3 resultados para 340-U1400A


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O autor faz a recapitulação do percurso histórico que conduziu ao conhecimento moderno da fisiologia renale refere-se ao fascínio que esse conhecimento exerceu sobre os internistas no início da década de 60. Depois de realçar a importância do aparecimento da diálise no tratamento e no prognóstico da insuficiência renal, faz algumas considerações acerca do tratamento das glomerulopatias e dos mistérios que o rim ainda persiste em nos ocultar.


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Perinatal bacterial infection may be caused by any microorganism colonizing the vaginal tract. Neonatologists and paediatricians are especially concerned about group B Stretpococcus (GBS). However, Enterobactereacea, mainly E.coli and Proteus, are also responsible for infection. GBS screening may be accomplished in over 90% of pregnant women. In our maternity in 2007-2008, 85% of the mothers had been screened. Screening and prophylaxis were responsible for a decreasing incidence of neonatal infection - from 0.6/1000 to 0.15/1000 live births in Portugal, from 2002 to 2007. However there are some difficulties related to screening. In the second Portuguese study 16/57 NB with early-onset infection (28%) were born to “negative” mothers. Several factors illustrate how difficult is to draw national screening policies: a wide range of carrier’s state rate throughout a country - in Portugal from 12% to 30%. The success of any screening policy may also be affected by additional technical and organizational problems. In countries where home delivery is a tradition or a trend intrapartum GBS prophylaxis requires a very well organized assistance.. Moreover factors usually accepted as protective are not so effective. In the Portuguese study 24/57 infected newborns (42%) were delivery by caesarean section. Another subject deals with the workload in the postnatal ward generated by deficient compliance to the guidelines a problem not confirm by a study of our group. Decreasing the importance of GBS, highlight the importance of E. coli in perinatal infection. From the 16 340 registrations of the National Registry 1676 were newborns with mother-related infection. Applying the same reasoning to E.coli as to GBS and Listeria monocytogenes – that is considering all of them are of maternal origin - 6.7% of these infections were due to E. coli, 4.6% to SGB and 0.5% to Listeria monocytogenes. In conclusion screening and prophylaxis may be not the best way to prevent all GBS neonatal infections but by now it is the only available procedure. The other bacteria continue to demand a high suspicion level and immediate intervention.


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Os autores descrevem um caso clínico raro de anemia congénita diseritropoiética tipo I numa adolescente de 15 anos, em que só as alterações morfológicas da medula óssea e os testes serológicos (hemólise ácida, aglutinação anti-I e anti-i) permitiram o diagnóstico. O estudo familiar efectuado foi negativo. Atendendo a raridade destas anemias hereditárias são discutidos alguns dos seus aspectos.