6 resultados para 347-M0067
As doenças hepáticas constituem uma das causas frequentes de internamentos em serviços de Medicina Interna. Os autores fizeram um trabalho de revisão de cinco anos dos internamentos num Serviço de Medicina Interna cujos diagnósticos foram de doença hepática crónica, hepatite aguda e carcinoma hepatocelular. Concluíram que houve uma diminuição de internamentos por doença hepática crónica ao longo dos anos e um crescente aumento de hepatites agudas, a maioria delas associada a doentes toxicodependentes e com SIDA.
A alergia alimentar é uma entidade clínica para a qual não temos, até à data, respostas terapêuticas totalmente satisfatórias. A possibilidade de uma abordagem activa, no sentido de induzir a tolerância, tem sido tentada pontualmente, com sucesso variável. Neste trabalho pretendemos fazer uma revisão sistemática dos estudos publicados sobre protocolos de indução de tolerância alimentar, tentando avaliar os seus resultados e perspectivar caminhos futuros. Foi possível identificar 10 estudos, 7 dos quais referentes a indução de tolerância oral e 3 a indução de tolerância subcutânea. Foi feito um resumo de cada estudo e cada protocolo é apresentado de forma esquemática, em quadro, de modo a facilitar a comparação. Verifica-se uma grande variabilidade no desenho dos diversos protocolos. Os resultados parecem promissores,em particular para os protocolos por via oral. No entanto, dado o risco de reacções adversas e a inexistência de protocolos normalizados, consideramos que esta abordagem deve manter-se reservada para situações clínicas seleccionadas e levada a cabo apenas por equipas experientes em centros de referência.
We report the case of a 52-year-old man who presented to our emergency department (ED) after three episodes of syncope in the seven hours before admission. During his stay in the ED he had recurrent ventricular tachycardia (VT) requiring external electrical cardioversion. A 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) showed a short QT (SQT) interval (270 ms, QTc 327 ms), with frequent R-on-T extrasystoles triggering sustained polymorphic VT. After exclusion of other precipitating causes, the patient was diagnosed as having SQT syndrome (SQTS) according to the Gollob criteria. To our knowledge, this is the first known documentation of an SQT-caused arrhythmic episode on a 12-lead ECG, as well as the first reported case of SQTS in Portugal. The patient received an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and was discharged. At a follow-up assessment 14 months later he was symptom-free, interrogation of the device showed no arrhythmic events, and the ECG showed a QT interval of 320 ms (QTc 347 ms).
Objective:We aimed to identify if there was any difference in Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) efficacy or weight gain when used in heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) treatment, between obese and non-obese women. Population and methods: This was a case-controlled retrospective study undertaken between 2002-2007. 194 women with HMB were treated with LNG-IUS and stratified into two groups accordingly with body mass index (BMI): Obese Group – BMI ≥ 30 (n=53) and Non-obese Group – BMI < 30 (n=141). Age, weight, days of spotting and days of menses were analyzed at 1, 3 and 6 months after insertion and then annually until 2 years. Analytic parameters of anemia (hemoglobin, serum ferritin, mean corpuscular volume) were reviewed at pre-insertion, at 6 months and then annually until 2 years. Results: During the 2-year follow-up there was a similar improvement in two groups regarding duration of menses, spotting and in analytic parameters of anemia. A statistically significant improvement was observed in obese group after 2 years of treatment regarding analytic parameters of anemia and menstrual characteristics, without weight gain. Conclusion: In obese women, the LNG-IUS is an effective treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding, without being associated to weight gain.
INTRODUCTION: Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a major cause of cardiac death during the first week of life. The hybrid approach is a reliable, reproducible treatment option for patients with HLHS. Herein we report our results using this approach, focusing on its efficacy, safety and late outcome. METHODS: We reviewed prospectively collected data on patients treated for HLHS using a hybrid approach between July 2007 and September 2014. RESULTS: Nine patients had a stage 1 hybrid procedure, with seven undergoing a comprehensive stage 2 procedure. One patient completed the Fontan procedure. Five patients underwent balloon atrial septostomy after the hybrid procedure; in three patients, a stent was placed across the atrial septum. There were three deaths: two early after the hybrid procedure and one early after stage two palliation. Overall survival was 66%. CONCLUSIONS: In our single-center series, the hybrid approach for HLHS yields intermediate results comparable to those of the Norwood strategy. The existence of dedicated teams for the diagnosis and management of these patients, preferably in high-volume centers, is of major importance in this condition.
O Síndroma de Cohen é uma doença autossómica recessiva, descrita pela primeira vez em 1973, tendo sido publicados desde essa altura cerca de 100 casos. O diagnóstico é baseado no quadro clínico e fenótipo típico. Em 1994 o gene para o Síndroma de Cohen foi localizado no cromossoma 8. Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de uma criança com características do Síndroma de Cohen, internado por insuficiência cardíaca sem cardiopatia estrutural.