions and immunisation programmes rather than high technologies. About four million babies dye each year in the first 28 days of life and another 3 million dye before birth in the third-trimester, with 98% occurring in low-income and middle income countries and more than 1 million occurring during labour and delivery. Classically stillbirths are the major component of perinatal mortality rate. Causes of death are even more difficult to know. In low-income countries a great proportion of women give birth at home. Worldwide the main causes of stillbirth are asphyxia due to obstructed labour, eclampsia, abruption placenta and umbilical cord complications - making valid the assumption that skilled birth attendance would decrease stillbirth; and infection - chorioamnioitis, syphilis and malaria. In high-income countries placental pathology and infection, congenital anomalies, complications of preterm birth and post term delivery, are the most common. If in low-income countries famine and lack of provisions and health care are common, in high-income countries, advanced maternal age and diabetes, obesity, hypertension, smoking, are frequent findings.
Polyomavirus nephropathy is a major complication in renal transplantation, associated with renal allograft loss in 14 to 80% of cases. There is no established treatment, although improvement has been reported with a variety of approaches. The authors report two cases of polyomavirus infection in renal allograft recipients. In the first case, a stable patient presented with deterioration of renal function, worsening hypertension and weight gain following removal of ureteral stent placed routinely at the time of surgery. Ultrasound examination and radiology studies revealed hydronephrosis due to ureteral stenosis. A new ureteral stent was placed, but renal function did not improve. Urinary cytology revealed the presence of decoy cells and polyomavirus was detected in blood and urine by qualitative polymerase chain reaction. Renal biopsy findings were consistent with polyomavirus -associated nephropathy. In the second case, leucopaenia was detected in an asymptomatic patient 6 months after transplantation. Mycophenolate mophetil dosage was reduced but renal allograft function deteriorated, and a kidney biopsy revealed polyomavirus -associated nephropathy, also with SV40 positive cells. In both patients immunosuppression with tacrolimus was reduced, mycophenolate mophetil stopped and intravenous immune globulin plus ciprofloxacin started. As renal function continued to deteriorate, therapy with leflunomide (40 mg/day) was associated and maintained during 5 and 3 months respectively. In the first patient, renal function stabilised within one month of starting leflunomide and polymerase chain reaction was negative for polyomavirus after 5 months. A repeated allograft biopsy 6 months later showed no evidence of polyomavirus nephropathy. In the second patient, polyomavirus was undetectable in blood and urine by polymerase chain reaction after 3 months of leflunomide treatment, with no evidence of polyomavirus infection in a repeated biopsy 6 months after beginning treatment.